Term Index (R)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter R.
- R (R band): band of visible light around 6500 angstroms
- R: see Radcliffe Observatory Magellanic Clouds Catalogue
- R: see double star designation
- R: see filter designator
- R: see spectral resolution
- r: see griz photometric system
- r: see ugriz photometric system
- R association: see stellar association
- R band: band of visible light around 6500 angstroms
- R Coronae Borealis variable: see variable star
- R to the 1/4 law (de Vaucouleurs' profile): relation between elliptical galaxy surface brightness and distance from center
- réseau: grid on photographic plate to assist in astrometry
- Rømer (Measuring Oscillations in Nearby Stars): past plan for asteroseismology mission
- Röntgensatellit (ROSAT): 1990s German space X-ray telescope
- r': see ugriz photometric system
- r-process: synthesis of elements through neutron capture faster than beta decay
- r0: see seeing
- R200: see cluster radius
- R200c: see cluster radius
- R200m: see cluster radius
- R500: see cluster radius
- R500c: see cluster radius
- R4He: see Lyman series
- RD: see Lyman series
- Re (effective radius): radius of a galaxy within which 1/2 the light is emitted
- rg: see Schwarzschild radius
- RH (Holmberg radius): a measure of size of galaxy based on surface brightness
- RH (Rydberg constant): constant used in calculating atomic Hydrogen lines
- RHO (Holmberg radius): a measure of size of galaxy based on surface brightness
- rL (Laplace radius): a radius for a stable orbit of a satellite around a planet
- Rm: see Reynolds number
- RS (Schwarzschild radius): radius of a black hole's event horizon
- Rsp: see cluster radius
- RA (right ascension): direction coordinate along celestial equator
- RA: see Mars Polar Lander
- Ra (Rayleigh number): measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to convection
- Raab: see rare designator prefixes
- RAC: see Mars Polar Lander
- RAC: see Phoenix
- RAD: see Mars Science Laboratory
- rad (radian): angle/arc measurement equivalent to 180/π degrees
- radar: probe based on reflecting radio waves
- Radcliffe Magellanic Clouds (Radcliffe Observatory Magellanic Clouds Catalogue): catalog of stars in
- Radcliffe Observatory
- Radcliffe Observatory Magellanic Clouds Catalogue: catalog of stars in
- Radcliffe wave: wave-shaped string of molecular clouds
- RADEX: radiative transfer code
- radial: see torus coordinates
- radial drift: inward drift of objects within a protoplanetary disk
- radial epicyclic frequency: see epicyclic frequency
- radial mixing: tendency of disk galaxy stars to change their orbital radius
- radial mode: see asteroseismology
- radial motion (radial velocity): component of velocity toward or away from observer
- radial orbit migration (radial mixing): tendency of disk galaxy stars to change their orbital radius
- radial orbit mixing (radial mixing): tendency of disk galaxy stars to change their orbital radius
- radial quantum number
- electron shell: radius-level around an atomic nucleus at which electrons can orbit
- radial velocimetry: see radial velocity
- radial velocity: component of velocity toward or away from observer
- radial velocity method: method of detecting exoplanets and binary companions
- radial velocity method: see extra-solar planet
- radial velocity method: see radial velocity
- EXOFAST: code to match model parameters with exoplanet observation data
- minimum mass: measured bound on the mass of an exoplanet
- telluric line: absorption line in ground observation due to Earth atmosphere
- radial velocity observatory: see radial velocity
- radial-drift barrier: the problem that forming planets would drift inward into the star
- radial-drift barrier: see meter size barrier
- barrier: challenging issue regarding planet formation
- radial-orbit instability (radial mixing): tendency of disk galaxy stars to change their orbital radius
- radian: angle/arc measurement equivalent to 180/π degrees
- radian: see arcsecond
- radiance: measure of EMR to/from a solid angle through an area
- radiance (intensity): power reaching a surface from a specific source
- radiant: see meteoroid
- radiant exposure: see flux
- radiant flux: measure of brightness
- radiant flux density (flux density): measure of the strength of a radio signal
- radiated excitation: see atomic excitation
- radiation (electromagnetic radiation): radiation such as light, radio, X-rays
- radiation: see radioactivity
- electroweak: single conception including both electromagnetic and weak forces
- radiation belt: regions of energetic charged particles surrounding a planet
- radiation belt: see Van Allen belts
- Jupiter: largest planet in the solar system
- radiation chemistry: see radiolysis
- radiation detector
- radiation driven implosion: see star formation
- radiation era: early-universe era when radiation pressure dominated
- radiation era (radiation era): early-universe era when radiation pressure dominated
- radiation flux (radiative flux): power passing through a unit area
- radiation hydrodynamics: hydrodynamics plus the effects of EMR
- radiation hydrodynamics: see hydrodynamics
- HARM²: technique for parallelizing computations of radiation with hydrodynamics
- radiation magnetohydrodynamics: see hydrodynamics
- radiation pattern (antenna pattern): a radio telescope's pattern of directional sensitivity
- radiation pressure: the pressure exerted by electromagnetic radiation
- radiation zone: region of a star transmitting energy through radiative diffusion
- radiation-dominated era (radiation era): early-universe era when radiation pressure dominated
- radiative cooling timescale: see timescale
- radiative diffusion: see radiation zone
- radiative equilibrium
- radiative flux: power passing through a unit area
- radiative flux density (radiative flux): power passing through a unit area
- radiative forcing: difference between a planet's incoming and outgoing radiation
- radiative lifetime
- radiative region (radiation zone): region of a star transmitting energy through radiative diffusion
- radiative timescale: see timescale
- radiative transfer: energy transfer in the form of electromagnetic radiation
- radiative transfer code: computer model of a gas's radiative transfer
- radiative transfer equation (equation of radiative transfer): equation describing energy transfer by EMR
- radiative transfer model: models of radiative transfer, often computerized
- radiative transport equation (equation of radiative transfer): equation describing energy transfer by EMR
- radiative zone (radiation zone): region of a star transmitting energy through radiative diffusion
- radiative-convective boundary: see convection zone
- radiative-convective climate model (one dimensional climate model): atmospheric model ignoring all horizontal motion
- radical
- hydroxyl: one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom bound together
- radio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 kHz to 300 GHz
- 1 Jansky Empty Field Survey: 1980s survey to find optical identifications for weak radio sources
- 1.3-mm observation: observation frequency useful for detecting dust
- 3C 273: first quasar discovered
- 3C 279: striking variable quasar
- 3C 295: distant radio galaxy
- 3C 303: Seyfert galaxy of interest
- 3C 327: elliptical radio galaxy
- 3C 348: giant elliptical radio galaxy
- 3C 48: radio galaxy/quasar
- 3C 9: first quasar discovered
- 87GB Catalog of Radio Sources: 1980s Green Bank radio survey
- Africa Millimetre Telescope: planned 15-m radio telescope array in Namibia
- Algonquin Radio Observatory: 46 meter radio telescope
- Allen Telescope Array: array of radio telescopes in northern California for SETI
