Astrophysics (Index)About

supernova survey

(supernova search)
(survey to identify and/or study supernovae)

Surveys aiming at supernovae include initiatives to find them. Spotting them soon in order to gather data early in their life is of considerable value but requires continuous specialized observation. The Rubin Observatory (LSST) will likely handle much of this, at least for those not at cosmological distances. Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) currently serves this purpose, along with the monitoring of data from other existing surveys that repeatedly cover much of the sky, including as Pan-STARRS and ATLAS survey which are primarily looking for solar system near-Earth objects, and Gaia, which is determining proper motions of stars throughout the celestial sphere.

Surveys specifically of Type Ia supernovae (Type Ia supernova surveys) have been of interest in cosmology, as standard candles to help determine the Hubble constant. They were instrumental in recognizing the acceleration that motived the concept of dark energy.

Some surveys dedicated to or including supernovae discoveries:

Supernova and candidate discoveries are currently tracked by the Transient Name Server, a clearinghouse for discovered transients.

Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
Calán/Tololo Supernova Survey
cosmological equation of state
faint blue galaxy (FBG)
intergalactic dust
Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP)
Swope Supernova Survey (SSS)
