(radius within which a body moving through a medium will draw it in)
The Bondi radius is a calculated radius of the region surrounding
an astronomical object from which surrounding medium (gas,
dust) is likely to be drawn in and accreted. It includes
the effects of the (relative) speed of the object through the medium,
and the medium's density and sound-speed.
It also presumes the accretion is spherically symmetric around
the accreting object.
Accretion due to such
material falling from within the Bondi radius is termed Bondi accretion.
The Bondi radius calculation was developed modeling
the accretion by a compact object (black hole
or neutron star) of the medium it is passing through.
The concept has since been applied to planet formation,
i.e., protoplanets passing through the material
of a protoplanetary disk.