Term Index (E)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter E.
- E (eclipsing binary): binary star system detected by variations in magnitude
- E (electric field): electric force as distributed over a space
- E: see ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO (B) Atlas
- E: see HEAO-2
- e
- E and B Experiment (EBEX): balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- E ring: see Enceladus
- E+A galaxy (post-starburst galaxy): galaxy indicating star formation some time back
- MIGHTEE: radio survey of four established deep fields
- e-e bremsstrahlung: see bremsstrahlung
- E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope): 39-meter telescope under construction
- E-Elt
- e-folding (e-folding time): time to increase by a factor of e
- e-folding time: time to increase by a factor of e
- e-ion bremsstrahlung: see bremsstrahlung
- E-mode: see polarization modes
- CMB polarization: effects of scattering and lensing on the CMB
- EBEX: balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- QUaD: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- E-THEMIS: see Europa Clipper
- e-VLBI (electronic very-long-baseline interferometry): real-time VLBI using electronic links
- Eh (reduction potential): measure of a chemical species' tendency to acquire electrons
- e+ (positron): electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- e- (electron): type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- EA: see variable star
- EA Observatory (East Asian Observatory): operator of JCMT
- EAAE (European Association for Astronomy Education): promotes science education
- EACOA (East Asian Core Observatories Association): promotes astronomy
- EAGLE: simulation of galaxy formation and evolution
- EAGLE: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- EAGLE Project
- EAGLE: simulation of galaxy formation and evolution
- EAO (East Asian Observatory): operator of JCMT
- EAPSNET (East-Asian Planet Search Network): initiative to find exoplanets
- early: see spectral class
- early dark energy: see dark energy
- early M dwarf: see M dwarf
- Early Release Science: see James Webb Space Telescope
- Early Star and Planet Evolution Explorer (ESPEX): concept for a small near-UV/optical space observatory
- early universe: from the Big Bang to recombination
- early-type galaxy: see galaxy
- early-type nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet: see Wolf-Rayet star
- early-type star: see spectral class
- Earth: third solar system planet from the Sun
- Earth (Earth analog): planet with characteristics of Earth
- Earth analog: planet with characteristics of Earth
- Earth atmospheric pressure: see atm
- Earth limb: see limb
- Earth mass: see mass
- solar mass: mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- Earth rotation aperture synthesis (Earth rotation synthesis): using the Earth's rotation to observe with various interferometry baselines
- Earth rotation synthesis: using the Earth's rotation to observe with various interferometry baselines
- Earth science
- Earth term: see pulsar timing array
- Earth Trojan
- 2010 TK7: asteroid that is an Earth Trojan
- Earth-crossing asteroid: see near-Earth object
- Earth-sized VLBI: ground-based VLBI with near-maximal baseline
- Earth-skimming: see TAMBO
- earthlight (earthshine): reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- earthquake: see quake
- Earths: see extra-solar planet
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- EAS (European Astronomical Society): European organization
- EAS Job Directory: directory of astrophysics jobs
- East Asian Core Observatories Association: promotes astronomy
- East Asian Observatory: operator of JCMT
- East-Asian Planet Search Network: initiative to find exoplanets
- EB: see CMB polarization
- EB: see variable star
- Ebb: see GRAIL
- EBEX: balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- EBHIS: see Galactic All-sky Survey
- EBIT (electron beam ion trap): lab instrument to create ions for study
- EBL (extragalactic background light): electromagnetic radiation from star formation and AGNs
- EBLM: see rare designator prefixes
- EBM: see one dimensional climate model
- eBOSS: see Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
- eBOSS: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- EC: see Palomar-Green Survey
- EC: see stellar cluster
- ECA: see near-Earth object
- eccentric anomaly: see mean anomaly
- eccentric Jupiter: see giant planet
- eccentricity: degree to which an orbit is non-circular
- comet: Sun-orbiting object with coma and possible tail
- DQ Tau: young binary star system
- EXOSAT: 1980s European space X-ray telescope
- Haumea: dwarf planet discovered in 2004
- HD 80606 b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2001
- orbital element: parameters describing an orbit
- Planet Nine: theoretical planet beyond Neptune
- Pluto: dwarf planet formerly listed as one of the nine planets
- Sedna: distant solar system planetoid discovered in 2003
- Solar Orbiter: space probe investigating the Sun's surface and the heliosphere
- eccentricity-type resonance: see orbital resonance
- ECDFS (Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey): 1100 square arcminute X-ray survey
- DEVILS: visible-light spectrographic survey of 56k distant galaxies
- echelette grating: see grating
- echelle grating: see grating
- HARPS: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches
- immersion grating: grating where light is within the material
- WINERED: near-infrared non-cryogenic spectrograph
- eclipse (secondary eclipse): eclipse of a body that also transits
- eclipse: see occultation
- celestial event: something astronomical occurring visibly in the sky
- transit: a celestial body passing between another and an observer
- eclipse mapping: using eclipse light curves to map surface features
- eclipse season: see solar eclipse
- eclipse timing offset: see secondary eclipse
- eclipsing Algol: see variable star
- eclipsing Beta Lyrae: see variable star
- eclipsing binary: binary star system detected by variations in magnitude
- ecliptic: path of the Sun on the celestial sphere as seen from Earth
- ecliptic coordinate system: celestial coordinate system system based upon Earth's orbital plane
- ecliptic latitude: see ecliptic coordinate system
- ecliptic longitude: see ecliptic coordinate system
- ecliptic plane (ecliptic): path of the Sun on the celestial sphere as seen from Earth
- Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog: see K2
- ecliptic pole: see ecliptic coordinate system
- ECM: see Europa Clipper
- ECSN: see core collapse supernova
- EDD (Extragalactic Distance Database): online database of distance-related measures of galaxies
- Eddington accretion rate: see Eddington luminosity
- Eddington accretion rate: see accretion
- Eddington approximation: approximation of a star's internal EMR's divergence from isotropic
- Eddington bias: selection bias from mistaking something common for something rare
- Eddington limit (Eddington luminosity): maximum luminosity at which radiation force overcomes gravity
- Eddington luminosity: maximum luminosity at which radiation force overcomes gravity
- Eddington ratio: see Eddington luminosity
- Eddington valve (kappa mechanism): stellar instability caused by opacity increasing with temperature
- Eddington-Barbier relation: see source function
- eddy: see turbulence
- EDE: see dark energy
- EDG: see double star designation
- EDGES: survey aiming at highly-redshifted 21-cm detection
- Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt (Kuiper Belt): further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt object: see Kuiper Belt
- EDI: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- TripleSpec: near-infrared spectrograph on the Hale Telescope
- Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey: see Palomar-Green Survey
- EDM (electron degenerate matter): dense matter such as that in white dwarf
- education
- EE: see CMB polarization
- EE cosmic rays: see cosmic rays
- EECR: see cosmic rays
- EELG: see emission line galaxy
- EELT (European Extremely Large Telescope): 39-meter telescope under construction
- EF Eridani: binary star including a substellar object
- EF Eridani B: see EF Eridani
- effective elastic thickness (elastic thickness): measure of the thickness of a sagging layer of a planet surface
- effective field theory: type of useful simplification of a field theory
- effective number of neutrinos: see neutrino
- effective radius: radius of a galaxy within which 1/2 the light is emitted
- effective temperature: temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of total radiation
- Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope: German large single-dish radio telescope
- Effelsberg Radio Telescope
- Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey: see Galactic All-sky Survey
- effusion: see supercritical fluid
- THEMIS: set of satellites studying the Earth's magnetic field
- EFOSC2: see ESO 3.6m Telescope
- EFOSC2: see New Technology Telescope
- PESSTO: NTT survey following up on transients
- EFT (effective field theory): type of useful simplification of a field theory
- EGB (cosmic gamma ray background): gamma-ray radiation seen everywhere
- EGB: see rare designator prefixes
