Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus) is the nearest
star system to the Earth beyond the Sun.
The entire system has three stars:
the two larger stars form a binary star:
Alpha Centauri A, a G2V-type star with absolute magnitude +4.38
and Alpha Centauri B a K1V-type star with absolute magnitude +5.71.
Without a telescope, they have the appearance of a single star,
orbiting in about 80 years, their eccentric orbit
varying the distance between them from 11 to 37 AU.
The third star is Alpha Centauri C or Proxima Centauri,
a red dwarf of spectral type M5.5Ve and an absolute magnitude of +15.6.
It is currently the closest of the three to Earth,
orbiting the binary system about once every half million years,
currently about a fifth of a light-year and
about 2 degrees' angular distance from the pair.
It has a confirmed extra-solar planet of interest, Proxima b,
that appears to be in its habitable zone.