- antenna pattern: a radio telescope's pattern of directional sensitivity
- Arecibo Observatory: former large 305 m radio telescope in Puerto Rico
- Arecibo Occultation Survey: 1960s radio survey using occultations by the Moon
- ARISE: concept for an inflated 25-meter radio telescope in space
- ASPECS: millimeter survey of HUDF
- ASTRON: Netherlands radio astronomy research organization
- Astronomical Image Processing System: software for processing radio astronomy data
- Atacama Large Millimeter Array: advanced millimeter-telescope array in Chile
- Australia Telescope Compact Array: radio telescope in eastern Australia
- Australia Telescope Large Area Survey: radio survey of two survey fields
- Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder: radio telescope array of 36 12-meter dishes
- back end instrument: instruments of a telescope that process or combine signals
- Badgerys Creek Interferometer 101-MHz Survey: early 1950s survey of southern-hemisphere radio sources
- bandpass filter: device to filter away all but a band of frequencies
- beam: portion of a sky that a radio telescope is viewing
- Becker, White, and Edwards Catalog: 1990s radio catalog from a Green Bank 300ft Telescope survey
- BINGO: future radio telescope for mapping distant neutral hydrogen
- Bologna Survey of Radio Sources: 1970s-1980s radio survey
- Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources: series of catalogs of northern hemisphere sources
- Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment: radio telescope mapping distant neutral hydrogen
- CASA: software package for radio interferometry image generation
- Centaurus A: nearby radio galaxy
- Chinese Pulsar Timing Array: group of pulsars timed by FAST
- COMAP: high frequency radio telescope to map CO
- Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy: former array of radio telescopes in eastern California
- commensal mode: telescope usage that accomplishes multiple observations simultaneously
- confusion limit: limit on telescope imaging due to too many sources in the same region
- Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope: 1990s interferometer to measure CMB variations
- Cosmic Lens All-sky Survey: 1990s/2000s radio survey aimed at gravitational lensing
- CRATES: catalog of 8.4 GHz data on radio sources
- Cygnus A: early-discovered radio galaxy showing a quasar
- cylindrical telescope: telescope with cylindrical reflectors
- dirty image: image that includes the distortions of the beam and sampling
- dispersion measure: to what degree an EMR signal's lower frequencies are delayed
- Dominion Observatory 10.03 MHz Source Catalog: 1960s survey of northern-hemisphere radio sources
- Dominion Observatory 1420 MHz Source Catalog: 1960s survey of northern-hemisphere radio sources
- Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory: radio observatory in British Columbia, Canada
- downconverter: device that reduces the frequency of a signal
- DSA-2000: array plan to detect radio transients
- Dwingeloo Obscured Galaxy Survey: radio survey of ZOA for 21-cm lines indicating galaxies
- Earth rotation synthesis: using the Earth's rotation to observe with various interferometry baselines
- Earth-sized VLBI: ground-based VLBI with near-maximal baseline
- EBEX: balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- EDGES: survey aiming at highly-redshifted 21-cm detection
- Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope: German large single-dish radio telescope
- electromagnetic spectrum: spectrum of EMR
- European Pulsar Timing Array: European collaboration of radio telescopes
- European VLBI Network: consortium of radio telescopes to coordinate VLBI efforts
- Event Horizon Telescope: growing VLBI network
- extremely low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 Hz to 30 Hz
- Fanaroff-Riley classification: a classification of the radio characteristics of radio sources
- FARSIDE: concept for a low-frequency radio telescope on the far side of the Moon
- FarView: concept for a low-frequency radio telescope on the far side of the Moon
- FAST: Arecibo-like 500 m telescope in China
- Fast Fourier Transform Telescope: proposed all-digital telescope with synthetic aperture
- Fast On-orbit Rapit Recording of Transient Events: satellite viewing radio and optical transients on Earth
- fast radio burst: astronomical high energy radio pulses of a few milliseconds
- filter bank: set of filters to simultaneously produce radio data within bands
- FIRST: 1990s radio survey
- Five College Radio Astronomical Observatory: former observatory near Springfield MA
- flux density: measure of the strength of a radio signal
- focal plane array: array of receivers at the focus of a radio telescope
- Fourth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources: 1960s catalog of northern hemisphere 178 MHz sources
- frequency modulation: changing the frequency of a signal's carrier
- front end instrument: instruments of a telescope that detect and encode the signal
- Güdel-Benz relation: relation between X-rays and radio from stars
- G1.9+0.3: recent supernova remnant in Sagittarius
- Galactic Emission Mapping: radio sky survey
- GCRT: galactic center radio transient
- Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope: large radio interferometer in India
- GLEAM: MWA radio survey of the southern sky
- Gould's Belt Distances Survey: survey of parallax distances to Gould's Belt YSOs
- Green Bank 140 Foot Telescope: West Virginia radio telescope
- Green Bank 300ft Telescope: former large radio telescope at Green Bank
- Green Bank 6-cm Radio Source Catalog: catalog of from 1980s northern-hemisphere radio survey
- Green Bank Telescope: West Virginia large radio telescope
- Greenland Telescope: 12 m radio telescope in Greenland
- GUPPI: radio-telescope back-end aimed at processing pulsar data
- HALCA: Japanese space radio telescope operating 1997-2005
- HERA: low frequency radio telescope
- HI Jodrell All-Sky Survey: northern-hemisphere HI survey carried out in late 90s/early 2000s
- High Time Resolution Universe Survey: c2010 search for pulsars and radio transients
- HIPASS: HI survey carried out 1997 to 2002
- HIRAX: radio telescope array for 21-cm surveying
- Hydrogen Accretion in Local Galaxies Survey: radio survey looking for HI in galaxy halos
- Indian Pulsar Timing Array: group of pulsars timed by the GMRT
- Institut de radioastronomie millimétrique: organized radio astronomy collaboration between France, Germany, and Spain
- Interplanetary Scintillation Array: UK radio telescope that first detected pulsars
- ionosphere: layers of Earth atmosphere with significant ions
- IRAM 30m Telescope: millimeter-range radio telescope in Sierra Nevada, Spain
- ITU: international body coordinating communications technology
- jansky: unit of measurement of spectral flux density
- Jodrell Bank Observatory: radio observatory in England
- LCRT: concept for a dish radio telescope in a lunar crater
- Long Baseline Array: radio interferometer using Australian telescopes
- Long Wavelength Array: radio telescope in New Mexico
- low frequency radio astronomy: astronomy using the lower end of the radio spectrum
- Low-frequency Array: low frequency radio telescope
- LSPE-STRIP: CMB survey telescope in Canary Islands
- LSPE-SWIPE: plan for a balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- Mark II: 38-m radio telescope in England
- Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy: Bonn research institute
- MeerKAT: new radio telescope in South Africa
- MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array: group of pulsars timed by MeerKAT
- MeerKLASS: 21-cm-line survey using MeerKAT
- Meier paradox: mysterious decline in number of radio galaxy jets
