Astrophysics (Index)About

post-starburst galaxy

(PSB galaxy, E+A galaxy, K+A galaxy)
(galaxy indicating star formation some time back)

A post-starburst galaxy (PSB galaxy) is a galaxy which is thought to have been a starburst galaxy some time back: the characteristic is they lack the wavelengths of OB stars, but still show considerable emission of the wavelengths of A-type stars and F-type stars, which remain for a longer time subsequent to their formation. Other terms are E+A galaxy, the E for elliptical galaxy and the A for A-type stars (atypical for ellipticals), and K+A galaxy, the K for K-type stars because the galaxies also showing their wavelengths.

(galaxy type,EMR,infrared,star formation)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
galaxy main sequence
starburst galaxy
