Term Index (L)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter L.
- L (L-type star): spectral type of star cooler than an M-type star
- L (Lyman series): hydrogen series from electrons settling from n > 1 to n = 1
- L (Lynds Catalog of Dark Nebulae): 1950s/1960s list of dark nebulae found on Palomar plates
- L (luminosity): measure of brightness
- L: see double star designation
- L: see rare designator prefixes
- l: see Love number
- l: see electron orbital
- L band: see infrared
- L dwarf: see L-type star
- brown dwarf: star-like object with less mass than a star
- Lépine Shara Proper Motion catalog: 2000s catalog of stars with proper motion
- L'institute Canadian d'astrophysique théorique (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics): national research organization at University of Toronto
- L'LORRI: see Lucy
- L'Ralph: see Lucy
- L'TES: see Lucy
- L-αintergalactic clouds
- Lyman-alpha forest: overlaid redshifted Lyman-alpha absorption lines on light from distant objects
- L-class: see L-type star
- l-m plane: see u-v plane
- L-point (Lagrangian point): points around two orbiting bodies where small objects can sit
- L-type star: spectral type of star cooler than an M-type star
- L1: see Lagrangian point
- L1527 (LDN 1527): dark nebula in Taurus
- L1527 IRS: see LDN 1527
- L1689 (LDN 1689): dense core within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- L2: see Lagrangian point
- L3: see Lagrangian point
- L4: see Lagrangian point
- 2010 TK7: asteroid that is an Earth Trojan
- L483: protostar of interest
- L5: see Lagrangian point
- ESA Vigil: plan for space-weather warning satellite at L5
- L☉ (solar luminosity): luminosity unit representing the luminosity of the Sun
- L500: see cluster radius
- LBol (bolometric luminosity): total luminosity of an object at all wavelengths
- LIR: see infrared
- LSun (solar luminosity): luminosity unit representing the luminosity of the Sun
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- luminosity: measure of brightness
- watt: SI unit of power
- LTIR (total infrared luminosity): luminosity over a wide IR range
- LX: see Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- La Palma
- La Palma Observatory (Roque de los Muchachos Observatory): observatory at La Palma in the Canary Islands
- La Silla Observatory: Atacama-desert observatory run by ESO
- La Silla Paranal Observatory: manages three ESO observatory-sites in Chile
- LA-COMPASS: MHD-capable hydrodynamic code
- LAB (Lyman-alpha blob): Lyman-alpha emitting cloud larger than a galaxy
- LABOCA: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- LABOCA ECDFS Submillimeter Survey
- LABOCA ECDFS Submm Survey (LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Submillimetre Survey): submillimeter survey of a well-studied piece of sky
- LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Submillimetre Survey: submillimeter survey of a well-studied piece of sky
- Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
- DAMA/LIBRA: dark matter detection experiment in Italy
- Laboratorio de Astrofisica Espacial y Fisica Fundamental: Spanish astrophysics laboratory
- Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD): AAS division supporting laboratory work relevant to astrophysics
- Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics: former GSFC X-ray/gamma-ray lab of about 1970 to 2004
- LAC: see Ginga
- Lac (Lacaille Star Catalog): 1700s catalog of about 10,000 southern hemisphere stars
- Lac 9352 (Lacaille 9352): red dwarf that is the twelfth nearest star system
- Lacaille: see Lacaille Star Catalog
- Lacaille 9352: red dwarf that is the twelfth nearest star system
- Lacaille Star Catalog: 1700s catalog of about 10,000 southern hemisphere stars
- LAD: AAS division supporting laboratory work relevant to astrophysics
- LAD: see eXTP
- LAD-C (Large Area Debris Collector): planned ISS instrument to collect space debris for analysis
- LAE (Lyman-alpha emitter): redshifted galaxy emitting the Lyman alpha line
- GLARE: project to search for distant star-forming galaxies
- HETDEX: galaxy survey carried out with HET VIRUS
- LAEDI (Lock-In Amplified Externally Dispersed Interferometry): technique for precise RV measurement
- LAEFF (Laboratorio de Astrofisica Espacial y Fisica Fundamental): Spanish astrophysics laboratory
- Laevens: see rare designator prefixes
- Laevens 2 (Triangulum II): dwarf galaxy in the Local Group
- Lagrange: see ESA Vigil
- Lagrange point (Lagrangian point): points around two orbiting bodies where small objects can sit
- Lagrange point stability: see Lagrangian point
- Lagrange stability: a quality of some stable orbits
- Lagrangian code: see stellar structure
- Lagrangian libration point (Lagrangian point): points around two orbiting bodies where small objects can sit
- Lagrangian point: points around two orbiting bodies where small objects can sit
- LAL: see rare designator prefixes
- Lalande: see rare designator prefixes
- Lalande 21185: nearby red dwarf
- Lalande 21185 b: see Lalande 21185
- LAM: see double star designation
- LAMBDA: NASA archive center re CMB data
- lambda (cosmological constant): force counteracting the universe's inward gravitational pull
- lambda (dark energy): energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- Lambda Boötis star: peculiar star with metallicity only with lighter elements
- Lambda-CDM
- sigma-8 tension: Lambda CDM anomaly regarding matter fluctuation
- wCDM: Big-Bang cosmological model with constant cosmological equation of state
- Lambda-CDM model: Big-Bang cosmological model with a cosmological constant and cold dark matter
- laminar flow: see turbulence
- Rayleigh number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to convection
- Reynolds number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to turbulence
- LAMOST: Chinese telescope for spectroscopic surveys of stars and galaxies
- LAMOST Experiment for Galactic Understanding and Evolution: see LAMOST
- LAMOST Extragalactic Survey: see LAMOST
- LAMP: see Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- lamppost model: see AGN corona
- Landau damping: type of damping of waves that occurs in thin plasma
- Landau-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit (Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit): maximum mass of a neutron star
- Landsat 7
- OSAM-1: prototype space robot for servicing satellites