- MERLIN: VLBI array spread across England
- microwave: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 MHz to 300 GHz
- MIGHTEE: radio survey of four established deep fields
- millimeter astronomy: observation and analysis at wavelengths on the order of a millimeter
- minkasi: code for processing MUSTANG-2 data
- MOJAVE: program to monitor AGN jet radio brightness and polarization
- Molonglo Reference Catalog: 1981 catalog of mostly southern hemisphere radio sources
- Mopra Telescope: Australian 22-m radio telescope
- MOST: radio telescope in New South Wales
- MSH Catalog: 1950s catalog of radio sources from a Mills Cross survey
- Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory: radio observatory near Cambridge, UK
- multichroic feedhorn array: radio array with sensors for two or more bands
- Murchison Widefield Array: low frequency radio telescope
- MUSTANG: bolometer array on the Green Bank Telescope
- Nançay Radio Telescope: large radio telescope in France
- NANTEN2: millimeter telescope in Chile
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory: US radio astronomy organization
- Next Generation Very Large Array: planned radio telescope array as a follow-on to ALMA and the Jansky VLA
- Northern Extended Millimeter Array: large radio telescope array under construction in Europe
- NRAO Catalog: 1960s follow-up to Cambridge radio surveys
- odd radio circle: extragalactic ring-shaped radio source noticed in 2020
- Ohio Radio Survey: 1960s radio survey by Ohio State University
- Ooty Radio Telescope: cylindrical radio telescope in India
- outrigger: radio receiver some distance from main receiver for direction determination
- OVRO-LWA: radio telescope in California
- Owens Valley Radio Observatory: group of radio telescopes in California near the VLBA
- PALFA: Arecibo search for pulsars
- PAPER: radio interferometer for 21-cm measurement
- Parkes Catalog: catalog of from 1960s-1990 of radio sources in southern hemisphere
- Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey: late 1990s radio survey in search of pulsars
- Parkes Observatory: Australian observatory with large single-dish radio telescope
- Parkes Pulsar Timing Array: group of pulsars timed by Parkes Observatory
- Parkes-MIT-NRAO Surveys: 1990 southern-hemisphere radio surveys
- phased array: method of using a set of antennas directionally
- plasma frequency: frequency of electron plasma oscillation
- pulsar timing array: cooperating set of pulsar timing observatories
- PUPPI: Arecibo radio-telescope instrument aimed at observing pulsars
- QMAP: mid 1990s balloon-based CMB survey
- quad-ridge flared horn: type of horn that can be incorporated in radio telescope feeds
- Queen's University Radio Observatory: early radio astronomy facility near Kingston, Ontario
- radar: probe based on reflecting radio waves
- radio astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of radio EMR
- Radio Camera Initiative: initiative to design radio interferometry correlators
- radio frequency interference: transmissions in a frequency band under observation
- radio galaxy: a galaxy emitting a lot of radio
- Radio Galaxy Zoo: crowd-sourced classification of radio galaxies
- radio halo: type of diffuse radio source at the center of a galaxy cluster
- radio phoenix: region of galaxy cluster from which radio is emitted a subsequent time
- radio relics: clouds from past galaxy emitting radio synchrotron radiation
- radio science: radar and other methods of using radio to probe planets and moons
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- radio source counts: using radio source population characteristics to determine curvature
- radio star: star emitting much radio
- radio supernova: supernova that includes a detectable radio emission
- radio telescope: telescope that operates in the radio frequency range of EMR
- radiometer equation: shows how long to observe a radio source
- RASS/Green Bank Catalog: combined list of radio galaxies from Rosat and Green Bank surveys
- RATAN-600: ring-shaped radio telescope in Russia
- RELIKT-1: instrument on 1980s Soviet satellite to view the CMB
- RMS astronomy: collective term for radio, millimeter, and submillimeter
- rotating radio transient: radio bursts repeating sporadically
- SARAS: survey aiming at highly-redshifted 21-cm detection
- Sardinia Radio Telescope: Italian large single-dish radio telescope
- Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers: US organization
- Spektr-R: 10 m space radio telescope
- Square Kilometre Array: planned radio telescope with square-kilometer collecting area
- STARE: array of radio telescopes monitoring radio transients
- Strong Source Surveys: series of 1970s/1980s 5 GHz surveys
- Submillimeter Array: radio interferometer in Hawaii
- submillimeter astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of borderline infrared EMR
- super low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 30 Hz to 300 Hz
- Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope: former 15 m radio telescope array in Chile
- synthetic aperture radar: method of using moving radar with a stationary target
- Texas Survey of Radio Sources at 365 MHz: 1970s/1980s radio survey made with the Texas Interferometer
- Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources: 1959 catalog of northern hemisphere 159-MHz sources
- Tianlai Project: 21-cm line intensity mapping project
- TopHat: 2001 balloon -based CMB survey
- tremendously low frequency: presumably electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 Hz
- TXS 0506+056: blazar that is a neutrino source
- ultra low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 Hz to 3 kHz
- USS Sources: catalog of sources with steep spectral index
- UTMOST: telescope aiming to detect radio transients
- VERA: VLBI project to map the Milky Way
- Very Large Array: radio telescope in New Mexico
- Very Long Baseline Array: radio interferometer stretching 8000 km
- very low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 kHz
- Very Small Array: radio interferometer in Canary Islands
- very-long-baseline interferometry: interferometry based upon storing timing data at each telescope
- VLASS: ongoing all-sky radio survey
- Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope: radio telescope array of 14 dishes in Netherlands
- Westerhout Radio Survey: 1950s radio survey of the galactic plane
- Yuan-Tseh Lee Array: microwave interferometer in Hawaii
- Radio Astronomical Telescope Academy Nauk 600 (RATAN-600): ring-shaped radio telescope in Russia
- radio astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of radio EMR
- integration time: time spent acquiring a signal
- radio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 kHz to 300 GHz
- Radio Camera Initiative: initiative to design radio interferometry correlators
- radio counterpart: see counterpart
- radio frequency
- radio frequency interference: transmissions in a frequency band under observation
- radio galaxy: a galaxy emitting a lot of radio
- Radio Galaxy Zoo: crowd-sourced classification of radio galaxies
- radio halo: type of diffuse radio source at the center of a galaxy cluster
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- radio interferometer: see interferometer
- radio interferometry: see interferometry
- radio jet: see jet
- radio loud
- blazar: very compact variable quasar
- radio loud quasar: see quasar
- radio millimeter submillimeter wavelength astronomy (RMS astronomy): collective term for radio, millimeter, and submillimeter
- Radio Optical Reference Frame: 1994 celestial reference frame based on 436 sources
- radio phoenix: region of galaxy cluster from which radio is emitted a subsequent time
