(QSO, quasi-stellar object)
(distant, bright object that appears something like a star)
A quasar (from quasi-stellar object or QSO) is an
object with the
point-like appearance of a star, but with a redshift indicating
a far greater distance than that of a visible individual star.
First noticed in the 1960s,
quasars are now considered to be active galactic nuclei (AGNs).
Observed redshifts range from 0.05 to greater than 7,
putting them in the range of 600 million to near 13 billion
light-years' distant (and years in the past).
The Balmer series spectral lines
are often useful to determine their redshift, typically H-alpha.
They appear bright enough that some quasars might equal the
Sun's apparent brightness as seen from Earth
at a distance of 30 light-years.
(However, for such a bright object, one must consider the
possibility that it does not shine so brightly in all directions.)
Their strong light can be lensed
by nearer objects and can be useful for studying the objects doing
the lensing.
As a very-distant-but-observable light source, their
light is useful in studying material it passes through.
The term quasi-stellar source (or QSS
or quasi-stellar radio source,
also sometimes using the prefix QSR)
refers to a quasar that is also a strong radio source.
The terms radio loud quasar (RLQ) and radio quiet quasar (RQQ)
are also used.
In fact, the term quasar was originally coined for such radio sources
(but now is often used with the above broader meaning),
and the term quasi-stellar galaxy
(QSG) formerly was used for radio-quiet quasars.
(Note that in radio astronomy, the word source is
typically assumed to specifically mean a radio source).
Another classification of quasars is between red quasars and blue quasars.
The former are presumed to be within dusty galaxies, and the
latter, those not so dusty, so the bluer light
of the AGN is visible to us.
(stars,galaxies,AGN,object type,jets)
Further reading:
Prefix | Example | | |
Q | Q0051-279 | abbreviated general prefix | |
QSO | QSO B1957+405 | general prefix | |
QSR | QSR J1819+3845 | general for "radio-loud quasar" | |
Quasar | Quasar J192748.6+735802 | general prefix | |
Referenced by pages:
2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS)
2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO survey (2SLAQ)
3C 273
3C 279
3C 48
3C 9
accretion rate
active galactic nucleus (AGN)
active galaxy
AGN accretion
astronomical catalog
Baldwin effect
Balmer jump (BJ)
Balmer series (H)
Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS)
BL Lac object (BLLAC)
black hole (BH)
black hole mass function (BHMF)
Blandford-Znajek mechanism (BZ process)
Calán/Tololo Supernova Survey
Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey (CFHQS)
Catalogues of Fundamental Stars
celestial reference frame
cosmological redshift
Cygnus A (3C 405)
damped Lyman alpha absorber (DLA)
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)
dark matter (DM)
deep field (DF)
Deep Multicolor Survey (DMS)
deep survey
diffractive interstellar scintillation (DISS)
direct collapse black hole (DCBH)
Eddington luminosity
epoch of reionization (EOR)
extragalactic astronomy
galactic coordinate system (GCS)
Giant Gemini GMOS survey (GGG survey)
gravitational lensing
gravitational potential energy
GRS 1915+105
Gunn-Peterson trough
Hamburg Schmidt Survey (HS)
Hamburg/ESO Survey (HE)
high-energy astrophysics (HEA)
hot DOG
hyperluminous infrared galaxy (HLIRG)
intensity mapping (IM)
intergalactic dust
International Celestial Reference System (ICRS)
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism (KH mechanism)
Large Bright QSO Survey (LBQS)
large quasar group (LQG)
luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG)
Lyman alpha (Ly-α)
Lyman beta (Ly-β)
Lyman break (LB)
Lyman-alpha forest
NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED)
optically violent variable quasar (OVV)
Palomar high-redshift quasar surveys
Palomar-Green Survey (PG)
Penrose Compton scattering (PCS)
PG 1302-102
Pico dos Dias Survey (PDS)
primordial black hole (PBH)
proximity effect
radio galaxy (RG)
radio star
rare designator prefixes
relativistic beaming
retrograde accretion
Salpeter timescale
Second Byurakan Survey (SBS)
Seyfert galaxy (Sy)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
SMBH formation
Soltan argument
spectral signature
star formation feedback
supermassive black hole (SMBH)
supermassive star (SMS)
Tonantzintla Surveys (Ton)
TXS 0506+056
unified model
X-ray source