- Lane-Emden equation: form of equation of state for gas ball in hydrostatic equilibrium
- Langmuir probe: plasma sensor
- Langmuir waves: see plasma frequency
- Laniakea (Laniakea Supercluster): group of clusters including the Local Group
- Laniakea Supercluster: group of clusters including the Local Group
- Lanning: see rare designator prefixes
- lanthanide: element having atomic number within 57 through 71
- kilonova: transient associated with merging neutron stars
- lanthanide nucleosynthesis: see lanthanide
- lanthanum: see lanthanide
- Laplace plane: see Laplace radius
- Laplace radius: a radius for a stable orbit of a satellite around a planet
- Laplace resonance: see orbital resonance
- Laplace spherical harmonics: see spherical harmonics
- Laplace surface: see Laplace radius
- Laplace's equation: see Poisson's equation
- Laplace-Lagrange secular evolution theory (Laplace-Lagrange secular theory): theory of evolution of planetary orbits
- Laplace-Lagrange secular theory: theory of evolution of planetary orbits
- Laplacian: see Poisson's equation
- LARES: satellite to test a general relativity effect
- LARES 2: see LARES
- Large Altazimuth Telescope: 6-meter reflector telescope in Russia
- Large Aperture Telescope: see Simons Observatory
- Large Area Debris Collector: planned ISS instrument to collect space debris for analysis
- Large Binocular Telescope: dual 8.4 meter telescope in Arizona
- Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer: see Large Binocular Telescope
- Large Bright QSO Survey: 1980s quasar survey
- Large Bright Quasar Survey (Large Bright QSO Survey): 1980s quasar survey
- Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF): spectrograph on the GMT
- Large Earth-based Solar Telescope: 1990s plan for 2.4 m solar telescope
- Large European Array for Pulsars: see European Pulsar Timing Array
- Large Hadron Collider
- Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO): gamma ray/cosmic ray observatory in China
- Large Magellanic Cloud: somewhat irregular satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
- Large Millimeter Telescope: large microwave telescope in Mexico
- TolTEC: sensitive infrared camera under construction for the LMT
- Large Quasar Group
- Huge-LQG: possible overly-large structure
- large quasar group: structure consisting of a collection of quasars
- Large Scale Cryogenic Gravitational Wave Telescope (KAGRA): gravitational wave detector in Japan preparing for operation
- large scale streaming motion
- large scale structure: the universe's structure as in placement of clusters
- large scale structure of the universe (large scale structure): the universe's structure as in placement of clusters
- large scale structures
- galaxy bias: degree to which galaxy density fails to correspond to dark matter density
- supercluster: cluster of galaxy clusters
- void: empty spaces between large scale structures
- Large Size Telescope
- Large Sky Area Multi-object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST): Chinese telescope for spectroscopic surveys of stars and galaxies
- Large Strategic Science Mission
- Large Strategic Science Missions
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- Large Submillimeter Telescope: concept for a 50-meter submillimeter telescope in Chile
- Large Suite of Dark Matter Simulations (LasDamas): simulations of large scale evolution of dark matter and galaxies
- Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (Rubin Observatory): 8-meter survey reflector telescope under construction in Chile
- Large Underground Xenon experiment (LUX): experiment to identify WIMPs with a tank of xenon
- Large Underground Xenon experiment: see ZEPLIN
- Large UV/Optical/Infrared Surveyor (LUVOIR): plan for a space-based telescope
- Large Zenith Telescope: 6 meter liquid mirror telescope in British Columbia
- Large-aperture Experiment to detect the Dark Age: see OVRO-LWA
- Large-Scale Polarization Explorer: see LSPE-STRIP
- Large-Scale Polarization Explorer: see LSPE-SWIPE
- Large-Scale Polarization Explorer/Short Wavelength Instrument for the Polarization Explorer (LSPE-SWIPE): plan for a balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- Large-Scale Polarization Explorer/Survey Tenerife Polarimeter (LSPE-STRIP): CMB survey telescope in Canary Islands
- Large-Sized Telescope: see Cherenkov Telescope Array
- LaRRI: see InSight
- Las Campanas Observatory: observatory in southern Atacama Desert
- Las Campanas Redshift Survey: 1990s survey of galaxies out to z = 0.2
- Las Cumbres Observatory: world-wide network of telescopes
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- LASCO: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- LASCO C1: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- LASCO C2: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- LASCO C3: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- LasDamas: simulations of large scale evolution of dark matter and galaxies
- laser: maser-like device for visible light
- laser com: laser communications
- adaptive optics: optical mechanism to compensate for varying atmospheric distortion
- laser guide star: see guide star
- adaptive optics: optical mechanism to compensate for varying atmospheric distortion
- sodium: metal, Na, atomic number 11
- laser gyroscope: see Sagnac effect
- Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO): pair of observatories to detect gravitational waves
- Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA): proposed space mission to detect gravitational waves
- Laser Relativity Satellite (LARES): satellite to test a general relativity effect
- laser tomography AO: see adaptive optics
- lasercom (laser com): laser communications
- LaSilla QUEST Survey (LaSilla-QUEST Variability Survey): survey for transients
- LaSilla-QUEST Variability Survey: survey for transients
- LASMA: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- LASS: see HEAO-1
- last parsec problem (final parsec problem): lack of a convincing theory on how SMBHs can reach each other
- last scattering surface (surface of last scattering): sphere around us from which CMB photons are just reaching us
- LAT: see Fermi
- LAT: see Simons Observatory
- Fermi bubbles: gamma-ray features associated with Milky Way center
- LAT All-sky Survey
- Fermi: satellite for studying gamma rays
- late: see spectral class
- late heavy bombardment: time after solar system planet-formation when many impacts occurred
