Term Index (H)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter H.
- H (Balmer series): hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- H (H band): atmospheric window centered around 1.63 microns, or 184 THz
- H (Herschel Double Star Catalog): series of early double star catalogs
- H (hydrogen): most prominent element, atomic number 1
- H (magnetic field strength): a field associated with magnetism
- H (scale height): measure of exponential falloff
- H: see HEAO-1
- H: see High Energy Transient Explorer
- H: see Hubble constant
- H: see NIRSpec
- H: see rare designator prefixes
- h (Planck constant): quantum of action in quantum mechanics
- h (gravitational wave strain): a measure of the magnitude of a gravitational wave
- h: see Herschel Double Star Catalog
- h: see Hubble constant
- h: see Love number
- H band: atmospheric window centered around 1.63 microns, or 184 THz
- infrared: light with wavelength too long for our eyes to sense
- H burning (hydrogen burning): any fusion reaction starting with hydrogen
- H field (magnetic field strength): a field associated with magnetism
- H I (neutral atomic hydrogen): state of hydrogen when sufficiently cool
- H II (ionized hydrogen): state of hydrogen when sufficiently hot
- H line
- calcium: element, Ca, atomic number 20
- Hα (H-alpha): hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- Hα survey: survey looking for the Hα line, typically to find star formation
- Hβ (H-beta): hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- H-α (H-alpha): hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- Balmer series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- H-α Ly-α
- H-β (H-beta): hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- H-alpha: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- Balmer series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- H-alpha filter
- H-alpha: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- H-alpha SFR: see star formation rate
- H-alpha star formation rate: see star formation rate
- H-alpha to UV ratio: see star formation rate
- H-AMR: see HARM
- H-band
- A-LIST: catalog of templates of H-band spectra for SPS
- H-beta: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- Balmer series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- H-beta filter
- H-beta: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- H-OH: see Parkes Observatory
- H-R diagram: diagram relating effective temperature to luminosity
- H2: see hydrogen
- H3 (H3 Survey): spectroscopic survey of Milky Way halo stars
- H3 Survey: spectroscopic survey of Milky Way halo stars
- H0 (Hubble constant): current rate of expansion of the universe
- H2: see hydrogen
- H2 dissociation front (molecular hydrogen dissociation front): point in a gas cloud where it is hot enough to dissociate hydrogen
- H2/CO factor
- H2O (water): compound of oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms
- H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey: survey targeting water masers
- H2SO4
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- hc: see gravitational wave strain
- H++
- H+ (ionized hydrogen): state of hydrogen when sufficiently hot
- H-: see ionized hydrogen
- H13CO+: see HCO+
- Ha (H-alpha): hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- HabEx: proposed space mission to directly image exoplanets
- habitability: ability of a planet to support life
- habitability zone (habitable zone): zone where conditions are favorable for life
- Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission (HabEx): proposed space mission to directly image exoplanets
- habitable zone: zone where conditions are favorable for life
- astrobiology: study of extra-terrestrial life
- K2-18b: super-Earth in a habitable zone
- Kepler-1625b: giant exoplanet in a star's habitable zone
- Kepler-186f: Earth-like exoplanet in a star's habitable zone
- Kepler-452b: Earth-like exoplanet discovered in 2015
- Proxima b: exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri
- TOI 700 d: Earth-sized exoplanet in a habitable zone
- Had: see rare designator prefixes
- Hadar (Beta Centauri): second brightest star in Centaurus
- Hadean Eon: the first eon in Earth history, up to 4 billion years ago
- Hadley cell: circulation pattern of up at the equator, poleward, down, and back
- Hadley circulation: see Hadley cell
- hadron: see particle
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- neutron: type of baryon that is stable and has no electric charge
- pion: first type of meson discovered
- proton: type of baryon that is stable and has an electric charge of +1
- quasiparticle: disturbance that acts like a particle
- spin: an angular-momentum quantum number
- HAe: see Herbig AeBe star
- HAeBe (Herbig AeBe star): type of pre-main-sequence star more massive than a T-Tauri star
- Haffner: see rare designator prefixes
- HALCA: Japanese space radio telescope operating 1997-2005
- Hale Telescope: 5.1 m reflector telescope in California
- Haleakala: see Haleakala Observatory
- Haleakala High Altitude Observatory Site (Haleakala Observatory): observatory on Maui, Hawaii
- Haleakala Observatory: observatory on Maui, Hawaii
- half wavefront error: see wavefront error
- half width at half maximum: see full width at half maximum
- half-Earth model: see Moon formation
- half-life: see e-folding time
- half-light radius (effective radius): radius of a galaxy within which 1/2 the light is emitted
- half-wave plate: see waveplate
- half-width: see full width at half maximum
- Hall effect: voltage generated by interacting current and magnetic field
- magnetometer: instrument to measure the strength of a magnetic field
- Hall effect thruster: see ion engine
- Hall MHD: see magnetohydrodynamics
- Hall Telescope: see Lowell Observatory
- Halley's Comet: see comet
- Halley-type comet: see long-period comet
- halo (dark matter halo): hypothetical dark matter throughout and surrounding a galaxy
- halo (galactic halo): spherical region around a galaxy with gas, dark matter, etc.
