Term Index (A)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter A.
- A (A-type star): star with spectral characteristics of around 8500 K
- A (mass number): number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- A: see APM Galaxy Survey
- A: see Abell Catalog
- A: see Ariel 5
- A: see Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies
- A: see double star designation
- A: see rare designator prefixes
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- a (scale factor): relative size of the universe as a function of time
- A Bag of Stellar Tracks and Isochrones (BaSTI): database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- A Broadband Imaging X-ray All-sky Survey: failed 1999 space mission
- A catalog of southern groups and clusters of galaxies (Duus-Newell catalog): list of southern galaxies/clusters assembled in 1970s
- A Multiwavelength Study of ELAN Environments (AMUSE²): survey of ELANs
- A sample of 669 ultra steep spectrum radio sources to find high redshift radio galaxies (USS Sources): catalog of sources with steep spectral index
- A&A (Astronomy & Astrophysics): European scientific journal
- A&G Unit: see William Herschel Telescope
- AΩ (etendue): measure of how wide and deep a telescope observes
- A+E galaxy: see emission line galaxy
- A-class: see A-type star
- A-class star (A-type star): star with spectral characteristics of around 8500 K
- A-LIST: catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- A-type star: star with spectral characteristics of around 8500 K
- Am star: A-type star with metallic lines
- Ap star: peculiar type of A star
- A/2017 U1 (Oumuamua): small body that passed through the solar system in 2017
- A0 V star
- A1: see HEAO-1
- A1689 (Abell 1689): very massive galaxy cluster
- A1689: see rare designator prefixes
- A2: see HEAO-1
- A2744: see rare designator prefixes
- A3: see HEAO-1
- A4: see HEAO-1
- A66 85: see Abell 85
- A85 (Abell 85): galaxy cluster with central giant elliptical galaxy
- aw (water activity): measure of partial vapor pressure of water
- A0 (axion): proposed light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- AAA (Amateur Astronomers Association of New York): American organization
- AAO/UKST Hα Survey: see SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
- AAOmega: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- AAP: see Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
- AAS (American Astronomical Society): American organization
- AAS Job Register: directory of astrophysics jobs
- AAT (Anglo-Australian Telescope): 3.9-m reflector telescope in Australia
- AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers): organization of amateur observers of variable stars
- APASS: down to 16 magnitude
- AAVSO Photometric All-sky Survey (APASS): down to 16 magnitude
- AB: see rare designator prefixes
- AB Aur (AB Aurigae): YSO with disk apparently forming planets
- AB Aurigae: YSO with disk apparently forming planets
- AB Aurigae b: see AB Aurigae
- AB magnitude (AB system): monochromatic magnitude calibration based upon absolute values
- AB magnitude system (AB system): monochromatic magnitude calibration based upon absolute values
- AB Pic (AB Pictoris): K-type star with possible planet
- AB Pictoris: K-type star with possible planet
- AB Pictoris b: see AB Pictoris
- AB system: monochromatic magnitude calibration based upon absolute values
- ABBA (ADC Backend For Bolometer Array): APEX instrument
- abbreviation
- AMOS: Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference
- API: application programming interface
- BEL: broad emission line
- BJD: barycentric Julian day
- BOAT: brightest of all time
- CfP: call for proposals
- CHNOPS: six common elements in biological molecules
- CHON: four common elements in biological molecules
- COTS: commercial off-the-shelf
- CST: variable star type meaning it is currently thought non-variable
- DEIA: abbreviation used for US government efforts
- DRDF: "Director's Research and Development Fund"
- DRS: data reduction system
- EIE: Italian engineering company that produces astronomical equipment
- EPO: "education and public outreach"
- FTL: "faster than light"
- GCRT: galactic center radio transient
- global navigation satellite system: type of space-based service that can impede radio astronomy
- high time-resolution astrophysics: second-by-second observation of/for transients
- HRS: high resolution spectrography
- Intracluster: region between objects of a cluster such as between stars in a star cluster
- laser com: laser communications
- line of sight: line between observer and observed object
- LN2: "liquid nitrogen"
- LOSVD: line-of-sight velocity distribution
- LPR: for "light pollution reduction"
- maggie: AB magnitude
- MSSSO: Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
- nanomaggie: a billionth of an AB magnitude
- NELM: naked eye limiting magnitude
- non-thermal: regarding radiation other than black-body
- PDR: review checking initial design with requirements
- RIX: enquiry/answer about some issue regarding a project review
- Stripe 82: SDSS field in southern hemisphere
- TAC: telescope allocation committee
- TAC: time allocation committee (for telescopes)
- telescope nut: avid amateur telescope maker self-description
- telescope operator: professional technical position at a research telescope site
- thermal infrared: infrared emission due to black body radiation
- TLM: magnitude of the dimmest astronomical object you can see
- TOA: time of arrival
- ToO: target of opportunity
- total infrared: typically meaning a wide wavelength range covering NIR to FIR
- total infrared luminosity: luminosity over a wide IR range
- UF: "ultra faint"
- unidentified flying object: reported but unexplained observation
- Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist: interplanetary method of Galileo spacecraft
- very low luminosity object: term sometimes used for protostars with luminosity less than 0.1 solar
- very low mass: abbreviation
- very small grains: dust grains of just a few molecules
- white paper: paper giving a general explanation of an issue or proposal
- WIT: "what is it" for an unexplainable object
- WIYN: Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO
- wrt: "with respect to"
- zenith hourly rate: a meteor shower's maximum meteors/per/hour rate
- ABC (Approximate Bayesian Computation): shortcut-method in Bayesian statistics
- Abel 3627
- ESO 137-001: barred spiral galaxy in the Abell 3627 cluster
- Abell (Abell Catalog): galaxy cluster catalog assembled over 1950s-1980s
- Abell: see Palomar Globular Clusters
- Abell: see rare designator prefixes
- Abell 1367
- Abell 1656
- Abell 1689: very massive galaxy cluster
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- Abell 262
- Abell 2667
- Abell 347
- Abell 426 (Perseus Cluster): large galaxy cluster in the Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
- Abell 85: galaxy cluster with central giant elliptical galaxy
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- Abell Catalog: galaxy cluster catalog assembled over 1950s-1980s
- aberration: types of flaws in telescope images
- Abetti: see rare designator prefixes
- ABGC: see Abell Catalog
- abiotic: produced by something other than life
- abiotic oxygen: oxygen from non-life sources
- ablation: erosion of the surface of an object
- ABRIXAS (A Broadband Imaging X-ray All-sky Survey): failed 1999 space mission
- ABS (Atacama B-Mode Search): 2012-2014 survey of the CMB
- ABS telescope: see Atacama B-Mode Search
- absolute abundance: see metallicity
- absolute astrometry: see astrometry
- absolute bolometric magnitude (bolometric magnitude): absolute magnitude of all wavelengths
- absolute hot: see Planck units
- absolute magnitude: magnitude as would be seen from 10 parsecs
- absolute metallicity: see metallicity
- absolute photometry: see photometry
- Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission (ARCADE): balloon-borne centimeter-wavelength surveyor
- absolute zero: see kelvin
- absorptance: see emissivity
- absorption: removal of photons from a beam of EMR
- absorption band: see spectral band
- absorption coefficient: measure of how much light a substance absorbs
- opacity: a measure of opaqueness of a material
- absorption cross section: see absorption coefficient
- absorption line: dark line within a spectrum
- absorption line galaxy: see emission line galaxy
- absorption nebula (dark nebula): cloud that obscures stars behind it
- absorption redshift: see redshift
- absorption spectroscopy (transmission spectroscopy): spectrum of radiation passing through a substance
- absorptivity: see emissivity
- abstract algebra
- abundance notation (bracket notation): notation for a comparison of an abundance ratio with that of the Sun
- abundance ratio: see abundances
- abundance ratio: see bracket notation
- abundance retrieval: see retrieval
- abundances: relative amounts of each chemical element
- abundances of the chemical elements (abundances): relative amounts of each chemical element
- AC (Astrographic Catalog): historical star catalog of the whole sky to magnitude 11
- AC: see AGILE
- AC: see double star designation
- AC: see rare designator prefixes
- ACA: see Atacama Large Millimeter Array
- Academia Sinica
- Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics: Taiwanese astrophysics research organization
- ACAM: see William Herschel Telescope
- ACBAR: instrument used in a CMB survey
- ACBAR 2008: see ACBAR
- ACBAR08: see ACBAR
- Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery: AIAA interest group
- Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun: see THEMIS
- accelerometer: see gravimetry
- accreting X-ray pulsar (X-ray pulsar): pulsar producing X-rays from accretion
- accretion: enlargement of an astronomical body by gravitationally attracting additional mass
- accretion disk: disk around an astronomical body of material that is accreting
- accretion induced collapse: see Type Ia supernova
- accretion luminosity: see accretion
