Astrophysics (Index)About

color index

(a number that characterizes the color of an object)

An object's color index is its difference in magnitude as seen through two different filters, such as B versus V, or U versus B. Commonly seen color indexes are those of the bands standardized by the UBV photometric system; the most commonly-cited is B-V, the star's magnitude as observed through the B filter minus its magnitude through the V filter. The color index U-B is also commonly noted. A black body's color index is related to its temperature, and a color index of a star (which is somewhat like a black body) yields a temperature-determination termed a color temperature of the star. Color temperatures are reasonable rough estimates of a star's effective temperature and surface temperature, useful because they can be efficiently determined for large numbers of stars through photometry.

A color index is analogous to a human's perception of color (thus the name) in the following manner: the wavelengths perceived as "blue" are also present when the colors "white" or "gray" are perceived. We perceive the color blue when the ratio of the intensity in the blue wavelengths to the others (red, green, etc.) is high. Like this, color indexes, being differences in magnitude, express ratios of the intensity of different wavelength-ranges.

The color index reflects properties of the observed star, being generally unchanged by distance, making it a primary basis for analysis of stars too far for spectroscopy. However, the observed color index can be affected by properties of intervening matter, such as reddening. This effect is quantified by the color excess (EB-V), which is a star's actual (intrinsic or normal) color index minus its observed color index.

EB-V = (B-V)Observed - (B-V)Intrinsic

A good estimate of the color excess increases the accuracy and value of a star's color index.

Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
AB Aurigae (AB Aur)
AB Pictoris (AB Pic)
AD Leonis (AD Leo)
Algol (Beta Per)
Alpha Centauri (α Centauri)
aperture photometry
AU Microscopii (AU Mic)
Balmer-break galaxy (BBG)
Barnard's Star
Cepheid variable (CEP)
color temperature (TC)
color-color diagram (CCD)
color-magnitude diagram (CMD)
color-period diagram
DM Tau
effective temperature (Teff)
Epsilon Eridani (ε Eridani)
Epsilon Indi (ε Indi)
g-r color
galaxy age determination
galaxy main sequence
Giclas 29-38 (G 29-38)
HR 8799
infrared excess (IRX)
isochronal fitting
Kapteyn's Star
Lacaille 9352
Lalande 21185
line blanketing
Luyten 726-8
mass-radius relation
MWC 758
photometric system
Polaris (Alpha UMi)
Ross 154
Ross 248
spectral line designation
spectroscopic parallax
stellar radius determination
stellar temperature determination
Strömgren photometric system
supernova (SN)
T Tauri
telluric star
TW Hydrae (TW Hya)
UBV photometric system
VY Canis Majoris (VY CMa)
Wesenheit function
Wien's displacement law
Wolf 359
WR 140