- halo abundance matching: method of comparing observed galaxies with cosmology models
- halo mass function: mass of distribution of dark matter
- halo model: type of model of the overall distribution of dark matter
- halo occupation distribution (HOD): model of galaxy distribution
- halo orbit: type of orbit around an unstable Lagrangian point
- halo star: see high-velocity star
- halo star: see stellar halo
- HALOE: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- HALOGAS (Hydrogen Accretion in Local Galaxies Survey): radio survey looking for HI in galaxy halos
- haloscope: see Axion Dark Matter Experiment
- HAM (halo abundance matching): method of comparing observed galaxies with cosmology models
- Hamburg Schmidt Camera: see Hamburg Schmidt Survey
- Hamburg Schmidt Survey: photographic plates from the Hamburg Schmidt Camera
- Hamburg/ESO Survey: 1990s southern hemisphere survey aimed at finding quasars
- Hamilton Spectrograph: see Shane Telescope
- Hamiltonian: mathematical transform useful in mechanics
- Hamiltonian equations of motion
- Hamiltonian: mathematical transform useful in mechanics
- Hamiltonian function (Hamiltonian): mathematical transform useful in mechanics
- Hamiltonian mechanics
- Hamiltonian: mathematical transform useful in mechanics
- Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect: EMR interference stemming from variation in intensity
- Hanle effect: effect of magnetic field on the polarization of emitted photons
- HAO (High Altitude Observatory): NCAR unit observing and monitoring the Sun
- hard
- Heggie-Hills law: hard binary stars generally get harder when encountering a third star
- hard binary: see hardness
- hard EOS
- hard EoS: see equation of state
- hard X-ray: see X-ray
- Hard X-Ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT): space X-ray observatory launched in 2017
- hard X-ray source: see X-ray source
- harden: see hardness
- hardening rate: see hardness
- hardness: measure of the binding energy of a binary
- hardness ratio: see color-magnitude diagram
- hardness-intensity diagram: see color-magnitude diagram
- Harlan J. Smith Telescope
- HARM: code to solve GRMHD problems
- HARM²: technique for parallelizing computations of radiation with hydrodynamics
- HARMONI: spectrograph planned for E-ELT
- HARMONI: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- harmonics
- Haro: see rare designator prefixes
- Haro 29: a blue compact galaxy
- HARP: see James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
- HARPS: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches
- HARPS: see ESO 3.6m Telescope
- HARPS M dwarf sample: see HARPS
- HARPS-N: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches in Canary Islands
- HARPS-N: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- HARPS: high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches
- HARPS3: see Isaac Newton Telescope
- HARPSpol: see HARPS
- Hartle-Thorne approximation (Hartle-Thorne metric): metric approximating GR effects of slow neutron star rotation
- Hartle-Thorne metric: metric approximating GR effects of slow neutron star rotation
- Hartley 2
- EPOXI: mission using Deep Impact for further exploration
- Hartree: see Rydberg unit
- Harvard: see rare designator prefixes
- Odyssey: research supercomputer at Harvard sometimes used for astrophysics simulations
- Harvard College Observatory: see Center for Astrophysics
- Harvard Observatory Bruce Telescope: see Bruce Proper Motion Survey
- Harvard Revised Photometry Catalog
- Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Center for Astrophysics): Harvard and Smithsonian research and education organization
- Harvard spectral classification (spectral class): overall classification of stars based upon spectral features
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- HASI: see Cassini
- HAT (HATNet): distributed array of telescopes to search for transients
- Hat Creek Radio Observatory: California observatory with the Allen Telescope Array
- HAT-1: see HATNet
- HAT-7
- HAT-P-7b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2008
- HAT-P-7: see HAT-P-7b
- HAT-P-7b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2008
- HAT-South: see HATNet
- HAT-South telescopes
- HATNet: distributed array of telescopes to search for transients
- HaTr: see rare designator prefixes