- accretion rate: rate of addition of mass to an object
- accretion rate: see accretion
- accretion runaway: see accretion
- accretor: see mass transfer
- ACE (Advanced Composition Explorer): satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- ACe consortium: corporations contracted to construct E-ELT
- ACES: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- Air-SPEC: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- ASPIRE: mechanism to stabilize observations from an airplane
- acetylene: compound of two carbon and two hydrogen atoms
- ACH: see rare designator prefixes
- Achernar: ninth-brightest star in the sky
- achondrite: see chondrite
- achondrite: see meteorite
- achromatic transit
- acidity: measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution
- ACIS: imaging spectrometer on Chandra X-ray telescope
- ACIS: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Ack: see rare designator prefixes
- ACM (Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors): special-interest meeting
- ACO: see Abell Catalog
- ACO 85 (Abell 85): galaxy cluster with central giant elliptical galaxy
- ACOS: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- acoustic frequency: see asteroseismology
- acoustic peak: see baryon acoustic oscillations
- acoustic scale: see baryon acoustic oscillations
- ACP: see Cassini
- ACR (anomalous cosmic rays): cosmic rays with unexpectedly low energies
- ACRIM: see Solar Maximum Mission
- ACRIM2: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- ACRs
- SAMPEX: 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- ACS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- ACS: see PHAT
- ACS: see Trace Gas Orbiter
- ACSIS: see James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- ACT (Atacama Cosmology Telescope): 6-meter microwave survey telescope in Chile
- ACT: see Hipparcos
- ACT Reference Catalog: see Hipparcos
- ACT Survey
- ACT-RC: see Hipparcos
- actinide: see lanthanide
- actinide nucleosynthesis: see lanthanide
- actinium: see lanthanide
- active BHB: see black hole binary
- active BHMF: see black hole mass function
- active black hole mass function: see black hole mass function
- active comet: see comet
- active galactic nucleus: central region of a galaxy with extremely high luminosity
- active galaxy: galaxy with an active, i.e., extremely luminous central region
- Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers (AMPTE): three spacecraft experimenting on Earth magnetosphere
- active phase: see symbiotic binary
- activity (stellar activity): transient behavior of a star
- ACTPol: see Atacama Cosmology Telescope
- ACTPol Survey
- actuator: telescope control motor
- ACV: see variable star
- ACYG: see pulsating star
- Rigel: brightest star in constellation Orion
- AD Leo (AD Leonis): active red dwarf
- AD Leonis: active red dwarf
- ADAF (advection dominated accretion flow): accretion without radiating much energy
- ADAM: procedure to retrieve the shape of an asteroid
- ADAM::THOR: computerized system for discovering asteroids in observation data
- adaptive alignment: see segmented mirror
- adaptive mesh refinement: numerical modeling method balancing detail with tractability
- adaptive optics: optical mechanism to compensate for varying atmospheric distortion
- adaptive refinement tree: algorithm-type for solving n-body problem
- adaptive-optics (adaptive optics): optical mechanism to compensate for varying atmospheric distortion
- ADBS: see rare designator prefixes
- ADC (Astronomical Data Center): 1980s-1990s NASA/Goddard data archive
- ADC Backend For Bolometer Array: APEX instrument
- ADDGALS: method of galaxy mock-catalog creation
- Adding Density Dependent Galaxies to Lightcone Simulations (ADDGALS): method of galaxy mock-catalog creation
- ADEC: NASA unit to coordinate efforts of data archiving and dissemination
- ADF (Astrophysics Data Facility): former NASA unit responsible for data from NASA astrophysics missions
- ADI (angular differential imaging): using telescope rotation to suppress speckles
- ADI+RDI: see reference star differential imaging
- adiabatic index: see specific heat
- adiabatic process: process that occurs with no transfer of heat
- ADIS (Astrophysics Data and Information Services): perhaps one-time name for NASA ADF or ADS
- Aditya-L1: 2023 spacecraft viewing Sun and analyzing solar wind
- AdLIGO: see LIGO
- aDM (atomic dark matter): theory of particle dark matter in which they interact
- admittance: effect of atmospheric pressure on gravity
- ADMX (Axion Dark Matter Experiment): a search for axions as potential dark matter particles
- ADMX G2: see Axion Dark Matter Experiment
- ADONIS: see ESO 3.6m Telescope
- ADONIS: see New Technology Telescope
- ADOPT: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- ADP: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Adrastea: see shepherd moon
- Adron-RM: see Rosalind Franklin
- ADS (Aitken Double Star Catalogue): 1932 catalog with both multiple-star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- ADS (Astrophysics Data System): online astrophysics bibliography and paper archive
- AdS (anti-de Sitter space): type of curved space
- AdS/CFT correspondence: see holographic duality
- adsorption: adhesion to a surface
- AdvACT: see Atacama Cosmology Telescope
- AdvACT Survey
- Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS): imaging spectrometer on Chandra X-ray telescope
- Advanced Composition Explorer: satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- Advanced Dark Energy Physics Telescope
- Advanced LIGO: see LIGO
- Advanced Radio Interferometry Between Space and Earth (ARISE): concept for an inflated 25-meter radio telescope in space
- Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite (ARGOS): 1999 technology-research satellite
- Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics (ASCA): 1990s Japanese space X-ray telescope
- Advanced Technology Large Aperture Space Telescope: see LUVOIR
- Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (DKIST): 4 m solar telescope at Haleakala Observatory
- Advanced Technology Telescope: see ANU 2.3m Telescope
- Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics
- ATHENA: planned ESA X-ray space telescope
- Advanced Virgo: see Virgo
- Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (Chandra X-ray Observatory): space X-ray telescope
- Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS): concept for space X-ray observatory
- advection: transport of something through a fluid's motion
- advection dominated accretion flow: accretion without radiating much energy
- advection length scale: see advection
- advection timescale: see advection
- timescale: general length of time something takes
- advection velocity scale: see advection
- Ae star: see Be star
- AEGIS: early 2000s survey study of distant galaxies
- Aeolis Mons: see Mars Science Laboratory
- aeon (gigayear): a billion years
- aerobraking
- aerodynamics: see hydrodynamics
- Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere: spacecraft to study upper Earth atmosphere
- aerosols: particles suspended in an atmosphere
- Aesara: see PyMC
- AF2: see William Herschel Telescope
- AFEOV (Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables): French organization formed in 1920s
- AFG: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- AFGL (AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey): 1970s infrared survey
- AFGL (Air Force Geophysics Laboratory): merged into the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
- AFGL: see AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey
- AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey: 1970s infrared survey
- afrc (Armstrong Flight Research Center): NASA aeronautical research center in California
- Africa Millimetre Telescope: planned 15-m radio telescope array in Namibia
- Africa Millimetre Telescope: see Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope
- afterglow: see gamma-ray burst
- MarsWRF: Mars-oriented general circulation model
- AG (Astronomische Gesellschaft): German astronomical society
- AG: see rare designator prefixes
- Ag: see rare designator prefixes
- AGB (asymptotic giant branch): a second stage of helium burning in some stars
- AGB star: see asymptotic giant branch
- AGC (Arecibo General Catalog): catalog of galaxies to support ALFALFA surveys
- AGC: see Abell Catalog
- AGC: see rare designator prefixes
- age
- age of the universe (Hubble time): approximation of the age of the universe
- age of the universe: see Lambda-CDM model
- age-metallicity relation: older stars generally have lower metallicity
- age-velocity-dispersion relation: relation between stellar age and peculiar velocity
- age-velocity-metallicity relation: see velocity-metallicity relation
- Agena (Beta Centauri): second brightest star in Centaurus
- Agenzia Spaziale Italiana: includes space-based astronomy research
- AGILE: past Italian space gamma-ray observatory
- AGK (Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog): 19th/20th century astrometric catalog
- AGK1: see Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog
- AGK2: see Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog
- AGK3: see Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog
- AGKR: see Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog
- AGL: see AGILE
- AGN (active galactic nucleus): central region of a galaxy with extremely high luminosity
- AGN accretion: an SMBH's accretion, such as powers AGNs/quasars
- AGN bubble: see active galactic nucleus
- AGN corona: plasma surrounding or near an AGN
- AGN corona: see corona
- AGN feedback: see active galactic nucleus
- AGN feedback: see star formation feedback
- AGN jet: see jet
- AGN microlensing: see gravitational microlensing
- AGN outflow: see active galactic nucleus
- AGPS: see ASCA
- AGU (American Geophysical Union): US organization
- AH03: see rare designator prefixes
- Ahmed: see rare designator prefixes
- AI
- AIA: see Solar Dynamics Observatory
- AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics): society of engineers
- AIC (Akaike information criterion): particular formula for comparison of statistical models
- AIC: see Type Ia supernova
- AIC corrected: see Akaike information criterion
- AICc: see Akaike information criterion
- AIM (Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere): spacecraft to study upper Earth atmosphere
- AIM-CO: survey of CO from star-forming epoch
- AIPS (Astronomical Image Processing System): software for processing radio astronomy data
- AIPS++: see Astronomical Image Processing System
- Air Force Geophysics Laboratory: merged into the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
- Air Force Geophysics Laboratory: see AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey
- Air Force Weather Agency
- MarsWRF: Mars-oriented general circulation model
- air mass (airmass): measure of Earth-atmosphere attenuation for a telescope observation
- air shower: particles and EMR generated in the atmosphere by incoming particle or EMR
- Air-SPEC: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- ACES: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- ASPIRE: mechanism to stabilize observations from an airplane
- airborne
- ACES: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- Air-SPEC: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- ARCADE: balloon-borne centimeter-wavelength surveyor
- Archeops: balloon-borne 1.3 m submillimeter telescope
- ASPIRE: mechanism to stabilize observations from an airplane
- ASTHROS: balloon-borne 2.5-m submillimeter telescope
- BLAST: balloon-borne 1.8-m submillimeter telescope
- BOOMERanG: 1990s-2000s balloon-borne 1.3-meter millimeter telescope
- BUSS: 1970s balloon-based ultraviolet astronomy mission
- CIBER: sounding-rocket survey of near-infrared background
- COSI: 2000s balloon-based gamma ray telescope
- EBEX: balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- ESIS: EUV spectrograph for solar corona observation
- EUSO-SPB: balloon-borne cosmic ray observatory
- EXCLAIM: planned balloon-borne 70-cm telescope with spectrometers
- Galileo Observatory: 1960s-1970s infrared observatory aircraft
- GUSTO: balloon-borne 0.9-m far-infrared telescope
- Kuiper Airborne Observatory: infrared observatory-plane in the 1980s
- LSPE-SWIPE: plan for a balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- MAXIMA: 1998-1999 balloon-borne 1.3-meter millimeter telescope
- QMAP: mid 1990s balloon-based CMB survey
- SCAP: 1980s balloon-borne ultraviolet telescope
- SOFIA: aircraft-based infrared observatory
- SPIDER: 2015 balloon-borne observatory to observe CMB polarization
- STUDIO: balloon-borne 0.5-m ultraviolet telescope
- SUNRISE: balloon-borne 1-meter solar telescope
- SuperBIT: balloon-borne 0.5-m telescope
- Taurus: balloon-borne polarimeter to study the CMB
- TIM: planned balloon-borne 2-m telescope and spectrometer
- TopHat: 2001 balloon -based CMB survey
- Airborne Coronal Emission Surveyor (ACES): a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- Air-SPEC: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- ASPIRE: mechanism to stabilize observations from an airplane
- Airborne Infrared Spectrometer (Air-SPEC): a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- Airborne Spectro-Polarization Infrared Experiment: see ASPIRE
- Airborne Stabilized Platform for Infrared Experiments (ASPIRE): mechanism to stabilize observations from an airplane
- ACES: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- airglow: glow from a planet's atmosphere
- airmass: measure of Earth-atmosphere attenuation for a telescope observation
- Airy disc (Airy disk): image-pattern an optical system produces from light from a point
- Airy disk: image-pattern an optical system produces from light from a point
- Airy pattern (Airy disk): image-pattern an optical system produces from light from a point
- AIS: see Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- Aitken Double Star Catalogue: 1932 catalog with both multiple-star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- AJ (Astronomical Journal): American Astronomical Society journal
- Akaike information criterion: particular formula for comparison of statistical models
- AKARI: Japanese space infrared telescope
- Akeno Giant Air Shower Array
- AL: see NIRCam
- Al (aluminum): element, Al, atomic number 13
- Al: see rare designator prefixes
- Alabama
- ALaMO (Automated Lunar and Meteor Observatory): ground observatory in Alabama to record Moon-meteoroid impacts
- albedo: measure of reflectance
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- albedo feature: see albedo
- Albion
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- Alcaino: see rare designator prefixes
- Alcock-Paczyński effect: type of distortion of the apparent depth of galaxy clusters
- Alcock-Paczyński test: see Alcock-Paczyński effect
- ALD: see rare designator prefixes
- ALESS: see LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Submillimetre Survey
- ALESS: see submillimeter galaxy designator
- Alessi: see rare designator prefixes
- ALEXIS: 1990s soft X-ray transient monitor
- ALFA: see Arecibo Observatory
- ALFALFA: HI survey of many galaxies
- PALFA: Arecibo search for pulsars
- ALFALFA: HI survey of many galaxies
- Alfvén Mach number: see Alfvén wave
- Alfvén Mach number: see Mach number
- Alfvén number: see Alfvén wave
- Alfvén number: see Mach number
- Alfvén point: see Alfvén wave
- Alfvén radius
- neutron star: stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- Alfvén speed: see Alfvén wave
- Alfvén velocity: see Alfvén wave
- Alfvén wave: a type of transverse wave along magnetic field lines in plasma
- plasma wave: wave incorporating the EM forces within plasma
- Alfven Wave Solar Atmosphere Model: see SWMF
- algebra
- Algol: a multiple-star system demonstrating effects of mass transfer
- Algol paradox: see Algol
- Algol variable: see Algol
- Algol variable: see variable star
- Algols: see Algol
- Algonquin Radio Observatory: 46 meter radio telescope
- algorithm
- adaptive refinement tree: algorithm-type for solving n-body problem
- HARM²: technique for parallelizing computations of radiation with hydrodynamics
- Alicante: see rare designator prefixes
- ALICE: see Rosetta
- Alice: see New Horizons
- aLIGO: see LIGO
- Alinda
- Aliqa Uma stream
- alkane: see hydrocarbon
- alkene: see hydrocarbon
- alkyne: see hydrocarbon
- all sky
- All Sky Automated Survey: Polish survey of 20 million objects brighter than 14 magnitude
- All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae: survey of both hemispheres for supernovae
- all sky survey
- survey field: portion of the celestial sphere where a survey's observations aim
- All-Data Asteroid Modeling: see ADAM::THOR
- All-Data Asteroid Modelling (ADAM): procedure to retrieve the shape of an asteroid
- All-Sky Compiled Catalogue: 2001 catalog compiled from modern sources
- All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS): early 2000s survey study of distant galaxies
- Allen Telescope Array: array of radio telescopes in northern California for SETI
- Aller: see rare designator prefixes
- ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array): advanced millimeter-telescope array in Chile
- ALMA: see MAPS
- ALMA Protostellar Interferometric Line Survey (ALMA-PILS Survey): millimeter survey of a protostar
- ALMA Prototype Antenna (ARO 12m Telescope): twelve meter microwave telescope at KPNO
- ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble UDF (ASPECS): millimeter survey of HUDF
- ALMA-LESS: see LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Submillimetre Survey
- ALMA-PILS Survey: millimeter survey of a protostar
- ALMACAL: galaxy survey using ALMA calibration observations
- almost dark galaxy: see dark galaxy
- Alnilam
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- ALONG: see NIRCam
- Alopeke: see Gemini Observatory
- ALP: see axion
- alpha (alpha particle): essentially a helium nucleus produced by radioactivity
- alpha abundance: see alpha-enhanced
- Alpha Aurigae (Capella): brightest star in Auriga
- Alpha Canis Majoris (Sirius): brightest star in the sky
- alpha capture: combination of a nucleus and an incoming alpha particle
- Alpha Centauri: nearest star system
- Proxima b: exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri
- Starshot: plan for mission to fly by Alpha Centauri
- Alpha Centauri A: see Alpha Centauri
- Alpha Centauri B: see Alpha Centauri
- Alpha Centauri C: see Alpha Centauri
- alpha CO: ratio of CO emissions to H2
- Alpha Cygni variable (BA supergiant): very bright giant star
- Alpha Cygni variable: see pulsating star
- Rigel: brightest star in constellation Orion
- alpha decay: see alpha particle
- alpha decay: see radioactive decay
- radioactivity: an unstable nucleus's tendency to change through emission of particles
- alpha disk: well-known model of an accretion disk
- alpha element: element created by alpha capture
- alpha enhancement: see alpha-enhanced
- Alpha Eridani (Achernar): ninth-brightest star in the sky
- alpha ladder (alpha process): synthesis of elements through alpha capture
- Alpha Lyrae (Vega): brightest star in constellation Lyra
- Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02): particle detector on ISS
- Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse): second brightest star in constellation Orion
- alpha particle: essentially a helium nucleus produced by radioactivity
- alpha poor: see alpha-enhanced
- alpha poor disk: see alpha-enhanced
- alpha process: synthesis of elements through alpha capture
- magnesium: element, Mg, atomic number 12
- neon: element, Ne, atomic number 10
- alpha rays
- alpha rich (alpha-enhanced): metallicity with a high percentage of alpha elements
- alpha rich disk: see alpha-enhanced
- alpha species (alpha element): element created by alpha capture
- Alpha² Canum Venaticorum variable: see variable star
- alpha-enhanced: metallicity with a high percentage of alpha elements
- alpha-to-iron ratio: see alpha-enhanced
