Astrophysics (Index)About

de Vaucouleurs' profile

(de Vaucouleurs' law, R to the 1/4 law)
(relation between elliptical galaxy surface brightness and distance from center)

The de Vaucouleurs' profile (or de Vaucouleurs' law, or R to the 1/4 law) is a relation between the surface brightness of a point on an elliptical galaxy and that point's distance from the galaxy's center (i.e., a surface brightness profile). The relation:

ln ΣR = ln Σ0 - k R1/4

This is an empirical relation (based upon observation) and unfortunately it has limited use for determining other information, but is a relation that any theory of elliptical galaxies had best reproduce. I believe some models of galaxy mergers appear to produce galaxies with such a relation, consistent with the notion that elliptical galaxies are often the result of mergers.

Other such empirical relations regarding galaxy surface brightness have been devised. The de Vaucouleurs' profile is an example of a Sérsic profile, a more general profile formula that specifies an exponent of R1/n, with n, a small number, for which various values might be used for various galaxy classes.

(relation,galaxies,surface brightness)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
Sérsic profile
surface brightness profile