- HATS: see HATNet
- Haumea: dwarf planet discovered in 2004
- Haute-Provence Observatory
- Hawaii
- Hawaii Deep Survey (Hawaii K-band Galaxy Survey): near-infrared survey of a selection of fields
- Hawaii K-band Galaxy Survey: near-infrared survey of a selection of fields
- Hawaii Survey (Hawaii K-band Galaxy Survey): near-infrared survey of a selection of fields
- HAWC (High-altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory): New Mexico gamma ray telescope using Cherenkov radiation
- HAWC+: see SOFIA
- HaWe: see rare designator prefixes
- HAWK-I: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Hawking radiation: EMR theorized to be emitted by black holes, powered by their mass
- Hayabusa: see Hayabusa2
- Hayabusa#: see Hayabusa2
- Hayabusa2: JAXA mission that returned a sample of an asteroid
- Hayashi limit: limit on the temperature of a star dependent upon its mass and luminosity
- Hayashi line (Hayashi limit): limit on the temperature of a star dependent upon its mass and luminosity
- Hayashi phase: see Hayashi limit
- Hayashi temperature (Hayashi limit): limit on the temperature of a star dependent upon its mass and luminosity
- Hayashi track: H-R diagram track of evolution of some pre-main-sequence stars
- Hayashi limit: limit on the temperature of a star dependent upon its mass and luminosity
- hazcams: see Mars Science Laboratory
- HB (horizontal branch): a second "giant" stage in the evolution of some main sequence stars
- HB: see rare designator prefixes
- Hb: see rare designator prefixes
- HB star: see horizontal branch
- HB87 (Hewitt & Burbidge Catalog): optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects
- HB89: see Hewitt & Burbidge Catalog
- HB93: see Hewitt & Burbidge Catalog
- HBC: see rare designator prefixes
- HBe: see Herbig AeBe star
- Hbg: see rare designator prefixes
- HBK: study of M31 globular clusters
- HBMM: see brown dwarf
- HBRP (high-B radio pulsar): pulsar with a strong magnetic field
- HBT effect (Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect): EMR interference stemming from variation in intensity
- HBT interferometry: see intensity interferometer
- HBV: see rare designator prefixes
- HC (hydrocarbon): any compound of just carbon and hydrogen
- HCG (Hickson Compact Groups): list of 100 galaxy groups
- HCG 92: see Stephan's Quintet
- HCHII: see HII region
- HCI: imaging of targets very near bright objects
- HCN (hydrogen cyanide): compound of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, one atom each
- HCO: see Center for Astrophysics
- HCO: see HCO+
- HCO+
- HCO+: ionized compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, one atom each
- HCRF (Hipparcos Celestial Reference Frame): astronomical reference frame based upon Hipparcos catalog
- HCRO (Hat Creek Radio Observatory): California observatory with the Allen Telescope Array
- HCS: see HCI
- HCS: see current sheet
- HCSS (hypercompact stellar system): SMBH with no galaxy but has a tight stellar cluster
- HD (Henry Draper Catalog): early 20th century spectroscopic catalog of stars
- HD (hydrogen deuteride): hydrogen molecule with one deuterium atom
- HD 114762: star system thought to host the first detected exoplanet
- HD 122563: see Honda-like star
- HD 133131: binary star system with exoplanets
- HD 15082
- WASP-33b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2010
- HD 15082 b (WASP-33b): hot Jupiter discovered in 2010
- HD 163296: YSO with gaps in its protoplanetary disk
- MAPS: ALMA survey researching planet-formation
- HD 163296 b: see HD 163296
- HD 169142: protostar with planet
- HD 189733: see HD 189733 b
- HD 189733 A: see HD 189733 b
- HD 189733 B: see HD 189733 b
- HD 189733 b: hot Jupiter orbiting an orange dwarf
- HD 193793 (WR 140): Wolf-Rayet star that produces much dust
- HD 209458: see HD 209458 b
- HD 209458 b: hot Jupiter discovered in 1999
- HD 36112 (MWC 758): protostar with spiral disk
- HD 44627 (AB Pictoris): K-type star with possible planet
- HD 44627 (RS Ophiuchi): Milky Way recurrent nova
- HD 45348 (Canopus): second brightest star in the sky
- HD 80606 b: hot Jupiter discovered in 2001
- HD 95735 (Lalande 21185): nearby red dwarf
- HD correlation (Hellings and Downs curve): expected correlation in pulsar timing residuals from random waves
