Astrophysics (Index)About

Balmer series

(hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2)

The Balmer series is the set of emission lines from atomic hydrogen gas, due to electrons descending from an electron shell of number n greater than 2 down to that of n = 2, or the analogous absorption lines when absorbed electromagnetic radiation (EMR) makes electrons do the opposite. It is one of the hydrogen line series, such as the Lyman series, and is named after Johann Balmer. The lines are within the optical atmospheric window and given no redshift, those produced by astronomical sources can be observed by ground telescopes. Consequently the Balmer series was first series discovered and the lines are commonly seen in spectra of objects within the Milky Way, though the Lyman Series (down to n = 1) is in some sense more basic. Balmer series lines:

Formula for the wavelengths:

wavelength = Balmer's constant × n² / ( n²-4 )


The Balmer series, especially H-α, is often used to determine the redshift of quasars and distant galaxies because it is often prominent.

(Balmer,hydrogen,line series,lines,spectrum)
Further reading:
364nm824THz3.5eVbeginBalmer series
656nm457THz1.9eVendBalmer series

Referenced by pages:
Balmer jump (BJ)
Balmer-break galaxy (BBG)
Be star
Bohr model
Brackett series
emission line galaxy (ELG)
emission nebula
H-alpha (Ha)
H-beta (Hβ)
Herbig AeBe star (HAeBe)
HII region (HII)
Humphreys series
hydrogen (H)
hyperfine structure
Lyman break (LB)
Lyman series (L)
Paschen series
Pfund series
quasar (QSO)
shell star (sh)
spectral line
spectral line designation
spectral line energy distribution (SLED)
star formation rate (SFR)