- EGCR: see cosmic rays
- EGG (evaporating gas globule): very small dense cloud of hydrogen and dust
- EGG: see rare designator prefixes
- EGGR: see rare designator prefixes
- EGM: see rare designator prefixes
- EGO (European Gravitational Observatory): gravitational wave observatory in Italy
- EGP: see extra-solar planet
- egress duration: see transiting planet
- EGRET: see Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
- EGS (Extended Groth Strip): region of sky searched for distant galaxies
- CEERS: JWST early release observation program covering the EGS
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- EGSD2: see DEEP2
- EH (event horizon): surface-shape around a black hole through which light cannot escape
- EHB: see horizontal branch
- EHB star: see horizontal branch
- EHe: see helium star
- EHT (Event Horizon Telescope): growing VLBI network
- EIC: see rare designator prefixes
- EIE: Italian engineering company that produces astronomical equipment
- EIE ALMA Prototype Antenna (ARO 12m Telescope): twelve meter microwave telescope at KPNO
- EIE Group
- eigen-basis: see eigen-decomposition
- eigen-decomposition: useful type of factoring a matrix into the product of three
- eigenvalue: ratio between a vector and a linear transformation of that vector
- eigenmode: vibration mode of an oscillator where all parts move at the same frequency
- eigenmode decomposition
- eigenmode: vibration mode of an oscillator where all parts move at the same frequency
- eigenmode expansion
- eigenmode: vibration mode of an oscillator where all parts move at the same frequency
- eigenvalue: ratio between a vector and a linear transformation of that vector
- eigenvector: see eigenvalue
- Eight-Burst Nebula (NGC 3132): PN of interest in southern sky
- Einstein angle: see gravitational microlensing
- Einstein coefficients: a substance's probabilities of emission and absorption
- Einstein delay: EMR delay due to relativistic effects of environment and motion
- Einstein gravitational constant: see gravitational constant
- Einstein gravity (general relativity): formula relating gravity, space, time, and mass
- Einstein Observatory (HEAO-2): 1978 X-ray observatory space mission
- Einstein parallax: see gravitational microlensing
- Einstein Probe: Chinese X-ray space observatory
- Einstein radius: see gravitational microlensing
- Einstein ring: see gravitational lensing
- Einstein ring: see gravitational microlensing
- Einstein Telescope: concept for a larger LIGO-like GW detector
- Einstein's equation: see general relativity
- Einstein's field equation: see general relativity
- cosmological constant: force counteracting the universe's inward gravitational pull
- Lambda-CDM model: Big-Bang cosmological model with a cosmological constant and cold dark matter
- wCDM: Big-Bang cosmological model with constant cosmological equation of state
- Einstein-Boltzmann equation: see CMBFAST
- Einstein-de Sitter model: universe tuned to the smallest expansion that continues forever
- Einstein-de Sitter universe (Einstein-de Sitter model): universe tuned to the smallest expansion that continues forever
- Einstein-Rosen bridge: see wormhole
- EIS: see Europa Clipper
- EIS: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- EIS: see rare designator prefixes
- Eisenberg-Pearson telescope: see Korsch telescope
- EIT: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- EJASA (Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic): online journal during the 1990s
- ejecta: material ejected from something
- ejection: forcing or throwing something out
- EKBO: see Kuiper Belt
- El Niño
- Kelvin waves: pressure and gravity waves formed by Coriolis force and a barrier
- El Universo en palabras: Series of audios produced by Astroaccesible
- ELAIS: see Infrared Space Observatory
- ELAIS-N1: see Infrared Space Observatory
- ELAIS-N2: see Infrared Space Observatory
- ELAIS-N3: see Infrared Space Observatory
- ELAIS-S1: see Infrared Space Observatory
- ELAIS-S2: see Infrared Space Observatory
- ELAN: see Lyman-alpha blob
- elastic scattering: see scattering
- elastic thickness: measure of the thickness of a sagging layer of a planet surface
- electric dipole radiation: EMR generated by an oscillating electric dipole
- electric field: electric force as distributed over a space
- electric force: see Coulomb's law
- electric potential: see electric field
- electric thruster: see ion engine
- electricity
- electromagnetic induction (magnetic induction): voltage across a conductor induced by changing magnetic field
- electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave: see plasma wave
- electromagnetic radiation: radiation such as light, radio, X-rays
- black body: idealized object that reflects no light
- electromagnetic spectrum: spectrum of EMR
- electromagnetic waves (electromagnetic radiation): radiation such as light, radio, X-rays
- electromagnetism: electricity and magnetism and their interaction
- electromotive force: force that drives an electric current
- electron: type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- electron: see particle
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- beta decay: radioactivity such that an electron or positron is emitted
- ionization fraction: a substance's ratio of unattached electrons to nuclei
- lepton: elementary particle with 1/2 integer spin such as electron
- plasma frequency: frequency of electron plasma oscillation
- positron: electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- radioactive decay: changes in atomic nuclei that happen over time
- spark chamber: type of ion detector
- standard model: model of elementary particles including quarks
- supersymmetry: extension to standard model of particle physics
- tau neutrino: neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- electron beam ion trap: lab instrument to create ions for study
- electron capture: combination of an electron with a proton
- electron capture supernova: supernova from collapse of iron-free stellar cores
- electron capture supernova: see core collapse supernova
- electron column density: see column density
- electron degeneracy: electrons set free of atoms by the Pauli exclusion principle
- electron degeneracy pressure: see electron degeneracy
- degeneracy: general word meaning a violation of normal rules
- electron pressure: the electron contribution to pressure within a plasma
- neutron star: stellar remnant consisting entirely of solar masses of neutrons
- electron degenerate matter: dense matter such as that in white dwarf
- electron degenerate matter: see electron degeneracy
- electron excitation (atomic excitation): electrons above the ground state within atoms
- electron fraction: see ionization fraction
- electron fraction: see r-process
- electron neutrino: see tau neutrino
- electron orbital: a nucleus's "locations" where an electron can orbit
- electron pressure: the electron contribution to pressure within a plasma
- electron relaxation: see atomic excitation
- electron scattering: any process that changes the course of an electron
- electron screening: reduction of effective charge of a nucleus by nearby electrons
- electron shell: radius-level around an atomic nucleus at which electrons can orbit
- electron subshell: see electron shell
- electron volt: very small unit of energy
- photon: quantum of light, i.e., light as a particle
- photon energy: the energy carried by a single photon
- electron-ion bremsstrahlung: see bremsstrahlung
- electron-positron plasma: see Faraday rotation
- electron-volt
- gamma rays: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10 picometers and less
- X-ray: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 0.01 to 10 nanometers
- electronegativity
- oxidation state: number of electrons loaned out by an atom in an ionic bond
- electronic
- Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic: online journal during the 1990s
- electronic very-long-baseline interferometry: real-time VLBI using electronic links
- electronics
- electrons
- Cooper pair: pair of electrons sharing a particular type of bond
- Fermi sea: atom's minimal-energy electrons filling its lower shells
- electrostatic barrier: the problem that dust grains will repel and not join to form planet seeds
- barrier: challenging issue regarding planet formation
- electrostatic bond
- ice: solid state of water
- electrostatic ion cyclotron wave: see plasma wave
- electroweak: single conception including both electromagnetic and weak forces
- electroweak force: see electroweak
- WIMP: proposed particle comprising dark matter
- element: class of atom based on its number of protons
- aluminum: element, Al, atomic number 13
- calcium: element, Ca, atomic number 20
- carbon: element, C, atomic number 6
- helium: non-metallic element, He, atomic number 2
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- iron: metal, Fe, atomic number 26
- lithium: metal, Li, atomic number 3
- magnesium: element, Mg, atomic number 12
- neon: element, Ne, atomic number 10
- nickel: metal, Ni, atomic number 28
- nitrogen: metal, N, atomic number 7
- oxygen: element, O, atomic number 8
- phosphorus: metal, P, atomic number 15
- silicon: metal, Si, atomic number 14
- sodium: metal, Na, atomic number 11
