Term Index (M)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter M.
- M (M-type star): spectral class of star with a temperature in the vicinity of 2500 K
- M (Messier Catalog): catalog of astronomical objects to avoid when looking for comets
- M (absolute magnitude): magnitude as would be seen from 10 parsecs
- M: see NIRSpec
- M: see filter designator
- M: see rare designator prefixes
- m (apparent magnitude): magnitude as seen from Earth adjusted for Earth atmosphere
- m: see electron orbital
- M band: see infrared
- M dwarf: small, cool main-sequence star in stellar class M
- brown dwarf: star-like object with less mass than a star
- M-type star: spectral class of star with a temperature in the vicinity of 2500 K
- m sin i (minimum mass): measured bound on the mass of an exoplanet
- M-σ relation (M-sigma relation): relation between galaxy center's velocity dispersion and SMBH mass
- M-class: see M-type star
- M-class star (M-type star): spectral class of star with a temperature in the vicinity of 2500 K
- M-sigma relation: relation between galaxy center's velocity dispersion and SMBH mass
- M-type star: spectral class of star with a temperature in the vicinity of 2500 K
- m.f.u.: see jansky
- M/L (mass-to-light ratio): measure of a population of stars or region
- M/L relation (mass-luminosity relation): model relating stellar mass and luminosity
- M1 (Crab Nebula): supernova remnant in Taurus
- M1: see SALTUS
- M100 (Messier 100): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- M101 (Pinwheel Galaxy): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- M102 (Spindle Galaxy): disk galaxy for which we have an edge-on view
- M104 (Sombrero Galaxy): striking spiral galaxy with very large bulge
- M106 (Messier 106): spiral galaxy with maser
- M110
- M15 (Messier 15): globular cluster with collapsed core
- M20
- Gini/M20: an automatable method of detecting whether a galaxy has recently merged
- M31 (Andromeda): spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- M31 subgroup
- M31GC: see rare designator prefixes
- M31N: see rare designator prefixes
- M32
- M33 (Triangulum Galaxy): small spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- M33 subgroup
- M42 (Orion Nebula): easily-observed nebula that includes SF regions
- M45 (Pleiades): visible open cluster with seven B-stars
- M51
- M51a (Whirlpool Galaxy): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- M64: nearby dusty galaxy
- M67 (Messier 67): old open cluster in Cancer
- M74 (Messier 74): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- M77 (Messier 77): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- M81
- M82: nearby starburst galaxy
- M83
- M84 (Messier 84): elliptical galaxy with jets
- M87: supergiant elliptical galaxy in local universe
- M87*: SMBH at the center of galaxy M87
- M87*: SMBH at the center of galaxy M87
- M87*: see M87
- M94
- M☉ (solar mass): mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- M20
- Gini/M20: an automatable method of detecting whether a galaxy has recently merged
- M500: see cluster radius
- Mbol (bolometric magnitude): absolute magnitude of all wavelengths
- Mc (chirp mass): a reduced-mass-like quantity that relates to gravitational waves
- MEarth
- solar mass: mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- MJupiter
- solar mass: mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- ms (spin): an angular-momentum quantum number
- MSun (solar mass): mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- mu (dalton): mass unit used on atomic scale
- MA: see rare designator prefixes
- Ma_MISS: see Rosalind Franklin
- MAC (Multi-instrument Aircraft Campaign): type of aircraft based study of meteor-shower-associated dust
- MAC: see Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- MAC-E filter: see KATRIN
- MacC: see rare designator prefixes
- Mach angle
- expansion fan: the "sound" of a supersonic flow flowing around a convex corner
- Mach number: ratio of flow-speed to sound-speed
- Mach's principle: the notion that rotation is relative to all the mass of the universe
- machine learning: use of programs that extract their algorithms from data
- MACHO: proposed astronomical objects comprising dark matter
- MACHO (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- MACHO: see MACHO Project
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- MACHO Project: survey searching out microlensing that could indicate a MACHO
- Maclaurin spheroid
- Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg Hα Planetary Galactic Catalog (MASH Catalog of Planetary Nebulae): 995 possible planetary nebulae
- MacrOmega: see MMX
- macronova (kilonova): transient associated with merging neutron stars
- MACS (Magellanic Catalogue of Stars): 1980s/1990s survey of stars in Magellanic Clouds
- MACS (Massive Cluster Survey): survey of distant clusters evident in ROSAT X-ray data
- MAD (magnetically arrested disk): mechanism for turning accretion into energy
- MAD: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- MADCASH (Magellanic Analog Dwarf Companions And Stellar Halos): Subaru survey for dwarf glaxies beyond the Local Group
- Madelung equations: quantum hydrodynamic equations
- Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex: see NASA Deep Space Network
- MAE: see Mars Pathfinder
- Maffei: see rare designator prefixes
- Maffei 1: see IC 342
- Maffei 2
- MAG: see Aditya-L1
- MAG: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- MAG: see Cassini
- MAG: see Galileo
- MAG: see Giotto
- MAG: see IMAP
- MAG: see Juno
- MAG: see Lunar Prospector
- MAG: see MAVEN
- MAG: see NEAR Shoemaker
- MAG: see SWFO-L1
- MAG: see Solar Orbiter
- MAG: see Ulysses
- MAG: see Venus Express
- MAG: see Voyager
- MAG/ER: see Mars Global Surveyor
- MAG/ER: see Mars Observer
- Magakian: see rare designator prefixes
- MagAO: see Magellan Telescopes
- Magdalena Ridge Observatory
- Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer (MRO Interferometer): optical interferometer in New Mexico
- MAGE: see Trace Gas Orbiter
- MagE: see Magellan Telescopes
- Magellan: 1980s/1990s Venus probe
- Magellan Planet Search Program: see Magellan Telescopes
- Magellan Telescopes: pair of 6.5 m optical telescopes in Chile
- Magellanic Analog Dwarf Companions And Stellar Halos: Subaru survey for dwarf glaxies beyond the Local Group
- Magellanic Bridge: hydrogen clouds joining the Magellanic Clouds
- Magellanic Catalogue of Stars: 1980s/1990s survey of stars in Magellanic Clouds
- Magellanic Clouds: two nearby galaxies
- Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey: UBVI survey of the Magellanic Clouds
- Magellanic Clouds Survey: see Infrared Survey Facility
- Magellanic spiral: see Magellanic Clouds
- Magellanic spiral galaxy: see spiral galaxy
- Magellanic Stream: series of high-velocity clouds associated with the Magellanic Clouds
- maggie: AB magnitude
- maggies: see AB system
- maggy (maggie): AB magnitude
- maggy (nanomaggie): a billionth of an AB magnitude
- maggy: see AB system
- MAGIC: ground gamma-ray telescope array in the Canary Islands
- MAGIC: space telescope to monitor asteroseismology of OB stars
- MagIC: numerical code to for fluid dynamics including dynamos
- MagIC: see Magellan Telescopes
- MAGIC Florian Goebel Telescopes (MAGIC): ground gamma-ray telescope array in the Canary Islands
- MAGIC Telescopes
- magma ocean: presumed to occur early in Earth history and potentially on exoplanets
- magnesium: element, Mg, atomic number 12
- magnesium lines: spectral lines specific to magnesium
- magnetar: neutron star with a strong magnetic field
- magnetar flare: see magnetar
- magnetars
- magnetic adiabatic collimation with an electrostatic filter: see KATRIN
- magnetic anomaly: variation in a body's magnetic field
- magnetic arcade: series of arch-like magnetic flux lines on the Sun
- magnetic braking (magnetic dipole braking): the effect of a reduction in the spinning of a magnetic field
- magnetic diffusivity
- Reynolds number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to turbulence
- magnetic dipole braking: the effect of a reduction in the spinning of a magnetic field
- magnetic dipole emission (magnetic dipole radiation): EMR naturally generated by a spinning magnetic dipole
- magnetic dipole radiation: EMR naturally generated by a spinning magnetic dipole
- magnetic dipole spin-down (magnetic dipole braking): the effect of a reduction in the spinning of a magnetic field
- magnetic dynamo: see dynamo
- magnetic energy: see magnetic energy spectrum
- magnetic energy density: see magnetic energy spectrum
- magnetic energy spectrum: spatial spectral density of the energy associated with magnetic fields
- magnetic field: magnetic force as distributed over a space
- magnetic field (magnetic field strength): a field associated with magnetism
- magnetic field (magnetic flux density): vector field describing magnetism in relation to the Lorentz force
- dipole: field with two poles
- flux freezing: magnetic field lines becoming attached to plasma they pass through
- magnetic field intensity (magnetic field strength): a field associated with magnetism
- magnetic field lines: see field lines
- magnetic field strength: a field associated with magnetism
- magnetic fields
- magnetic flux: measure of magnetism passing through a surface
- magnetic flux density: vector field describing magnetism in relation to the Lorentz force
- magnetic induction: voltage across a conductor induced by changing magnetic field
- magnetic induction (magnetic flux density): vector field describing magnetism in relation to the Lorentz force
- magnetometer: instrument to measure the strength of a magnetic field
- magnetic monopole
- magnetic permeability: see permeability
- magnetic power spectrum: see magnetic field
- magnetic pressure: see magnetic energy spectrum
- magnetic quantum number: see electron orbital
