(KH timescale, KH time, τKH, Kelvin-Helmholtz time, thermal timescale)
(time that would radiate away a body's heat energy given its luminosity)
A body's Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale
(aka KH timescale, Kelvin-Helmholtz time, KH time
or τKH and sometimes the
term thermal timescale is taken to mean the same) is a simplified
calculation of the time a body could continue to shine as it does
given its potential energy and kinetic energy (i.e., through the
Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism), but a variety of calculations are used:
the time in which a body would radiate away its kinetic energy (thermal energy) given its current luminosity.
These three formulae produce different values but are within
the same order-of-magnitude, given the virial theorem.
They ignore any luminosity variation over time.
I've also seen the term thermal timescale used regarding a different