Astrophysics (Index)About

2010 TK7

((706765) 2010 TK7)
(asteroid that is an Earth Trojan)

2010 TK7 is a near-Earth asteroid (NEA) that is an Earth Trojan (i.e., at or orbiting Earth-Sun Lagrangian point L4 or L5), specifically an asteroid effectively orbiting Earth-Sun L4, which is 60 degrees ahead of Earth in its orbit. The Lagrangian point it orbits is an AU from Earth, and the asteroid's orbit around it comes to roughly 0.2 AU from Earth at its closest. What's known of the asteroid's size is very imprecise, but it is thought to be on the order of 300 meters in diameter. It was discovered in Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data.

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