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- radio quiet quasar: see quasar
- radio quiet zone: see Green Bank Observatory
- dark sky: sky with limited light pollution
- radio relic
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- radio relics: clouds from past galaxy emitting radio synchrotron radiation
- radio science: radar and other methods of using radio to probe planets and moons
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- source: astronomical object producing some observed signal
- radio source counts: using radio source population characteristics to determine curvature
- radio source star (radio star): star emitting much radio
- radio spectral index: see spectral index
- radio star: star emitting much radio
- radio supernova: supernova that includes a detectable radio emission
- radio telescope: telescope that operates in the radio frequency range of EMR
- radio transient: see transient
- radio transients
- radio waves (radio): electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 kHz to 300 GHz
- radio window: see atmospheric window
- radio YSO: see young stellar object
- radio-loud: see radio galaxy
- radio-loud blazar: see radio galaxy
- radio-loud quasar: see radio galaxy
- radio-quiet: see radio galaxy
- radioactive dating: determining the age of a substance that has a radioactive component
- radioactive decay: changes in atomic nuclei that happen over time
- radioactive decay timescale: see radioactive decay
- radioactive heating: a source of heat of some planets and moons
- radioactive isotope: see isotope
- radioactivity: an unstable nucleus's tendency to change through emission of particles
- radioactivity: see radioactive decay
- RadioAstron
- radiochemistry: see radiolysis
- radiogenic heating (radioactive heating): a source of heat of some planets and moons
- Radioisotope Heat Unit: see MMRTG
- Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator: type of spacecraft power source for instruments
- radiolysis: similar to photodissociation from higher energy photons
- radiolytic chemistry: see radiolysis
- radiometer: device for measuring radiant flux
- radiometer equation: shows how long to observe a radio source
- radiometric dating (radioactive dating): determining the age of a substance that has a radioactive component
- radiometric noise: see noise temperature
- radiometry: see radiometer
- radius
- radius gap (Fulton gap): planets with radius 1.5 to 2 Earth radii are rare
- radius of stability: see circumbinary planet
- radius valley (Fulton gap): planets with radius 1.5 to 2 Earth radii are rare
- Radon transform: see tomography
- RAFGL: see AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey
- Ralph: see New Horizons
- ram pressure: pressure on a body moving through a fluid
- ram-pressure stripping: see ram pressure
- RAMBO: proposed astronomical objects comprising dark matter
- ramp: see filter designator
- RAMSES: hydrodynamic simulation system
- Randall-Sundrum braneworld (Randall-Sundrum model): particular 5-dimensional cosmological model
- Randall-Sundrum model: particular 5-dimensional cosmological model
- random error: see systematic error
- random forest: algorithmic method of developing decision trees
- random walk: movement with random turns
- radiation zone: region of a star transmitting energy through radiative diffusion
- Rapid Approximate Spectral Calculations for All (RASCALL): efficient code to locate suspected molecular lines
- Rapid Eye Mount Telescope: quick-action robotic telescope at La Silla Observatory
- rapid neutron-capture process (r-process): synthesis of elements through neutron capture faster than beta decay
- s-process: synthesis of elements through neutron capture and beta decay
- rapid proton-capture process (rp-process): synthesis of elements through repeated proton capture
- rapid quenching: see quenched galaxy
- Rapid Telescopes For Optical Response (RAPTOR): automated array of telescopes to uncover and track transients
- rapid weathering: see weathering
- rapidly oscillating Ap star: see Ap star
- RAPTOR: automated array of telescopes to uncover and track transients
- rare designator prefixes: designator prefixes generally used for only a few objects
- rare earth element: see lanthanide
- RAS (Royal Astronomy Society): UK society supporting and promoting astronomy
- RAS JobList: directory of astrophysics jobs
- RASC (Royal Astronomy Society of Canada): Canadian society supporting and promoting astronomy
- RASCALL: efficient code to locate suspected molecular lines
- RASCALL database: see RASCALL
- RASS/Green Bank Catalog: combined list of radio galaxies from Rosat and Green Bank surveys
- RASSGB (RASS/Green Bank Catalog): combined list of radio galaxies from Rosat and Green Bank surveys
- RAT: see Mars Exploration Rover
- RAT: see rare designator prefixes
- Rat deutscher Sternwarten (Council of German Observatories): German astronomy research council
- RATAN-600: ring-shaped radio telescope in Russia
- ratio
- ratio of total to selective visual extinction: see reddening
- ray tracing
- HARM²: technique for parallelizing computations of radiation with hydrodynamics
- Rayleigh criteria
- parallax: angle due to different lines of sight
- Rayleigh criterion: see angular resolution
- apodization: improving telescope images by manipulating diffraction
- PSF fitting: untangling airy disks to gain effective resolution
- Rayleigh distribution: see Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
- Rayleigh Jeans Law
- Rayleigh number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to convection
- Rayleigh scattering: wave scattering by particles smaller than the wavelength
- Rayleigh-Jeans approximation (Rayleigh-Jeans law): yields approximation of black-body curve useful at low frequencies
- Rayleigh-Jeans law: yields approximation of black-body curve useful at low frequencies
- Rayleigh-Jeans limit (Rayleigh-Jeans law): yields approximation of black-body curve useful at low frequencies
- Rayleigh-Jeans limit: see Rayleigh-Jeans law
- Rayleigh-Jeans regime: see Rayleigh-Jeans law
- Rayleigh-Jeans region: see Rayleigh-Jeans law
- Rayleigh-Jeans tail: see Rayleigh-Jeans law
- Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RT instability): result of lighter fluid pushing a heavier fluid
- RB: see rare designator prefixes
- RBS (Rosat Bright Survey): list of bright X-ray sources from ROSAT observations
- RC (Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies): series of catalogs of nearby galaxies
- RC (Ritchey-Chrétien telescope): type of two-mirror reflector telescope
- RC (red clump): like horizontal branch but at one temperature
- RC: see rare designator prefixes
- RC star: see red clump
- RC1 (Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies): series of catalogs of nearby galaxies
- RC2: see Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies
- RC3: see Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies
- RCB: see convection zone
- RCB: see variable star
- RCG (Abell Catalog): galaxy cluster catalog assembled over 1950s-1980s
- RCG: see red clump
- RCI (Radio Camera Initiative): initiative to design radio interferometry correlators
- RCS: see rare designator prefixes
- RCT (Ritchey-Chrétien telescope): type of two-mirror reflector telescope
- RCT: see Kitt Peak National Observatory
- RCW: see rare designator prefixes
- RCW 86: see SN 185
- RD: see dropout
- RDI (reference star differential imaging): identifying speckles by comparing star-images
- RDI: see star formation
- RDM (repulsive dark matter): concept of dark matter that resists extreme dark-matter density
- RDRS: see Magellan
- RDS (Council of German Observatories): German astronomy research council
