Astrophysics (Index)About


(geological sign of consequences of life)

The term geosignature is used in extra-solar planet studies. I've seen the term defined as geological features that (could) result from the presence of life. A common phrase is bio- and geosignatures. The term is used for surface geological features, such as types of rock, that may be the result of life. However sometimes the term appears to encompass any biosignature that is not literally life itself (i.e., not something so obvious as the green color of plants themselves, their vegetation red edge, or their biofluorescence), such as atmospheric or surface liquid features.

I have seen the term geosignature used in non-astronomy, non-biology senses, to mean "geological features that are the sign of something", such as (on Earth) "geosignatures of oil" when speaking of a potential oil field. Within planetary science, the term may most often be used for signs of life, but is likely used for signs suggesting any aspect of a planet's geophysics.

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