- HD curve (Hellings and Downs curve): expected correlation in pulsar timing residuals from random waves
- HD1: very distant 2022 galaxy candidate
- HD2: see HD1
- HDE: see Henry Draper Catalog
- HDF (Hubble Deep Field): highly-detailed image of a small region of the sky taken with HST
- HDF-N (Hubble Deep Field): highly-detailed image of a small region of the sky taken with HST
- HDF-S (Hubble Deep Field South): small region of the southern sky explored with HST
- HDFS: see Hubble Deep Field South
- HDM: see dark matter
- HDO: see deuterium
- HDO: see double star designation
- HDS (HRS): high resolution spectrography
- HDS: see Subaru Telescope
- HCI: imaging of targets very near bright objects
- HDS+HCI: see HCI
- HDST (High Definition Space Telescope): proposed 12-meter space telescope
- LUVOIR: plan for a space-based telescope
- HDW: see rare designator prefixes
- HE (Hamburg/ESO Survey): 1990s southern hemisphere survey aimed at finding quasars
- He (helium): non-metallic element, He, atomic number 2
- He: see rare designator prefixes
- He II
- HE-II Balmer series: see Lyman series
- HE-II Lyman series: see Lyman series
- HE-II Rydberg constant: see Lyman series
- He-rich: see chemically peculiar star
- He-weak: see chemically peculiar star
- HEA (high-energy astrophysics): astronomy and physics of X-rays and gamma rays
- HEAD: AAS division supporting X-ray and gamma-ray astrophysics
- headlight effect (relativistic beaming): directional relativistic effect on light from relativistic speeds
- HEALPix: type of map projection for spheres
- HEALPix format: see HEALPix
- HEAO A-1 X-ray Source Catalog
- HEAO-1: 1977 X-ray observatory space mission
- HEAO-1: 1977 X-ray observatory space mission
- HEAO-2: 1978 X-ray observatory space mission
- HEAO-2: 1978 X-ray observatory space mission
- HEAO-1: 1977 X-ray observatory space mission
- HEAO-3
- HEAO-1: 1977 X-ray observatory space mission
- HEAO-2: 1978 X-ray observatory space mission
- HEAO-A (HEAO-1): 1977 X-ray observatory space mission
- HEAO-B (HEAO-2): 1978 X-ray observatory space mission
- heartbeat star: type of binary star that produces pulsed light
- HEASARC: NASA archive of data on high energy astronomy
- HEAT (High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope): 61 cm FIR telescope in Antarctica
- heat death: see Big Crunch
- heat energy: see kinetic energy
- heating: increasing the velocity of particles
- heavy neutrino: see neutrino
- heavy water: see deuterium
- HEBS: see Satech-01
- Hectochelle: see MMT
- H3 Survey: spectroscopic survey of Milky Way halo stars
- Hectochelle in the Halo at High Resolution (H3 Survey): spectroscopic survey of Milky Way halo stars
- Hector: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- Hectospec: see MMT
- Heggie's law (Heggie-Hills law): hard binary stars generally get harder when encountering a third star
- Heggie's theorem (Heggie-Hills law): hard binary stars generally get harder when encountering a third star
- Heggie-Hills law: hard binary stars generally get harder when encountering a third star
- HEI: see double star designation
- Heinemann: see rare designator prefixes
- Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope (Submillimeter Telescope): 10-meter far-infrared telescope
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle: limit on observable position and momentum of an object
- Heisenburg uncertainty principle
- HEL1OS: see Aditya-L1
- heliocentric gravitational constant: see standard gravitational parameter
- heliocentric Julian day: see Julian date
- heliocentric system: model of the universe with the planets orbiting the Sun
- heliocentricity: see heliocentric system
- epicycle: small circular motion around a large circular motion
- heliocentrism: see heliocentric system
- heliometer: instrument to precisely measure angles across the sky
- heliopause: boundary between solar wind and the interstellar medium
- heliophysics (solar physics): study of the physics of the Sun
- helioseismology: see asteroseismology
- heliosheath: outer layer of the heliosphere beyond its termination shock
- heliosphere: region of space dominated by the Sun
- heliosheath: outer layer of the heliosphere beyond its termination shock
- Voyager: space probes to observe planets and the edge of the solar system
- heliospheric current sheet: see current sheet