- late thermal pulse: see thermal pulse
- late time anisotropies: see CMB anisotropies
- late-type galaxy: see galaxy
- late-type nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet: see Wolf-Rayet star
- late-type star: see spectral class
- latent heat
- Latest Supernovae: recent supernova info collected
- latitude
- circle of latitude: circle around the Earth of points equidistant from a pole or the equator
- lattice Boltzmann method: computational fluid dynamics method treating the fluid as particles
- Latysev: see rare designator prefixes
- LAU: see double star designation
- launch window: time period for launching space probes traveling a particular route
- lava planet: rocky planet with molten rock surface
- magma ocean: presumed to occur early in Earth history and potentially on exoplanets
- law of cosmic censorship: a singularity cannot be observed
- law of gravitation: see Newton's laws
- law of large numbers
- law of refraction (Snell's law): optical principle of refraction
- LAWD: see rare designator prefixes
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: US energy-related physics laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: US science and technology laboratory
- Lawrence Lowell Telescope: see Lowell Observatory
- laws of black hole mechanics: see black hole thermodynamics
- laws of thermodynamics: see thermodynamics
- LAXPC: see AstroSat
- LB (Lyman break): abrupt change in galaxy spectrum at the Lyman series wavelength limit
- LB: see rare designator prefixes
- LB-1: binary star with evidence of a black hole
- LBA (Long Baseline Array): radio interferometer using Australian telescopes
- LBC: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LBCB: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LBCR: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LBDS: see rare designator prefixes
- LBG (Lyman-break galaxy): a galaxy emitting very little shorter than 912 angstroms
- LBG: see brightest cluster galaxy
- LBM (lattice Boltzmann method): computational fluid dynamics method treating the fluid as particles
- LBN (Lynds Catalogue of Bright Nebulae): 1950s/1960s list of bright nebulae found on Palomar plates
- LBNL (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory): US energy-related physics laboratory
- LBQS (Large Bright QSO Survey): 1980s quasar survey
- LBT (Large Binocular Telescope): dual 8.4 meter telescope in Arizona
- LBTI: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LBTI/LMIRCAM: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LBTI/NOMIC: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LBV (luminous blue variable): type of extremely bright variable stars
- LBV outburst: see luminous blue variable
- LC: see Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- LCC: see Scorpius-Centaurus Association
- LCDCS: see rare designator prefixes
- LCDM (Lambda-CDM model): Big-Bang cosmological model with a cosmological constant and cold dark matter
- LCGT (KAGRA): gravitational wave detector in Japan preparing for operation
- LCL: see Lacaille Star Catalog
- LCO (Las Campanas Observatory): observatory in southern Atacama Desert
- LCO (Las Cumbres Observatory): world-wide network of telescopes
- LCOGT: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- LCOGT 1-m: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- LCOGT 2-m: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- LCOGT 40-cm: see Las Cumbres Observatory
- LCROSS: space probe observing the lunar poles
- LCRS (Las Campanas Redshift Survey): 1990s survey of galaxies out to z = 0.2
- LCRT: concept for a dish radio telescope in a lunar crater
- LCT (Caltech Submillimeter Observatory): 10.4 meter submillimeter telescope previously in Hawaii
- LD: see rare designator prefixes
- LDB (lithium depletion boundary): line on HRD dividing stars with lithium and those without
- LDN (Lynds Catalog of Dark Nebulae): 1950s/1960s list of dark nebulae found on Palomar plates
- LDN 1527: dark nebula in Taurus
- LDN 1527 IRS: see LDN 1527
- LDN 1689: dense core within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- LDN 483 (L483): protostar of interest
- LDS (Luyten Double Star Survey): 1940s-1970s catalog of double stars
- LDSS3: see Magellan Telescopes
- LDT (Lowell Discovery Telescope): 4.3 m telescope at Lowell Observatory, Arizona
- Le Gentil: see rare designator prefixes
- lead star: see chemically peculiar star
- leakage neutron: see neutron scattering
- LEAP: see European Pulsar Timing Array
- leap day: see Julian calendar
- leap year: see sidereal
- learning
- LECP: see Voyager
- LECS: see BeppoSAX
- LED: see Small Astronomy Satellite 3
- LEDA: galaxy database with observation data
- LEDA: see Principal Galaxies Catalog
- LEDA 3097693: see NGC 1052
- LEDA 50779 (Circinus Galaxy): nearest Seyfert galaxy
- Lee-Weinberg argument: see Lee-Weinberg bound
- Lee-Weinberg bound: lower limit on mass of heavy lepton
- Lee-Weinberg limit (Lee-Weinberg bound): lower limit on mass of heavy lepton
- Lee-Weinberg window: see Lee-Weinberg bound
- left-hand circular polarization: see polarization
- Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA): NASA archive center re CMB data
- legacy survey: phrase sometimes used in survey names
- Legacy Survey of Space and Time: see Rubin Observatory
- Legendre polynomials: useful sequence of polynomials
- Lego principle: principle that life is associated with a skew in molecule abundances
- LEHPM: see rare designator prefixes
- LEIA: see Satech-01
- Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database: see RADEX
- LAMBDA: NASA archive center re CMB data
- Leiden Observatory
- Leighton Chajnantor Telescope (Caltech Submillimeter Observatory): 10.4 meter submillimeter telescope previously in Hawaii
- LEISA: see Lucy
- LEKID: see KID
- Lempo
- LEND: see Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- length contraction: see Lorentz transformation
- lens: see gravitational lensing
- refraction: redirection of light passing from one medium to another
- refractive index: measure of how much a material slows down light
- Lense-Thirring effect: effect on precession from frame dragging
- LARES: satellite to test a general relativity effect
- Lense-Thirring precession (Lense-Thirring effect): effect on precession from frame dragging
- lensing deflection field: see CMB lensing
- lensing map: see CMB lensing
- lenslet array: see integral field spectrograph