- magnetic reconnection: change in magnetic topology within a fluid
- magnetic Reynolds number: see Reynolds number
- magnetic SPB star: see slowly-pulsating B-star
- magnetic spot: see magnetic field
- magnetic switchback: Z-shaped magnetic field lines
- magnetic tower: length of twisted magnetic field lines produced by rotating field
- magnetic white dwarf: see white dwarf
- magnetically arrested disk: mechanism for turning accretion into energy
- magnetism
- magnetized molecular cloud
- magnetizing field (magnetic field strength): a field associated with magnetism
- magneto-brems (synchrotron radiation): radiation emitted when high-speed charged particles are accelerated
- magneto-bremsstrahlung (synchrotron radiation): radiation emitted when high-speed charged particles are accelerated
- magneto-hydrodynamics
- magneto-plasma system: see magnetohydrodynamics
- magnetoacoustic wave (magnetosonic wave): a type of sonic wave in a plasma
- magnetobremsstrahlung (synchrotron radiation): radiation emitted when high-speed charged particles are accelerated
- magnetohydrodynamics: dynamics of electrically conducting fluids
- magnetometer: instrument to measure the strength of a magnetic field
- magnetopause: see magnetosphere
- magnetorotational instability: instability in the fluid of a disk from MHD effects
- magnetorotational supernova: type of core collapse supernova
- magnetorotational turbulence: see magnetorotational instability
- magnetosonic wave: a type of sonic wave in a plasma
- magnetosphere: area around an object where its magnetic field dominates
- AMPTE: three spacecraft experimenting on Earth magnetosphere
- DQ Tau: young binary star system
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission: four spacecraft making Earth magnetosphere measurements
- SAMPEX: 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- space weather: varying conditions in space affecting Earth and humans
- Magnetospheric eternally collapsing object: theoretical state of collapsing object unable to reach BH characteristics
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission: four spacecraft making Earth magnetosphere measurements
- magnetospheric truncation radius: radius at which the disc ram pressure matches the magnetic field pressure
- magnetoturbulence: see magnetorotational instability
- magnification: see angular magnification
- plate scale: relation between angle and distance across an image
- magnitude: a logarithmic measure of brightness
- magnitude system: see photometric system
- magnitude-redshift relation (redshift-magnitude relation): how apparent magnitude depends on redshift
- MAIA: see Mercator Telescope
- Mailyan: see rare designator prefixes
- main asteroid belt: see asteroid belt
- main belt: see asteroid belt
- main belt asteroid: see asteroid belt
- main lobe: see beam
- main r-process: see r-process
- main sequence: see main sequence star
- main sequence fitting: cluster star distance determined through fitting with the H-R diagram
- main sequence galaxy: see galaxy main sequence
- main sequence star: star burning hydrogen into helium in its center
- main-sequence lifetime: length of time that a star remains within the main sequence
- main-sequence turn-off point (turn-off point): point in H-R diagram of a cluster where stars turn red
- Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes (MAGIC): ground gamma-ray telescope array in the Canary Islands
- major circle of latitude: see circle of latitude
- major merger: see galaxy merger
- Majorana equation: see Majorana particle
- Majorana fermion (Majorana particle): theoretical particle that is its own antiparticle
- Majorana particle: theoretical particle that is its own antiparticle
- Makemake
- MAKO: see Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- Malin: see rare designator prefixes
- Malmquist bias: selection bias from detecting only the brighter objects
- MALT (Millimeter Astronomy Legacy Team): Australian initiative producing millimeter surveys
- MAMA: see microchannel array
- Mamajek: see rare designator prefixes
- Mamajek's Law: exoplanet discoveries are rising exponentially
- MAMBO: see IRAM 30m Telescope
- MAMBO2: see IRAM 30m Telescope
- MaNGA: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- MaNGA Stellar Library: catalog of SEDs of representative stars
- MANIFEST: see Giant Magellan Telescope
- TAIPAN: multi-object spectrograph with robot fiber-positioner
- manifold
- Manko and Novikov metric
- mantle
- many-body problem: see N-body problem
- MAORY: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- MAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe): spacecraft that measured variations in the cosmic background radiation
- MapMaker: see mlmapper
- mapmaking
- destriping: removing streak-like noise from images
- Mapping Obscuration to Reionization with ALMA (MORA): high resolution 2-mm survey of a portion of the COSMOS field
- Mapping X-Ray Heliometer: see OSO 8
- MAPS: ALMA survey researching planet-formation
- MARA: see Hayabusa2
- March equinox: see equinox
- J2000.0 equinox: equinox as of the J2000.0 epoch used as a positional reference
- MARCI: see Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- MARDI: see Mars Polar Lander
- MARDI: see Mars Science Laboratory
- MARDI: see Phoenix
- Maria
- MARIE: see Mars Odyssey
- Mariner
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- Mariner 10
- Mercury: inner-most and smallest planet in the solar system
- Mariya: see Kvant 1
- Mark: see Markarian galaxy
- Mark I: see Jodrell Bank Observatory
- Mark II: 38-m radio telescope in England
- Markarian: see Markarian galaxy
- Markarian: see rare designator prefixes
- Markarian galaxy: list of galaxies with excess ultraviolet light
- Markov chain: see Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Markov chain Monte Carlo: model technique to approximate multi-dimensional integrals
- MAROON-X: see Gemini Observatory
- MARS: see Parkes Observatory
- MaRS: see Mars Express
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- Mars 2020: Mars rover mission currently on Mars after 2021 landing
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- Mars 2020 Rover (Mars 2020): Mars rover mission currently on Mars after 2021 landing
- Mars 3
- STEREO: two-satellite system to observe the Sun
- Mars 5
- STEREO: two-satellite system to observe the Sun
- Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN): Mars orbiter to study its atmosphere
- Mars Atmospheric and Gravity Experiment: see Trace Gas Orbiter
- Mars Climate Orbiter: failed Mars 1990s probe
- Mars Climate Orbiter: see Mars Polar Lander
- Mars crosser: asteroid with an orbit that crosses that of Mars
- Mars Exploration Program
- Mars 2020: Mars rover mission currently on Mars after 2021 landing
- Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group: NASA forum to provide input to long-term planning of Mars missions
- Mars Exploration Rover: mission to Mars with two rovers
- Mars Express: Mars probe launched by ESA in 2003
- Mars Geoscience/Climatology Orbiter (Mars Observer): failed 1992-1993 Mars orbiter mission
- Mars Global Surveyor: Mars probe launched by NASA in 1996
- Mars Helicopter Scout: see Mars 2020
- Mars Observer: failed 1992-1993 Mars orbiter mission
- radio science: radar and other methods of using radio to probe planets and moons
- Mars Odyssey: Mars orbiter launched by NASA in 2001
- Mars Pathfinder: 1990s mission to Mars with rover
- Mars Phoenix (Phoenix): Mars polar-region probe launched by NASA in 2007 with lander
- Mars Polar Lander: failed 1999 Mars lander mission
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Mars probe launched by NASA in 2005
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- Mars Science Laboratory: mission to Mars with rover
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- Mars Surveyor ' Orbiter: see Mars Polar Lander
- Mars Surveyor '98: see Mars Polar Lander
- Mars Surveyor '98 Lander (Mars Polar Lander): failed 1999 Mars lander mission
- Mars Weather Research and Forecasting Model (MarsWRF): Mars-oriented general circulation model
- Mars-crossing asteroid (Mars crosser): asteroid with an orbit that crosses that of Mars
- Mars-XRD: see Rosalind Franklin
- MarSCoDe: see Tianwen-1
- MARSIS: see Mars Express
- marsquake: see quake
- MarsWRF: Mars-oriented general circulation model
- MART-LIME: see Spektr-RG
- Martian Moons Exploration (MMX): Japanese probe to bring back a sample of a Martian moon
- Martin-Puplett interferometer
- CONCERTO: spectrometer aimed at mapping the [CII] line
- MARVEL: array of four telescopes sharing RV spectrograph
- MARVELS: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- MARVELS Spectrograph: see Sloan 2.5m Telescope
- Marvin: see MaNGA Stellar Library
- Maryland
- mas: see arcsecond
- MASCAM: see Hayabusa2
- MasCam: see Mars Science Laboratory
- MASCARA: distributed array of telescopes to search for exoplanets
- MASCOT: see Hayabusa2
- maser: electromagnetic radiation amplified by stimulated emission
- maser emission: see maser
- masers
- hydroxyl: one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom bound together
- OH/IR source: AGB star with strong OH maser
- MASH Catalog of Planetary Nebulae: 995 possible planetary nebulae
- mask: see aperture masking interferometry
- masking (aperture masking interferometry): interferometry by means of a single telescope with a mask
- apodization: improving telescope images by manipulating diffraction
- MASMAG: see Hayabusa2
- MASPEX: see Europa Clipper
- mass: object's quality that determines the effects of forces and gravity
- mass conservation equation: see stellar structure
- mass continuity equation: see stellar structure
- mass density: mass per unit volume, as opposed to particle density
- mass extinction: event in which many species went extinct
- mass fraction: measure of a constituent of a star, cloud, etc.