- RDS: see ROSAT
- RE: see ROSAT
- Re (Reynolds number): measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to turbulence
- Re-simulated Halo Sample for Statistics Observable-mass Distribution Study (RHAPSODY): simulation of galaxy cluster dark-matter halos
- REACH: see Subaru Telescope
- reaction
- reaction wheel
- K2: second Kepler mission that worked around failed equipment
- Kepler Telescope: space telescope that watched stars for exoplanets
- real image: image that would show on a screen placed at its location
- real number
- complex number: type of number that can be the square root of a negative number
- real part: see complex number
- REASON: see Europa Clipper
- REBELS: survey of star-forming galaxies during the reionization
- REBOUND: code to carry out N-body simulations
- recessional velocity: see redshift
- recoil
- GW detection: observed gravitational wave signal recognizable as an astronomical event
- recombination: time when the universe's ionized hydrogen atoms neutralized
- reconnection (magnetic reconnection): change in magnetic topology within a fluid
- reconnection sheet: see current sheet
- RECONS: consortium for research on stars near the Sun
- recurrent nova: see nova
- recycled pulsar: see millisecond pulsar
- red: see globular cluster
- R band: band of visible light around 6500 angstroms
- red and dead: description of a galaxy with old stars and no star formation
- red clump: like horizontal branch but at one temperature
- horizontal branch: a second "giant" stage in the evolution of some main sequence stars
- red clump giant: see red clump
- red clump star: see red clump
- horizontal branch: a second "giant" stage in the evolution of some main sequence stars
- Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomie: Spanish astronomy research organization
- red dropout galaxy: see dropout
- red dwarf: small, cool main-sequence star
- red dwarfs
- L-type star: spectral type of star cooler than an M-type star
- M dwarf: small, cool main-sequence star in stellar class M
- red edge (vegetation red edge): wavelength cut-off point in the reflectivity of typical plants
- red galaxy: see galaxy main sequence
- galaxy: gravitationally-bound group of stars
- red giant: very bright red star
- red kilonova model: see kilonova
- red noise: noise tending toward lower frequencies
- red quasar: see quasar
- red shift
- Doppler shift: wave frequency difference due to relative velocity difference with source
- Red Spot
- red straggler: see turn-off point
- red supergiant: see supergiant
- red supergiant cluster: stellar cluster with multiple red supergiants
- red-giant branch: the first red-giant phase of post-main-sequence stellar evolution
- reddening: red appearance of astronomical objects because blue light is attenuated by dust
- 2175 angstrom feature: prominent absorption feature in ISM
- extinction: the absence of any radiation from an astronomical object because all is absorbed or scattered
- redox: see reducing atmosphere
- redox potential (reduction potential): measure of a chemical species' tendency to acquire electrons
- redshift: change to longer wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- Redshift Evolution and Formation in Extragalactic Systems (REFINE): catalog of high-redshift galaxies
- redshift parameter (redshift): change to longer wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- redshift space: concept of space using redshift as the radial dimension
- redshift space distortion: see redshift space
- redshift survey: survey of the universe aiming at three dimensions
- redshift space: concept of space using redshift as the radial dimension
- redshift-angular size relation: how observed size of an object depends on its redshift
- redshift-magnitude relation: how apparent magnitude depends on redshift
- reduced Compton wavelength: see Compton wavelength
- reduced mass: the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the masses of two objects
- reduced Planck constant: see Planck constant
- reducing agent: see reducing atmosphere
- reducing atmosphere: atmosphere lacking oxygen and other oxidizers
- reduction: see reducing atmosphere
- reduction potential: measure of a chemical species' tendency to acquire electrons
- reference
- bibcode: reference code for a journal article
- J designator: designator using equatorial coordinates at year 2000
- phone number: colloquial expression for coordinates
- Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: series of catalogs of nearby galaxies
- reference direction: see orbital element
- reference frame (celestial reference frame): frame of reference associated with a catalog of stars or quasars
- reference plane
- reference star
- reference star differential imaging: identifying speckles by comparing star-images
- REFINE: catalog of high-redshift galaxies
- refined Bouguer correction: see Bouguer anomaly
- refined Bouguer reduction: see Bouguer anomaly
- reflecting telescope (reflector telescope): telescope using mirrors rather than lenses to magnify
- reflection
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- reflection nebula: nebula made visible by light it scatters from nearby stars
- reflection spectroscopy
- reflective grating: see grating
- reflector (reflector telescope): telescope using mirrors rather than lenses to magnify
- reflector telescope: telescope using mirrors rather than lenses to magnify
- refracting telescope: telescope using lenses rather than mirrors to magnify
- refraction: redirection of light passing from one medium to another
- refractive index: measure of how much a material slows down light
- refractive interstellar scintillation: refraction of star light by the ISM
- refractive scintillation (refractive interstellar scintillation): refraction of star light by the ISM
- refractor (refracting telescope): telescope using lenses rather than mirrors to magnify
- refractory (refractory material): material with high condensation temperature
- refractory compound: see refractory material
- refractory element: see refractory material
- refractory inclusion: see refractory material
- refractory material: material with high condensation temperature
- region of instability (instability region): region around an object where orbits cannot persist
- regolith: loose solid material covering a planet's solid rock
- regolith scale: see regolith
- regular moon: see irregular moon
- regular perturbation problem: see perturbation theory
- regular satellite: see irregular moon
- reheating: theorized increase in temperature after cosmological inflation
- reionization (epoch of reionization): time when the universe's neutral hydrogen atoms ionized
- reionization by oligarchs: see epoch of reionization
- reionization epoch (epoch of reionization): time when the universe's neutral hydrogen atoms ionized
- Reionization Era Bright Emission Line Survey (REBELS): survey of star-forming galaxies during the reionization
- Reipurth: see rare designator prefixes
- Reissner-Nordström black hole: see black hole model
- Reissner-Nordström metric: see metric
- Reissner-Nordström object: see black hole model
- relation
- relative astrometry: see astrometry
- relative atomic mass: see element
- relative humidity: see humidity
- relative photometry: see photometry
- relativistic aberration: see aberration
- relativistic astrophysics: physics applicable to cosmology and strong field gravity
- relativistic beaming: directional relativistic effect on light from relativistic speeds
- relativistic cosmology: see cosmology
- relativistic Doppler effect: see Doppler shift
- relativistic effect: a substantial fraction of the speed of light
- relativistic energy: energy of an object including relativistic effects