- lenslet array: see integral field unit
- lensmaker's equation
- lensmaker's formula
- lenticular galaxy: disk galaxy that has no spirals
- LEO (low Earth orbit): Earth orbit within 2000 km of the surface
- LEO: see double star designation
- Leo Cluster
- Leo I
- Leo II
- Leo IV
- Leo T
- Leo V
- lepton: elementary particle with 1/2 integer spin such as electron
- lepton: see particle
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- electron: type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- flavor: subtype of some type of particle
- positron: electron-like antimatter particle with electric charge of +1
- LESS (LABOCA Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Submillimetre Survey): submillimeter survey of a well-studied piece of sky
- LEST (Large Earth-based Solar Telescope): 1990s plan for 2.4 m solar telescope
- LETG: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- LETGS: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Level 5: hyperlinked collection of astrophysics research findings
- Levy Spectrometer: see Automated Planet Finder
- LF (luminosity function): function giving number of stars or galaxies at different luminosities
- LF: see very low frequency
- LF radio astronomy (low frequency radio astronomy): astronomy using the lower end of the radio spectrum
- LFAA: see Square Kilometre Array
- LFAM: see rare designator prefixes
- LFC: see Hale Telescope
- LFI: see Planck
- LFT: see Luyten Half-second Catalog
- LFTO: see globular cluster luminosity function
- LG (Local Group): group of galaxies including the Milky Way
- LGA: see beam
- LGG: see rare designator prefixes
- LGGS (Local Group Galaxy Survey): photometric survey of stars in a number of local group galaxies
- LGM-1
- pulsar: type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- LGRB (long gamma-ray burst): GRB lasting more than two seconds
- LGRB: see gamma-ray burst
- LGS: see guide star
- LGS: see rare designator prefixes
- adaptive optics: optical mechanism to compensate for varying atmospheric distortion
- LH: see rare designator prefixes
- LHA: see rare designator prefixes
- LHA 120-N 103B (N 103B): supernova remnant in the LMC
- LHAASO: gamma ray/cosmic ray observatory in China
- LHB (late heavy bombardment): time after solar system planet-formation when many impacts occurred
- LHCP: see polarization
- LHEA (Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics): former GSFC X-ray/gamma-ray lab of about 1970 to 2004
- LHG: see rare designator prefixes
- LHO: see LIGO
- LHO: see rare designator prefixes
- LHS (Luyten Half-second Catalog): 1979 catalog of 4000 stars with high proper motion
- LHS 1140: red dwarf with rocky planet in its habitable zone
- LHS 1140 b: see LHS 1140
- LHS 3844: see LHS 3844 b
- LHS 3844 b: rocky planet in habitable zone of a red dwarf
- LI: see IRAS
- Li (lithium): metal, Li, atomic number 3
- libration: oscillating motion of orbiting bodies relative to each other
- libration in latitude: see libration
- libration in longitude: see libration
- libration point (Lagrangian point): points around two orbiting bodies where small objects can sit
- libration point: see libration
- LIBS: see MMX
- LIC (Local Interstellar Cloud): local ISM region with slightly higher density of hydrogen
- LIC: see Local Bubble
- Lick indices: defined set of spectral line indexes for stars
- Lick Observatory: California observatory of long standing
- Lick Observatory and Tenagra Observatory Supernova Searches
- Lick Observatory Calcium Line Survey: 1980s survey of T-Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga Complex
- Lick Observatory Supernova Search: search for supernovae for cosmological study
- LIDAR: see Hayabusa2
- LIDAR: see MMX
- LIDAR: see Mars Polar Lander
- Lidov-Kozai effect (Kozai mechanism): an effect on an orbit by another, more distant orbiting body
- Lidov-Kozai mechanism (Kozai mechanism): an effect on an orbit by another, more distant orbiting body
- Lie algebra: see Lie transform
- Lie group: see Lie transform
- Lie transform: type of infinitesimal transform
- Lie transformation (Lie transform): type of infinitesimal transform
- life
- lifetime: see e-folding time
- light (visible light): electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can sense
- light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation: see maser
- light cone: region of space-time which you can see or can see you
- Light Curve
- light curve: changing intensity of light from a transient
- light curves
- GERLUMPH: hardware/software simulator of lensing light curves
- Sys-Rem: algorithm to remove systematics from light curve data
- light cylinder
- light dark matter (sub-GeV dark matter): a more-massive type of CDM
- light echo: reflected light from an astronomical event arriving later
- dust echo: the glow of dust heated by a transient
- light nebula
- cloud: higher-density region of space
- light neutrino: see neutrino
- light pollution: light from cities that interferes with astronomical observation
- Light satellite for the studies of B-mode polarization and inflation from cosmic background radiation detection (LiteBIRD): planned spacecraft to map CMB polarization
- light speed (speed of light): fundamental constant measured as the speed at which light travels
- light's speed (speed of light): fundamental constant measured as the speed at which light travels
- light-year: distance that light travels in a year
- parsec: about 3.26 light-years
- lightcurve
- lightest supersymmetric particle: see supersymmetry
- lightkurve: software to analyze time series data
- LIGO: pair of observatories to detect gravitational waves
- LIGO A#Observing Run 4: see LIGO
- LIGO A+: see LIGO
- LIGO H: see LIGO
- LIGO Hanford Observatory: see LIGO
- LIGO L: see LIGO
- LIGO Livingston Observatory: see LIGO
- LIGO Voyager: see LIGO
- LIGO-India: planned gravitational wave detector in India
- likelihood
- likelihood distribution
- LIM: see intensity mapping
- limb: the edge of an astronomical object as viewed
- limb: see limb darkening
- limb darkening: the darkening of edge of a body such as the Sun
- limb: the edge of an astronomical object as viewed
- transiting planet: planet crossing between another body and the observer
- Limber approximation: formula approximating the density of galaxies in some direction
- Limber equation (Limber approximation): formula approximating the density of galaxies in some direction