- sulfur: metal, S, atomic number 16
- titanium: metal, Ti, atomic number 22
- element sedimentation: see sedimentation
- elemental sedimentation: see sedimentation
- elements
- atomic number: number of protons in an atomic nucleus
- fusion: formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- mass number: number of nucleons in an atomic nucleus
- elevation range: measure of how high and low a telescope can be pointed
- ELF (Enceladus Life Finder): mission to search for life on Saturn moon Enceladus
- ELF (extremely low frequency): electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 Hz to 30 Hz
- ELF (ultraluminous infrared galaxy): a galaxy emitting a more far infrared than an LIRG
- ELF: see Colossus Telescope
- ELG (emission line galaxy): a galaxy type characterized by emission lines
- REBELS: survey of star-forming galaxies during the reionization
- ELHC: see EROS
- Elias: see rare designator prefixes
- Elias 2-27: much-studied YSO
- ELIRG: see luminous infrared galaxy
- eLISA (New Gravitational Wave Observatory): past proposal for space mission to detect gravitational waves
- ellipse: see conic section
- ellipsoid: see spheroid
- paraboloid: circularly-symmetric 3D surface based on parabola
- ellipsoidal variable: binary star elongated by gravity
- elliptical
- elliptical galaxies
- elliptical galaxy: ellipsoidal-shaped galaxy
- ellipticity: degree to which a body's shape is un-spherical
- ELM Survey: survey of extremely-low-mass white dwarfs
- elongation: see heliocentric system
- Elqui stream
- ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope): 39-meter telescope under construction
- ELT (extremely large telescope): optical telescope with a 20+ meter aperture
- ELT-CAM (MICADO): camera planned for E-ELT
- ELT-CAM: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- ELT-HARMONI (HARMONI): spectrograph planned for E-ELT
- ELT-HIRES: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- ELT-IFU (HARMONI): spectrograph planned for E-ELT
- ELT-IFU: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- ELT-MIDIR: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- ELT-MOS: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- EM (electromagnetism): electricity and magnetism and their interaction
- EM radiation (electromagnetic radiation): radiation such as light, radio, X-rays
- embedded cluster: see stellar cluster
- embedded lens: see gravitational lensing
- embryo (planetary embryo): object that may grow into a future planet
- eigenmode: vibration mode of an oscillator where all parts move at the same frequency
- emergent gravity (entropic gravity): MOND-like theory of gravity
- EMF (electromotive force): force that drives an electric current
- EMIC: see plasma wave
- EMIR: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- EMIR: see IRAM 30m Telescope
- EMIR Multi-line Probe of the ISM Regulating Galaxy Evolution (EMPIRE Survey): survey of gas in M51a to follow up PAWS
- Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe): UAE Mars orbiter currently studying Mars
- EMIRS: see Hope Probe
- emission: addition of photons to a beam of EMR
- emission band: see spectral band
- emission coefficient: measure of how much light a substance emits
- emission line: narrow frequency-region of a spectrum with higher intensity
- emission line galaxy: a galaxy type characterized by emission lines
- REBELS: survey of star-forming galaxies during the reionization
- emission line nebula (emission nebula): nebula that emits light such as an HII region or PN
- emission line tomography (line tomography): using double-peaked spectral lines to place constituents of a disk
- emission nebula: nebula that emits light such as an HII region or PN
- emission redshift: see redshift
- emission spectroscopy
- emission-line object: source of interest due to an emission line
- emission-line star: general term for a star exhibiting stronger-than-usual emission lines
- emissive photodissociation: see photodissociation
- emissivity: measure of a material's efficiency at radiating thermal radiation
- emissivity index: see spectral index
- EMMI: see New Technology Telescope
- EMP (Ephemerides of Minor Planets): annual catalog on minor planet positions
- EMP: see Population III
- EMPG (extremely metal poor galaxy): galaxy of interest for its very low metallicity
- EMPIRE Survey: survey of gas in M51a to follow up PAWS
- EMR (electromagnetic radiation): radiation such as light, radio, X-rays
- 21-cm experiment: search for redshifted 21-cm hydrogen emission lines
- AB system: monochromatic magnitude calibration based upon absolute values
- absolute magnitude: magnitude as would be seen from 10 parsecs
- absorption: removal of photons from a beam of EMR
- absorption coefficient: measure of how much light a substance absorbs
- active galactic nucleus: central region of a galaxy with extremely high luminosity
- AGN corona: plasma surrounding or near an AGN
- airglow: glow from a planet's atmosphere
- albedo: measure of reflectance
- anomalous cosmic rays: cosmic rays with unexpectedly low energies
- aperture: opening through which light passes
- aperture synthesis: interferometry to simulate a larger aperture telescope
- apparent magnitude: magnitude as seen from Earth adjusted for Earth atmosphere
- atmospheric window: frequency bands within which the atmosphere passes EMR
- Auger effect: atom's emission of an electron along with a photon
- aurora: light produced by atmosphere and solar wind
- B: photometric filter for blue light
- bandwidth: number of hertz between minimum and maximum frequencies
- beam: portion of a sky that a radio telescope is viewing
- black body: idealized object that reflects no light
- black-body radiation: EMR with a characteristic spectrum due to the temperature of a body
- blue shift: shortening of wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- bolometer: instrument measuring heat produced by radiation
- bolometric correction: difference between an object's bolometric and visual magnitudes
- bolometric luminosity: total luminosity of an object at all wavelengths
- bolometric magnitude: absolute magnitude of all wavelengths
- bremsstrahlung: photon emission when a charged particle is decelerated
- brightness temperature: temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of spectral radiance
- broad line region: AGN region producing broader lines
- cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy: passing a beam through a gas multiple times to amplify absorption lines
- CCD: type of electronic device to detect light
- Cherenkov radiation: radiation from the shock of a charged particle passing through a medium
- chirp: burst of signal rising or falling in frequency
- circular polarization ratio: ratio of circular polarization handedness in reflected radar signal
- CMB lensing: gravitational lensing of the CMB
- color index: a number that characterizes the color of an object
- color temperature: temperature-measure of a source based on a color index
- color-period diagram: means of comparing periods of stars at various wavelengths
- column density: measure of the matter through which EMR is passing
- Compton reflection: recognizable emission due to a gas or plasma's Compton scattering
- Compton scattering: photon collision with a charged particle that emits a different photon
- continuum emission: continuous spectrum such as black-body radiation or bremsstrahlung
- cooling function: function relating a gas's cooling rate to its temperature
- cosmic background radiation: electromagnetic radiation coming from every direction
- cosmic infrared background: widespread infrared radiation not associated with known sources
- cosmic microwave background: microwave radiation coming from every direction
- cosmic optical background: widespread optical radiation not associated with known sources
- cosmic X-ray background: X-ray radiation coming from outside the Milky Way
- cosmological redshift: redshift of distant objects due to the Hubble expansion
- cross dispersion spectrograph: echelle spectrograph with additional disperser crosswise to the first
- CTIS: imaging spectrometer using CT algorithm to sort out overlapping orders
- curvature radiation: synchrotron-like radiation when particles follow curved field lines
- cyclotron radiation: radiation emitted when charged particles are accelerated
- detective quantum efficiency: measure of instrument's ability to create images
- differential spectroscopy: analysis of the comparison of two spectrographs
- diffuse emission: electromagnetic radiation not confined to a point source
- dispersion measure: to what degree an EMR signal's lower frequencies are delayed
- distance modulus: apparent magnitude minus absolute magnitude
- Doppler broadening: broadening of spectral lines due to movement of the sources of photons
- Doppler shift: wave frequency difference due to relative velocity difference with source
- Earth-sized VLBI: ground-based VLBI with near-maximal baseline
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- Eddington approximation: approximation of a star's internal EMR's divergence from isotropic
- effective temperature: temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of total radiation