- mass function: measure of binaries that constrains the masses
- mass gap: see stellar-mass black hole
- mass loading: moving gas gaining mass from clouds or stars
- mass loss: a star's reduction in mass
- mass number: number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- mass number: see mass
- Avogadro's number: number of hydrogen atoms per gram
- element: class of atom based on its number of protons
- fusion: formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- isotope: subclass of an element with a specific number of nucleons
- nucleon: proton or neutron
- radioactive decay: changes in atomic nuclei that happen over time
- mass ratio: ratio of masses of two objects such as a binary star
- binary star: system of two stars co-orbiting
- chirp mass: a reduced-mass-like quantity that relates to gravitational waves
- mass shell: conceptual volume of mass shaped like a hollow sphere
- mass spectrograph (mass spectrometer): device to determine the mass of molecules in a mixture
- mass spectrometer: device to determine the mass of molecules in a mixture
- spectrometer: device to measure light by wavelength across its spectrum
- mass spectrometry: see mass spectrometer
- spectrometry: measuring the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- mass transfer: material passing from a star to a binary companion
- mass: object's quality that determines the effects of forces and gravity
- mass transport: transfer of mass from one part of a body/disk to another
- mass-luminosity relation: model relating stellar mass and luminosity
- mass-metallicity relation
- mass-radius relation: model relating stellar mass and radius
- mass-radius relationship (mass-radius relation): model relating stellar mass and radius
- mass-to-light ratio: measure of a population of stars or region
- mass/age degeneracy: see brown dwarf
- Massachusetts
- massive astrophysical compact halo object (MACHO): proposed astronomical objects comprising dark matter
- massive bigravity: see bigravity
- massive black hole: see black hole
- Massive Cluster Survey: survey of distant clusters evident in ROSAT X-ray data
- massive compact halo object (MACHO): proposed astronomical objects comprising dark matter
- massive gravity: see bigravity
- Massive Star Asteroseismology Instrument CubeSat (MAGIC): space telescope to monitor asteroseismology of OB stars
- massive X-ray binary: see X-ray binary
- massive young stellar object: see young stellar object
- MAST: archive of data from surveys and missions
- MaStar (MaNGA Stellar Library): catalog of SEDs of representative stars
- MastCam: see Mars Science Laboratory
- Mastcam-Z: see Mars 2020
- MASTER (MASTER Robotic Net): network of automated telescopes to identify transients
- MASTER Global Robotic Telescopes Net (MASTER Robotic Net): network of automated telescopes to identify transients
- MASTER Robotic Net: network of automated telescopes to identify transients
- MAT: see QMAP
- MATCH: SFH code
- materials
- mathematical analysis
- mathematical field: function of three variables, potentially representing space
- mathematics
- MATISSE: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Matplotlib: Python library for plotting
- matrix
- matrix mechanics: see Schrödinger equation
- matter density parameter: see Lambda-CDM model
- matter era: see radiation era
- matter power spectrum: see galaxy power spectrum
- matter wave: see de Broglie wavelength
- matter waves
- matter-antimatter asymmetry
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- matter-dominated era: see radiation era
- Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility: USAF optical/infrared telescopes to Earth-orbiting objects
- Maui Space Surveillance Site: USAF observatory to track Earth-orbiting objects
- Mauna Kea: Hawaiian mountain, the site of observatories
- Mauna Kea Consortium
- Mauna Kea Consortium photometric system (MKO photometric system): 2000s system covering near infrared
- Mauna Kea Observatories: observatories on Mauna Kea in Hawaii
- Mauna Loa
- Mauna Loa Observatory: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory: solar observatory on Mauna Loa
- Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- Maunder Minimum: 1600s-1700s period of fewer sunspots
- MAVEN: Mars orbiter to study its atmosphere
- MAVIS: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Max Planck Gessellschaft (Max Planck Society): association of German research institutions
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy: Heidelberg research institute
- Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy: Bonn research institute
- Max Planck Society: association of German research institutions
- Max Wolf's catalog of stars with proper motion: early 20th century catalog of 1500 stars
- MAX38: see University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory
- MaxBCG: see rare designator prefixes
- MAXI: Japanese X-ray camera on the International Space Station
- MAXIMA: 1998-1999 balloon-borne 1.3-meter millimeter telescope
- maximum accretion rate: see accretion
- maximum baseline: see baseline
- maximum iron fraction: derived from planet-formation models
- maximum likelihood estimation: statistical method to find likely parameters
- maximum likelihood mapmaking: method of making maps using varying data
- mlmapper: software for maximum-likelihood mapmaking
- maxwell: see magnetic flux
- gauss: measurement of magnetic field β
- Maxwell's demon
- Maxwell's equations: four equations describing electricity and magnetism
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: distribution of velocities of gas particles
- Boltzmann equation: equation relating atomic excitation to temperature
- Gamow peak: relative speed most likely to cause atoms to fuse within a gas
- Jeans escape: type of ongoing escape of gas particles from atmosphere
- kappa distribution: one distribution of velocities of particles out of equilibrium
- Maxwell-Boltzmann equation: see Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
- Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
- Maxwell-Faraday equation
- Mayall: see rare designator prefixes
- Mayall 4m
- Mayall 4m Telescope: 4 meter reflector telescope at Kitt Peak
- Mayer: see rare designator prefixes
- Mazurek's law: the effect of tweaking parameters is counterbalanced by feedback
- MB: see rare designator prefixes
- MB20: see Parkes Observatory
- MBA: see asteroid belt
- MBAC: see Atacama Cosmology Telescope
- Mbar: see atm
- mbar: see atm
- MBH: see black hole
- MBJD: see Julian date
- MBM: see rare designator prefixes
- Mbol (bolometric magnitude): absolute magnitude of all wavelengths
- MBR (cosmic microwave background): microwave radiation coming from every direction
- MBR: see Mars Observer
- MBS (synchrotron radiation): radiation emitted when high-speed charged particles are accelerated
- MC (Magellanic Clouds): two nearby galaxies
- MC (Mars crosser): asteroid with an orbit that crosses that of Mars
- MC: see HEAO-1
- MC: see rare designator prefixes
- MCA (Mars crosser): asteroid with an orbit that crosses that of Mars
- MCA: see double star designation
- MCA: see rare designator prefixes
- MCAO: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- MCAO: see adaptive optics
- MCAT: see Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- MCC: see rare designator prefixes
- McDonald Observatory
- MCG (Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies): 1960s catalog from Palomar plates
- MCIN (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaciónes): Spanish science ministry
- MCL (Catalog of Southern Groups of Galaxies): list of southern groups assembled in 1980s
- MCLD: see molecular cloud
- McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope: see Kitt Peak National Observatory
- MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo): model technique to approximate multi-dimensional integrals
- MCO (Mars Climate Orbiter): failed Mars 1990s probe
- MCPS (Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey): UBVI survey of the Magellanic Clouds
- MCS: see Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- MCS: see Tianwen-1
- MCS: see rare designator prefixes
- MCT: see rare designator prefixes
- MCW: see rare designator prefixes
- MDI: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- MDM Observatory: see Hiltner Telescope
- MDN (mixture density network): machine learning technique
- MDR: see MDR/SRR
- MDR/SRR: planning step for a NASA mission
- MDS (Medium Deep Survey): survey to find galaxies in HST WFPC2 images
- MDSCC: see NASA Deep Space Network
- Me: see rare designator prefixes
- mean anomaly: angle describing an object's position within an elliptical orbit
- mean cadence: see cadence
- mean free path: average length that a particle travels before interaction
- mean intensity: see intensity
- mean lifetime: see e-folding time
- mean molecular weight: measurement of a gas usual for approximating in gas models
- mean specific intensity: see specific intensity
- intensity: power reaching a surface from a specific source
- mean-field dynamo theory: see dynamo
- mean-field MHD: see dynamo
- mean-motion resonance: see orbital resonance
- MEarth (MEarth Project): automated observatories monitoring nearby red dwarfs for transits
- MEarth Project: automated observatories monitoring nearby red dwarfs for transits
- MEarth-North