- Limber formula (Limber approximation): formula approximating the density of galaxies in some direction
- limit: see series expansion
- limiting magnitude: faintest magnitude that a telescope or instrument can detect
- LIN: see rare designator prefixes
- LINC/Nirvana: see Large Binocular Telescope
- Lincoln Laboratory
- LINEAR: survey of near-Earth objects
- Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR): survey of near-Earth objects
- Lindblad resonance: resonant orbits within a disk due to a high-density portion
- Lindblad resonance: see Lindblad torque
- Lindblad torque: torque due to Lindblad resonances
- Lindsay: see rare designator prefixes
- line (spectral line): dark or bright line in a spectrum
- line blanketing: so many bunched spectral lines that they cannot be distinguished
- CMFGEN: RT code designed to handle significant stellar wind
- line broadening: processes causing a spectral line to have width
- line broadening function
- line depth: see line broadening
- line index: see spectral line designation
- line intensity mapping: see intensity mapping
- line intensity mapping surveys (intensity mapping surveys): efforts mapping the intensity of spectral lines across the sky
- line of beta stability (valley of beta stability): set of isotopes not prone to beta decay
- line of nodes: see orbital element
- line of sight: line between observer and observed object
- line profile (spectral line shape): yields information about source
- line profile: see line shape function
- line series
- line shape (spectral line shape): yields information about source
- line shape: see line shape function
- line shape function: function describing the shape of a spectral line
- line tomography: using double-peaked spectral lines to place constituents of a disk
- line-blanketing effect (line blanketing): so many bunched spectral lines that they cannot be distinguished
- line-of-sight (line of sight): line between observer and observed object
- line-of-sight velocity (radial velocity): component of velocity toward or away from observer
- LINEAR: survey of near-Earth objects
- linear algebra
- linear GW memory: see gravitational-wave memory
- linear polarization: see polarization
- linear system: see linear theory
- linear theory: theory of operators satisfying the property of superposition
- linear variable filter (linearly variable filter): filter whose passband varies over one spatial dimension
- linearly variable filter: filter whose passband varies over one spatial dimension
- SPHEREx: all-sky spectral survey space-mission plan
- LINER: galaxy nucleus emitting spectral lines for ionized and neutral atoms
- LINER galaxy: see LINER
- lines
- lipids
- Lego principle: principle that life is associated with a skew in molecule abundances
- liquid mirror: see liquid mirror telescope
- liquid mirror telescope: reflector telescope with primary mirror formed of spinning liquid
- liquid planet: planet consisting of liquid
- liquid water habitable zone: see habitable zone
- liquid water zone: see habitable zone
- LIR: see infrared
- LIRG (luminous infrared galaxy): a galaxy emitting a lot of far-infrared light
- LIRIC: see Liverpool Telescope
- LIRIS: see William Herschel Telescope
- LISA: proposed space mission to detect gravitational waves
- LISA Pathfinder: see LISA
- Lissajous orbit: see halo orbit
- LiteBIRD: planned spacecraft to map CMB polarization
- lithium: metal, Li, atomic number 3
- lithium burning: any fusion reaction starting with lithium
- lithium depletion boundary: line on HRD dividing stars with lithium and those without
- lithosphere
- lithospheric flexure: see elastic thickness
- Little Ice Age
- Littrow: see grating
- Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System: automated telescope aiming to catch GRB optical counterparts
- Liverpool John Moores University
- Liverpool Telescope: 2-meter robotic telescope in Spain
- Liverpool Telescope 2: see Liverpool Telescope
- LK oscillation: see Kozai mechanism
- LkCa: see rare designator prefixes
- LkCl (Lick Observatory Calcium Line Survey): 1980s survey of T-Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga Complex
- LkHA: see rare designator prefixes
- LLAGN: see active galactic nucleus
- Llano de Chajnantor Observatory: group of observatories on a high plateau of the Atacama Desert
- LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory): US science and technology laboratory
- LLO: see LIGO
- LM: see rare designator prefixes
- lm plane: see u-v plane
- LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud): somewhat irregular satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
- LMC: see Rosalind Franklin
- LMC AB: see rare designator prefixes
- LMC-N: see rare designator prefixes
- LMI: see Lowell Discovery Telescope
- LMIRCAM: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LMPO: see protostar
- LMS (low mass star): star with less than half a solar mass
- LMT (Large Millimeter Telescope): large microwave telescope in Mexico
- TolTEC: sensitive infrared camera under construction for the LMT
- LMXB: see X-ray binary
- Ln (lanthanide): element having atomic number within 57 through 71
- LN2 (LN2): "liquid nitrogen"
- LN2: "liquid nitrogen"
- LNA (low noise amplifier): amplifier aimed at very low noise for extremely sensitive measurement
- LNRF (ZAMO frame): a frame of reference that is not rotating
- LO: see beat frequency
- Lo: see rare designator prefixes
- load density: measure of rigidity of the crust of a body
- LOAN: see orbital element
- lobe: see beam
- lobe: see radio galaxy
- local
- Local Arm: see spiral arm
- local BHMF: see black hole mass function
- local black hole mass function: see black hole mass function
- Local Bubble: ISM shell in which the solar system resides
- Local Cavity (Local Bubble): ISM shell in which the solar system resides
- local flow: see Hubble expansion
- Local Fluff (Local Interstellar Cloud): local ISM region with slightly higher density of hydrogen
- Local Fluff: see Local Bubble
- Local Group: group of galaxies including the Milky Way
- Local Group Galaxy Survey: photometric survey of stars in a number of local group galaxies
- Local Hole: void containing the Local Group
- Local Interstellar Cloud: local ISM region with slightly higher density of hydrogen
- Local Interstellar Cloud: see Local Bubble
- local merger: see galaxy merger
- local meridian: see meridian