- Einstein coefficients: a substance's probabilities of emission and absorption
- electric dipole radiation: EMR generated by an oscillating electric dipole
- electromagnetic spectrum: spectrum of EMR
- electron volt: very small unit of energy
- electronic very-long-baseline interferometry: real-time VLBI using electronic links
- emission: addition of photons to a beam of EMR
- emission coefficient: measure of how much light a substance emits
- equation of radiative transfer: equation describing energy transfer by EMR
- equilibrium temperature: temperature a planet would have if it were an externally-heated black body
- European VLBI Network: consortium of radio telescopes to coordinate VLBI efforts
- extended source: term for astronomical object covering some area of the sky
- extinction: the absence of any radiation from an astronomical object because all is absorbed or scattered
- extragalactic background light: electromagnetic radiation from star formation and AGNs
- extreme ultraviolet: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 10-124 nm
- extremely low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 Hz to 30 Hz
- far infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 30-450 μm range
- fast radio burst: astronomical high energy radio pulses of a few milliseconds
- fluorescence: emission from a molecule excited by absorption
- flux: flow rate per unit area
- flux density: measure of the strength of a radio signal
- foreground subtraction: removing unwanted sources of EMR in intensity mapping
- frequency: number of cycles per unit of time, such as waves per second
- frequency modulation: changing the frequency of a signal's carrier
- G band: band of visible light around 5100 angstroms
- g-r color: difference between SDSS g' and r' magnitudes
- galaxy SED: SED of a galaxy, sometimes synthesized from photometric surveys
- gamma rays: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10 picometers and less
- gamma-ray burst: short flash of gamma rays apparently from outside our galaxy
- Geiger-avalanche photodiode: type of solid state photon sensor
- gravitational lensing: focusing electromagnetic radiation by gravitational force
- gravitational microlensing: gravitational lensing by "small" objects such as individual stars and planets
- gravitational redshift: redshift due to GR effects of gravity
- gray body: ideal object that reflects the same fraction of light at any wavelength
- GRB-supernova: supernova that produces a GRB
- greenhouse effect: mechanism that boosts temperature through selective blocking of EMR
- griz photometric system: photometric system designed for electronic sensors
- Gunn-Peterson trough: spectral feature in EMR from redshift 6+
- GZK limit: limit on energy of cosmic rays
- H band: atmospheric window centered around 1.63 microns, or 184 THz
- Hanle effect: effect of magnetic field on the polarization of emitted photons
- Hawking radiation: EMR theorized to be emitted by black holes, powered by their mass
- high frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 MHz
- I band: passband for near-infrared light
- imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy: Michelson-interferometer-based imaging spectroscopy
- imaging spectrometer: device to capture spectrum point-by-point of an image
- infrared: light with wavelength too long for our eyes to sense
- infrared cirrus: cirrus-cloud-like infrared emissions from dust, etc.
- infrared excess: more infrared than that of a star's typical spectrum
- integral field spectrograph: spectrograph that captures images
- integral field unit: instrument to allow a spectrograph to capture data over a 2D field
- intensity: power reaching a surface from a specific source
- intensity mapping: measure of cosmic matter density
- interferometer: device detecting EMR properties using interference between waves
- interstellar radiation field: EMR throughout the "empty" space of a galaxy
- ionizing radiation: radiation with photon energy sufficient to ionize
- irradiance: EMR power reaching a surface
- J band: atmospheric window centered around 1.2 microns, or 240 THz
- jansky: unit of measurement of spectral flux density
- JHK photometric system: system to classify stars according to near-infrared colors
- K band: atmospheric window centered around 2.2 microns, or 136 THz
- K correction: correction to magnitude for redshift
- Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation: for an object in thermodynamic equilibrium, emissivity equals absorptance
- Kirchhoff's laws: laws regarding the source of spectral lines
- light curve: changing intensity of light from a transient
- line shape function: function describing the shape of a spectral line
- long gamma-ray burst: GRB lasting more than two seconds
- low-surface-brightness galaxy: galaxies less bright than those historically identified
- luminosity: measure of brightness
- Lyman-Werner photon: ultraviolet photon with proper energy to excite molecular hydrogen
- magnetic dipole radiation: EMR naturally generated by a spinning magnetic dipole
- magnitude: a logarithmic measure of brightness
- maser: electromagnetic radiation amplified by stimulated emission
- microchannel array: electronic device to EMR
- microwave: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 MHz to 300 GHz
- mid infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 7.5-25 μm range
- MKO photometric system: 2000s system covering near infrared
- monochromatic luminosity: luminosity at a specific wavelength
- multi-object spectrograph: device to record the spectrum of multiple targets simultaneously
- multipole expansion: series expansion of a function over the surface of a sphere
- narrow line region: AGN region producing narrower lines
- near infrared: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 750-2500 nm
- non-thermal: regarding radiation other than black-body
- non-thermal emission: EMR not due to a body's heat
- observational astronomy: term covering observation
- OIR: "band name" that means both visible light and infrared
- opacity: a measure of opaqueness of a material
- optical depth: a measure of opaqueness of a path of light
- optics: science and technology regarding visible light
- oscillator strength: fraction expressing QM's contribution to the probability of absorption
- passband: range of electromagnetic wavelengths that a filter allows
- Penrose Compton scattering: type of Compton scattering within a black hole's ergosphere
- phase curve: brightness of an object according to its phase angle
- photochemistry: study of the chemical effects of light
- photodiode: class of solid state device to detect EMR
- photoevaporation: dispersal of a gas from UV radiation
- photographic magnitude: magnitude derived from photographic plate
- photoionization: photon striking neutral atom expelling an electron
- photometer: instrument measuring brightness
- photometric redshift: method of estimating redshift without spectroscopy
- photometric system: specification of a set of filters/passbands
- photomultiplier tube: electronic device to detect light
- photon counting: sensing EMR down to the photon level
- photon energy: the energy carried by a single photon
- photon noise: variation in light measurement due to its quantum nature
- Planck function: yields black-body spectrum curve
- polarimetry: measurement of polarization of EMR
- polarization: property of waves that oscillate in a particular direction
- polarization modes: curl- and divergent-like components of CMB polarization patterns
- post-starburst galaxy: galaxy indicating star formation some time back
- Poynting vector: measures directional energy flux density
- Q band: name for EMR frequency-range on the order of 45 GHz
- quantum efficiency: measure of instrument's ability to sense EMR
- quenched galaxy: galaxy currently producing minimal stars
- R band: band of visible light around 6500 angstroms
- radar: probe based on reflecting radio waves
- radiance: measure of EMR to/from a solid angle through an area
- radiant flux: measure of brightness
- radiation hydrodynamics: hydrodynamics plus the effects of EMR
- radiation pressure: the pressure exerted by electromagnetic radiation
- radiation zone: region of a star transmitting energy through radiative diffusion
- radiative flux: power passing through a unit area
- radiative transfer: energy transfer in the form of electromagnetic radiation
- radiative transfer code: computer model of a gas's radiative transfer
- radiative transfer model: models of radiative transfer, often computerized
- radio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 kHz to 300 GHz
- radiometer: device for measuring radiant flux
- Rayleigh scattering: wave scattering by particles smaller than the wavelength
- Rayleigh-Jeans law: yields approximation of black-body curve useful at low frequencies
- reddening: red appearance of astronomical objects because blue light is attenuated by dust
- redshift: change to longer wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- redshift space: concept of space using redshift as the radial dimension
- relativistic beaming: directional relativistic effect on light from relativistic speeds
- relativistic speed: a substantial fraction of the speed of light