- GJ 1214 b: super-Earth extrasolar planet discovered in 2009
- Mearth-North: see MEarth Project
- MEarth-South: see MEarth Project
- GJ 1132 b: Earth-like extrasolar planet discovered in 2015
- measure
- measurement
- Measurements of the Ultraviolet Spectral Characteristics of Low-mass Exoplanet host Stars (MUSCLES): HST UV survey of some M Dwarfs that host exoplanets
- Measuring Oscillations in Nearby Stars: past plan for asteroseismology mission
- MEC: see Subaru Telescope
- MECA: see Phoenix
- mechanical equilibrium
- mechanics: the science of forces and motions
- mechanisms
- MECO (Magnetospheric eternally collapsing object): theoretical state of collapsing object unable to reach BH characteristics
- MECS: see BeppoSAX
- MEDA: see Mars 2020
- Medicina Radio Observatory
- Mediterranean Sea
- KM3NeT: neutrino detector under construction in the Mediterranean Sea
- medium
- Medium Deep Survey: survey to find galaxies in HST WFPC2 images
- Medium Explorers
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- medium frequency
- medium-band photometric system
- Medium-class Explorer Program: NASA program for small science spacecraft
- Medium-class explorer program
- Swift: satellite for studying gamma-ray bursts
- Medium-class Explorers Program
- FINESSE: planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- STAR-X: plan for a future X-ray space telescope
- Medium-Sized Telescope: see Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Medusae Fossae Formation: see Mars
- MeerKAT: new radio telescope in South Africa
- MeerKAT International GigaHertz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration Survey (MIGHTEE): radio survey of four established deep fields
- MeerKAT Large Area Synoptic Survey (MeerKLASS): 21-cm-line survey using MeerKAT
- MeerKAT Precursor Array
- MeerKAT: new radio telescope in South Africa
- MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array: group of pulsars timed by MeerKAT
- MeerKLASS: 21-cm-line survey using MeerKAT
- MeerKLASS Pilot: see MeerKLASS
- MeerLICHT: South African telescope coordinated with MeerKAT
- MeerTime: see MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array
- MeerTime Pulsar Timing Array: see MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array
- meeting
- Meeting of European Planetary & Cometary Observers: 1990s planet/comet observer meetings
- Mega-Carrington: 1034 ergs, a million times that of the Carrington Event
- mega-Earth: rocky planet ten times the size of Earth
- megabar: see atm
- MEGACAM: see Magellan Telescopes
- MegaCam: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- Megacam: see MMT
- megaflare
- megajansky: see jansky
- megamaser: see maser
- megamaser galaxy: see Messier 106
- megaparsec: see parsec
- MegaPrime: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- MEGARA: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- Meier paradox: mysterious decline in number of radio galaxy jets
- Mel: see Melotte Catalog
- MELACOM: see Mars Express
- Melb: see double star designation
- melilite
- CAI: calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- Melipal Telescope: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Melnick: see rare designator prefixes
- Melotte: see Melotte Catalog
- Melotte 25 (Hyades Cluster): nearest open cluster
- Melotte Catalog: 1915 catalog of open and globular clusters
- membrane paradigm: simplified black-hole model enabling calculation of some effects
- memorandum of understanding: agreement between NSF and other research entities
- memory burst (gravitational-wave memory): adjusted space-geometry following incomplete gravitational wave cycle
- MEMS: see gravimetry
- MEMS accelerometer: see gravimetry
- MEMS gravimeter: see gravimetry
- MENeaCS (Multi-Epoch Nearby Cluster Survey): Type Ia supernova survey in clusters at z = 0.1
- MEPA: see Tianwen-1
- MEPAG (Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group): NASA forum to provide input to long-term planning of Mars missions
- MEPCO (Meeting of European Planetary & Cometary Observers): 1990s planet/comet observer meetings
- MER (Mars Exploration Rover): mission to Mars with two rovers
- MER-A: see Mars Exploration Rover
- MER-B: see Mars Exploration Rover
- Mercator Array for Radial Velocities (MARVEL): array of four telescopes sharing RV spectrograph
- Mercator Observatory
- MARVEL: array of four telescopes sharing RV spectrograph
- Mercator Telescope: 1.2-m telescope in the Canary Islands
- Mercer: see rare designator prefixes
- MERCURY: code to carry out N-body simulations
- Mercury: inner-most and smallest planet in the solar system
- mercury barometer
- torr: unit of pressure approximating a millimeter of mercury on Earth
- Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER): Mercury probe launched by NASA in 2004
- mercury-manganese star: see chemically peculiar star
- merger (galaxy merger): combination of galaxies upon collision
- mergers
- meridian: circle around the Earth passing through both poles
- meridian (celestial meridian): celestial sphere's meridian passing overhead
- meridian circle: instrument for timing the passage of stars over a meridian
- meridian telescope: see meridian circle
- meridian transit: see transit
- meridional current (meridional flow): north-south air circulation
- meridional flow: north-south air circulation
- MERLIN: VLBI array spread across England
- MEROPE: see Mercator Telescope
- MESA: collection of stellar astrophysics codes
- meson: see particle
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- pion: first type of meson discovered
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- mesopause: see atmospheric temperature profile
- mesosphere: see atmospheric temperature profile
- Message Passing Interface: mechanism for passing data between processors of a multiprocessor
- MESSENGER: Mercury probe launched by NASA in 2004
- Mercury: inner-most and smallest planet in the solar system
- Messier: see Messier Catalog
- Messier 1 (Crab Nebula): supernova remnant in Taurus
- Messier 100: easily-observed spiral galaxy
- Messier 101 (Pinwheel Galaxy): easily-observed spiral galaxy
- Messier 104 (Sombrero Galaxy): striking spiral galaxy with very large bulge
- Messier 106: spiral galaxy with maser
- Messier 15: globular cluster with collapsed core
- Messier 31 (Andromeda): spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- Messier 33 (Triangulum Galaxy): small spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- Messier 45 (Pleiades): visible open cluster with seven B-stars
- Messier 64 (M64): nearby dusty galaxy
- Messier 67: old open cluster in Cancer
- Messier 74: easily-observed spiral galaxy
- Messier 77: easily-observed spiral galaxy
- Messier 82 (M82): nearby starburst galaxy
- Messier 84: elliptical galaxy with jets
- Messier 87 (M87): supergiant elliptical galaxy in local universe
- Messier Catalog: catalog of astronomical objects to avoid when looking for comets
- Messier Catalog (Messier Catalog): catalog of astronomical objects to avoid when looking for comets
- Messier Objects (Messier Catalog): catalog of astronomical objects to avoid when looking for comets
- MESUR Pathfinder (Mars Pathfinder): 1990s mission to Mars with rover
- MET: see Mars Polar Lander
- metal: in astrophysics, any element more massive than helium
- aluminum: element, Al, atomic number 13
- calcium: element, Ca, atomic number 20
- carbon: element, C, atomic number 6
- iron: metal, Fe, atomic number 26
- lithium: metal, Li, atomic number 3
- magnesium: element, Mg, atomic number 12
- neon: element, Ne, atomic number 10
- nickel: metal, Ni, atomic number 28
- nitrogen: metal, N, atomic number 7
- oxygen: element, O, atomic number 8
- phosphorus: metal, P, atomic number 15
- silicon: metal, Si, atomic number 14
- sodium: metal, Na, atomic number 11
- sulfur: metal, S, atomic number 16
- titanium: metal, Ti, atomic number 22
- metal abundance
- metal weak star (weak-line star): star with faint spectral lines compared to its spectral class
- metal-free stars
- metal-poor
- metal-poor carbon-enhance: see carbon star
- metal-poor cluster
- metal-poor population
- metal-poor star: see Population II
- metal-poor stars
- metal-rich
- metal-rich cluster
- metal-rich population
- metal-rich star: see Population I
- metal-rich stars
- metal-silicate equilibrium: see chemical equilibrium
- metallic helium: see metallic hydrogen
- metal: in astrophysics, any element more massive than helium
- metallic hydrogen: a high-pressure state of hydrogen that is conductive
- Jupiter: largest planet in the solar system
- metal: in astrophysics, any element more massive than helium
- metallic-line star (Am star): A-type star with metallic lines
- metallicity: metal fraction of an object
- metallicity gradient: the degree to which metallicity changes across a galaxy
- metals
- metastable: characteristic of an excited state that lasts longer than typical
- metastable energy level: see metastable
- metastable helium line (helium 1083 nm line): line useful in probing exoplanet atmospheres
- meteor: see meteoroid
- meteorite: rock found on Earth that is the remnant of a meteor
- meteor shower: see meteoroid
- meteor stream: see meteoroid
- meteorite: rock found on Earth that is the remnant of a meteor
- meteoroid: rocky object in solar system, smaller than an asteroid
- meteorite fall