- meridian circle: instrument for timing the passage of stars over a meridian
- local noon: time at a locality when the Sun is at its highest
- local oscillator: see beat frequency
- Local Sheet: flat grouping of galaxies around the Local Group
- local sidereal time: same as angular hours right ascension of the zenith
- local standard of rest: velocity with respect to our region of the Milky Way
- Local Supercluster (Laniakea Supercluster): group of clusters including the Local Group
- Local Supercluster (Virgo Supercluster): supercluster including the Local Group
- local thermodynamic equilibrium: temperature variation being too small to matter locally
- Local Void: void next to the Local Group
- Local void
- Local Volume: region around the Local Group
- Local Volume Mapper: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- localization: ability to identify location of a transient
- locally brightest galaxy: see brightest cluster galaxy
- locally non-rotating frame (ZAMO frame): a frame of reference that is not rotating
- location
- Lock-In Amplified Externally Dispersed Interferometry: technique for precise RV measurement
- Lockman Cloud (Smith Cloud): high-velocity cloud on collision course with Milky Way
- Lockman hole: region of sky with little Milky-Way neutral hydrogen
- LOFAR (Low-frequency Array): low frequency radio telescope
- LOFAR Prototype Station (LOPES): cosmic ray detector that detected resulting radio
- LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
- LOFAR-core
- log ε(O): see metallicity
- log frequency: see low frequency radio astronomy
- log g: see surface gravity
- log-log plot: see power law
- logarithmic
- LOLA: see Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- LONEOS: survey of near-Earth objects
- Long Baseline Array: radio interferometer using Australian telescopes
- long gamma-ray burst: GRB lasting more than two seconds
- long gamma-ray burst: see gamma-ray burst
- long pass: see filter designator
- long period variable: see variable star
- long Rossby wave: see Kelvin waves
- Long Wavelength Array: radio telescope in New Mexico
- long-duration gamma-ray burst (long gamma-ray burst): GRB lasting more than two seconds
- long-duration GRB (long gamma-ray burst): GRB lasting more than two seconds
- long-period B-star (slowly-pulsating B-star): B-star with pulsation periods of more than half a day
- long-period comet: comet with an orbital period of more than 200 years
- Oort Cloud: cloud of distant comets surrounding the solar system
- long-period comets
- longitude of ascending node: see orbital element
- lookback time: see cosmic time
- Loop I Bubble: see Local Bubble
- loose group: see galaxy group
- LOPES: cosmic ray detector that detected resulting radio
- Lorentz drag
- Lorentz factor: see Lorentz transformation
- Lorentz force: force on a point charge due to magnetic fields
- Lorentz invariance (relativistic invariance): quantity that remains the same regardless of frame of reference
- Lorentz transform (Lorentz transformation): equations describing the effect of relative motion on length and velocity
- Lorentz transformation: equations describing the effect of relative motion on length and velocity
- cosmological redshift: redshift of distant objects due to the Hubble expansion
- redshift: change to longer wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- spacetime: four dimensions: time and the three space dimensions
- Lorentzian distribution: probability distribution applicable to some physics phenomena
- damping profile: mathematical shape that models some types of spectral line broadening
- Lorentzian function: see Lorentzian distribution
- Lorentzian profile (damping profile): mathematical shape that models some types of spectral line broadening
- Lorenz transform: see relativity
- Lorimer burst: see fast radio burst
- LORRI: see New Horizons
- LOS (line of sight): line between observer and observed object
- Los Alamos Computational Astrophysics Simulation Suite (LA-COMPASS): MHD-capable hydrodynamic code
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- LOS velocity (radial velocity): component of velocity toward or away from observer
- LOSS (Lick Observatory Supernova Search): search for supernovae for cosmological study
- loss cone: see final parsec problem
- LOSVD: line-of-sight velocity distribution
- LOTIS (Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System): automated telescope aiming to catch GRB optical counterparts
- LoTr: see rare designator prefixes
- LOUVOIR-A (High Definition Space Telescope): proposed 12-meter space telescope
- LOV (Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit): maximum mass of a neutron star
- Love number: measures of rigidity of a body
- Love-Shida number (Love number): measures of rigidity of a body
- Lovell Telescope: see Jodrell Bank Observatory
- Lovell Transit Telescope
- Lovelock gravity: generalization of general relativity
- Lovelock theory of gravity (Lovelock gravity): generalization of general relativity
- low Earth orbit: Earth orbit within 2000 km of the surface
- Low Frequency: see very low frequency
- low frequency
- Low Frequency Aperture Array: see Square Kilometre Array
- low frequency radio astronomy: astronomy using the lower end of the radio spectrum
- low frequency radio astronomy: see radio astronomy
- low gain antenna: see beam
- low mass star: star with less than half a solar mass
- low noise amplifier: amplifier aimed at very low noise for extremely sensitive measurement
- low redshift: see cosmological redshift
- low resolution spectrograph: see HRS
- low resolution spectrography: see HRS
- low surface gravity: see surface gravity
- low-alpha: see alpha-enhanced
- Low-frequency Array: low frequency radio telescope
- low-ionization nuclear emission-line region (LINER): galaxy nucleus emitting spectral lines for ionized and neutral atoms
- low-mass protostellar object: see protostar
- low-mass X-ray binary: see X-ray binary
- low-surface-brightness galaxy: galaxies less bright than those historically identified
- low-velocity cloud: see high-velocity cloud
- Lowell Discovery Telescope: 4.3 m telescope at Lowell Observatory, Arizona
- Lowell Observatory: Arizona observatory of long standing
- Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-object Search (LONEOS): survey of near-Earth objects
- Lowell Proper Motion Survey: 1950s-1970s catalogs of stars with proper motion