- rest wavelength: normal wavelength observed when not moving in relation to the source
- Sagnac effect: an effect of the movement of light beams regarding their interference
- scattering: changing the direction of a particle's movement
- Schuster-Schwarzschild model: simplified model of a star's production of absorption lines
- self-absorption: EMR absorption by the same substance that emitted it
- sensitivity function: function of wavelength giving the sensitivity of an instrument
- short gamma-ray burst: GRB lasting less than two seconds
- solar constant: flux from the Sun at 1 AU
- source function: measure indicating the effect of a material on EMR passing through
- specific intensity: intensity per unit wavelength or frequency
- spectral energy distribution: function or plot of brightness at each wavelength in the spectrum
- spectral flux density: flux or power of radiation per unit area per unit wavelength
- spectral index: power by which an object's flux depends on frequency
- spectral line energy distribution: function or plot of brightness of lines in a spectrum
- spectral resolution: measure of a spectrograph's ability to resolve features of the spectrum
- spectral signature: spectral characteristics indicating the emitting material and conditions
- spectral temperature: temperature-measure of a source based on a spectrum
- spectrograph: device to record the spectrum of incoming light
- spectrography: charting the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectrometer: device to measure light by wavelength across its spectrum
- spectrometry: measuring the strengths of different electromagnetic wavelengths
- spectropolarimetry: measurement of light's polarization by wavelength
- spectroscope: device to study the spectrum of incoming light
- spectroscopy: measurement of light with various electromagnetic wavelengths
- speed of light: fundamental constant measured as the speed at which light travels
- starburst galaxy: galaxy forming stars at a very high rate
- Stark effect: electric field influence on spectral lines
- stimulated emission: emission triggered by received photons
- Stokes parameters: means of describing a polarization state
- Strömgren photometric system: four-color photometric system devised in 1950s
- submillimeter galaxy: galaxy that produces significant submillimeter radiation
- subradio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 kHz
- super low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 30 Hz to 300 Hz
- superconducting tunnel junction: type of Josephson junction usable in EMR sensors
- supernova light curve: changing intensity of light following a supernova
- superradiance: exotic quantum-mechanics light-amplification phenomenon
- surface brightness: brightness per unit area of a surface
- surface of last scattering: sphere around us from which CMB photons are just reaching us
- synchrotron radiation: radiation emitted when high-speed charged particles are accelerated
- synchrotron self-Compton: charged particle cloud scattering its own synchrotron-produced photons
- thermal bremsstrahlung: type of EMR produced by thin, hot plasma
- thermal dust emission: glow of dust heated by stars or AGNs
- thermal emission: EMR due to a body's heat
- Thomson optical depth: a measure of effects of Thomson scattering
- Thomson scattering: elastic scattering of photons by a charged particle
- tired light: an alternate theory explaining the cosmological redshift
- transit spectroscopy: spectroscopy through an exoplanet's transit
- transmission spectroscopy: spectrum of radiation passing through a substance
- tremendously low frequency: presumably electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 Hz
- two-stream approximation: approximation of a star's internal EMR's divergence from isotropic
- U: photometric filter for ultraviolet light
- UBV photometric system: commonly-cited photometric system for describing stars' colors
- ugriz photometric system: photometric system used for SDSS
- ultra low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 Hz to 3 kHz
- ultra-high-energy gamma rays: energetic gamma rays with more than 100 TeV photon energy
- ultraviolet: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10-400 nm
- UVOIR: a spectral "band name" covering UV, visible light, and IR
- V: photometric filter for visible light
- Vega system: magnitude calibration such that Vega has zero magnitude
- very low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 kHz
- very-high-energy gamma rays: energetic gamma rays with 100 GeV to 100 TeV photon energy
- very-long-baseline interferometry: interferometry based upon storing timing data at each telescope
- visible light: electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can sense
- wavelength: distance over which a repeating wave repeats
- wavenumber: reciprocal of wavelength
- weak lensing: slight lensing detected in random patterns of distant objects
- Wien approximation: yields approximation of black body curve useful at short wavelengths
- Wien's displacement law: relates temperature to wavelength of maximum emission
- X-ray: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 0.01 to 10 nanometers
- X-ray flash: short flash of X-rays
- XEUV: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 0.15-124 nm
- Zeeman effect: magnetic field influence on spectral lines
- Zeeman-Doppler imaging: technique for imaging stellar magnetic fields
- EMRI (extreme mass ratio inspiral): inspiraling pair of objects with mass ratio beyond 10,000
- EMU: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- EMUS: see Hope Probe
- ENA (energetic neutral atom): high-speed neutral atom
- ENACS (ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey): 1990s spectroscopy and photometry survey of galaxy clusters
- Enceladus: Saturn moon considered possible carrier of life
- Enceladus Life Finder: mission to search for life on Saturn moon Enceladus
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Enceladus Orbilander: concept for a NASA mission to Enceladus
- Encke-type comet: see long-period comet
- endothermic reaction: reaction that absorbs heat
- energetic neutral atom: high-speed neutral atom
- energetic particle: see solar energetic particle
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- energy balance model: see one dimensional climate model
- energy density: energy per unit volume
- energy spectral density: see magnetic energy spectrum
- energy spectral density: see spectral density
- ENG: see double star designation
- engineering
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: UK agency for scientific research, including astronomy
- engineering first light: see first light
- England
- Enhanced MERLIN: see MERLIN
- Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarization (eXTP): plan for a space X-ray telescope
- Enlil
- WSA-Enlil: computer model of heliosphere for space weather prediction
- enormous Lyman-alpha nebula: see Lyman-alpha blob
- Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO): experiment to detect neutrinoless double beta decay in xenon
- enrichment mode: see mass spectrometer
- entropic gravity: MOND-like theory of gravity
- entropy: relative measure of the amount of usable energy available
- envelope (atmosphere): gas surrounding astronomical object
- Environmental Context: see RESOLVE
- EnVision: planned 2030s ESA Venus orbiter
- Enzo: hydrodynamic simulation system
- eon (gigayear): a billion years
- EOR (epoch of reionization): time when the universe's neutral hydrogen atoms ionized
- EoR (epoch of reionization): time when the universe's neutral hydrogen atoms ionized
- EoR-Spec: see Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope
- EoS (equation of state): equation relating temperature, pressure, and volume
- Eos
- EP (Einstein Probe): Chinese X-ray space observatory
- EP: see photodissociation
- EPA: see Giotto
- EPAC: see Ulysses
- EPAM: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- EPAS: see International Cometary Explorer
- EPD: see Galileo
- EPD: see Solar Orbiter
- EPDP: see SMART-1
- Ephemerides of Minor Planets: annual catalog on minor planet positions
- ephemeris: information on the position of a celestial body in the sky over time
- ephemeris time
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- EPIC: see K2
- EPIC: see XMM-Newton
- EPIC 201912552: see K2-18b
- EPIC 201912552b (K2-18b): super-Earth in a habitable zone
- EPICS: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- epicycle: small circular motion around a large circular motion
- epicyclic frequency: frequency of oscillation in an accretion disk
- epicycle: small circular motion around a large circular motion
- spiral galaxy: flat galaxy with spiraling arms
- Epimetheus: see shepherd moon
- episodic star formation: see star formation
- EPO: "education and public outreach"
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- epoch: when an object was at a particular set of celestial coordinates
- epoch B1900.0
- epoch: when an object was at a particular set of celestial coordinates
- epoch B1950.0: midnight 1/1/1950 GMT as used as a time reference
- epoch: when an object was at a particular set of celestial coordinates
- epoch folding (data folding): locating periods in data by trial