- relativistic hydrodynamics: see hydrodynamics
- relativistic invariance: quantity that remains the same regardless of frame of reference
- relativistic jet: see jet
- relativistic Limber equation: see Limber approximation
- relativistic magnetohydrodynamics: see hydrodynamics
- relativistic mass: see mass
- relativistic mechanics: see mechanics
- relativistic momentum: momentum of an object including relativistic effects
- relativistic speed: a substantial fraction of the speed of light
- relativistic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: see Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- relativistic velocity: see relativistic speed
- relativity: physics models accommodating the constancy of the speed of light
- relaxation: see relaxation time
- relaxation time: time associated with exponential falloff
- relic: particles left over from the events of the early universe
- freeze-out: particles existing long-term after a decoupling
- relic abundance: see Big Bang nucleosynthesis
- relic abundance: see relic
- relic neutrinos (cosmic neutrino background): low-energy neutrinos left over from early universe
- RELIKT-1: instrument on 1980s Soviet satellite to view the CMB
- REM (Rapid Eye Mount Telescope): quick-action robotic telescope at La Silla Observatory
- Rem: see Reynolds number
- REMIR: see Rapid Eye Mount Telescope
- remnant (stellar remnant): leftovers from a mainstream star
- remnant (supernova remnant): nebula of debris resulting from a supernova
- REMS: see Mars Science Laboratory
- Renson: see rare designator prefixes
- repulsive dark matter: concept of dark matter that resists extreme dark-matter density
- resampling
- Research Consortium On Nearby Stars (RECONS): consortium for research on stars near the Sun
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: NSF funding program
- Research Foundation - Flanders: Belgian research council
- Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science: NASA program
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics: Australian National University astrophysics school
- resistance: see siemens
- resistance heating (Ohmic heating): heating resulting from an electric current through a material
- resistive MHD: see magnetohydrodynamics
- resistivity: see siemens
- flux freezing: magnetic field lines becoming attached to plasma they pass through
- Reynolds number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to turbulence
- resolution (angular resolution): measure of a telescope's ability to distinguish spatial detail
- resolution (spectral resolution): measure of a spectrograph's ability to resolve features of the spectrum
- resolution convergence: see cosmological zoom simulation
- Resolve: see XRISM
- RESOLVE: galaxy and gas survey limited to 65-100 Mpc
- resolved source (extended source): term for astronomical object covering some area of the sky
- point source: celestial object that focuses to a point or single Airy disk
- Resolved Spectroscopy of a Local Volume (RESOLVE): galaxy and gas survey limited to 65-100 Mpc
- Resolving Orbital and Climate Keys of Earth and Extraterrestrial Environments with Dynamics (ROCKE-3D): rocky-planet-oriented general circulation model
- resolving power: see spectral resolution
- resonance
- resonance locking: see tidal migration
- resonant fluorescence: see fluorescence
- resonant frequency: see normal mode
- resonant TNO: see trans-Neptune object
- resonant trans-Neptunian object: see trans-Neptune object
- resonator-bolometer KID: see KID
- rest energy: see relativistic energy
- rest frame: see frame of reference
- rest mass: see mass
- rest wavelength: normal wavelength observed when not moving in relation to the source
- Restore-L (OSAM-1): prototype space robot for servicing satellites
- restricted circular three-body problem: see Jacobi integral
- Reticulum: see rare designator prefixes
- Reticulum II
- retrieval: determining parameters through observation and modeling
- Tau-REx: spectral line retrieval code for exoplanet atmospheres
- retrieval code: see retrieval
- retrograde accreting black hole: see retrograde accretion
- retrograde accretion: accretion disk spinning in opposite direction to the body
- retrograde accretion disk: see retrograde accretion
- retrograde hot Jupiter: large hot planet orbiting opposite the expected direction
- retrograde motion: see retrograde orbit
- epicycle: small circular motion around a large circular motion
- retrograde orbit: orbit opposite the usual direction
- retrograde rotation: see retrograde orbit
- retrograde rotation: see rotation period
- retroreflector
- LARES: satellite to test a general relativity effect
- REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates): NSF funding program
- Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI): 2000s small satellite studying solar flares
- reverberation mapping: technique for measuring the size of SMBHs
- reverse beta decay: see beta decay
- reversing layer: see Schuster-Schwarzschild model
- review item exchange (RIX): enquiry/answer about some issue regarding a project review
- Revised AFGL: see AFGL Four Color Infrared Sky Survey
- Revised Luyten Half-second Catalog: see Luyten Half-second Catalog
- Revised NGC: see New General Catalogue
- Revised NGC and IC: see New General Catalogue
- Revised Shapley-Ames Catalog: see Shapley-Ames Catalog
- REX: see New Horizons
- Reynolds decomposition: mathematical separation of average and fluctuating parts of a quantity
- Reynolds number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to turbulence
- Reynolds stress
- RF (radiative forcing): difference between a planet's incoming and outgoing radiation
- RF interference (radio frequency interference): transmissions in a frequency band under observation
- RFGC: see rare designator prefixes
- RFI (radio frequency interference): transmissions in a frequency band under observation
- RG (radio galaxy): a galaxy emitting a lot of radio
- RG: see rare designator prefixes
- RGB (RASS/Green Bank Catalog): combined list of radio galaxies from Rosat and Green Bank surveys
- RGB (red-giant branch): the first red-giant phase of post-main-sequence stellar evolution
- RGB phase: see red-giant branch
- RGB star: see red-giant branch
- RGG: see rare designator prefixes
- RGO (Royal Greenwich Observatory): former UK national observatory
- RGS: see XMM-Newton
- RGZ (Radio Galaxy Zoo): crowd-sourced classification of radio galaxies
- RHAPSODY: simulation of galaxy cluster dark-matter halos
- RHCP: see polarization
- RHD (radiation hydrodynamics): hydrodynamics plus the effects of EMR
- RHD: see hydrodynamics
- HARM²: technique for parallelizing computations of radiation with hydrodynamics
- Rhea: see Saturn
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- RHESSI: 2000s small satellite studying solar flares
- Rho Cassiopeiae
- Rho Ophiuchi
- Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex: nebula that is a nearby star-forming region
- LDN 1689: dense core within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- RHS (Rosat Hard Survey): list of hard X-ray sources from ROSAT observations
- RHT: see Hough transform
- RHU: see MMRTG
- Ri (Richardson number): measure of fluid stability consisting of ratio of buoyancy and shear
- RIA (Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomie): Spanish astronomy research organization
- Richardson number: measure of fluid stability consisting of ratio of buoyancy and shear
- Riddle: see rare designator prefixes
- Ridge A
- Riemann problem: consequence of discontinuities in numerical methods
- Rigel: brightest star in constellation Orion
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- right ascension: direction coordinate along celestial equator