- Lower Centaurus-Crux: see Scorpius-Centaurus Association
- lower meridian: see celestial meridian
- lower meridian: see meridian
- lowmass star (low mass star): star with less than half a solar mass
- LOWZ North 13788 void
- void: empty spaces between large scale structures
- LP (Langmuir probe): plasma sensor
- LP (Luyten Palomar Survey): 1970s catalog of stars with high proper motion
- LP: see NIRSpec
- LP: see filter designator
- LP: see rare designator prefixes
- LPB (slowly-pulsating B-star): B-star with pulsation periods of more than half a day
- LPI (Lunar and Planetary Institute): scientific research arm of USRA
- LPL (Lunary and Planetary Laboratory): U Arizona lab
- LPM: see Bruce Proper Motion Survey
- LPO (La Silla Paranal Observatory): manages three ESO observatory-sites in Chile
- LPO (Roque de los Muchachos Observatory): observatory at La Palma in the Canary Islands
- LPO: see double star designation
- LPR: for "light pollution reduction"
- LPR: see filter designator
- LPV: see MAVEN
- LPV: see variable star
- LQG (large quasar group): structure consisting of a collection of quasars
- Huge-LQG: possible overly-large structure
- LRG (luminous red galaxy): distant bright red galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- LRIS: see Keck Observatory
- LRN (luminous red nova): red-colored event theorized to be a merger of two stars
- LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter): space probe orbiting the Moon
- LROC: see Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- LRS: see HRS
- LRS: see Hobby-Eberly Telescope
- LRS: see IRAS
- LRS2: see Hobby-Eberly Telescope
- LS (Case-Hamburg Survey): 1950s-1970s survey(s) of OB stars
- LS (Virgo Supercluster): supercluster including the Local Group
- LS 2883: see PSR B1259-63
- LS V +22 25 (LB-1): binary star with evidence of a black hole
- LSB: see rare designator prefixes
- LSB galaxy (low-surface-brightness galaxy): galaxies less bright than those historically identified
- LSC (Virgo Supercluster): supercluster including the Local Group
- LSE: see Case-Hamburg Survey
- LSO (La Silla Observatory): Atacama-desert observatory run by ESO
- LSP: see supersymmetry
- LSPE-STRIP: CMB survey telescope in Canary Islands
- LSPE-SWIPE: plan for a balloon-based CMB polarization survey
- LSPM (Lépine Shara Proper Motion catalog): 2000s catalog of stars with proper motion
- LSQ (LaSilla-QUEST Variability Survey): survey for transients
- LSR (local standard of rest): velocity with respect to our region of the Milky Way
- LSR: see rare designator prefixes
- LSR velocity: see local standard of rest
- LSS (large scale structure): the universe's structure as in placement of clusters
- LSS: see Case-Hamburg Survey
- LSST (Rubin Observatory): 8-meter survey reflector telescope under construction in Chile
- LST (Large Submillimeter Telescope): concept for a 50-meter submillimeter telescope in Chile
- LST (local sidereal time): same as angular hours right ascension of the zenith
- LST: see Cherenkov Telescope Array
- LST1: see Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Lsun (solar luminosity): luminosity unit representing the luminosity of the Sun
- Sun: star at center of solar system
- LT (Liverpool Telescope): 2-meter robotic telescope in Spain
- LT: see rare designator prefixes
- LT2: see Liverpool Telescope
- LTE (local thermodynamic equilibrium): temperature variation being too small to matter locally
- LTG: see galaxy
- LTMO: see adaptive optics
- LTP (lunar transient phenomenon): observed transient on the Moon such as a flash of light
- LTP: see thermal pulse
- LTT (Luyten Two-Tenths Arcsecond Catalog): 1960 catalog of 9000+ stars with proper motion
- LUCI: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LUCI1: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LUCI2: see Large Binocular Telescope
- LUCIFER: see Large Binocular Telescope
- lucky exposures (lucky imaging): method of combining short-term images to yield better resolution
- Lucky imaging
- speckle imaging: method of combining short-term images to yield better resolution
- lucky imaging: method of combining short-term images to yield better resolution
- Lucy: space probe to observe Jupiter Trojan asteroids
- Luhman: see rare designator prefixes
- Luhman 16: nearby binary brown dwarf
- Luhman 16AB (Luhman 16): nearby binary brown dwarf
- luminescence: see fluorescence
- luminosity: measure of brightness
- luminosity (bolometric luminosity): total luminosity of an object at all wavelengths
- luminosity class: classification of size/luminosity of stars
- subgiant: slightly larger than normal star
- luminosity density: luminosity per unit volume
- luminosity distance: distance to an object based upon the distance's effect on received flux
- luminosity equation: see stellar structure
- luminosity function: function giving number of stars or galaxies at different luminosities
- luminosity function: see sensitivity function
- luminosity function turnover: see globular cluster luminosity function
- luminosity-decline rate relation
- luminous blue variable: type of extremely bright variable stars
- luminous efficiency function: see sensitivity function
- luminous infrared galaxy: a galaxy emitting a lot of far-infrared light
- luminous red galaxy: distant bright red galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- luminous red nova: red-colored event theorized to be a merger of two stars
- luminous supergiant: see supergiant
- lumped element KID: see KID
- Lunar and Planetary Institute: scientific research arm of USRA
- lunar cold trap
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS): space probe observing the lunar poles
- Lunar Crater Radio Telescope (LCRT): concept for a dish radio telescope in a lunar crater
- lunar eclipse: see solar eclipse
- Lunar Prospector: NASA 1998 lunar orbiter
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: space probe orbiting the Moon
- Lunar Surface Gravimeter
- lunar swirl: swirly spot on the surface of the Moon
- lunar transient phenomenon: observed transient on the Moon such as a flash of light
- lunar water: water on the moon
- Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope: Chinese ultraviolet telescope on the Moon
- Lunary and Planetary Laboratory: U Arizona lab
- Lund: see Lund Catalogue of Open Clusters
- Lund Catalogue of Open Clusters: list of open clusters
- Lund Observatory
- Lupus: see Lupus Transit Survey