- ALPO (Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers): international scientific organization
- ALS: see rare designator prefixes
- Alstadi
- alt-azimuth mount (altazimuth mount): simple two-axis telescope mount
- Alt/Az system (horizontal coordinate system): celestial coordinate system based upon horizon and north
- Altair: see Gemini Observatory
- altazimuth mount: simple two-axis telescope mount
- altazimuth system (horizontal coordinate system): celestial coordinate system based upon horizon and north
- altazimuth telescope: see altazimuth mount
- alternating current
- alternative cosmologies: cosmological models other than Big Bang/Lambda-CDM
- altitude: see horizontal coordinate system
- altitude-azimuth mount (altazimuth mount): simple two-axis telescope mount
- aluminium (aluminum): element, Al, atomic number 13
- aluminum: element, Al, atomic number 13
- CAI: calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- cosmic dust: dust in space such as interstellar dust
- globular cluster: spherical group of stars orbiting a galaxy
- AM (Arp-Madore Catalog of Southern Peculiar Galaxies): 1970s-1980s catalog from the UK Schmidt Survey
- AM: see rare designator prefixes
- AM Herculis star: see variable star
- Am star: A-type star with metallic lines
- Am-Fm: see chemically peculiar star
- AMANDA: see IceCube
- AMASE (Astrophysics Multi-spectral Archive Search Engine): 1990s search tool
- Amaterasu particle
- amateur
- amateur astronomer: see amateur astronomy
- Amateur Astronomers Association of New York: American organization
- amateur astronomy: astronomy carried out as a hobby
- amateur telescope: see amateur astronomy
- Amateur Telescope Making: abbreviation for the activity
- AMBER: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- AME (anomalous microwave emission): component of microwave background discovered in the 1990s
- American Association of Variable Star Observers: organization of amateur observers of variable stars
- APASS: down to 16 magnitude
- American Astronomical Society: American organization
- American Geophysical Union: US organization
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: society of engineers
- American Meteor Society: meteor-science promotion organization
- American Museum of Natural History: NYC museum carrying out research including astrophysics
- American National Standards Institute: USA standards organization
- American Physical Society: American physics organization
- American Workshop on Cometary Astronomy: renamed to be international, i.e., IWCA
- AMES Research Center: NASA lab in silicon valley
- AMI (Arcminute Microkelvin Imager): pair of microwave arrays
- AMI (aperture masking interferometry): interferometry by means of a single telescope with a mask
- AMI LA: see Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
- AMI Large Array: see Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
- AMI SA: see Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
- AMI Small Array: see Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
- AMiBA (Yuan-Tseh Lee Array): microwave interferometer in Hawaii
- AMICA: see Infrared Telescope Maffei
- AMIE: see SMART-1
- amine: type of compound containing nitrogen
- amino acid
- glycine: smallest of the twenty common amino acids
- amino acids
- amine: type of compound containing nitrogen
- Lego principle: principle that life is associated with a skew in molecule abundances
- ammonia: particular compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
- amine: type of compound containing nitrogen
- ammonium hydroxide
- hydroxyl: one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom bound together
- AMNH (American Museum of Natural History): NYC museum carrying out research including astrophysics
- Amor: see near-Earth object
- amorphous galaxy: see irregular galaxy
- amorphous ice: see ice
- snow line: distance from protostar so cool that water condenses
- amorphous ice snow line: see snow line
- amorphous-to-crystal ice transition radius: see snow line
- AMOS: Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference
- amount of substance
- diffusion: the spreading of particles toward an even distribution
- amp
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- ampere
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- Ampere's law
- amplitude: the height of a wave
- amplitude interferometer
- amplitude spectral density: see spectral density
- AMPTE: three spacecraft experimenting on Earth magnetosphere
- AMR (adaptive mesh refinement): numerical modeling method balancing detail with tractability
- AMR (age-metallicity relation): older stars generally have lower metallicity
- AMS (American Meteor Society): meteor-science promotion organization
- AMS: see AMS-02
- AMS-01: see AMS-02
- AMS-02: particle detector on ISS
- AMT (Africa Millimetre Telescope): planned 15-m radio telescope array in Namibia
- AMT: see Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope
- amu (dalton): mass unit used on atomic scale
- Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (South Pole Station): science station at the South Pole
- AMUSE²: survey of ELANs
- AN (Astronomische Nachrichten): German scientific publication
- An: see lanthanide
- ANAIS-112: dark matter detection experiment in Spain
- analog computer: see numerical methods
- analysis
- analyte: see titration
- analytical methods: using solved equations rather than a lot of arithmetic
- anastigmat: optics avoiding common aberrations
- anastigmatic lens: see anastigmat
- ancient
- Hipparchus: Greek astronomer who developed concept of magnitude
- And: see Andromeda
- And I
- ANDES: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- Andrews-Lindsay: see rare designator prefixes
- Andromeda: spiral galaxy in the Local Group
- Giant Stellar Stream: extensive stellar stream in M31
- Milkomeda: future galaxy resulting from merger of Milky Way and Andromeda
- PHAT: HST survey of M31 stars
- shell galaxy: galaxy with one or more surrounding layers of brightness
- Andromeda Galaxy Amplified Pixels Experiment: see POINT-AGAPE
- Andromeda I
- Andromeda II
- Andromeda subgroup
- Andromeda-Milky Way collision: see Milkomeda
- anemic galaxy: see spiral galaxy
- angle
- angle of incidence
- angle of refraction
- Anglo-Australian Telescope: 3.9-m reflector telescope in Australia
- angstrom: unit of length 10-10 meters
- angular acoustic scale: see baryon acoustic oscillations
- angular area (solid angle): three-dimensional analog of an angle
- field of view: angular measure of how much an optical instrument can view
- angular degree: see arcsecond
- angular diameter: diameter of astronomical object in terms of its angle across the sky
- angular diameter: see angular distance
- angular diameter distance
- angular differential imaging: using telescope rotation to suppress speckles
- angular distance: measure of an angle across the sky
- angular frequency: see frequency
- angular hour: see arcsecond
- angular hour: see right ascension
- angular magnification: a magnification measure for a magnifier with an eyepiece
- angular momentum
- angular power spectrum: method of characterizing the CMB
- angular radius: see angular distance
- angular resolution: measure of a telescope's ability to distinguish spatial detail
- parallax: angle due to different lines of sight
- point source: celestial object that focuses to a point or single Airy disk
- angular size: see angular distance
- angular size-redshift relation (redshift-angular size relation): how observed size of an object depends on its redshift
- angular two-point correlation
- angular velocity
- angular wavenumber: see wavenumber
- anion: see ion
- nitrite: ion of a nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms with extra electron
- ANIR: see University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory
- anisotropic: see anisotropy
- anisotropic explosion: see anisotropy
- SN 1987A: supernova in February 1987 rare for being visible by the naked eye
- anisotropy: directional-dependence such as temperature variation around the CMB
- Anlitak
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- annihilation: see antimatter
- annual modulation: see dark matter detector
- anomalistic year: planet's time between successive periapses
- anomalistic year: see sidereal
- anomalous cosmic rays: cosmic rays with unexpectedly low energies
- SAMPEX: 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- anomalous microwave emission: component of microwave background discovered in the 1990s
- anomalous X-ray pulsar: X-ray pulsars with no high-mass companion
- magnetar: neutron star with a strong magnetic field
- Anon: see Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies
- Anon: see rare designator prefixes
- anorthite
- CAI: calcium/aluminum specs in chondrites
- ANS (Astronomical Netherlands Satellite): 1970s X-ray/ultraviolet space telescope
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute): USA standards organization
- Antalova: see rare designator prefixes
- Antarctic Circle: see circle of latitude
- Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array: see IceCube
- Antarctica
- antenna noise temperature (antenna temperature): a type of measure of the noise introduced by an antenna
- antenna pattern: a radio telescope's pattern of directional sensitivity
- antenna temperature: a type of measure of the noise introduced by an antenna
- Anthropocene era: theorized geological era substantially influenced by human activity
- anti-de Sitter space: type of curved space
- anticenter (galactic anticenter): direction opposite the galactic center
- Anticenter Shell: nebula at edge of Milky Way
- Anticenter Superbubble (Anticenter Shell): nebula at edge of Milky Way
- anticharge: see strong force
- antielectron (positron): electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- antihydrogen
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- Antimatter Spectrometer: see AMS-02
- antineutrino
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- antineutron
