Astrophysics (Index)About


(software to create and manage an astronomy catalog)

Astrocats is software to create a type of online astronomical catalog (termed an Open Astronomy Catalog or OAC) that includes an API to read and/or insert data, aimed at open access, i.e., for data freely open to researchers who can develop model software that extracts data directly from the catalog site. Examples of its use are the Open Kilonova Catalog and the Open Supernova Catalog (OSC).

MOSFiT (for Modular Open Source Fitter for Transients) is related software to create a site that similarly stores astronomical computer models and provides online means to try them on data stored in the OAC. Between the two, existing models are easily retried when more data is added, and new models are easily applied to the current state of the data. MOSFiT is written in Python.

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