Astrophysics (Index)About

quantum fluctuations

(short-lived particles popping up at random)

Quantum fluctuations are a seemingly-odd consequence of quantum physics (as described by QFT): ongoing, ubiquitous random fluctuations of energy levels, which can be seen as the appearance and disappearance of short-lived pairs of particles (termed virtual particles, of the usual particle types, but which disappear quickly through annihilation) at random, even within a vacuum. They can be thought of as a consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: an example where it is clear the principle says more than "we don't know what's going on at a small scale", but something more like "reality is uncertain". (Quantum fluctuations might also be termed the same thing as the uncertainty principle: the randomness at a very small scale resulting in successive measurements producing some randomness in their results.) Among the connections of quantum fluctuations to astrophysics:

(quantum mechanics,particles)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
black hole (BH)
cosmological simulation
Hawking radiation