- epoch J2000.0: noon 1/1/2000 GMT as used as a time reference
- epoch: when an object was at a particular set of celestial coordinates
- epoch of galaxy assembly (epoch of galaxy formation): before z=1, when many galaxies formed
- epoch of galaxy formation: before z=1, when many galaxies formed
- epoch of recombination (recombination): time when the universe's ionized hydrogen atoms neutralized
- epoch of reionization: time when the universe's neutral hydrogen atoms ionized
- EDGES: survey aiming at highly-redshifted 21-cm detection
- PAPER: radio interferometer for 21-cm measurement
- SARAS: survey aiming at highly-redshifted 21-cm detection
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- Deep Impact: mission to create and observe an impact with a comet
- EPS merger trees
- Epsilon Eridani: third nearest visible star system in sky
- Epsilon Ind A ab: see Epsilon Indi
- Epsilon Indi: nearby star system including two brown dwarf companions
- EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council): UK agency for scientific research, including astronomy
- EPTA (European Pulsar Timing Array): European collaboration of radio telescopes
- EPTA+: see European Pulsar Timing Array
- EQ (equatorial coordinate system): latitude/longitude-like system for the celestial sphere
- equant: see epicycle
- equation
- equation of radiative transfer: equation describing energy transfer by EMR
- equation of state: equation relating temperature, pressure, and volume
- Equation of State: Supernovae Trace Cosmic Expansion (ESSENCE): survey using supernova data to study dark energy
- Equator: see circle of latitude
- equatorial
- equatorial coordinate system: latitude/longitude-like system for the celestial sphere
- equatorial coordinates: see equatorial coordinate system
- J2000.0 equinox: equinox as of the J2000.0 epoch used as a positional reference
- equatorial Kelvin wave: see Kelvin waves
- equatorial mount: telescope mount with axis parallel to Earth's
- equatorial Rossby wave: see Kelvin waves
- equatorial wave: see Kelvin waves
- equilibrium condensation model: chemical model explaining solar system planet abundances
- equilibrium temperature: temperature a planet would have if it were an externally-heated black body
- equilibrium-limited weathering: see weathering
- equinox: point-in-time when tilt of Earth is neither toward nor away from the Sun
- J2000.0 equinox: equinox as of the J2000.0 epoch used as a positional reference
- equipment
- bandpass filter: device to filter away all but a band of frequencies
- drogue chute: parachute to slow something moving at high speed
- filter: optical device to filter out part of the EMR spectrum
- ion engine: type of electrical spacecraft engine
- mirror support cell: units in a telescope that support the mirror
- MMRTG: power source for space probes
- plate: product of astronomical photography
- Space Launch System: launch rocket in development, e.g., for future astronomical projects
- equipotential surface: see gravitational potential model
- equivalent aperture: see aperture
- equivalent elastic thickness (elastic thickness): measure of the thickness of a sagging layer of a planet surface
- equivalent width: see line broadening
- ER: see Lunar Prospector
- era of reionization (epoch of reionization): time when the universe's neutral hydrogen atoms ionized
- eRASS: see eROSITA
- eRASSt: see eROSITA
- erg: CGS unit of energy
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- ergosphere: type of region of space around rotating black hole
- black hole: region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- frame dragging: region of space dragged into rotation by a rotating object
- Penrose process: process by which energy can be extracted from black hole's rotation
- ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium): science and technology initiative
- Eridanus II
- Eridanus Supervoid
- void: empty spaces between large scale structures
- Eridanus Void
- ERIS: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Eris
- ERNE: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- ERO (extremely red object): class of galaxies showing more infrared than visible light
- EROS: search for MACHOs
- Eros
- EROS-1
- EROS-2
- erosion
- ablation: erosion of the surface of an object
- weathering: changes in surface due to contact with atmosphere
- erosion barrier: see planet formation
- eROSITA: Russian/German space X-ray telescope launched in 2019
- eRosita: see Spektr-RG
- eROSITA all-sky survey: see eROSITA
- error bar: feature of a graph to indicate accuracy
- ERS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- eruptive variable star: see variable star
- ES: see double star designation
- Es-Birm: see rare designator prefixes
- ESA (European Space Agency): NASA-like international space organization in Europe
- ARIEL: planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- ATHENA: planned ESA X-ray space telescope
- BepiColombo: mission to Mercury
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- CHEOPS: space telescope in development to measure radii of exoplanets
- COROT: observatory-satellite to look for transiting exoplanets and stellar oscillations
- Darwin: past plan for space telescopes acting as an interferometer
- EnVision: planned 2030s ESA Venus orbiter
- ESA Vigil: plan for space-weather warning satellite at L5
- Euclid: survey observatory-satellite to measure dark energy
- EURECA: 1990s ESA satellite with a number of experiments
- ExoMars: program to search for signs of life on Mars
- EXOSAT: 1980s European space X-ray telescope
- Gaia: astrometry survey satellite launched in 2013
- Giotto: 1980s space mission carrying out a Comet Halley flyby
- Herschel Space Observatory: infrared observatory-satellite with 3.5-meter reflector
- Hipparcos: ESA astrometry space observatory circa 1990
- Infrared Space Observatory: 1990s 60-cm infrared space telescope
- INTEGRAL: European gamma ray observatory-satellite
- International Ultraviolet Explorer: 1980s ultraviolet space telescope
- James Webb Space Telescope: 6.5-meter infrared space telescope at L2
- JUICE: mission to Jupiter in development
- LISA: proposed space mission to detect gravitational waves
- Mars Express: Mars probe launched by ESA in 2003
- New Gravitational Wave Observatory: past proposal for space mission to detect gravitational waves
- Planck: microwave telescope in space
- PLATO: planned observatory-satellite aimed at finding exoplanets
- Rosalind Franklin: Mars rover in development for 2028 launch
- Rosetta: space probe that visited a comet
- SMART-1: Swedish lunar orbiter operational 2003-2006
- Solar and Heliospheric Observatory: satellite observing the Sun
- Solar Orbiter: space probe investigating the Sun's surface and the heliosphere
- Spacelab: reusable laboratory that was an optional Space Shuttle payload
- THEMIS: set of satellites studying the Earth's magnetic field
- THESEUS: plan for X-ray/Gamma-ray transient space mission
- Trace Gas Orbiter: ESA and Russian Mars orbiter-probe launched in 2016
- Venus Express: Venus probe launched by ESA in 2005
- XMM-Newton: X-ray observatory-satellite operated by ESA
- XRISM: X-ray space telescope launched in 2023
- ESA Vigil: plan for space-weather warning satellite at L5
- escape fraction: fraction of ionizing photons escaping a body
- escape parameter (Jeans parameter): ratio measuring a tendency of an atmosphere to escape
- escape velocity: minimal velocity that allows something to overcome a body's gravity
- Escorial: see rare designator prefixes
- ESD: see spectral density
- ESI: see Keck Observatory
- ESIS: EUV spectrograph for solar corona observation
- ESO (European Southern Observatory): organization operating telescopes in the southern hemisphere
- ESO: see ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO (B) Atlas
- ESO (B) Atlas
- ESO 137-001: barred spiral galaxy in the Abell 3627 cluster
- ESO 3.6m Telescope: reflector telescope at La Silla
- ESO 97-G13 (Circinus Galaxy): nearest Seyfert galaxy
- ESO B plates
- ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey: 1990s spectroscopy and photometry survey of galaxy clusters
- ESO plate: see plate
- ESO Quick Blue Survey
- ESO Schmidt Telescope: 1 meter telescope in Chile with a wide field-of-view
- ESO VLT (European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope): four 8.2-meter optical telescopes in Chile that can act together
- ESO-HA: see rare designator prefixes
- ESO/SERC Southern Sky Atlas: see UK Schmidt Survey
- ESO/SERC Survey (UK Schmidt Survey): photographic survey of the southern hemisphere sky
- ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO (B) Atlas: 1970s southern all-sky survey
- ESO594-G004 (Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy): most distant galaxy in the Local Group
- Esp: see double star designation
- ESPaDOnS: see Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- ESPEX: concept for a small near-UV/optical space observatory
- ESPRESSO: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- ESRO (European Space Research Organisation): 1960s-1970s European collaboration
- Cos-B: 1970s satellite for studying gamma rays
- TD-1A: 1970s European observatory-satellite with UV telescopes
- ESSENCE: survey using supernova data to study dark energy