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- positron: electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- antiparticle: see antimatter
- Antipin: see rare designator prefixes
- antiproton
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- positron: electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- antiquark: see quark
- antimatter: similar to normal matter but with opposite electrical charge
- particle: very small thing
- Antlia II
- Antlia SN Remnant: dispersed supernova remnant in the constellation Antlia
- Antlia SNR (Antlia SN Remnant): dispersed supernova remnant in the constellation Antlia
- Antlia Supernova Remnant (Antlia SN Remnant): dispersed supernova remnant in the constellation Antlia
- Antu Telescope: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- ANU 2.3-m Telescope
- ANU 2.3m Telescope: 2.3-m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory
- ANU 40-inch Telescope
- AO (Arecibo Occultation Survey): 1960s radio survey using occultations by the Moon
- AO (adaptive optics): optical mechanism to compensate for varying atmospheric distortion
- AO188: see Subaru Telescope
- AO3000: see Subaru Telescope
- AO36: see Subaru Telescope
- AO3K: see Subaru Telescope
- AOF: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- AOSA (Arecibo Observatory Space Academy): Arecibo pre-college program
- AOT (astronomical observation request): term for a proposal to use a telescope
- Ap: see rare designator prefixes
- AP effect (Alcock-Paczyński effect): type of distortion of the apparent depth of galaxy clusters
- Ap star: peculiar type of A star
- APA (ARO 12m Telescope): twelve meter microwave telescope at KPNO
- Apache Point Observatory
- Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE): SDSS near-infrared survey of stars
- apapsis: see apsis
- APASS: down to 16 magnitude
- apastron: see apsis
- APD: see Geiger-avalanche photodiode
- APERTIF: see Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
- aperture: opening through which light passes
- aperture array: see phased array
- aperture mask: see aperture masking interferometry
- aperture masking (aperture masking interferometry): interferometry by means of a single telescope with a mask
- aperture masking interferometry: interferometry by means of a single telescope with a mask
- aperture photometry: method of determining the brightness of an imaged star
- aperture synthesis: interferometry to simulate a larger aperture telescope
- APEX (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment): 12-meter submillimeter telescope in Chile
- APEx (Atmospheric Physics of Exoplanets): MPIAA department
- APEX-1: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- APEX-2: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- APEX-2A: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- APEX-3: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- APEX-T2: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- APF (Automated Planet Finder): robotic telescope to find exoplanets using RV method
- APG (Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies): 1960s peculiar-galaxy-catalog-book with photos
- aphelion: see apsis
- API: application programming interface
- ApJ (Astrophysical Journal): American Astronomical Society scientific publication
- ApJL (Astrophysical Journal Letters): American Astronomical Society scientific publication
- ApJS (Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series): American Astronomical Society scientific publication
- APM (plate measuring machine): machine to measure position of images on photographic plates
- APM: see APM Galaxy Survey
- APM Galaxy Survey: 1990s survey of galaxies in southern sky
- APM QSO Survey (Large Bright QSO Survey): 1980s quasar survey
- APMPM: see rare designator prefixes
- APMUKS (APM Galaxy Survey): 1990s survey of galaxies in southern sky
- APO 3.5m Telescope
- CorMASS: near-infrared spectrograph
- APO Galactic Evolution Experiment: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- apoapse: see apsis
- apoapsis: see apsis
- apocenter: see apsis
- APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day): NASA general education initiative
- apodization: improving telescope images by manipulating diffraction
- apodize
- apodization: improving telescope images by manipulating diffraction
- apogalacticon: see apsis
- APOGEE: SDSS near-infrared survey of stars
- APOGEE: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- apogee: see apsis
- APOGEE Library of Infrared SSP Templates (A-LIST): catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- APOGEE Spectrograph: see Sloan 2.5m Telescope
- APOGEE-2: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- APOGEE: SDSS near-infrared survey of stars
- APOGEE: SDSS near-infrared survey of stars
- APOGEE: SDSS near-infrared survey of stars
- Apohele: see near-Earth object
- Apollo: see near-Earth object
- apparent binary (optical double): double star where the two are not gravitationally bound
- apparent bolometric magnitude
- apparent diameter (angular diameter): diameter of astronomical object in terms of its angle across the sky
- apparent dimension: see angular distance
- apparent elastic thickness (elastic thickness): measure of the thickness of a sagging layer of a planet surface
- apparent magnitude: magnitude as seen from Earth adjusted for Earth atmosphere
- apparent radiant: see meteoroid
- Approximate Bayesian Computation: shortcut-method in Bayesian statistics
- Approximate Places of Double Stars in the Southern Hemisphere (Dunlop Double Star Catalogue): 1829 catalog of double stars viewed from Australia
- appulse: moment of apparent nearest distance of observed bodies
- APS (American Physical Society): American physics organization
- APS: see Lunar Prospector
- apsis: closest or furthest point in an eccentric orbit
- APT (Automated Patrol Telescope): 0.5 m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory
- APXS: see Mars Exploration Rover
- APXS: see Mars Pathfinder
- APXS: see Mars Science Laboratory
- aqueous solution
- acidity: measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution
- Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences: has hosted conferences
- Arakelian Catalog: 1970s list of small/bright galaxies
- Araki Telescope
- WINERED: near-infrared non-cryogenic spectrograph
- ARC (AMES Research Center): NASA lab in silicon valley
- ARC (Astrophysical Research Consortium): owns Apache Point Observatory
- arc
- ARC 3.5m
- TripleSpec: near-infrared spectrograph on the Hale Telescope
- ARCADE: balloon-borne centimeter-wavelength surveyor
- Archeops: balloon-borne 1.3 m submillimeter telescope
- Arches: see rare designator prefixes
- Archinaut: see OSAM-1
- Archival Legacy Program: see legacy survey
- archive
- arcmin: see arcsecond
- arcminute: see arcsecond
- Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver (ACBAR): instrument used in a CMB survey
- Arcminute Microkelvin Imager: pair of microwave arrays
- ARCoIRIS: see SOAR Telescope
- ARCoIRIS: see TripleSpec
- ARCoIRIS: see Víctor M. Blanco Telescope
- arcsec (arcsecond): a 3600th of an angular degree
- arcsecond: a 3600th of an angular degree
- Arctic Circle: see circle of latitude
- Arcturus: fourth brightest star in the sky
- Arcus: X-ray space telescope plan aiming for 2031 launch
- areal coordinate system: coordinate system based upon a known triangle
- Arecibo (Arecibo Observatory): former large 305 m radio telescope in Puerto Rico
- Arecibo 305-Meter Telescope: see Arecibo Observatory
- Arecibo General Catalog: catalog of galaxies to support ALFALFA surveys
- Arecibo L-band Feed Array: see Arecibo Observatory
- Arecibo Observatory: former large 305 m radio telescope in Puerto Rico
- Arecibo Observatory Space Academy: Arecibo pre-college program
- Arecibo Occultation Survey: 1960s radio survey using occultations by the Moon
- Arecibo Pulsar ALFA Survey (PALFA): Arecibo search for pulsars
- Arecibo Telescope (Arecibo Observatory): former large 305 m radio telescope in Puerto Rico
- Arecibo Telescope: see Arecibo Observatory
- arene: see hydrocarbon
- AREPO: cosmology simulation using moving mesh technique
- Ares Vallis
- Arfa-E: see Kvant 1
- ARG: see double star designation
- Argentina
- ARGO-YBJ Experiment: cosmic-ray/gamma-ray detector in Tibet
- ARGOS: 1999 technology-research satellite
- ARGOS: see Large Binocular Telescope
- argument of periapsis: see apsis
- argument of periapsis: see orbital element
- argument of pericenter: see apsis
- argument of perifocus: see apsis
- argument of perihelion: see apsis
- ARGUS: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Argus: see Green Bank Telescope
- Argus Array: see Evryscope
- Argus Pathfinder: see Evryscope
- Ariane
- ARIBIB: online astronomy/astrophysics bibliography
- ARIEL: planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- Ariel: see Uranus
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- Ariel 5: 1970s X-ray space telescope
- ARIEL: planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- Ariel 6
- ARIEL: planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- Ariel Program
- ARIEL: planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- ARIES: see MMT
- ARISE: concept for an inflated 25-meter radio telescope in space
- Arizona
- Arizona Radio Observatory
- Arjuna: see near-Earth object
- Ark (Arakelian Catalog): 1970s list of small/bright galaxies
- Armstrong Flight Research Center: NASA aeronautical research center in California
- ARO (Algonquin Radio Observatory): 46 meter radio telescope
- ARO: see rare designator prefixes
- ARO 12m Telescope: twelve meter microwave telescope at KPNO
- ARO 36 foot telescope
- aromatic hydrocarbon: see hydrocarbon
- aromatic hydrocarbon: see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
- Arp: see Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies
- Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies (Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies): 1960s peculiar-galaxy-catalog-book with photos
