The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is a radio telescope
in Western Australia, operating at 70-300 MHz, aimed at detecting the
hydrogen21-cm lineredshifted from the
epoch of reionization (much like LOFAR).
It is at the Murchison Radio AstronomyObservatory
(MRO) north of Perth.
An initial phase (MWA-128 or Phase I) was completed in 2012,
with a collecting area of 512 square meters in 128 tiles
(each tile consisting of a regular 4×4 grid of 16 dipole
antennas, in some descriptions the whole tile being termed an "antenna").
In 2017-2018, it was enlarged (Phase II) to 256 tiles,
offering baselines up to 5 km.
Original descriptions of the MWA were for 512 tiles, so further
expansion seems possible, but the correlator has been a
bottleneck and a recent effort has been the installation of one
capable of processing data from all the current 256 tiles.