Astrophysics (Index)About

cosmological model

(model of the workings and history of the universe)

A cosmological model is a model of the universe's overall mechanism and history, an example being Lambda-CDM model, which is currently taken as the standard model. The term can be used for alternatives to Lambda-CDM and can also be used for models encompassing less detail (Big Bang theory), or models that presume Lambda-CDM (or an alternative), but include more detail, such as cosmological simulations. Alternatives to Lambda-CDM of sufficient interest to be considered in current research studies generally incorporate some alternate theory of gravity (other than general relativity, such as modified Newtonian dynamics), dark matter (with other than cold dark matter, such as fuzzy dark matter), and/or dark energy (with other than a cosmological constant, such as wCDM).

(astrophysics,model,cosmology,dark matter)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
Alcock-Paczyński effect (AP effect)
alternative cosmologies
Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN)
chemical equilibrium (CE)
cosmological equation of state
dark matter (DM)
density parameter
dispersion measure (DM)
dwarf galaxy problem
halo abundance matching (HAM)
redshift-angular size relation
repulsive dark matter (RDM)
Salpeter timescale
structure formation