- meteorite type
- meteorites
- CAI: calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- presolar grain: grains of dust within meteorites predating the solar system
- meteoroid: rocky object in solar system, smaller than an asteroid
- meteorite: rock found on Earth that is the remnant of a meteor
- meteors
- meter size barrier: a barrier to planet formation on the order of a meter diameter
- barrier: challenging issue regarding planet formation
- meter-wave astronomy: see radio astronomy
- METH6: see Parkes Observatory
- methane: compound of one carbon and 4 hydrogen atoms
- methane clathrate: see clathrate
- methane ice: see ice
- method
- methyladyne (methylidyne): compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- methylidyne: compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- METIS: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- Metis: see Solar Orbiter
- Metis: see shepherd moon
- metric: mathematical generalization of the concept of distance
- bigravity: modifications to GR defining two metrics
- Metropolis
- PyMC: Python package for Bayesian statistical modeling
- Metropolis algorithm
- MeWe: see rare designator prefixes
- Mexico
- MF
- MFAA: see Square Kilometre Array
- MFF: see Mars
- MFFE: see Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
- MG: see rare designator prefixes
- Mg (magnesium): element, Mg, atomic number 12
- Mg I: see magnesium lines
- Mg II: see magnesium lines
- Mg lines (magnesium lines): spectral lines specific to magnesium
- mGal: see Gal
- admittance: effect of atmospheric pressure on gravity
- MGBK metric
- MGC (Millennium Galaxy Catalogue): 2000s catalog of 10,000 galaxies
- MGC: see rare designator prefixes
- MGG: see rare designator prefixes
- MGRO: see Milagro
- MGS (Mars Global Surveyor): Mars probe launched by NASA in 1996
- MHA: see rare designator prefixes
- MHD (magnetohydrodynamics): dynamics of electrically conducting fluids
- MHD drag
- MHD dynamo (dynamo): mechanism for generating magnetic fields around astronomical bodies
- MHD wave (plasma wave): wave incorporating the EM forces within plasma
- MHO: see Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
- MHO: see rare designator prefixes
- mho (siemens): SI unit of electrical conductance
- MHS: see Mars 2020
- MI: see Mars Exploration Rover
- MI: see SELENE
- MICA (Multiyear Interactive Computer Almanac 1800-2050): ephemerides app created by USNO
- MICADO: camera planned for E-ELT
- MICADO: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- MICAS: see Deep Space 1
- Michelle: see Gemini Observatory
- Michelle: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- Michelson interferometer: device to measure small changes in distance or light speed
- Michelson-Morley experiment: see relativity
- Michigan Muon Array: see CASA-MIA
- Michigan Sun-to-Earth Model with Quantified Uncertainty and Data Assimilation: see SWMF
- micro black hole: see black hole
- micro-arcsecond: see arcsecond
- micro-bolometer: see bolometer
- microarcseconds: see arcsecond
- microcalorimeter: instrument to measure small amounts of heat
- microchannel: see microchannel array
- microchannel array: electronic device to EMR
- microchannel plate: see microchannel array
- microchannel plate detector (microchannel array): electronic device to EMR
- microelectromechanical systems: see gravimetry
- MicroFUN: observers following up on microlensing events in the galactic bulge
- microgal: see Gal
- microkelvin: see kelvin
- microlensing (gravitational microlensing): gravitational lensing by "small" objects such as individual stars and planets
- microlensing event: see gravitational microlensing
- Microlensing Follow-up Network (MicroFUN): observers following up on microlensing events in the galactic bulge
- Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA): search for microlensing events
- Microlensing Planet Search: program to follow up on microlensing detections
- MicrOmega: see Hayabusa2
- MicrOmega-IR: see Rosalind Franklin
- micrometeorite: see meteorite
- micrometeorite: see meteoroid
- micrometeoroid: see meteoroid
- micrometer
- heliometer: instrument to precisely measure angles across the sky
- microquasar: stellar-sized black hole with quasar-like activity
- Microrover Flight Experiment: see Mars Pathfinder
- microsat (microsatellite): NASA term for a 10-100 kg small satellite
- microsatellite: NASA term for a 10-100 kg small satellite
- CHIPS: small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- microturbulence: see line broadening
- Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars (MOST): 2000s observatory-satellite looking for stellar oscillations
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- microvariable: see variable star
- microwave: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 MHz to 300 GHz
- microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (maser): electromagnetic radiation amplified by stimulated emission
- Microwave Anisotropy Probe (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe): spacecraft that measured variations in the cosmic background radiation
- microwave astronomy: see microwave
- microwave astronomy: see millimeter astronomy
- microwave KID: see KID
- microwave radio (microwave): electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 MHz to 300 GHz
- microwave radio astronomy: see microwave
- microwave radiometer: see radiometer
- microwave source: see microwave
- microwave source: see source
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- mid infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 7.5-25 μm range
- mid-IR (mid infrared): infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 7.5-25 μm range
- Mid-scale Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument): new instrument for measuring red-shift of distant objects
- Mid-scale Innovations Program: see NSF AST
- MIDAS: see Rosetta
- Midcourse Space Experiment: 1990s space telescope
- middle ultraviolet: see ultraviolet
- MIDEX (Medium-class Explorer Program): NASA program for small science spacecraft
- MIDI: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Mie scattering: scattering of light by large particles
- Mie theory: see Mie scattering
- MIGHTEE: radio survey of four established deep fields
- migration
- MIKE: see Magellan Telescopes
- Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect: effect of matter on neutrino oscillation
- Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST): archive of data from surveys and missions
- MIL: see double star designation
- Milagro: gamma ray telescope using Cherenkov radiation
- Milkdromeda (Milkomeda): future galaxy resulting from merger of Milky Way and Andromeda
- Milkomeda: future galaxy resulting from merger of Milky Way and Andromeda
- Milky Way: our galaxy
- Milky Way chemical evolution: process of the development of metals in the Milky Way
- Milky Way Mapper: SDSS spectrographic survey of Milky Way stars
- Milky Way Mapper: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Milky Way subgroup: the Milky Way and its satellites
- Milky Way subgroup: see galaxy group
- Milky-Way demographics: see demographics
- Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: 2000s catalog of 10,000 galaxies
- milli flux unit: see jansky
- milli-arcsecond: see arcsecond
- millibar: see atm
- milligal: see Gal
- millijansky: see jansky
- millikelvin: see kelvin
- millimeter
- Millimeter Anisotropy Experiment Imaging Array (MAXIMA): 1998-1999 balloon-borne 1.3-meter millimeter telescope
- Millimeter Array: see Owens Valley Radio Observatory
- Millimeter Astronomer's Legacy Team (Millimeter Astronomy Legacy Team): Australian initiative producing millimeter surveys
- millimeter astronomy: observation and analysis at wavelengths on the order of a millimeter
- Millimeter Astronomy Legacy Team: Australian initiative producing millimeter surveys
- millimeter wave: see microwave
- millimeter wave: see millimeter astronomy
- millimeter wave astronomy (millimeter astronomy): observation and analysis at wavelengths on the order of a millimeter
- Millimeter-wave Intensity Mapping Experiment: project to map CO and [CII]
- millimeter/submillimeter astronomy: see millimeter astronomy
- million-body problem: see N-body problem
- millisecond magnetar: see magnetar
- millisecond pulsar: pulsar spinning with a period in the range of milliseconds
- millitorr: see torr
- Mills (Badgerys Creek Interferometer 101-MHz Survey): early 1950s survey of southern-hemisphere radio sources
- Mills Cross Array: see MSH Catalog
- Mills Cross Radio Telescope: see MSH Catalog
- Milne-Eddington model: see Schuster-Schwarzschild model
- MIMA: see Rosalind Franklin
- Mimas: see Saturn
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- MIMI: see Cassini
- Mimir: multi-function near-infrared instrument on Perkins Telescope
- MIMIZUKU: see University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory
- MIMOS II: see Mars Exploration Rover
- MIMOS-II: see Rosalind Franklin
- min: see arcsecond
- MINERVA-II Rover 2: see Hayabusa2
- MINERVA-II Rover-1B: see Hayabusa2
- MINERVA-II-2: see Hayabusa2
- MINEVA-II Rover-1A: see Hayabusa2
- mini black hole: see black hole
- mini gas giant (mini-Neptune): planet with characteristics a bit like Earth but more like Neptune
- mini gas giant: see super-Earth
