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The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) is a 10-meter segmented optical reflector telescope at the Sutherland Observing Station of the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) in South Africa, in operation since 2005. The primary mirror consists of 91 1-meter segments. The primary mirror is spherical, I'm guessing for much easier construction, and an optical system corrects for the resulting spherical aberration. Instruments:
The SALT is essentially a copy of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) in Texas, though with some improvements. Both, like Keck Observatory, offer the collecting area and angular resolution of a 10-meter telescope, but at less cost due to two simplifications: their spherical primary mirror, and their mounting is neither altazimuth nor equatorial, but fixed at a 55-degree tilt (altitude), with aiming only by rotation and timing: this limits observation to a smaller portion of the celestial sphere, and there are more time-constraints upon observing a target-of-interest.