(element, C, atomic number 6)
Carbon (C ) is the
element with atomic number 6, symbol C.
Its usual isotope has mass number 12,
but mass number 13 is stable and 14 has a 5730-year half-life .
It is the fourth most common element in the universe :
Milky-Way baryonic matter is on the order of 0.5% carbon by mass .
Carbon nuclei are synthesized by the CNO cycle and the
triple alpha process .
The carbon forbidden lines [CII] (e.g., 1900 GHz, 158 μm)
of singly-ionized carbon
(CII , i.e., C+ )
and [CI] (e.g., 492 GHz) of neutral carbon (CI )
are observed in cooling clouds , being the result of
fine structure atomic excitation from collisions:
the resulting photons have a high probability of
escaping the clouds, effectively turning
thermal kinetic energy into outgoing electromagnetic radiation .
Thus they are used, along with carbon monoxide spectral lines ,
to locate molecular clouds .
The former maps to a microwave atmospheric window
at high redshifts , thus has been proposed for mapping
the high-redshift universe.
The carbon to oxygen ratio of stars and protoplanetary disks
is of interest in identifying systems similar to ours, i.e., regarding
the potential for planets with Earth -like composition.
A substantially higher such ratio could lead to rocky planets
significantly different than those of the solar system .
(element,metal,chemistry )
Further reading:
Referenced by pages:
acetylene (C2 H2 )
alpha process (α process)
asymptotic giant branch (AGB)
Baldwin effect
bracket notation
carbon burning
carbon dioxide (CO2 )
carbon monoxide (CO)
carbon planet
carbon star (C)
carbonaceous chondrite (C chondrite)
carbonate-silicate cycle
CNO cycle
cosmic dust
dalton (Da)
diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs)
ethylene (C2 H4 )
fine structure
helium burning
horizontal branch (HB)
hydrocarbon (HC)
hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
HZE ion
ice giant
ionized carbon fine structure line ([CII])
J-region asymptotic giant branch (JAGB)
Lambda Boötis star (λ Boo)
mass number (A)
metallicity (Z)
methane (CH4 )
methylidyne (CH)
Millimeter-wave Intensity Mapping Experiment (mmIME)
neutron scattering
neutrons from carbon-13
nitrogen (N)
PAH emissions
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)
post-main-sequence star
radioactive dating
red clump (RC)
S-type star (S)
silicate weathering feedback
spectral class
state of ionization
Tomographic Ionized-carbon Mapping Experiment (TIME)
triple alpha process
white dwarf (WD)
Wolf-Rayet star
Notes to myself regarding this page