- right hand rule
- right-hand circular polarization: see polarization
- Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri): nearest star system
- RIMAS: see Lowell Discovery Telescope
- RIMFAX: see Mars 2020
- ring: see ring system
- ring galaxy: ring-like galaxy, darker in the middle
- ring laser: see Sagnac effect
- ring singularity: see gravitational singularity
- ring system: disk or set of rings orbiting a planet
- disk: rotating disk-shaped object such as disk galaxy or circumstellar disk
- J1407: star eclipsed by a body with a ring system
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Uranus: second outer-most solar system planet
- ringdown: see GW detection
- rings
- disk: rotating disk-shaped object such as disk galaxy or circumstellar disk
- ring system: disk or set of rings orbiting a planet
- shepherd moon: small moon affecting outer edge of a planet's ring
- ripper tines: see CAESAR
- RISE: see Liverpool Telescope
- rise azimuth: see horizontal coordinate system
- rise time: see horizontal coordinate system
- RISE TWINS: see InSight
- RISS (refractive interstellar scintillation): refraction of star light by the ISM
- Ritchey-Chrétien telescope: type of two-mirror reflector telescope
- RIX: enquiry/answer about some issue regarding a project review
- RKA (Roscosmos): Russian organization for space technology and research
- RL: see rare designator prefixes
- RLO: see Roche lobe
- RLOF: see Roche lobe
- Roche limit: nearest a body can orbit another and survive
- RLQ: see quasar
- RLS: see Rosalind Franklin
- RLWT: see rare designator prefixes
- RM (Rossiter-McLaughlin effect): effect of transit on visible spectrum of the star
- RM: see Faraday rotation
- Rm: see Reynolds number
- RM effect (Rossiter-McLaughlin effect): effect of transit on visible spectrum of the star
- RMB: see rare designator prefixes
- RMC (Radcliffe Observatory Magellanic Clouds Catalogue): catalog of stars in
- RMC: see Ariel 5
- RMC: see Small Astronomy Satellite 3
- RMHD: see hydrodynamics
- RMK: see double star designation
- RMS: square root of the average of the squares of some values
- rms (RMS): square root of the average of the squares of some values
- RMS amplitude: see amplitude
- RMS astronomy: collective term for radio, millimeter, and submillimeter
- rms wavefront error: see wavefront error
- RNGC: see New General Catalogue
- RNGC/IC: see New General Catalogue
- RNO: see rare designator prefixes
- Ro (Rossby number): ratio of inertial to Coriolis force
- Ro: see rare designator prefixes
- ROA: see rare designator prefixes
- roAp star: see Ap star
- ROB: see rare designator prefixes
- Rob: see rare designator prefixes
- Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (Green Bank Telescope): West Virginia large radio telescope
- Robertson-Walker metric: see metric
- Robertson-Walker scale factor (scale factor): relative size of the universe as a function of time
- RoboNet: global network of robotic telescopes to follow up on GRBs
- RoboNet-1.0: see RoboNet
- RoboNet-II: see RoboNet
- robotic fiber positioner (fiber positioner): machine to set up fibers in multi-object spectrograph
- Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE): automated array of telescopes to uncover and track transients
- Robotically Controlled Telescope: see Kitt Peak National Observatory
- robust association of massive baryonic object (RAMBO): proposed astronomical objects comprising dark matter
- Roche limit: nearest a body can orbit another and survive
- Roche lobe: region of a body's gravitational influence closest to its competitor
- Roche lobe: region of a body's gravitational influence closest to its competitor
- Roche limit: nearest a body can orbit another and survive
- Roche lobe overflow: see Roche lobe
- Roche limit: nearest a body can orbit another and survive
- Roche radius (Roche limit): nearest a body can orbit another and survive
- Roche lobe: region of a body's gravitational influence closest to its competitor
- Roche sphere: see Hill radius
- Roche lobe: region of a body's gravitational influence closest to its competitor
- rock
- silicate: type of compound including silicon and oxygen
- rock vapor phase: see atmosphere formation
- ROCKE-3D: rocky-planet-oriented general circulation model
- rocky planet: planet like Earth and Mars, mostly rock
- Rocky Planet Finder (Automated Planet Finder): robotic telescope to find exoplanets using RV method
- RODEO: code for 2D disk simulation
- ROE: see double star designation
- Roe solver
- RODEO: code for 2D disk simulation
- Roemer delay: timing differences in observed phenomenon due to Earth's position
- Einstein delay: EMR delay due to relativistic effects of environment and motion
- rogue planet (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- rogue planet: see field
- ROLIS: see Rosetta
- rolling Hough transform: see Hough transform
- Roma-BZCAT: 2008 catalog of blazars
- RoMAG: see Tianwen-1
- Roman Space Telescope: proposed near-infrared space observatory
- ROMAP: see Rosetta
- Rome Observatory
- Romulus simulations: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- ChaNGa: cosmological-simulation project active since circa 2015
- root mean square (RMS): square root of the average of the squares of some values
- RoPeR: see Tianwen-1
- Roque: see rare designator prefixes
- Roque de los Muchachos Observatory: observatory at La Palma in the Canary Islands
- RORF (Radio Optical Reference Frame): 1994 celestial reference frame based on 436 sources
- Rosalind Franklin: Mars rover in development for 2028 launch
- ROSAT: 1990s German space X-ray telescope
- ROSAT All Sky Survey: see ROSAT
- Rosat All-sky Survey
- Rosat Bright Survey: list of bright X-ray sources from ROSAT observations
- ROSAT Deep Cluster Survey: see ROSAT
- ROSAT Deep Survey: see ROSAT
- Rosat Deep Survey
- deep survey: survey using lengthy observation to identify distant galaxies
- Rosat Hard Survey: list of hard X-ray sources from ROSAT observations
- Roscosmos: Russian organization for space technology and research
- Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities (Roscosmos): Russian organization for space technology and research
- Rose: see rare designator prefixes
- ROSES (Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science): NASA program
- Rosetta: space probe that visited a comet
- ROSINA: see Rosetta
- ROSS: see Rapid Eye Mount Telescope
- Ross (Frank Ross's Catalog): high-proper-motion and variable stars catalogued by Frank Ross
- Ross 128 b
- Ross 154: nearby red dwarf
- Ross 248: nearby red dwarf
- Rossby deformation radius (Rossby radius of deformation): length scale where rotation effects are significant
- Rossby number: ratio of inertial to Coriolis force
- Rossby radius of deformation: length scale where rotation effects are significant
- Rossby wave instability: type of disk instability that may be a factor in planet formation
- Rossby waves: meandering shifts in the trajectory of high-altitude winds
- Rosseland mean (Rosseland mean opacity): a useful weighted average of opacities at all the frequencies
- Rosseland mean opacity: a useful weighted average of opacities at all the frequencies
- Rosseland optical depth: see optical depth
- Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE): space mission to time X-ray variations
- Rossiter-McLaughlin effect: effect of transit on visible spectrum of the star
- rotating black hole (Kerr black hole): spinning black hole with no charge
- rotating ellipsoidal variable (ellipsoidal variable): binary star elongated by gravity
- rotating ellipsoidal variable: see variable star
- rotating radio transient: radio bursts repeating sporadically