- heliospheric magnetic field: see magnetic field
- helium: non-metallic element, He, atomic number 2
- helium 1080 nm line (helium 1083 nm line): line useful in probing exoplanet atmospheres
- helium 1083 nm line: line useful in probing exoplanet atmospheres
- helium abundance: see helium
- helium burning: fusion reaction starting with helium
- helium burning (triple alpha process): fusion reaction chain turning helium-4 into carbon
- helium capture (alpha process): synthesis of elements through alpha capture
- helium core flash: see helium flash
- helium flash: helium ignition in a star
- helium runaway: helium fusion positive feedback through its generated heat
- thermal pulse: pulse in an AGB star due to helium fusion in a shell
- thermal runaway: situation where heat triggers more heat production
- helium fusion (helium burning): fusion reaction starting with helium
- helium main sequence: see helium star
- helium MS: see helium star
- helium planet: gas giant with helium atmosphere
- helium rain: possible source of heat in giant planet atmospheres
- helium runaway: helium fusion positive feedback through its generated heat
- helium shell flash: see helium flash
- helium star: O or B star with very strong helium lines
- helium valve (kappa mechanism): stellar instability caused by opacity increasing with temperature
- helium white dwarf: see white dwarf
- helium-4: see helium
- helium-burning shell: see helium burning
- Hellings and Downs curve: expected correlation in pulsar timing residuals from random waves
- Hellings Downs correlation (Hellings and Downs curve): expected correlation in pulsar timing residuals from random waves
- helmet streamer: see Sun surface features
- HELOS (EXOSAT): 1980s European space X-ray telescope
- Henry Draper Catalog: early 20th century spectroscopic catalog of stars
- Henry Draper Extension
- Henyey track: H-R diagram track of stellar evolution after the Hayashi track
- HEOSS: see NEOSSat
- Her-CrB GW (Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall): large slab of galaxies discovered in 2013
- HERA: low frequency radio telescope
- HERA: see IRAM 30m Telescope
- Herbig Ae star: see Herbig AeBe star
- Herbig Ae/Be star
- Herbig AeBe star: type of pre-main-sequence star more massive than a T-Tauri star
- Herbig Be star: see Herbig AeBe star
- Herbig-Haro object: type of glowing nebula near protostars
- Hercules
- Hercules A (3C 348): giant elliptical radio galaxy
- Hercules Cluster
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- Hercules Supercluster
- Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall: large slab of galaxies discovered in 2013
- HERMES: four-channel spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope
- HERMES: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- HERMES: see Mercator Telescope
- 2dF: robotic fiber positioning system
- GALAH: survey of Milky Way with an emphasis on old structures
- HerMES: see Herschel Space Observatory
- HerMES J170647.8+584623 (HFLS3): very distant starburst galaxy
- HERMIT: code to carry out N-body simulations
- Hermite interpolation
- HERMIT: code to carry out N-body simulations
- Hermite method
- HERMIT: code to carry out N-body simulations
- HERO: see extremely red object
- HerS (Herschel Stripe 82 Survey): 70 square-degree survey of galaxies redshifted 1.8 to 3.5
- Herschel (Herschel Space Observatory): infrared observatory-satellite with 3.5-meter reflector
- Herschel: see Herschel Double Star Catalog
- Herschel Double Star Catalog: series of early double star catalogs
- Herschel Inventory of the Agents of Galaxy Evolution: see SAGE
- Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: see Herschel Space Observatory
- Herschel Orion Protostar Survey: survey of SEDs of YSOs in Orion
- Herschel Redshift Survey (Herschel Stripe 82 Survey): 70 square-degree survey of galaxies redshifted 1.8 to 3.5
- Herschel Space Observatory: infrared observatory-satellite with 3.5-meter reflector
- Herschel Stripe 82 Survey: 70 square-degree survey of galaxies redshifted 1.8 to 3.5
- Herschel Telescope (William Herschel Telescope): 4.2-meter telescope in the Canary Islands
- Herschelian telescope: type of off-axis reflector telescope
- hertz: see frequency
- Hertzsprung gap: see H-R diagram
- subgiant: slightly larger than normal star