- mini-Neptune: planet with characteristics a bit like Earth but more like Neptune
- super-Earth: exoplanet more massive than Earth but substantially less than Neptune
- mini-Neptunes: see extra-solar planet
- Mini-RF: see Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Mini-TES: see Mars Exploration Rover
- miniature black hole: see black hole
- Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer
- CubIXSS: solar spectrometer satellite concept
- minihalo: see dark matter halo
- minimal supersymmetric standard model: see supersymmetry
- minimum mass: measured bound on the mass of an exoplanet
- minimum mass solar nebula: see solar nebula
- minimum orbit intersection distance: smallest distance between paths of two orbiting bodies
- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaciónes: Spanish science ministry
- miniTAO: see University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory
- minkasi: code for processing MUSTANG-2 data
- Minkowski diagram (spacetime diagram): graph of simplified spacetime, with fewer space dimensions
- Minkowski metric: see metric
- Minkowski space: see spacetime
- minor merger: see galaxy merger
- minor planet: lesser solar system body without comet characteristics
- 101955 Bennu: near-Earth asteroid visited by a successful sample-return mission
- 10199 Chariklo: largest minor planet in the outer solar system
- Ceres: dwarf planet and largest asteroid
- Haumea: dwarf planet discovered in 2004
- Pluto: dwarf planet formerly listed as one of the nine planets
- Psyche: asteroid discovered in 1852
- Sedna: distant solar system planetoid discovered in 2003
- Minor Planet Center: organization collecting and organizing minor planet data
- Minor Planet Circular: monthly IAU publication of observations of minor planets and comets
- Minor Planet Circulars Supplement: monthly detailed IAU publication of observations of minor planets
- Minor Planet Electronic Circular: daily news publication of IAU Minor Planet Center
- minor planet moon: see moon
- minor planets
- Minor Planets And Comets (Minor Planet Circular): monthly IAU publication of observations of minor planets and comets
- MINPA: see Tianwen-1
- Mintaka
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- minute: see arcsecond
- minute: see right ascension
- minute of arc: see arcsecond
- minute of right ascension: see arcsecond
- MinXSS
- CubIXSS: solar spectrometer satellite concept
- MIPS: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- MIPSGAL: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- MIR (mid infrared): infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 7.5-25 μm range
- Mir
- Mira variable
- MIRADAS: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- Miranda: see Uranus
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- MIRI: see James Webb Space Telescope
- MIRI MRS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- MIRIM: see James Webb Space Telescope
- MIRO: see Rosetta
- mirror
- mirror cell (mirror support cell): units in a telescope that support the mirror
- mirror support cell: units in a telescope that support the mirror
- MIRS: see MMX
- MIS: see Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- Mis: see MISAO project
- misaligned gas
- MISAO project: search for variable stars and transients
- MISC-T: see Origins Space Telescope
- miscibility
- miscible: see supercritical fluid
- MISE: see Europa Clipper
- missing baryon problem: standard theory suggests more baryonic matter than observed
- missing satellite problem (dwarf galaxy problem): theories have more dwarf galaxies than are observed
- mission
- Deep Impact: mission to create and observe an impact with a comet
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- K2: second Kepler mission that worked around failed equipment
- Mission Definition Review: see MDR/SRR
- Mission Definition Review/System Requirements Review (MDR/SRR): planning step for a NASA mission
- Mission of Opportunity
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- Mission Shakti: Indian antisatellite test.
- mission-based designator (survey-based designator): astronomical object designators based on name of survey
- missions
- MDR/SRR: planning step for a NASA mission
- PDR: review checking initial design with requirements
- RIX: enquiry/answer about some issue regarding a project review
- Kavli Institute: any of a number of science institutes supported by Kavli Foundation
- MIT Cosmic X-ray Experiment: see OSO 7
- MIT General Circulation Model (MITgcm): well-known general circulation model
- MIT X-ray Burst Source Catalog: 1970s catalog of X-ray bursters
- MIT/OSO 7 Catalog of X-ray Sources: see OSO 7
- MITgcm: well-known general circulation model
- mixing length: see mixing length theory
- convection: a heated fluid's flow due to its low density and buoyancy
- mixing length model (mixing length theory): tractable simplified model of convection
- mixing length theory: tractable simplified model of convection
- mixing ratio: ratio of two components of a gas
- mixture: type of probability distribution resulting from two others
- mixture: see mixture density network
- mixture density network: machine learning technique
- mixture distribution (mixture): type of probability distribution resulting from two others
- mixture model: see mixture
- Mizuguchi-Dragone design: see Dragone telescope
- MJD: see Julian date
- MJy: see jansky
- mJy: see jansky
- mK: see kelvin
- MK class (luminosity class): classification of size/luminosity of stars
- MK luminosity class (luminosity class): classification of size/luminosity of stars
- Mk1: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Mk2: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Mk3: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Mk4: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- MKI: see Kavli Institute
- MKID: see KID
- DESHIMA: submillimeter spectrometer
- MKII (Mark II): 38-m radio telescope in England
- MERLIN: VLBI array spread across England
- Mkn (Markarian galaxy): list of galaxies with excess ultraviolet light
- MKO (Mauna Kea Observatories): observatories on Mauna Kea in Hawaii
- MKO photometric system: 2000s system covering near infrared
- SI: standardized metric system
- MKW: see rare designator prefixes
- ML (machine learning): use of programs that extract their algorithms from data
- deep learning: description of machine learning using substantial neural networks
- neural network: computer program structure inspired by the brain
- nonparametric model: model developed avoiding assumptions regarding a basic structure
- XGBoost: machine learning software
- ML mapmaking (maximum likelihood mapmaking): method of making maps using varying data
- ML Mapper (mlmapper): software for maximum-likelihood mapmaking
- ML technique: see machine learning
- MLB: see double star designation
- MlbO: see double star designation
- MLE (maximum likelihood estimation): statistical method to find likely parameters
- MLF: see double star designation
- mlmapper: software for maximum-likelihood mapmaking
- MLO: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- MLO: see double star designation
- MLR: see double star designation
- MLS: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- MLSO (Mauna Loa Solar Observatory): solar observatory on Mauna Loa
- Mly: see light-year
- MMA (multi-messenger astronomy): astronomy using more than one type of observation
- MMA: see Owens Valley Radio Observatory
- mmIME (Millimeter-wave Intensity Mapping Experiment): project to map CO and [CII]
- MMIRS: see MMT
- MMIRS: see Magellan Telescopes
- MMO: see BepiColombo
- MMR: see orbital resonance
- MMRTG: power source for space probes
- MMS (Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission): four spacecraft making Earth magnetosphere measurements
- MMS: see Tianwen-1
- MMSN: see solar nebula
- MMT: 6.5 meter telescope at Mt. Hopkins, Arizona
- MMT Observatory
- MMT: 6.5 meter telescope at Mt. Hopkins, Arizona
- MMT Spectrograph: see MMT
- MMT-pol: see MMT
- MMTCam: see MMT
- MMT: 6.5 meter telescope at Mt. Hopkins, Arizona
- MMX: Japanese probe to bring back a sample of a Martian moon
- MN metric
- MNRAS (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society): UK peer-reviewed astronomy research journal
- MO (Mars Observer): failed 1992-1993 Mars orbiter mission
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- MOA: search for microlensing events
- MOA-I: see MOA
- MOA-II: see MOA
- Mobile Anisotropy Telescope: see QMAP
- Mobile Astronomical System of Telescope Robot (MASTER Robotic Net): network of automated telescopes to identify transients
- MOC: see Mars Global Surveyor
- MOC: see Mars Observer
- MOCCA: code to model the evolution of stellar clusters
- mock catalog: catalog of simulated astronomical bodies
- mode: see CMB anisotropies
- mode: see spherical harmonics
- model
- model BH (black hole model): description of a BH using math or computation
- model black hole (black hole model): description of a BH using math or computation
- models
- modern constellation: see constellation
- asterism: easily recognizable star pattern
- modified GR
- metric: mathematical generalization of the concept of distance
- modified GR bumpy Kerr metric
- modified Julian day: see Julian date
- modified Newtonian dynamics: alternative theory to "dark matter"
- modified Urca process: see Urca process