- Lupus Transit Survey: survey for hot Jupiters in a region of constellation Lupus
- LUT (Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope): Chinese ultraviolet telescope on the Moon
- Lutz-Kelker bias: measurement bias due to unbalanced parallax uncertainties
- LUVOIR: plan for a space-based telescope
- LUX: experiment to identify WIMPs with a tank of xenon
- LUY: see double star designation
- Luyten 726-8: nearby binary star system
- Luyten Double Star Survey: 1940s-1970s catalog of double stars
- Luyten Five Tenths Catalog: see Luyten Half-second Catalog
- Luyten Half-second Catalog: 1979 catalog of 4000 stars with high proper motion
- Luyten Palomar Survey: 1970s catalog of stars with high proper motion
- Luyten Two-Tenths Arcsecond Catalog: 1960 catalog of 9000+ stars with proper motion
- LV (Local Volume): region around the Local Group
- LVC: see high-velocity cloud
- LVF (linearly variable filter): filter whose passband varies over one spatial dimension
- LVM: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- LW: see rare designator prefixes
- LW flux: see Lyman-Werner photon
- LW radiation: see Lyman-Werner photon
- LWA (Long Wavelength Array): radio telescope in New Mexico
- LWA1: see Long Wavelength Array
- LWCam: see CCAT
- LWP: see International Ultraviolet Explorer
- LWR: see International Ultraviolet Explorer
- LWS: see Infrared Space Observatory
- LWS: see International Ultraviolet Explorer
- LWS: see Keck Observatory
- LXM: see Lynx
- Ly (Lyman series): hydrogen series from electrons settling from n > 1 to n = 1
- Ly: see rare designator prefixes
- ly (light-year): distance that light travels in a year
- Ly continuum (Lyman continuum): absorption continuum beginning at Lyman limit
- Lyα (Lyman alpha): first line in the Lyman series
- Lyβ (Lyman beta): second line in the Lyman series
- Ly-α (Lyman alpha): first line in the Lyman series
- Lyman series: hydrogen series from electrons settling from n > 1 to n = 1
- Ly-α forest (Lyman-alpha forest): overlaid redshifted Lyman-alpha absorption lines on light from distant objects
- Ly-β (Lyman beta): second line in the Lyman series
- Ly-β: see Lyman series
- Lyapunov exponent
- Lyapunov time: timescale beyond which a dynamical system is chaotic
- Lyapunov orbit: see halo orbit
- Lyapunov time: timescale beyond which a dynamical system is chaotic
- LyC (Lyman continuum): absorption continuum beginning at Lyman limit
- LyC escape: see Lyman continuum
- LyC escape: see Lyman series
- LyC leaker: see Lyman continuum
- LyC leaker: see Lyman series
- LyC photon: see Lyman continuum
- LyC photons: see Lyman series
- Lyman
- Lyman α (Lyman alpha): first line in the Lyman series
- Lyman β (Lyman beta): second line in the Lyman series
- Lyman alpha: first line in the Lyman series
- Lyman band: see Lyman-Werner photon
- Lyman beta: second line in the Lyman series
- Lyman beta: see Lyman series
- Lyman break: abrupt change in galaxy spectrum at the Lyman series wavelength limit
- Lyman continuum: absorption continuum beginning at Lyman limit
- continuum: portion of a continuous spectrum not affected by a spectral feature
- Lyman continuum escape: see Lyman continuum
- Lyman continuum escape: see Lyman series
- Lyman continuum leaker: see Lyman continuum
- Lyman continuum leaker: see Lyman series
- Lyman continuum photon: see Lyman continuum
- Lyman continuum photons: see Lyman series
- Lyman cutoff (Lyman break): abrupt change in galaxy spectrum at the Lyman series wavelength limit
- Lyman edge (Lyman break): abrupt change in galaxy spectrum at the Lyman series wavelength limit
- Lyman jump (Lyman break): abrupt change in galaxy spectrum at the Lyman series wavelength limit
- Balmer jump: abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- Lyman limit: see Lyman series
- Lyman break: abrupt change in galaxy spectrum at the Lyman series wavelength limit
- Lyman continuum: absorption continuum beginning at Lyman limit
- Lyman-break galaxy: a galaxy emitting very little shorter than 912 angstroms
- Lyman lines (Lyman series): hydrogen series from electrons settling from n > 1 to n = 1
- Lyman series: hydrogen series from electrons settling from n > 1 to n = 1
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- Lyman break: abrupt change in galaxy spectrum at the Lyman series wavelength limit
- Lyman continuum: absorption continuum beginning at Lyman limit
- Lyman-alpha emitter: redshifted galaxy emitting the Lyman alpha line
- Lyman-alpha forest: overlaid redshifted Lyman-alpha absorption lines on light from distant objects
- Lyman-alpha blob: Lyman-alpha emitting cloud larger than a galaxy
- Lyman-alpha break: see Lyman break
- Lyman-alpha emitter: redshifted galaxy emitting the Lyman alpha line
- GLARE: project to search for distant star-forming galaxies
- HETDEX: galaxy survey carried out with HET VIRUS
- Lyman-alpha emitting galaxy (Lyman-alpha emitter): redshifted galaxy emitting the Lyman alpha line
- Lyman-alpha forest: overlaid redshifted Lyman-alpha absorption lines on light from distant objects
- Lyman-beta forest: see Lyman-alpha forest
- Lyman-break galaxy: a galaxy emitting very little shorter than 912 angstroms
- Lyman-Werner background: see Lyman-Werner photon
- Lyman-Werner flux: see Lyman-Werner photon
- Lyman-Werner photon: ultraviolet photon with proper energy to excite molecular hydrogen
- Lyman-Werner radiation: see Lyman-Werner photon
- Lynden-Bell mechanism: a model for galaxy bar formation
- Lynds 1689 (LDN 1689): dense core within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- Lynds Catalog of Dark Nebulae: 1950s/1960s list of dark nebulae found on Palomar plates
- LDN 1689: dense core within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- Lynds Catalogue of Bright Nebulae: 1950s/1960s list of bright nebulae found on Palomar plates
- Lynx: concept for space X-ray observatory
- Lynx X-ray Observatory (Lynx): concept for space X-ray observatory
- Lynx-Ursa Major Filament: see galaxy filament
- Lyon Observatory
- Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database (LEDA): galaxy database with observation data
- Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database: see Principal Galaxies Catalog
- Lyot coronagraph: original coronagraph design
- Lyot filter
- Lyot stop: optical element to block unwanted light within instruments
- LZ: see ZEPLIN
- LZT (Large Zenith Telescope): 6 meter liquid mirror telescope in British Columbia