Astrophysics (Index)About


(nuclear fusion)
(formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei)

Fusion (specifically, nuclear fusion) is a general type of nuclear reaction, specifically, the formation of an atomic nucleus from smaller nuclei. Some fusion reactions release energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation and/or particles such as neutrinos, while others require energy to take place. Fusion (the former kind, releasing energy) is the primary source of energy in the long life of stars and is a factor in explosions such as supernovae. In both cases, it constitutes nucleosynthesis of the elements, e.g., that planets are ultimately made of.

The opposite nuclear reaction, division of a nucleus into multiple nuclei, is nuclear fission (or just fission). In both cases, certain conditions make the event more likely: for fusion, in addition to the particular particles that are input to the particular reaction, the particles must have enough kinetic energy in the form of heat. The requirements for fission are similar, but the kinetic energy is needed in an extra incoming particle (e.g., neutron) to trigger the fission event.

In both cases, a new nucleus (or nuclei) results, of a different element (or elements), i.e., with a different atomic number (number of protons), and a different mass number (number of nucleons, i.e., protons and neutrons). The true atomic mass is approximately the mass number, but is actually a touch larger or smaller because of the binding energy, i.e., the energy that holds this particular nucleus configuration together, which varies with the combination of atomic number and mass number. When the initial nuclei requires more binding energy than the resulting nuclei, the excess energy is released as the power provided by the fusion or fission. Alternately, when the final nuclei require more binding energy than the initial nuclei, energy is absorbed. The released (or absorbed) energy is the kinetic energy of the particles, i.e., their velocity is higher (or lower) than it otherwise would be (though some energy is also carried away by neutrinos generated). When many particles are undergoing the reaction, such an increase in motion constitutes heat. In cases where energy is needed, heat is absorbed, and the temperature must be high enough that sufficient heat is available.

In astrophysics, fusion is often informally referred to as burning, i.e., a star "burning hydrogen" or hydrogen burning to mean hydrogen nuclei fusing to produce something else. The word burning is being used metaphorically: hydrogen fusion is something like the process of chemically combining with oxygen to produce a different compound, but this burning is at the nuclear level: a nuclear process that produces a different nucleus and element.

Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
alpha capture
asymptotic giant branch (AGB)
binding energy
black hole (BH)
brown dwarf (BD)
carbon burning
carbon star (C)
cataclysmic variable star (CV)
CNO cycle
compact object (CO)
Compton scattering
core collapse
core collapse supernova (CCSN)
cross section
deuterium burning
electromagnetism (EM)
electron screening
endothermic reaction
equation of radiative transfer (RTE)
Gamow peak
giant star
globular cluster (GC)
gravitational collapse
gravitational potential energy
helium (He)
helium burning
helium flash
helium runaway
helium star
hot Jupiter (HJ)
hydrogen (H)
hydrogen burning
inflated radii
iron (Fe)
isothermal core
kappa mechanism (κ-mechanism)
Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism (KH mechanism)
lithium (Li)
lithium burning
main sequence star (MS)
mean free path
metallicity (Z)
Milky Way (MW)
neon burning
neutrons from carbon-13
nitrogen (N)
nuclear energy generation rate (ε)
oxygen burning
pair-instability supernova (PISN)
PG 1159 star
planetary nebula (PN)
positron (e+)
post-AGB star (pAGB)
post-main-sequence star
proton-proton chain
quantum number
quantum tunneling
random walk
red clump (RC)
red giant
red-giant branch (RGB)
RR Lyrae variable (RRL)
runaway process
Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit
silicon burning
solar neutrino
star formation (SF)
stellar core
stellar evolution
stellar structure
strong force
supernova (SN)
supernova progenitor
T-Tauri star (TTS)
tau neutrino (ντ)
thermal pulse (TP)
thermal runaway
timescale (t)
trans-iron element
triple alpha process
Type Ia supernova
Type Ia supernova problem
white dwarf (WD)
X-ray burster (XRB)