- MODS: see Large Binocular Telescope
- MODS1: see Large Binocular Telescope
- MODS2: see Large Binocular Telescope
- Modular Open Source Fitter for Transients: see Astrocats
- Modular Open-Source Fitter for Transients (MOSFiT): code to match light-curves with light-curve models
- modulation
- Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA): collection of stellar astrophysics codes
- MOID (minimum orbit intersection distance): smallest distance between paths of two orbiting bodies
- MOIRCS: see Subaru Telescope
- moist greenhouse effect: see greenhouse effect
- MOJAVE: program to monitor AGN jet radio brightness and polarization
- mol (mole): unit roughly the count of hydrogen atoms in a gram
- MOLA: see Mars Global Surveyor
- MOLA: see Mars Observer
- mole: unit roughly the count of hydrogen atoms in a gram
- mole: see InSight
- molecular cloud: interstellar gas cloud that includes molecules
- CO to H2 factor: assumed ratio between observed CO emission lines and H2 mass
- filament: linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- Nessie: star-forming filament found in the Orion star-forming region
- Radcliffe wave: wave-shaped string of molecular clouds
- molecular cloud complex: see molecular cloud
- molecular cloud filament (filament): linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- molecular cloud turbulence: observed turbulence in molecular clouds
- Molecular Deep Field: survey of molecular lines in Hubble Deep Field
- molecular gas
- CARMA EDGE: survey CO-mapping galaxies
- cold gas: gas cool enough to form galaxies and stars
- DeGaS-MC: APEX survey of potential star formation regions in the Magellanic Clouds
- EMPIRE Survey: survey of gas in M51a to follow up PAWS
- filament: linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- PAH emissions: infrared emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in gas clouds
- star formation rate: rate at which material such as gas is turned into stars
- molecular gas depletion time
- galaxy: gravitationally-bound group of stars
- molecular gas fraction: see gas fraction
- molecular handedness: mirror-imaged variants of some molecules
- molecular hydrogen: see hydrogen
- molecular hydrogen dissociation front: point in a gas cloud where it is hot enough to dissociate hydrogen
- molecular ISM: see interstellar medium
- molecular orbital: see electron orbital
- molecular star formation law: see star formation rate
- molecules
- RASCALL: efficient code to locate suspected molecular lines
- Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS): ALMA survey researching planet-formation
- Mollweide projection: see HEALPix
- Molonglo Cross Telescope: see MOST
- Molonglo Cross Telescope: see UTMOST
- Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST): radio telescope in New South Wales
- Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope: see UTMOST
- Molonglo Radio Telescope
- Molonglo Reference Catalog: 1981 catalog of mostly southern hemisphere radio sources
- Molonglo Reference Catalog of Radio Sources (Molonglo Reference Catalog): 1981 catalog of mostly southern hemisphere radio sources
- molten core
- dynamo: mechanism for generating magnetic fields around astronomical bodies
- MOMA: see Rosalind Franklin
- MOMAG: see Tianwen-1
- moment of inertia: see moment of inertia factor
- precession: periodic change in a body's rotation or orbit
- moment of inertia factor: characterization of mass distribution within a planet
- monatomic
- fluorescence: emission from a molecule excited by absorption
- MOND (modified Newtonian dynamics): alternative theory to "dark matter"
- Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI): Japanese X-ray camera on the International Space Station
- Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments (MOJAVE): program to monitor AGN jet radio brightness and polarization
- Monoceros Ring: stellar stream wrapping around the Milky Way
- Monoceros Tidal Stream (Monoceros Ring): stellar stream wrapping around the Milky Way
- monochromatic luminosity: luminosity at a specific wavelength
- monochromator: see spectroscopy
- monolithic
- monolithic collapse: see galaxy formation
- monolithic collapse model: see galaxy formation
- monolithic mirror: telescope mirror made of one piece of material
- monopole: see multipole expansion
- monopole: see topological defect
- MONS (Measuring Oscillations in Nearby Stars): past plan for asteroseismology mission
- monsoon
- monsoon trough
- Monte Agliate Supernova and Asteroid Survey: see supernova survey
- Monte Carlo
- Hyperion: Monte Carlo radiative transfer code
- Monte Carlo Cluster Simulator (MOCCA): code to model the evolution of stellar clusters
- Monte Carlo method: mathematics and simulation using random samples
- Monte Carlo method: see Markov chain Monte Carlo
- MOCCA: code to model the evolution of stellar clusters
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: UK peer-reviewed astronomy research journal
- Moon
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- Callisto: well-known Jupiter moon
- Enceladus: Saturn moon considered possible carrier of life
- Europa: well-known Jupiter moon
- Ganymede: well-known Jupiter moon
- Io: well-known Jupiter moon
- Titan: well-known Saturn moon
- Triton: Neptune's one significant moon
- Moon formation: process by which the Moon and other moons formed
- Moon mass: see mass
- MoonKAM: see GRAIL
- moonmoon (subsatellite): object orbiting a moon
- moonquake: see quake
- MOONS (Multi-object Optical and Near-IR Spectrograph): advanced spectrograph under development for VLT
- MOONS: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- moons
- Mopra Spectrometer: see Mopra Telescope
- Mopra Telescope: Australian 22-m radio telescope
- MOPS: see Mopra Telescope
- MOPTOP: see Liverpool Telescope
- MORA: high resolution 2-mm survey of a portion of the COSMOS field
- Moreton wave: type of wave moving across the chromosphere
- Moreton-Ramsey wave (Moreton wave): type of wave moving across the chromosphere
- MORFEO: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- Morgan classification: classification of galaxies by stellar spectrum and morphology
- N galaxy: galaxy with bright nucleus and faint surroundings
- Morgan galaxy classification (Morgan classification): classification of galaxies by stellar spectrum and morphology
- Morgan's classification (Morgan classification): classification of galaxies by stellar spectrum and morphology
- Morgan-Keenan classification system: see luminosity class
- Morgan-Keenan luminosity class (luminosity class): classification of size/luminosity of stars
- MoRIC: see Tianwen-1
- Morita Array: see Atacama Large Millimeter Array
- morning width: see horizontal coordinate system
- Morocco
- TRAPPIST: a ground-based automated transiting-planet finding telescope
- Morphological Catalog of Galaxies (Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies): 1960s catalog from Palomar plates
- Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies: 1960s catalog from Palomar plates
- morphological classification: see morphology
- morphological peculiarity: see peculiar galaxy
- morphology: form and structure
- morphology: see galaxy classification
- galaxy: gravitationally-bound group of stars
- morphology-density relation: a galaxy is more likely to be elliptical if surrounded by galaxies
- MOSAIC: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- MOSAIC II: see Víctor M. Blanco Telescope
- Mosaic3
- MOSFIRE: see Keck Observatory
- MOSFiT: code to match light-curves with light-curve models
- MOSFiT: see Astrocats
- MOSIR: see Tianwen-1
- MOST: 2000s observatory-satellite looking for stellar oscillations
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- MOST: radio telescope in New South Wales
- MOTIF (Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility): USAF optical/infrared telescopes to Earth-orbiting objects
- MOU (memorandum of understanding): agreement between NSF and other research entities
- mount
- Mount Graham
- Mount Hopkins Observatory: see Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
- Mount Laguna Observatory
- Evryscope: automated array of telescopes to uncover transients
- Mount Palomar Observatory (Palomar Observatory): California observatory with Hale telescope
- Mount Sharp: see Mars Science Laboratory
- Mount Stromlo Observatory
- MACHO Project: survey searching out microlensing that could indicate a MACHO
- Mount Teide
- Mount Wilson Observatory: Los Angeles observatory with Hooker telescope
- Mount Wilson S-index (chromospheric activity index): measure of magnetic activity of a star's chromosphere
- moving cluster (moving group): observed group of stars with similar motion
- moving group: observed group of stars with similar motion
- moving group: see stellar association
- moving mesh
- AREPO: cosmology simulation using moving mesh technique
- moving-cluster method: method of measuring distance to a nearby star cluster
- MOXE: see Spektr-RG
- MOXIE: see Mars 2020
- MOXSI: see CubIXSS
- MP: see USS Sources
- MP-Gadget
- MeerKAT: new radio telescope in South Africa
- MPC (Minor Planet Center): organization collecting and organizing minor planet data
- MPC (Minor Planet Circular): monthly IAU publication of observations of minor planets and comets
- MPC: see HEAO-2
- Mpc: see parsec