- rotating variable star: see variable star
- rotation
- rotation curve: function mapping distance from galaxy center to orbital speed of stars
- rotation measure: see Faraday rotation
- rotation period: time it takes an astronomical body to revolve
- rotation rate: see rotation period
- rotation speed: see rotation period
- rotational broadening: see line broadening
- rotational ladder: see CO ladder
- rotational modulation: see variable star
- rotational velocity: see stellar rotation
- ROTSE: automated array of telescopes to uncover and track transients
- ROX: see Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- Royal Astronomy Society: UK society supporting and promoting astronomy
- Royal Astronomy Society of Canada: Canadian society supporting and promoting astronomy
- Royal Greenwich Observatory: former UK national observatory
- Royal University of Edinburgh
- rp-process: synthesis of elements through repeated proton capture
- RPA: see Giotto
- RPC APXS: see Rosetta
- RPF (Automated Planet Finder): robotic telescope to find exoplanets using RV method
- RPI: see IMAGE
- RPS: see ram pressure
- RPW: see Solar Orbiter
- RPWS: see Cassini
- RQQ: see quasar
- RR (RR Lyrae variable): star with periodic variation often in globular clusters
- RR: see rare designator prefixes
- RR Lyrae (RR Lyrae variable): star with periodic variation often in globular clusters
- RR Lyrae star (RR Lyrae variable): star with periodic variation often in globular clusters
- RR Lyrae variable: star with periodic variation often in globular clusters
- RR Lyrae variable: see variable star
- RRab: see RR Lyrae variable
- RRAT (rotating radio transient): radio bursts repeating sporadically
- RRc: see RR Lyrae variable
- RRd: see RR Lyrae variable
- RRL (RR Lyrae variable): star with periodic variation often in globular clusters
- RS (radio source): astronomical object producing observable radio
- RS: see Mars Observer
- RS: see SELENE
- RS: see rare designator prefixes
- RS: see turn-off point
- radio science: radar and other methods of using radio to probe planets and moons
- RS Canum Venaticorum star: see variable star
- RS Canum Venaticorum variable: see variable star
- RS model (Randall-Sundrum model): particular 5-dimensional cosmological model
- RS Oph (RS Ophiuchi): Milky Way recurrent nova
- RS Ophiuchi: Milky Way recurrent nova
- RSA (Roscosmos): Russian organization for space technology and research
- RSA: see Shapley-Ames Catalog
- RSAA (Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics): Australian National University astrophysics school
- RSB: see GRAIL
- RSCVn: see variable star
- RSD: see redshift space
- RSDI (reference star differential imaging): identifying speckles by comparing star-images
- RSE: see EnVision
- RSG: see supergiant
- RSGC (red supergiant cluster): stellar cluster with multiple red supergiants
- RSI: see Rosetta
- RSN (radio supernova): supernova that includes a detectable radio emission
- RSR: see Large Millimeter Telescope
- RSS: see Cassini
- RSS: see Southern African Large Telescope
- RSS: see Voyager
- RSS: see turn-off point
- radio science: radar and other methods of using radio to probe planets and moons
- RST (Roman Space Telescope): proposed near-infrared space observatory
- RST: see double star designation
- RSU: see Hubble Space Telescope
- Rsun: see Sun
- rSZ: see Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- rSZE: see Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- RT (radiative transfer): energy transfer in the form of electromagnetic radiation
- RT code (radiative transfer code): computer model of a gas's radiative transfer
- RT instability: result of lighter fluid pushing a heavier fluid
- RTE (equation of radiative transfer): equation describing energy transfer by EMR
- RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator): type of spacecraft power source for instruments
- RTM (radiative transfer model): models of radiative transfer, often computerized
- RTSW: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- Ru: see rare designator prefixes
- Rubin Observatory: 8-meter survey reflector telescope under construction in Chile
- Ruiz: see rare designator prefixes
- runaway accretion: see accretion
- runaway greenhouse effect: see greenhouse effect
- runaway growth: see planet formation
- oligarch: term for large planetesimals that dominate
- runaway process: a process with positive feedback so progress speeds progress
- runaway star: see high-velocity star
- Runge-Kutta method: type of numerical method for integration and differential equations
- Russia
- Russian
- Glazar: 1980s UV space telescope on MIR space station
- Kvant 1: scientific module on Mir space station
- Orion space telescopes: two Russian 1970s UV space telescopes
- Spektr-R: 10 m space radio telescope
- Spektr-RG: Russian-German X-ray observatory launched in 2019
- Rutherford-Bohr model (Bohr model): has electrons circling nucleus in quantized orbits
- RV (radial velocity): component of velocity toward or away from observer
- RV method (radial velocity method): method of detecting exoplanets and binary companions
- RV method: see extra-solar planet
- RV method: see radial velocity
- 51 Pegasi b: first exoplanet found orbiting a main sequence star
- 55 Cancri e: super-Earth orbiting a Sun-like star
- Automated Planet Finder: robotic telescope to find exoplanets using RV method
- CRIRES: high resolution IR echelle spectrometer
- EXOFAST: code to match model parameters with exoplanet observation data
- Gliese 436 b: hot Neptune found in 2004
- HARPS: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches
- HARPS-N: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches in Canary Islands
- HD 209458 b: hot Jupiter discovered in 1999
- HD 80606 b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2001
- HRS: high resolution spectrography
- Keck Planet Finder: Keck I spectrograph for RV measurements
- minimum mass: measured bound on the mass of an exoplanet
- NGC 3201: globular cluster in which a black hole has been identified
- NIRPS: near-infrared extension to HARPS spectrograph
- PLATO: planned observatory-satellite aimed at finding exoplanets
- Proxima b: exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri
- telluric line: absorption line in ground observation due to Earth atmosphere
- RV observatory: see radial velocity
- RV Tauri variable
- RVS: see Gaia
- RWI (Rossby wave instability): type of disk instability that may be a factor in planet formation
- RX: see ROSAT
- RX J0822-4300: see Puppis A
- RXC: see ROSAT
- RXJ1615: protostar with transition disk showing rings
- RXJ1615.3-3255 (RXJ1615): protostar with transition disk showing rings
- RXTE: space mission to time X-ray variations
- Rydberg (Rydberg unit): unit of energy near 13.6 eV
- Rydberg constant: constant used in calculating atomic Hydrogen lines
- Balmer series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- Brackett series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 4 to n = 4
- Humphreys series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 6 to n = 6
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- Lyman series: hydrogen series from electrons settling from n > 1 to n = 1
- Paschen series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 3 to n = 3
- Pfund series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 5 to n = 5
- Rydberg unit: unit of energy near 13.6 eV
- Rydberg constant for deuterium
- Rydberg formula: see Rydberg constant
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- Rydberg unit: unit of energy near 13.6 eV
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- Ryugu
- Hayabusa2: JAXA mission that returned a sample of an asteroid