Astrophysics (Index)About

Swordy plot

(well-known diagram plotting cosmic ray flux to particle energy)

The Swordy plot is a well-known diagram that plots cosmic-ray flux (in units of energy) to the individual particle energy, which shows that over a very wide regime, cosmic ray flux is proportional to a power of the particle energy (a negative power, i.e., inversely proportional). The plot was created and published in 2001 by Simon Swordy, who gathered the necessary data provided by various experiments, each of which only revealed data for a narrower energy interval. Though the plot shows a rough proportionality spanning a wide range, in the plot's typical form, it does include a very slight bend (the Knee) indicating two regimes, each with a slightly different proportion, something of interest. (Redefining the plot's axes scales can make the knee prominent, useful when investigating it.)

(diagram,cosmic rays,energy)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
cosmic rays (CR)
power law
