Astrophysics (Index)About

double star designation

(systems and format of double star designators)

There are modern and traditional formats and prefixes for double star designation. Modern efforts such as the Washington Double Star Catalog (WDS) have standardized prefixes (using Latin letters for ease of use in databases and basic printing) usually indicating the discoverer, observatory, or old source astronomical catalog, whereas records going back 200 years used prefixes often consisting of Greek and/or Latin letters, commonly using the Greek equivalent of the credited discoverer's initial. The interest in double stars (as asterisms to serve as guide stars, and regarding movements evident over time) has led to many observations recorded in catalogs and journal letters and papers. These can be very useful for long-term studies of binary star orbits, and the proper motion of optical-double individuals, but using them presents challenges in interpreting both the old-style designators and old coordinates. Some major catalogs of double stars:

Stelle Doppie is an online database of double stars that includes WDS information as well as that from other sources.

Note that some astronomers (e.g., Aitken, Burnham, Dunlop, Herschel(s), and Struve(s)) discovered double stars and also produced catalogs of double stars including others' discoveries. Then it is necessary to be careful whether the designator-prefix indicates the general catalog versus specifically indicating one of their own discoveries: two designations with the same number but with the two different designator-prefixes are generally different stars. For example, "A 1248" (aka "Aitken 1248") is a double star discovered by Aitken, which is at J000006.64+752859.8, but "ADS 1248" is a different double star, i.e., a double star that Aitken listed in the general double star catalog that he assembled, and is at J013555.04+330319.57. I've seen stars wrongly-designated, apparently due to this kind of confusion.

(astronomy,double stars,designation)
Further reading:
ββ 860discoverer(Burnham)
ΦΦ 332discoverer(Finsen)
AA 1248or "Aitken 1248"(discoverer)
ACAC 2or "A.C.", discoverer's initials
ARGARG 1discoverer(Argelander)
BB 1871discoverer
BALBAL 746discoverer(Baillaud) or Bail 746
BARBAR 61discoverer(Barnard) or Ba 61
BAZBAZ 4or Baize 4, discoverer
BRSBRS 5discoverer
BrsOBrsO 14Brisbane Observatory
BRTBRT 1204or Barton 1204, discoverer
BSOBSO 14Brisbane Observatory
CHECHE 45discoverer(Chevalier)
COOCOO 70or "Cor 70", Cordoba Observatory
COPCOP 3discoverer(Copeland)
COUCOU 79discoverer(Couteau)
CPOCPO 6or Cape 6, observatory
DADA 6discoverer(Dawes)
DAWDAW 35discoverer(Dawson)
DjuDju 9discoverer(Djurkovic)
DonDon 520discoverer(Donner)
DooDoo 35discoverer(Doolittle)
EDGEDG 2discoverer(D.W. Edgecomb)
ENGENG 11discoverer(Engelmann)
ESES 964discoverer(Espin)
EspEsp 42discoverer(Espin)
FINFIN 332or Finsen 332, discoverer
FOXFOX 134discoverer
FRKFRK 11discoverer(Franks)
GALGAL 307or Gallo 307, discoverer
GICGIC 57discoverer(Giclas)
GLEGLE 2discoverer(Gale)
GLPGLP 9discoverer(Glasenapp)
GNTGNT 1discoverer(Grant)
GSHGSH 1discoverer(Glaisher)
GYLGYL 73discoverer(Goyal)
HDOHDO 127or "Hd 127", Harvard College Observatory
HEIHEI 812discoverer(Heintz)
HLDHLD 250discoverer(E.S. Holden)
HLMHLM 19discoverer(Holmes)
HLNHLN 18discoverer(Frank Holden)
HoHo 229discoverer(G.W. Hough)
HrgHrg 107discoverer(Hargrave)
HuHu 667discoverer(Hussey)
HWEHWE 13discoverer(H.A. Howe)
HynekHynek 1author
HZGHZG 2discoverer(Hertzsprung)
II 7discoverer(Innes)
JJ 900discoverer(Jonckhèere)èere
JCJC 2or "Jac 2", discoverer(Jacob)
JEFJEF 1discoverer(Jeffers)
JOYJOY 1discoverer(Joy)
JSPJSP 561discoverer(Jessup)
KNTKNT 4or Kn or Knott(discoverer)
KOKO 2or Koenigstuhl(observatory)önigstuhl_State_Observatory
KRKR 60or Kruger(Krüger, discoverer)
KUKU 3discoverer(Kustner)
KUIKUI 75or Kpr, author(Kuiper)
LL 15discoverer(Lewis)
LAMLAM 5discoverer(Lamont)
LAULAU 1discoverer
LEOLEO 34or Leon(discoverer)
LPOLPO 25observatory
LUYLUY 6219discoverer
MCAMCA 14discoverer
MelbMelb 3Melbourne Obs. discovery
MILMIL 1discoverer
MLBMLB 1discoverer
MlbOMlbO 4Melbourne Obs. discovery
MLFMLF 2discoverer
MLOMLO 4Melbourne Obs. discovery
MLRMLR 391discoverer
MTLMTL 2CDdiscoverer
NZONZO 52observatory
OLOL 244discoverer
OPIOPI 2discoverer
PLQPLQ 3or Paloque(discoverer)
POLPOL 4discoverer
POUPOU 1931discoverer
PRYPRY 3discoverer
PRZPRZ 3discoverer
PTTPTT 19discoverer
PZPZ 4discoverer
RR 230or "Russ 230", discoverer(Russell)
RMKRMK 13discovererümker
ROEROE 47discoverer
RSTRST 127or Rossiter(discoverer)
SS 451or "South 451", discoverer
SCJSCJ 7discoverer
SESE 1discoverer(Secchi)
SEESEE 53or λl, discoverer(See)
SEISEI 1007discoverer
SHBSHB 1discoverer
SKISKI 4discoverer
SLRSLR 1discoverer
SMASMA 101discoverer
SMYSMY 4discoverer
STST 1discoverer
SteinStein 2031discoverer
STHSTH 2or H 2, discoverer(H. Struve)
STNSTN 2discoverer(Stone)
SWISWI 1discoverer
SYOSYO 1Sydney Observatory
UPTUPT 1discoverer
VOUVOU 24discoverer(Voûte)
WEBWEB 2discoverer
WEIWEI 17discoverer(Weisse)
WGWG 1discoverer
WNCWNC 4or Winnecke 4, discoverer
WNOWNO 6Washington Naval Observatory
WRDWRD 1discoverer
WRHWRH 39discoverer
WZWZ 4discoverer

Referenced by pages:
Catalogue of Southern Double Stars
double star
rare designator prefixes
stellar designation