- Hertzsprung gap star: see subgiant
- Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (H-R diagram): diagram relating effective temperature to luminosity
- Herz (Herz catalog): list of 3000 stars in a strip of the southern sky
- Herz catalog: list of 3000 stars in a strip of the southern sky
- Herzog: see rare designator prefixes
- HESE: see IceCube
- HESS (High Energy Stereoscopic System): ground gamma-ray telescope array
- Hess diagram: diagram relating effective temperature to luminosity
- HESSI (RHESSI): 2000s small satellite studying solar flares
- HET (Hobby-Eberly Telescope): 10-meter telescope in Texas
- HET: see ion engine
- 55 Cancri e: super-Earth orbiting a Sun-like star
- HETDEX: galaxy survey carried out with HET VIRUS
- HETDEX: galaxy survey carried out with HET VIRUS
- HETE (High Energy Transient Explorer): 2000s space multi-band GRB observatory
- HETE-1: see High Energy Transient Explorer
- HETE-2: see High Energy Transient Explorer
- HETE-S: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- heterodyne: see beat frequency
- heterodyne photodetector: see beat frequency
- heterodyne spectrometer: type of millimeter/submillimeter spectrometer
- heterosphere: see homopause
- HETG: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- HETGS: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- heuristic habitable zone: see habitable zone
- Hevelius designation: see Flamsteed designation
- Hewitt & Burbidge Catalog: optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects
- HEXE: see Kvant 1
- HEXPAK: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- HF (high frequency): electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 MHz
- Hf: see rare designator prefixes
- HFI: see Planck
- HFLS: see rare designator prefixes
- HFLS3: very distant starburst galaxy
- HFLS3 (HFLS3): very distant starburst galaxy
- HG (host galaxy): galaxy associated with a particular object or transient
- HG: see H-R diagram
- HG: see Lowell Proper Motion Survey
- HG: see fast radio burst
- HG: see rare designator prefixes
- subgiant: slightly larger than normal star
- HG star: see subgiant
- HGA: see beam
- HgMn: see chemically peculiar star
- HH (Herbig-Haro object): type of glowing nebula near protostars
- HH: see hydrogen
- HH Andromedae (Ross 248): nearby red dwarf
- HHJ: see rare designator prefixes
- HHL: see Herbig-Haro object
- HHO (Herbig-Haro object): type of glowing nebula near protostars
- HHSMT (Submillimeter Telescope): 10-meter far-infrared telescope
- HI (HI region): cloud of neutral atomic hydrogen
- HI (neutral atomic hydrogen): state of hydrogen when sufficiently cool
- HI: see intergalactic HI cloud
- HI 4-Pi Survey: HI map based upon EBHIS and GASS
- HI cloud (HI region): cloud of neutral atomic hydrogen
- HI gas fraction: see HI gas mass
- HI gas mass: mass of an object's atomic hydrogen
- HI gas mass ratio: see HI gas mass
- HI Jodrell All-Sky Survey: northern-hemisphere HI survey carried out in late 90s/early 2000s
- HIPASS: HI survey carried out 1997 to 2002
- HI line (21-cm line): hydrogen line useful for determining redshift
- HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS): HI survey carried out 1997 to 2002
- HI region: cloud of neutral atomic hydrogen
- HI self-absorption: see self-absorption
- HI supershell: large shells bordered by HI regions
- HI supershell: see shell
- HI supershell: see supershell
- galactic worm: high density streak of HI perpendicular to galactic plane
- HI worm (galactic worm): high density streak of HI perpendicular to galactic plane
- Hi'iaka: see Haumea
- HI-SCALE: see Ulysses
- HI1: see STEREO
- HI2: see STEREO
- HI4PI (HI 4-Pi Survey): HI map based upon EBHIS and GASS
- HIBOU: see Hayabusa2
- HIC: see Galileo
- HIC: see Hipparcos
- HiCIAO: see Subaru Telescope
- PALMS: survey to find exoplanets for direct imaging
- Hickson: see Hickson Compact Groups
- Hickson Compact Groups: list of 100 galaxy groups
- HID: see color-magnitude diagram
- hierarchical assembly of galaxies: development of large galaxies by combining small ones
- hierarchical clustering: see hierarchical assembly of galaxies
- Hierarchical Equal Area Isolatitude Pixelisation (HEALPix): type of map projection for spheres
- hierarchical merging (hierarchical assembly of galaxies): development of large galaxies by combining small ones
