Astrophysics (Index)About

event horizon

(surface-shape around a black hole through which light cannot escape)

A black hole's event horizon is the closed surface-shape surrounding the black hole consisting of a border from within which electromagnetic radiation (EMR) cannot escape. Current physics says there cannot be a way to find out what is within the event horizon other than the black hole's mass, rotation, and charge. The event horizon can be thought of as the outer surface of the black hole, a useful presumption for some approximate models, but the weirdness of black holes results in caveats.

For the simplest black hole (no rotation or charge), the event horizon is a spherical shell-shape located at the Schwarzschild radius (2GM/c²) from the black hole's center. Any black hole rotation makes it "wider" (oblate, as does the rotation of a planet or star), but likely doesn't change the order-of-magnitude.

(black holes)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
black hole (BH)
black hole shadow
black hole thermodynamics
black-hole information paradox
electron degeneracy
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
Geroch-Bekenstein engine
gravitational singularity
Hawking radiation
innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO)
IRAS 13224-3809
law of cosmic censorship
neutron degenerate matter
photon sphere
quantum fluctuations
reverberation mapping
Sag A*
Schwarzschild radius (RS)
SMBH formation