- ESTEC: see European Space Agency
- ESTRACK: see European Space Agency
- ET (Einstein Telescope): concept for a larger LIGO-like GW detector
- eta car (Eta Carinae): variable star
- Eta Carinae: variable star
- Eta Carinae Nebula (Carina Nebula): HII region with stars and nebulae of interest
- Eta Orionis
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- etalon: two parallel reflective surfaces separating light according to wavelength
- ETC (exposure time calculator): app to calculate time to carry out an observation
- etendue: measure of how wide and deep a telescope observes
- ETG: see galaxy
- ethane: see hydrocarbon
- ethene (ethylene): compound of two carbon and four hydrogen atoms
- ether: see relativity
- ethylene: compound of two carbon and four hydrogen atoms
- ethyne (acetylene): compound of two carbon and two hydrogen atoms
- EU: see EURECA
- Euclid: survey observatory-satellite to measure dark energy
- Euclidean metric: see metric
- EUI: see Solar Orbiter
- Euler method
- Euler's formula: formula relating exponentials to trigonometric functions
- Fourier series: type of series able to approximate a periodic function
- Euler's identity: see Euler's formula
- Euler's number
- Eulerian code: see stellar structure
- Eunomia
- EURECA: 1990s ESA satellite with a number of experiments
- Europa: well-known Jupiter moon
- Europa Clipper: NASA Europa space probe launched in 2024
- Europa Lander: plan for a late 2020s Europa probe landing on the surface
- Europa Multiple Flyby Mission (Europa Clipper): NASA Europa space probe launched in 2024
- Europe
- European
- European Association for Astronomy Education: promotes science education
- European Astronomical Society: European organization
- European Extremely Large Telescope: 39-meter telescope under construction
- European Gravitational Observatory: gravitational wave observatory in Italy
- European Large Area ISO Survey: see Infrared Space Observatory
- European Pulsar Timing Array: European collaboration of radio telescopes
- European Research Infrastructure Consortium: science and technology initiative
- European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA): 1990s ESA satellite with a number of experiments
- European Southern Observatory: organization operating telescopes in the southern hemisphere
- European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope: four 8.2-meter optical telescopes in Chile that can act together
- European Space Agency: NASA-like international space organization in Europe
- European Space Research and Technology Centre: see European Space Agency
- European Space Research Organisation: 1960s-1970s European collaboration
- Cos-B: 1970s satellite for studying gamma rays
- European Space Research Organization
- TD-1A: 1970s European observatory-satellite with UV telescopes
- European Space Tracking: see European Space Agency
- European VLBI Network: consortium of radio telescopes to coordinate VLBI efforts
- European X-ray Observatory Satellite (EXOSAT): 1980s European space X-ray telescope
- europium
- EUSO-2: see EUSO-SPB
- EUSO-SPB: balloon-borne cosmic ray observatory
- EUV (extreme ultraviolet): electromagnetic radiation in the range of 10-124 nm
- EUV: see IMAGE
- CHIPS: small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- ionizing radiation: radiation with photon energy sufficient to ionize
- EUV From Earth and Space: see OSO 8
- EUV Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph (ESIS): EUV spectrograph for solar corona observation
- EUVE (Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer): 1990s ultraviolet space telescope
- eV (electron volt): very small unit of energy
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- gamma rays: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10 picometers and less
- photon: quantum of light, i.e., light as a particle
- photon energy: the energy carried by a single photon
- X-ray: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 0.01 to 10 nanometers
- evaluation
- evaporating gas globule: very small dense cloud of hydrogen and dust
- evaporation: particles escaping, e.g., liquid molecules escaping as gas
- evaporation valley: see Fulton gap
- evaporation valley: see super-Earth
- EVCC: see Virgo Cluster Catalog
- EVE: see Solar Dynamics Observatory
- event
- 1947 sunspot: largest sunspot ever recorded
- 775 AD event: apparent solar eruption, based upon tree-ring evidence
- AT2018cow: unusual 2018 optical transient
- Big Bang: theoretical event when the universe expanded from a point
- Big Crunch: theoretical end of universe drawn together by gravity
- Carrington event: solar storm September 1-3 1859
- epoch of reionization: time when the universe's neutral hydrogen atoms ionized
- Great Debate: historical debate regarding the nature of galaxies
- GW170817: 2017 gravitational wave detection from a neutron star merger
- Kepler's Supernova: Type Ia supernova observed in 1604 by Johannes Kepler
- late heavy bombardment: time after solar system planet-formation when many impacts occurred
- Oh-My-God Particle: extremely energetic particle from space detected in 1991
- recombination: time when the universe's ionized hydrogen atoms neutralized
- SN 1572: Type Ia supernova noted in 1572 by Tycho Brahe
- SN 185: supernova recorded in China in AD 185
- SN 1987A: supernova in February 1987 rare for being visible by the naked eye
- SN 2014J: Type Ia supernova in Messier 82, the Cigar Galaxy
- solar eclipse: eclipse consisting of the Moon blocking the Sun from view
- stellar merger: two stars combining into one
- event horizon: surface-shape around a black hole through which light cannot escape
- Event Horizon Telescope: growing VLBI network
- event type
- EVLA (Very Large Array): radio telescope in New Mexico
- EVN (European VLBI Network): consortium of radio telescopes to coordinate VLBI efforts
- evolution (stellar evolution): the pattern of a star's changing structure over its life
- Evolution and Assembly of Galaxies and their Environments (EAGLE): simulation of galaxy formation and evolution
- Evolutionary Map of the Universe: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- evolutionary track: H-R diagram track of the life of a star
- Evryscope: automated array of telescopes to uncover transients
- Ex-MORA: see MORA
- exaFLOP
- ExAO (extreme adaptive optics): high-performance version of AO system
- exascale computing: exaFLOP computing capability, i.e., quintillion FLOPs
- EXCEED: see Hisaki
- excess kurtosis: see kurtosis
- exchange: see binary star
- excitation (atomic excitation): electrons above the ground state within atoms
- excitation (state of excitation): energy level of something above the minimum
- excitation temperature: see temperature
- excited state: see atomic excitation
- excited state: see state of excitation
- EXCLAIM: planned balloon-borne 70-cm telescope with spectrometers
- EXI: see Hope Probe
- exit pupil: size of the image as presented to the eye
- EXO: experiment to detect neutrinoless double beta decay in xenon
- EXO-200: see EXO
- Exo-C: see Exo-S
- exo-Earth: Earth-like exoplanet
- Earth analog: planet with characteristics of Earth
- GJ 1132 b: Earth-like extrasolar planet discovered in 2015
- Kepler-186f: Earth-like exoplanet in a star's habitable zone
- TOI 700 d: Earth-sized exoplanet in a habitable zone
- Exo-Kuiper Belt: see Kuiper Belt
- Exo-S: a study on the concept of a starshade mission
- Exo-starshade (Exo-S): a study on the concept of a starshade mission
- exobase: see exosphere
- exobiology (astrobiology): study of extra-terrestrial life
- Exobiology on Mars (ExoMars): program to search for signs of life on Mars
- exocomet: see falling evaporating body
- ExoCTK: collection of software for exoplanet observation and analysis
- ExoData: see Open Exoplanet Catalogue
- exoearth (exo-Earth): Earth-like exoplanet
- EXOFAST: code to match model parameters with exoplanet observation data
- ExoFOP: site to facilitate exoplanet follow-up observation
- ExoFOP-K2: see ExoFOP
- ExoFOP-Kepler: see ExoFOP
- ExoFOP-TESS: see ExoFOP
- ExoGRAVITY: VLT GRAVITY survey of directly-imaged exoplanets
- ExoLife Finder: see Colossus Telescope
- ExoMars: program to search for signs of life on Mars
- ExoMars: see Trace Gas Orbiter
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- Rosalind Franklin: Mars rover in development for 2028 launch
- ExoMars Rover (Rosalind Franklin): Mars rover in development for 2028 launch
- ExoMars TGO (Trace Gas Orbiter): ESA and Russian Mars orbiter-probe launched in 2016
- ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (Trace Gas Orbiter): ESA and Russian Mars orbiter-probe launched in 2016
- exomoon (exosatellite): natural satellite not in the solar system
- exoplanet (extra-solar planet): planet not in the solar system
- Exoplanet Characterization Toolkit (ExoCTK): collection of software for exoplanet observation and analysis
- exoplanet demographics (planet demographics): statistics regarding the number of planets
- exoplanet demographics: see demographics
- exoplanet eclipse light curve: graph of light as an exoplanet transits in front of its star
- Exoplanet Follow-up Observing Program (ExoFOP): site to facilitate exoplanet follow-up observation