- Arp Catalog of Peculiar Galaxies (Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies): 1960s peculiar-galaxy-catalog-book with photos
- Arp-Madore Catalog of Southern Peculiar Galaxies: 1970s-1980s catalog from the UK Schmidt Survey
- array
- Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (Yuan-Tseh Lee Array): microwave interferometer in Hawaii
- Array of Low Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors (ALEXIS): 1990s soft X-ray transient monitor
- arrays
- phased array: method of using a set of antennas directionally
- ART (adaptive refinement tree): algorithm-type for solving n-body problem
- ARTEMIS: simulations of Milky-Way-like galaxy halos
- Artemis (Artemis program): NASA's program in development to send people to the moon
- Artemis: see Space Launch System
- Artemis program: NASA's program in development to send people to the moon
- artificial intelligence
- artificial satellite: see moon
- ARX-XC: see Spektr-RG
- arXiv: website with physics paper preprints
- arXiv.org (arXiv): website with physics paper preprints
- AS: see NIRCam
- AS: see rare designator prefixes
- AS 209
- MAPS: ALMA survey researching planet-formation
- ASA (Astronomical Society of the Atlantic): interested parties promoting astronomy
- ASAS (All Sky Automated Survey): Polish survey of 20 million objects brighter than 14 magnitude
- ASAS telescope
- ASAS-SN (All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae): survey of both hemispheres for supernovae
- ASASSN (All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae): survey of both hemispheres for supernovae
- ASASSN telescopes
- ASCA: 1990s Japanese space X-ray telescope
- ASCA Galactic Plane Survey: see ASCA
- ASCC (All-Sky Compiled Catalogue): 2001 catalog compiled from modern sources
- ASCC-2.5 (All-Sky Compiled Catalogue): 2001 catalog compiled from modern sources
- ASCEND (Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery): AIAA interest group
- ascending node: see orbital element
- ASCL (Astrophysics Source Code Library): collection of astrophysics programs
- ASD: see spectral density
- ASHORT: see NIRCam
- ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana): includes space-based astronomy research
- AGILE: past Italian space gamma-ray observatory
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- ASI/MET: see Mars Pathfinder
- Asia
- ASIAA (Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics): Taiwanese astrophysics research organization
- ASIAA Intensity Mapping for CO (AIM-CO): survey of CO from star-forming epoch
- Asiago Observatory
- Asiago Supernova Catalog: catalog of known supernovae and their galaxies
- ASKAP (Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder): radio telescope array of 36 12-meter dishes
- ASM: see Ariel 5
- ASM: see Ginga
- ASM: see RXTE
- ASP (Astronomical Society of the Pacific): general astronomy-education organization
- ASPECS: millimeter survey of HUDF
- ASPERA: see Mars Express
- ASPERA-4: see Venus Express
- ASPEX: see Aditya-L1
- aspheric lens: see aspheric mirror
- aspheric mirror: mirror with other than a spherical curvature
- aspherical mirror (aspheric mirror): mirror with other than a spherical curvature
- ASPIRE: mechanism to stabilize observations from an airplane
- ACES: a spectrometer used to view the corona during eclipses
- ASR: see rare designator prefixes
- associated Legendre functions: see Legendre polynomials
- associated Legendre polynomials: see Legendre polynomials
- association (stellar association): like a large open cluster but even less tightly bound
- Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables: French organization formed in 1920s
- Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers: international scientific organization
- Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy: collaboration of universities operating observatories
- AST (NSF AST): US government astronomical research funding division
- ASTE (Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment): 10-meter submillimeter telescope in Chile
- ASTE Band8: see Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- asterism: easily recognizable star pattern
- asteroid: minor planet without comet characteristics
- 101955 Bennu: near-Earth asteroid visited by a successful sample-return mission
- 2010 TK7: asteroid that is an Earth Trojan
- Ceres: dwarf planet and largest asteroid
- Psyche: asteroid discovered in 1852
- asteroid belt: ring of orbiting planetoids/asteroids
- asteroid: minor planet without comet characteristics
- planetoid: an asteroid or physically similar body
- Asteroid Discovery, Analysis, and Mapping: see ADAM::THOR
- asteroid family: set of asteroids based on similar orbits
- asteroid occultation: see occultation observations
- Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS survey): survey to find NEOs
- asteroids
- Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors: special-interest meeting
- asteroseismology: study of stars through analysis of their pulsation
- asterosphere: see heliosphere
- ASTHROS: balloon-borne 2.5-m submillimeter telescope
- astigmatism: focusing differently according to direction across the focal plane
- Astrid simulation: cosmological simulation over z = 99 to 3
- ASTRO (Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operations): experiment re robotic satellite servicing/refueling in space
- Astro: see Gaia
- Astro G: see HALCA
- Astro-1
- Astro-2
- ASTRO-C (Ginga): 1980s Japanese space X-ray telescope
- Astro-D (ASCA): 1990s Japanese space X-ray telescope
- ASTRO-EII (Suzaku): space X-ray telescope
- ASTRO-F (AKARI): Japanese space infrared telescope
- Astro-H (Hitomi): 2016 Japanese space X-ray telescope
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- XRISM: X-ray space telescope launched in 2023
- ASTRO-H Successor (XRISM): X-ray space telescope launched in 2023
- ASTRO-H2 (XRISM): X-ray space telescope launched in 2023
- Astro-Rivelatore Gamma a Immagini Leggero (AGILE): past Italian space gamma-ray observatory
- Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey: see decadal survey
- Astro2020: initiative suggesting major survey efforts over the 2020-2030 decade
- Astroaccesible: project to make astronomy information available to the blind
- AstroBEAR: MHD simulation system
- AstroBetter: site with shared research tips.
- AstroBetter Rumor Mill: list of open astrophysics jobs
- astrobiology: study of extra-terrestrial life
- Astrobites: online informal summaries of astrophysics papers
- Astrocats: software to create and manage an astronomy catalog
- MOSFiT: code to match light-curves with light-curve models
- astrograph: telescope designed to produce a photograph celestial objects
- Astrographic Catalog: historical star catalog of the whole sky to magnitude 11
- Astrographic Catalog / Tycho: see Hipparcos
- Astrographic Chart (Astrographic Catalog): historical star catalog of the whole sky to magnitude 11
- astrolabe: ancient instrument to determine to date, time, and location information from the sky
- astrolabe: see Danjon astrolabe
- astrology
- Astrolux: historically popular amateur telescope
- astrometric binary: binary star system detected by observing the movement of a star
- astrometry: precise measurement of the position and movement of stars
- ASTRON: Netherlands radio astronomy research organization
- Astron 2 (GRANAT): observatory-satellite for detecting gamma rays and X-rays
- Astronet: European astronomy consortium
- astronomer
- Hipparchus: Greek astronomer who developed concept of magnitude
- Astronomer's Telegram: service reporting transients and discoveries
- Astronomia nova: Johannes Kepler's book about investigating Mars' orbit
- astronomical aberration: see aberration
- astronomical body (astronomical object): planet, star, galaxy, etc.
- astronomical catalog: list of observed astronomical bodies including characteristics
- Astronomical Data Center: 1980s-1990s NASA/Goddard data archive
- astronomical event: see celestial event
- Astronomical Image Processing System: software for processing radio astronomy data
- Astronomical Journal: American Astronomical Society journal
- Astronomical Netherlands Satellite: 1970s X-ray/ultraviolet space telescope
- astronomical object: planet, star, galaxy, etc.
- astronomical observation request: term for a proposal to use a telescope
- astronomical quantities: some astronomy amounts/numbers
- astronomical scintillation (twinkling): blinking, apparent movement and color changes of observed stars
- Astronomical Society of the Atlantic: interested parties promoting astronomy
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific: general astronomy-education organization
- astronomical source (source): astronomical object producing some observed signal
- astronomical survey: project collecting astronomical data
- astronomical surveys
- astronomical symbol: traditional symbols specific to astronomy, for Sun, Earth, etc.
- astronomical transient (transient): observed change in the sky
- astronomical unit: about 93 million miles
- Astronomische Gesellschaft: German astronomical society
- Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog: 19th/20th century astrometric catalog
- Astronomische Nachrichten: German scientific publication
- astronomy: study of astronomical objects and their environments
- AAS Job Register: directory of astrophysics jobs
- amateur astronomy: astronomy carried out as a hobby
- Amateur Telescope Making: abbreviation for the activity
- angular diameter: diameter of astronomical object in terms of its angle across the sky
- angular distance: measure of an angle across the sky
- appulse: moment of apparent nearest distance of observed bodies
- asterism: easily recognizable star pattern
- Astroaccesible: project to make astronomy information available to the blind
- astrometry: precise measurement of the position and movement of stars
- Astronomical Journal: American Astronomical Society journal
- astronomical object: planet, star, galaxy, etc.
