(Ha, Hα, H-α)
(hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2)
H-alpha (Ha, Hα, or H-α)
is the first line in the Balmer series
of hydrogen spectral lines.
It has a wavelength of 656.3 nm (in air; 656.5 nm in a vacuum)
and is red.
It is within the visible-light atmospheric window, thus observable from
the ground and is the Fraunhofer C line.
It is bright in the sky but does not stand out visually
because it is so red as to be outside the most sensitive part
of the eye's light sense.
An H-alpha filter (or hydrogen-alpha filter)
is a narrow-bandwidth filter centered on the H-alpha wavelength.
They have many uses, but are a basic tool in the study of the Sun.
Deuterium's H-alpha wavelength is about 0.2 nm shorter.
With spectroscopy of sufficient spectral resolution,
it produces a discernible feature on the H-alpha spectral line,
enabling an estimation of the ratio between 1H and deuterium.
H-alpha is one of the lines used for intensity mapping
at various redshifts for cosmology research.
(Balmer series,hydrogen,line,spectrum)
Further reading:
WaveL | Freq | Photon Energy | | |
656nm | 457THz | 1.9eV | | H-alpha |
Referenced by pages:
Balmer series (H)
Be star
BPT diagram
Cosmic Dawn Intensity Mapper (CDIM)
Dickel-Wendker-Bieritz Catalog (DWB)
Fraunhofer lines
Hα survey
H-beta (Hβ)
HII region (HII)
intensity mapping (IM)
intensity mapping surveys
MASH Catalog of Planetary Nebulae
P Cygni profile
quasar (QSO)
rare designator prefixes
spectral line designation
spectral line shape
star formation (SF)
star formation rate (SFR)
SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey (SSS)
T-Tauri star (TTS)
The Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies (SINGG)
VLT Survey Telescope (VST)
wind-momentum luminosity relationship (WLR)
X-SHOOTER Lyman α survey at z = 2 (XLS-z2)