- MPCS (Minor Planet Circulars Supplement): monthly detailed IAU publication of observations of minor planets
- MPEC (Minor Planet Electronic Circular): daily news publication of IAU Minor Planet Center
- MPF (Mars Pathfinder): 1990s mission to Mars with rover
- MPG (Max Planck Society): association of German research institutions
- MPG/ESO Telescope: see La Silla Observatory
- MPI (Message Passing Interface): mechanism for passing data between processors of a multiprocessor
- MPI PAF: see Parkes Observatory
- MPIA (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy): Heidelberg research institute
- MPIR (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy): Bonn research institute
- MPL (Mars Polar Lander): failed 1999 Mars lander mission
- MPO: see BepiColombo
- MPP (Multi-Pinned-Phase): type of CCD with reduced signal noise
- MPPP: see Large Altazimuth Telescope
- MPS (Microlensing Planet Search): program to follow up on microlensing detections
- MPTA (MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array): group of pulsars timed by MeerKAT
- MR: see Mars Global Surveyor
- MR: see rare designator prefixes
- MR-sn (magnetorotational supernova): type of core collapse supernova
- MRAO (Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory): radio observatory near Cambridge, UK
- MRC (Molonglo Reference Catalog): 1981 catalog of mostly southern hemisphere radio sources
- Mre: see Reynolds number
- MRFE: see Mars Pathfinder
- MRI (magnetorotational instability): instability in the fluid of a disk from MHD effects
- Mrk: see Markarian galaxy
- Mrk 209 (Haro 29): a blue compact galaxy
- MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter): Mars probe launched by NASA in 2005
- MRO: see Murchison Widefield Array
- MRO Interferometer: optical interferometer in New Mexico
- MROI (MRO Interferometer): optical interferometer in New Mexico
- MRS: see Hobby-Eberly Telescope
- MRS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- MS (main sequence star): star burning hydrogen into helium in its center
- MS: see HEAO-2
- MS galaxy: see galaxy main sequence
- MS lifetime (main-sequence lifetime): length of time that a star remains within the main sequence
- MS-DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument): new instrument for measuring red-shift of distant objects
- MSA: see MMX
- MSCam: see Tianwen-1
- MSDESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument): new instrument for measuring red-shift of distant objects
- MSE: see BepiColombo
- MSE: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- MSH (MSH Catalog): 1950s catalog of radio sources from a Mills Cross survey
- MSH Catalog: 1950s catalog of radio sources from a Mills Cross survey
- MSI: see NEAR Shoemaker
- MSIP1mm: see Large Millimeter Telescope
- MSL (Mars Science Laboratory): mission to Mars with rover
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- MSM: see MMX
- MSM: see magnetar
- MSP (millisecond pulsar): pulsar spinning with a period in the range of milliseconds
- MSP: see rare designator prefixes
- MSS: see Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- MSS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- MSS: see Large Altazimuth Telescope
- MSSM: see supersymmetry
- MSSS (Maui Space Surveillance Site): USAF observatory to track Earth-orbiting objects
- MSSSO: Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
- MST: see Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Msun (solar mass): mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- Sun: star at center of solar system
- MSW effect (Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect): effect of matter on neutrino oscillation
- tau neutrino: neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- MSX (Midcourse Space Experiment): 1990s space telescope
- Mt. Bigelow
- Mt. John University Observatory
- MOA: search for microlensing events
- Mt. Lemon
- Mt. Stromlo 1.9 m telescope
- MTL: see double star designation
- mTorr: see torr
- Mu Columbae
- O-type star: star with spectral characteristics of above 30000 K
- Mu Normae
- O-type star: star with spectral characteristics of above 30000 K
- Mu Space Engineering Spacecraft: series of Japanese astronomy space missions
- Mullard Observatory (Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory): radio observatory near Cambridge, UK
- Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory: radio observatory near Cambridge, UK
- Multi Element Radio Linked Interferometer (MERLIN): VLBI array spread across England
- Multi-Adaptive Optics Imaging Camera for Deep Observations (MICADO): camera planned for E-ELT
- multi-anode microchannel array: see microchannel array
- multi-conjugate AO: see adaptive optics
- Multi-Epoch Nearby Cluster Survey: Type Ia supernova survey in clusters at z = 0.1
- multi-Gaussian expansion
- Multi-instrument Aircraft Campaign: type of aircraft based study of meteor-shower-associated dust
- multi-messenger astronomy: astronomy using more than one type of observation
- multi-messenger astrophysics (multi-messenger astronomy): astronomy using more than one type of observation
- Multi-mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG): power source for space probes
- Multi-object Optical and Near-IR Spectrograph: advanced spectrograph under development for VLT
- multi-object spectrograph: device to record the spectrum of multiple targets simultaneously
- multi-object spectrography: see multi-object spectrograph
- multi-object spectrometer (multi-object spectrograph): device to record the spectrum of multiple targets simultaneously
- Multi-Order Solar EUV Spectrograph: see ESIS
- Multi-Pinned-Phase: type of CCD with reduced signal noise
- Multi-site All-sky Camera (MASCARA): distributed array of telescopes to search for exoplanets
- multi-star system: see star system
- Multi-Telescope Radio Linked Interferometer: see MERLIN
- multi-wavelength data: see multi-messenger astronomy
- multichroic array (multichroic feedhorn array): radio array with sensors for two or more bands
- multichroic feedhorn array: radio array with sensors for two or more bands
- multilevel relaxation
- Multimission Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST): archive of data from surveys and missions
- multiple expansion
- Multiple Mirror Telescope
- MMT: 6.5 meter telescope at Mt. Hopkins, Arizona
- multiple star (multiple star system): system of two or more stars co-orbiting
- multiple star: see star system
- multiple star system: system of two or more stars co-orbiting
- multiple-impact model: see Moon formation
- Multiplexed SQUID TES Array at Ninety GHz (MUSTANG): bolometer array on the Green Bank Telescope
- multiplicity fraction: fraction of star systems that are multiple-star systems
- multipole: see dipole
- multipole expansion: series expansion of a function over the surface of a sphere
- multipole magnetic field: see magnetic field
- multipole moment: see spherical harmonics
- multipole number: see spherical harmonics
- Multitudinous Image-based Sky-survey and Accumulative Observations (MISAO project): search for variable stars and transients
- Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile: optical/NIR survey of four deep fields
- Multiyear Interactive Computer Almanac 1800-2050: ephemerides app created by USNO
- Munich
- Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey: 1990s-2000s galaxy cluster survey
- MUNICS (Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey): 1990s-2000s galaxy cluster survey
- muon: see lepton
- muon: see particle
- GRAPES-3: Cherenkov telescope at Ooty, India
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- tau neutrino: neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- muon neutrino: see tau neutrino
- MUPUS: see Rosetta
- mUrca: see Urca process
- Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory
- Murchison Widefield Array: low frequency radio telescope
- Murriyang (Parkes Observatory): Australian observatory with large single-dish radio telescope
- MuSCAT3: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- MUSCLES: HST UV survey of some M Dwarfs that host exoplanets
- MUSE: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- MUSES (Mu Space Engineering Spacecraft): series of Japanese astronomy space missions
- MUSES-C: see Hayabusa2
- MUSIC: see Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- MUSTANG: bolometer array on the Green Bank Telescope
- MUSTANG: see Green Bank Telescope
- MUSTANG-2: see Green Bank Telescope
- MUSYC (Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile): optical/NIR survey of four deep fields
- MUV: see ultraviolet
- MVIC: see Lucy
- MW (Milky Way): our galaxy
- MWA (Murchison Widefield Array): low frequency radio telescope
- MWA-128: see Murchison Widefield Array
- MWC: see rare designator prefixes
- MWC 480
- MAPS: ALMA survey researching planet-formation
- MWC 758: protostar with spiral disk
- MWD: see white dwarf
- MWM (Milky Way Mapper): SDSS spectrographic survey of Milky Way stars
- MWM: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- MWO (Mount Wilson Observatory): Los Angeles observatory with Hooker telescope
- MWR: see Juno
- MX: see OSO 7
- Mx: see magnetic flux
- MXB (MIT X-ray Burst Source Catalog): 1970s catalog of X-ray bursters
- MXRB: see X-ray binary
- MyCn: see rare designator prefixes
- MYSO: see young stellar object
- Mz: see rare designator prefixes