- astronomical unit: about 93 million miles
- astrophysics: physics applied to astronomy
- barycenter: center of mass of two orbiting bodies
- Bayer designation: star designation consisting of a Greek letter and constellation name
- blind survey: survey conducted independently of prior information
- cadence: period between observations
- CASA: software package for radio interferometry image generation
- celestial event: something astronomical occurring visibly in the sky
- celestial navigation: navigating such as across the sea, using the stars
- celestial sphere: the sky in considered as a sphere surrounding the observer
- Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference: IAU initiative to address the issue of satellite constellations
- circle of latitude: circle around the Earth of points equidistant from a pole or the equator
- confusion limit: limit on telescope imaging due to too many sources in the same region
- constellation: division of the celestial sphere
- counterpart: image found at same coordinates using different EMR
- dark sky: sky with limited light pollution
- data cube: three-dimensional array of numerical data
- data release: publication or distribution of a set of data from a survey
- double star designation: systems and format of double star designators
- EAS Job Directory: directory of astrophysics jobs
- Eddington bias: selection bias from mistaking something common for something rare
- El Universo en palabras: Series of audios produced by Astroaccesible
- ephemeris: information on the position of a celestial body in the sky over time
- epoch B1950.0: midnight 1/1/1950 GMT as used as a time reference
- epoch J2000.0: noon 1/1/2000 GMT as used as a time reference
- extended source: term for astronomical object covering some area of the sky
- extragalactic astronomy: astronomy of other galaxies, galaxy clusters, AGNs, quasars, etc.
- field: adjective meaning "in this field of view but unrelated"
- Flamsteed designation: star designation system dating from 1700s
- flux density: measure of the strength of a radio signal
- foe: unit of energy on the order of a supernova's output
- galactic anticenter: direction opposite the galactic center
- galactic astronomy: astronomy confined to the Milky Way
- galactic north: determination of the more northern direction of the Milky Way's axis
- Great Debate: historical debate regarding the nature of galaxies
- guest observer: non-affiliated researcher welcomed to use an observatory
- guest star: translation of ancient Chinese term for a visible transient
- guide star: star used to assist in astronomical observation
- HEAD: AAS division supporting X-ray and gamma-ray astrophysics
- heliocentric system: model of the universe with the planets orbiting the Sun
- high time-resolution astrophysics: second-by-second observation of/for transients
- inferior conjunction: conjunction of an "inferior planet", Venus or Mercury
- interferometry: analysis of superimposed EMR waves
- International Astronomical Union: association of professional astronomers
- International Dark-Sky Association: organization promoting control of light pollution
- International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service: service monitoring Earth's rotation and precession
- International Geophysical Year: 1957-1958 initiative for geophysical and related astronomical research
- International Halley Watch: initiative to coordinate observation of Halley's Comet in 1986
- International Scientific Optical Network: project to track objects in space
- interstellar astrophysics: astronomy of the ISM including dust and clouds
- J designator: designator using equatorial coordinates at year 2000
- J2000.0 equinox: equinox as of the J2000.0 epoch used as a positional reference
- jansky: unit of measurement of spectral flux density
- LAD: AAS division supporting laboratory work relevant to astrophysics
- legacy survey: phrase sometimes used in survey names
- light curve: changing intensity of light from a transient
- light pollution: light from cities that interferes with astronomical observation
- light-year: distance that light travels in a year
- limb: the edge of an astronomical object as viewed
- limb darkening: the darkening of edge of a body such as the Sun
- localization: ability to identify location of a transient
- low frequency radio astronomy: astronomy using the lower end of the radio spectrum
- Lutz-Kelker bias: measurement bias due to unbalanced parallax uncertainties
- Malmquist bias: selection bias from detecting only the brighter objects
- mean anomaly: angle describing an object's position within an elliptical orbit
- millimeter astronomy: observation and analysis at wavelengths on the order of a millimeter
- multi-messenger astronomy: astronomy using more than one type of observation
- NELM: naked eye limiting magnitude
- NSF AST: US government astronomical research funding division
- obliquity: angle between an object's rotational and orbital axes
- observational astronomy: term covering observation
- observatory: facility for astronomical observation
- occultation: one celestial body hiding another from an observer
- opposition: positioning of two astronomical objects 180 degrees apart in the sky
- optical transient: transient evident from visible light observation
- orrery: mechanical device to simulate the solar system
- panchromatic: involving all colors, i.e., all wavelengths
- parsec: about 3.26 light-years
- phase angle: view angle of reflected light implied by the phase of the Moon
- phone number: colloquial expression for coordinates
- photometry: studying starlight using optical filters
- plane of the sky: plane tangent to the celestial sphere
- planetary science: study of planet characteristics
- polarimetry: measurement of polarization of EMR
- positional astronomy: calculation methods for relating sky position to position in space
- primary: central body of a system such as the Sun within the solar system
- projected separation: lower limit on distance between two objects in same part of the sky
- provisional designation: way to designate newly discovered solar system objects
- radio astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of radio EMR
- radiometer equation: shows how long to observe a radio source
- RAS JobList: directory of astrophysics jobs
- RMS astronomy: collective term for radio, millimeter, and submillimeter
- Roemer delay: timing differences in observed phenomenon due to Earth's position
- secondary eclipse: eclipse of a body that also transits
- secular: occurring slowly over a long period of time
- sidereal: relative to the fixed position of the stars
- SIMBAD: online database of astronomical objects
- sky quality meter: device to measure the brightness/magnitude of the sky itself.
- Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers: US organization
- solar luminosity: luminosity unit representing the luminosity of the Sun
- solar mass: mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- solar neutrino unit: unit for the detection rate of neutrino detectors
- spectral line designation: labels used to identify spectral lines
- spectrography: charting the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectrometry: measuring the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectroscopy: measurement of light with various electromagnetic wavelengths
- star: astronomical body shining from fusion energy
- star cloud: lighter region of the night sky consisting of a high density of stars
- star count: surveys of stars counting them according to some criteria
- stellar astronomy: astronomy of the birth, structure, variety, evolution, and fate of stars
- Stelle Doppie: online database of double stars
- stray light: unintended light reaching a telescope's sensors
- submillimeter astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of borderline infrared EMR
- submillimeter galaxy designator: designation system of submillimeter galaxies
- superior conjunction: conjunction of an "superior planet", Mars, Jupiter, etc.
- supernova designator: typical designation of supernovae
- supernova light curve: changing intensity of light following a supernova
- supernova survey: survey to identify and/or study supernovae
- survey-based designator: astronomical object designators based on name of survey
- synodic period: period until a planet returns to the same position relative to the Sun
- synoptic: general, covering everything
- synthetic photometry: deriving photometry-style data from spectroscopy
- telescope: instrument to observe at a distance
- terminator: line between regions of day and night
- time-domain astronomy: observing and analyzing changes in astronomical objects
- Titius-Bode law: relationship between the distances between solar system planets
- TLM: magnitude of the dimmest astronomical object you can see
- tracer: chemical whose detection indicates the presence of something else
- transient: observed change in the sky
- transient astronomy: study of short-term astronomical phenomena
- transit: a celestial body passing between another and an observer
- ultraviolet astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of UV
- variable star designation: Bayer system variant for variable stars
- virtual observatory: online database of astronomical data
- VisieR: online astronomical catalog contents/data
- volume weighting: method of accommodating the Malmquist bias
- Working Group on Accessibility and Disability: AAS working group
- Astronomy & Astrophysics: European scientific journal
- Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium: see decadal survey
- Astronomy Picture of the Day: NASA general education initiative
- Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss Environmental Research: see KM3NeT
- astrophotography
- astrophysical disk (disk): rotating disk-shaped object such as disk galaxy or circumstellar disk
- astrophysical dynamo (dynamo): mechanism for generating magnetic fields around astronomical bodies
- astrophysical jet (jet): stream of matter from an astronomical body
- Astrophysical Journal: American Astronomical Society scientific publication
- Astrophysical Journal Letters: American Astronomical Society scientific publication
- Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series: American Astronomical Society scientific publication
- astrophysical maser
- astrophysical neutrino: neutrino from other than Earth or the usual sources
- Astrophysical Research Consortium: owns Apache Point Observatory
- astrophysics: physics applied to astronomy
- Astrophysics Data and Information Services: perhaps one-time name for NASA ADF or ADS
- Astrophysics Data Centers Executive Council (ADEC): NASA unit to coordinate efforts of data archiving and dissemination
- Astrophysics Data Facility: former NASA unit responsible for data from NASA astrophysics missions
