Astrophysics (Index)About

spectral type

(classification of stars based upon spectral features)

A star's spectral type, indicated by its spectral class letter-code with a single-digit appended (e.g., "G2"), is a classification based upon the star's spectral features, the classes and specific types organized by the temperatures associated with the associated set of features. Ten such types for each class are commonly used, 0 (hottest) through 9 (coolest), except class O in which O2 is the hottest spectral type in common use. The difference between adjacent types (e.g., M5 and M6) is that particular spectral features indicated by the class are more or less prominent, reflecting some difference in temperature. Fractional types are sometimes used, e.g., O9.5, to further distinguish the spectrum. Commonly the spectral type is cited with a following Roman numeral (optionally appended) and sometimes with a further suffix. For example, the Sun's type is often listed as "G2V" and Barnard's Star as "M4 Ve". The Roman numeral indicates a luminosity class, which indicates the general size of the star (e.g., main sequence versus giant). Prefixes to the spectral type are also used in some cases. Two such prefixes:

With some prefixes, the rest of the spectral type code is specific to that type of star e.g., for white dwarf's spectral types sometimes match the scheme described here, but also has its own white-dwarf-specific types.

Suffixes b, ab, a, or a+ after the luminosity class "I" indicate the star as exceptionally luminous, used for supergiants and above. Other luminosity classes may also be given an a or b suffix, e.g., "A0 Va" for Vega, I presume to indicate more luminosity than usual. Other suffixes indicate unusual spectra (termed peculiar), generally appended to the luminosity class. Some of them:

A colon before the suffix indicates uncertainty, e.g., "G5V:e" for T Tauri. More such suffix codes appear in tables listing stars. I've developed the opinion that codes are sometimes coined for specific tables or lists of stars, and that sometimes such a "coined spectral type code" is later cited for the star with no explanation of the code.

I make a distinction between spectral type and spectral class, that such a class is a category of such types. However, the two terms are often used like they are synonyms.

Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
51 Pegasi b (51 Peg b)
AB Aurigae (AB Aur)
AB Pictoris (AB Pic)
AD Leonis (AD Leo)
Algol (Beta Per)
Alpha Centauri (α Centauri)
AU Microscopii (AU Mic)
Barnard's Star
Be star
Beta Centauri
binary star
bolometric correction
chemical tagging
DM Tau
Elias 2-27
Epsilon Eridani (ε Eridani)
Epsilon Indi (ε Indi)
Giclas 29-38 (G 29-38)
HD 114762
HL Tau
HR 8799
Kapteyn's Star
Lacaille 9352
Lalande 21185
LHS 1140
Luhman 16
luminosity class
Luyten 726-8
M-type star (M)
main sequence fitting
main sequence star (MS)
MWC 758
O-type star (O)
O5 spectral type (O5)
Polaris (Alpha UMi)
Ross 154
Ross 248
RS Ophiuchi (RS Oph)
Scholz's Star
shell star (sh)
spectral class
spectral line designation
spectral temperature
spectroscopic parallax
standard candle
stellar association
stellar distance determination
stellar kinematics
stellar luminosity determination
stellar mass determination
stellar parameter determination
stellar temperature determination
T Tauri
Teegarden's Star
TW Hydrae (TW Hya)
UBV photometric system
variable star
velocity-metallicity relation
VY Canis Majoris (VY CMa)
weak-line star
WISE 0855-0714 (W0855)
WISE 1506+7027
Wolf 359
WR 104
WR 140