- exoplanet occurrence rate (planet demographics): statistics regarding the number of planets
- Exoplanet Starshade (Exo-S): a study on the concept of a starshade mission
- exoplanet starshade (starshade): spacecraft to block light from a specific body
- exoplanet transit light curve (exoplanet eclipse light curve): graph of light as an exoplanet transits in front of its star
- exoplanets
- EXOSAT: 1980s European space X-ray telescope
- exosatellite: natural satellite not in the solar system
- exosphere: outer portion of atmosphere so thin that it is not gas-like
- ionosphere: layers of Earth atmosphere with significant ions
- exothermic reaction: see endothermic reaction
- exotic star: term for theoretical stars not made of atoms/ions
- Expérience pour la Recherche d'Objets Sombres (EROS): search for MACHOs
- Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array
- Expanded Very Large Array (Very Large Array): radio telescope in New Mexico
- expansion fan: the "sound" of a supersonic flow flowing around a convex corner
- expansion of the universe (Hubble expansion): ongoing expansion of the universe
- expectation bias: see selection bias
- expeditions
- experiment
- Experiment for Cryogenic Large-Aperture Intensity Mapping (EXCLAIM): planned balloon-borne 70-cm telescope with spectrometers
- Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES): survey aiming at highly-redshifted 21-cm detection
- Explorer 42 (Uhuru): 1970 X-ray space telescope
- Explorer 48 (Small Astronomy Satellite 2): 1970s NASA gamma ray space telescope
- Explorer 53 (Small Astronomy Satellite 3): 1970s NASA X-ray space telescope
- Explorer 57 (International Ultraviolet Explorer): 1980s ultraviolet space telescope
- Explorer 59 (International Cometary Explorer): 1980s space mission flying by comets
- Explorer 64 (Solar Mesophere Explorer): 1980s Earth atmospheric ozone research satellite
- Explorer 66 (Cosmic Background Explorer): 1989 satellite for surveying the CMB
- Explorer 67 (Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer): 1990s ultraviolet space telescope
- Explorer 68 (SAMPEX): 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- Explorer 69 (RXTE): space mission to time X-ray variations
- Explorer 71 (Advanced Composition Explorer): satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- Explorer 73 (TRACE): former solar observing satellite
- Explorer 75 (Wide Field Infrared Explorer): partly-failed 1999 infrared satellite
- Explorer 77 (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer): early 2000s space telescope for short-wavelength ultraviolet
- Explorer 78 (IMAGE): satellite mission to study magnetosphere
- Explorer 80 (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe): spacecraft that measured variations in the cosmic background radiation
- Explorer 81 (RHESSI): 2000s small satellite studying solar flares
- Explorer 82 (CHIPS): small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- Explorer 83 (Galaxy Evolution Explorer): observatory-satellite with 50-cm ultraviolet telescope
- Explorer 84 (Swift): satellite for studying gamma-ray bursts
- Explorer 91 (Interstellar Boundary Explorer): satellite observing the ISM/heliosphere boundary
- Explorer 92 (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer): infrared space telescope aimed at an all-sky survey
- Explorer 93 (NuSTAR): space telescope for high-energy X-rays
- Explorer 95 (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite): observatory-satellite searching for transiting exoplanets
- Explorer 97 (IXPE): space observatory with X-ray polarimeters
- Explorer Program
- IXPE: space observatory with X-ray polarimeters
- RHESSI: 2000s small satellite studying solar flares
- SAMPEX: 1990s small satellite collecting solar wind and cosmic rays
- THEMIS: set of satellites studying the Earth's magnetic field
- Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite: observatory-satellite searching for transiting exoplanets
- Explorers Program
- exponential growth: see runaway process
- exponential profile: see surface brightness profile
- Sérsic profile: model of the relative surface brightness across a galaxy
- exposure time: time spent acquiring a signal
- exposure time calculator: app to calculate time to carry out an observation
- EXPRES: Yale HRS spectrometer aimed at exoplanet detection
- EXPRES: see Lowell Discovery Telescope
- Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: see Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
- Extended BOSS: see Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
- Extended Chandra Deep Field-South: see Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey
- Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: 1100 square arcminute X-ray survey
- extended GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey: see GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey
- Extended Groth Strip: region of sky searched for distant galaxies
- CEERS: JWST early release observation program covering the EGS
- DEEP2: redshift survey of 60,000 galaxies
- Groth Strip: region of sky in early HST survey
- extended planetary nebula: see planetary nebula
- Extended Roentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array (eROSITA): Russian/German space X-ray telescope launched in 2019
- extended source: term for astronomical object covering some area of the sky
- externally dispersed interferometer
- TripleSpec: near-infrared spectrograph on the Hale Telescope
- extinct pulsar: see pulsar
- extinction: the absence of any radiation from an astronomical object because all is absorbed or scattered
- extinction coefficient: see extinction
- extinction curve: see extinction
- extinction efficiency factor: see extinction
- extinction event (mass extinction): event in which many species went extinct
- eXTP: plan for a space X-ray telescope
- XTP: past plan for a space X-ray telescope
- extra-background light
- CIBER: sounding-rocket survey of near-infrared background
- extra-solar planet: planet not in the solar system
- extragalactic astronomy: astronomy of other galaxies, galaxy clusters, AGNs, quasars, etc.
- extragalactic background light: electromagnetic radiation from star formation and AGNs
- extragalactic cosmic rays: see cosmic rays
- Extragalactic Distance Database: online database of distance-related measures of galaxies
- extragalactic distance scale: see cosmic distance ladder
- extragalactic gamma ray background (cosmic gamma ray background): gamma-ray radiation seen everywhere
- extragalactic nebula (galaxy): gravitationally-bound group of stars
- extrasolar giant planet: see extra-solar planet
- extrasolar moon (exosatellite): natural satellite not in the solar system
- Extrasolar Planet Observation and Characterization
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- Extrasolar Planet Observation and Deep Impact Extended Investigation (EPOXI): mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- Deep Impact: mission to create and observe an impact with a comet
- extrasolar satellite (exosatellite): natural satellite not in the solar system
- extremal black hole: see black hole model
- extreme adaptive optics: high-performance version of AO system
- extreme AO (extreme adaptive optics): high-performance version of AO system
- extreme emission line galaxy: see emission line galaxy
- extreme energy cosmic rays: see cosmic rays
- extreme helium star: see helium star
- extreme horizontal branch: see horizontal branch
- extreme horizontal branch star: see horizontal branch
- extreme Kuiper Belt object: see Kuiper Belt
- extreme luminous supergiant: see supergiant
- extreme mass ratio inspiral: inspiraling pair of objects with mass ratio beyond 10,000
- Extreme Precision Spectrometer (EXPRES): Yale HRS spectrometer aimed at exoplanet detection
- extreme trans-Neptune object
- extreme trans-Neptunian object
- extreme ultraviolet: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 10-124 nm
- Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer: 1990s ultraviolet space telescope
- Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscope: see Hisaki
- Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscope for Exospheric Dynamics: see Hisaki
- Extreme Universe Space Observatory: see EUSO-SPB
- Extreme Universe Space Observatory-Super-Pressure Balloon (EUSO-SPB): balloon-borne cosmic ray observatory
- extreme-energy cosmic rays
- Extremely Large Telescope (European Extremely Large Telescope): 39-meter telescope under construction
- extremely large telescope: optical telescope with a 20+ meter aperture
- extremely low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 Hz to 30 Hz
- extremely luminous far infrared galaxy (ultraluminous infrared galaxy): a galaxy emitting a more far infrared than an LIRG
- extremely luminous infrared galaxy: see luminous infrared galaxy
- extremely metal poor
- extremely metal poor galaxy: galaxy of interest for its very low metallicity
- extremely metal poor poor: see Population III
- extremely metal poor star
- extremely red object: class of galaxies showing more infrared than visible light
- extremely wide: see filter designator
- extrinsic S-star: see S-type star
- extrinsic variable: see variable star
- eye piece: see exit pupil
- eye relief: see exit pupil