- Astrophysics Data Service (Astrophysics Data System): online astrophysics bibliography and paper archive
- Astrophysics Data System: online astrophysics bibliography and paper archive
- Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets
- Astrophysics Multi-spectral Archive Search Engine: 1990s search tool
- Astrophysics Source Code Library: collection of astrophysics programs
- Astrophysics Stratospheric Telescope for High Spectral Resolution Observations at Submillimeter-wavelengths (ASTHROS): balloon-borne 2.5-m submillimeter telescope
- astropy: general Python package for astrophysical research
- AstroSat: Indian observatory satellite
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- astrosphere: see heliosphere
- asymmetric explosion: see anisotropy
- asymmetrical galaxy: see galactic tide
- asymptotic giant branch: a second stage of helium burning in some stars
- AT (transient): observed change in the sky
- AT: see Australia Telescope Compact Array
- AT: see Long Baseline Array
- AT: see Transient Name Server
- AT2017gfo: see GW170817
- AT2018cow: unusual 2018 optical transient
- AT2018lug: see AT2018cow
- AT2019dsg: 2019 TDE undergoing study
- AT2019fdr: see AT2019dsg
- AT2020xnd: see AT2018cow
- ATA (Allen Telescope Array): array of radio telescopes in northern California for SETI
- ATA-350: see Allen Telescope Array
- ATA-42: see Allen Telescope Array
- Atacama Astronomical Park: see Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
- Atacama B-Mode Search: 2012-2014 survey of the CMB
- Atacama Compact Array: see Atacama Large Millimeter Array
- Atacama Cosmology Telescope: 6-meter microwave survey telescope in Chile
- D56: a target survey field of ACT telescope
- Simons Array: telescope array to map CMB polarization
- Atacama Desert: Chilean high-altitude, dry plateau with numerous observatories
- Atacama Large Area Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST): concept for submillimeter survey telescope in Chile
- Atacama Large Millimeter Array: advanced millimeter-telescope array in Chile
- Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (Atacama Large Millimeter Array): advanced millimeter-telescope array in Chile
- Atacama Pathfinder Experiment: 12-meter submillimeter telescope in Chile
- Atacama Plateau (Atacama Desert): Chilean high-altitude, dry plateau with numerous observatories
- Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment: 10-meter submillimeter telescope in Chile
- DESHIMA: submillimeter spectrometer
- ATCA (Australia Telescope Compact Array): radio telescope in eastern Australia
- ATel (Astronomer's Telegram): service reporting transients and discoveries
- ATELAIS: see rare designator prefixes
- Aten: see near-Earth object
- ATHENA: planned ESA X-ray space telescope
- Atira: see near-Earth object
- ATLAS (ATLAS Stellar Model): computer model of a stellar photosphere
- ATLAS (Australia Telescope Large Area Survey): radio survey of two survey fields
- ATLAS: see ATLAS survey
- ATLAS: see VLT Survey Telescope
- Atlas: see shepherd moon
- Atlas 3D: survey of local galaxies
- ATLAS Code (ATLAS Stellar Model): computer model of a stellar photosphere
- Atlas of Galactic Nebulae: 1980s catalog of Milky-Way nebulae
- Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies: 1960s peculiar-galaxy-catalog-book with photos
- ATLAS Stellar Model: computer model of a stellar photosphere
- ATLAS stream
- ATLAS survey: survey to find NEOs
- FAUST: 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Space Shuttle missions
- ATLAS18qqn (AT2018cow): unusual 2018 optical transient
- ATLAS3D (Atlas 3D): survey of local galaxies
- ATLAS3D (Atlas 3D): survey of local galaxies
- AtLAST: concept for submillimeter survey telescope in Chile
- ATM (Amateur Telescope Making): abbreviation for the activity
- atm: unit of pressure
- torr: unit of pressure approximating a millimeter of mercury on Earth
- ATMO: atmospheric code for exoplanets and brown dwarfs
- atmosphere: gas surrounding astronomical object
- atmosphere (atm): unit of pressure
- atmosphere formation: capture and modification of a planet's gases
- atmospheric boundary layer (planetary boundary layer): low level of atmosphere affected by ground
- atmospheric escape: escape of gas particles from a planet's atmosphere
- atmospheric extinction: see extinction
- atmospheric formation (atmosphere formation): capture and modification of a planet's gases
- atmospheric model: model to describe or simulate a planet's atmosphere
- Atmospheric Physics of Exoplanets: MPIAA department
- Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey (ARIEL): planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- atmospheric retention: see atmosphere
- atmospheric retrieval: see retrieval
- atmospheric scale height: see scale height
- atmospheric temperature profile: the atmosphere's temperature by altitude
- atmospheric tide: tide-type movement within the atmosphere
- atmospheric transparency
- atmospheric window: frequency bands within which the atmosphere passes EMR
- ionosphere: layers of Earth atmosphere with significant ions
- passband: range of electromagnetic wavelengths that a filter allows
- ATNF PSR Catalogue (ATNF Pulsar Catalogue): online catalog of pulsars
- ATNF Pulsar Catalogue: online catalog of pulsars
- atomic dark matter: theory of particle dark matter in which they interact
- atomic excitation: electrons above the ground state within atoms
- atomic ISM: see interstellar medium
- atomic mass
- dalton: mass unit used on atomic scale
- fusion: formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- atomic mass constant: see dalton
- atomic mass number (mass number): number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- element: class of atom based on its number of protons
- atomic mass unit (dalton): mass unit used on atomic scale
- atomic number: number of protons in an atomic nucleus
- element: class of atom based on its number of protons
- fusion: formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- isotope: subclass of an element with a specific number of nucleons
- mass number: number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- neutron capture: combination of an atomic nucleus and a neutron
- radioactive decay: changes in atomic nuclei that happen over time
- atomic orbital: see electron orbital
- atomic weight: see element
- atoms
- ATST (DKIST): 4 m solar telescope at Haleakala Observatory
- attenuation coefficient (opacity): a measure of opaqueness of a material
- AU (astronomical unit): about 93 million miles
- AU Mic (AU Microscopii): nearby star with disk and planets
- AU Microscopii: nearby star with disk and planets
- AUASS (Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences): has hosted conferences
- Auger de-excitation: see Auger effect
- Auger effect: atom's emission of an electron along with a photon
- Auger Observatory (Pierre Auger Observatory): cosmic-ray observatory in Argentina
- AURA (Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy): collaboration of universities operating observatories
- aurora: light produced by atmosphere and solar wind
- aurora australis: see aurora
- aurora borealis: see aurora
- Australia
- Australia Telescope: see Australia Telescope Compact Array
- Australia Telescope: see Long Baseline Array
- Australia Telescope Compact Array: radio telescope in eastern Australia
- Australia Telescope Large Area Survey: radio survey of two survey fields
- Australia Telescope Long Baseline Array (Long Baseline Array): radio interferometer using Australian telescopes
- Australia Telescope National Facility
- Australian
- Australian Astronomical Observatory
- Australian Long Baseline Array (Long Baseline Array): radio interferometer using Australian telescopes
- Australian National University
- Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder: radio telescope array of 36 12-meter dishes
- autoconversion rate: rate at which water changes from cloud droplets to new raindrops
- automated
- Automated Lunar and Meteor Observatory: ground observatory in Alabama to record Moon-meteoroid impacts
- Automated Patrol Telescope: 0.5 m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory
- Automated Planet Finder: robotic telescope to find exoplanets using RV method
- Automatic Plate Measuring Machine
- automatic plate measuring machine (plate measuring machine): machine to measure position of images on photographic plates
- Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operations: experiment re robotic satellite servicing/refueling in space
- autumnal equinox: see equinox
- avalanche photodiode: see Geiger-avalanche photodiode
- AVMR: see velocity-metallicity relation
- Avogadro constant (Avogadro's number): number of hydrogen atoms per gram
- Avogadro's number: number of hydrogen atoms per gram
- Avogadro's number: see mole
- AVR (age-velocity-dispersion relation): relation between stellar age and peculiar velocity
- AW (Alfvén wave): a type of transverse wave along magnetic field lines in plasma
- award
- AWCA (American Workshop on Cometary Astronomy): renamed to be international, i.e., IWCA
- AWM: see rare designator prefixes
- AWSoM: see SWMF
- AX: see ASCA
- AXAF (Chandra X-ray Observatory): space X-ray telescope
- axial precession: see precession
- axial tilt (obliquity): angle between an object's rotational and orbital axes
- axiom
- axion: proposed light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- exotic star: term for theoretical stars not made of atoms/ions
- Axion Dark Matter Experiment: a search for axions as potential dark matter particles
- axion-like particle: see axion
- AXIS: concept for space X-ray observatory
- Axis of Evil: suspicious alignment of CMB anisotropies
- axisymmetric: identical in any direction from an axis
- axisymmetric galaxy
- galaxy: gravitationally-bound group of stars
- AXP (anomalous X-ray pulsar): X-ray pulsars with no high-mass companion
- magnetar: neutron star with a strong magnetic field
- AXS: see ASCA
- az/el system (horizontal coordinate system): celestial coordinate system based upon horizon and north
- azane (ammonia): particular compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
- azimuth: see horizontal coordinate system
- azimuth-elevation mount (altazimuth mount): simple two-axis telescope mount
- azimuthal number: see spherical harmonics
- azimuthal quantum number: see electron orbital
- AzTEC: see Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- AzTEC: see James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- AzTEC: see Large Millimeter Telescope
- AzTEC: see rare designator prefixes
- AzTEC-3: very distant starburst galaxy
- AzTEC J100020.54+023509.3 (AzTEC-3): very distant starburst galaxy
- AzTEC-3: very distant starburst galaxy
- AzV (Catalog of Azzopardi & Vigneau): probable stars in the SMC