Astrophysics (Index)About

lucky imaging

(lucky exposures)
(method of combining short-term images to yield better resolution)

Lucky imaging (or lucky exposures) is a means of producing high resolution images in the face of atmospheric distortion. Numerous images are taken at relatively short exposures and then the best (i.e., better due to luck) are selected and combined. The technique has been used by amateur astronomers since the mid-twentieth century and is used by professional astronomers as well. With the technique, diffraction limited observation can be approached and it can be considered an alternative to adaptive optics but it can be combined with adaptive optics to yield even higher resolution. It requires a degree of stability of the source, i.e., that successive images remain unchanged other than seeing issues, a requirement affected by the necessary exposure time to produce each image.

Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
high-resolution imaging
speckle imaging
speckle suppression