- hierarchical statistical model
- HIFI: see Herschel Space Observatory
- Higgs boson: see particle
- Higgsino: see supersymmetry
- High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS): high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches
- High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher: see ESO 3.6m Telescope
- High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher for the Northern Hemisphere (HARPS-N): high-precision spectrograph for exoplanet searches in Canary Islands
- High Accuracy Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics (HARM): code to solve GRMHD problems
- High Altitude Observatory: NCAR unit observing and monitoring the Sun
- High Angular Resolution - Monolithic - Optical and Near-infrared - Integral field spectrograph (HARMONI): spectrograph planned for E-ELT
- high angular-resolution imaging (high-resolution imaging): typically, imaging with resolution better than a milliarcsecond
- high contrast imaging (HCI): imaging of targets very near bright objects
- high contrast spectrography: see HCI
- high contrast spectroscopy: see HCI
- High Definition Space Telescope: proposed 12-meter space telescope
- LUVOIR: plan for a space-based telescope
- high dispersion spectrograph: see HRS
- high dispersion spectrography (HRS): high resolution spectrography
- high dispersion spectroscope
- HCI: imaging of targets very near bright objects
- High Earth Orbit Space Surveillance: see NEOSSat
- High Efficiency and Resolution Multi-Element spectrograph (HERMES): four-channel spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope
- High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope: 61 cm FIR telescope in Antarctica
- High Energy Astronomy Observatory 1 (HEAO-1): 1977 X-ray observatory space mission
- High Energy Astronomy Observatory 2 (HEAO-2): 1978 X-ray observatory space mission
- High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD): AAS division supporting X-ray and gamma-ray astrophysics
- High Energy Astrophysics Observatory 2 (HEAO-2): 1978 X-ray observatory space mission
- High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC): NASA archive of data on high energy astronomy
- high energy event: see IceCube
- high energy physics (particle physics): physics such as carried out in accelerators
- High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI): 2000s small satellite studying solar flares
- high energy starting event: see IceCube
- High Energy Stereoscopic System: ground gamma-ray telescope array
- High Energy Transient Explorer: 2000s space multi-band GRB observatory
- high frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 MHz
- high frequency radio astronomy: see high frequency
- high frequency radio astronomy: see radio astronomy
- high gain antenna: see beam
- High Latitude Time Domain Survey: see Roman Space Telescope
- High Latitude Wide Area Survey: see Roman Space Telescope
- High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite (Hipparcos): ESA astrometry space observatory circa 1990
- high proper motion star: see proper motion
- high redshift: see cosmological redshift
- High Resolution Fly's Eye: 1990s-2000s cosmic-ray observatory
- High Resolution Microwave Survey: 1990s microwave SETI search
- high resolution shock capture: method of modeling shock waves
- high resolution spectrograph: see HRS
- HCI: imaging of targets very near bright objects
- high resolution spectrography (HRS): high resolution spectrography
- high surface gravity: see surface gravity
- High Throughput X-ray Spectroscopy Mission (XMM-Newton): X-ray observatory-satellite operated by ESA
- High Time Resolution Universe Survey: c2010 search for pulsars and radio transients
- high time-resolution astrophysics: second-by-second observation of/for transients
- high-alpha (alpha-enhanced): metallicity with a high percentage of alpha elements
- High-altitude Water Cherenkov Experiment (High-altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory): New Mexico gamma ray telescope using Cherenkov radiation
- High-altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory: New Mexico gamma ray telescope using Cherenkov radiation
- high-B radio pulsar: pulsar with a strong magnetic field
- High-efficiency and High-resolution Mercator Echelle Spectrograph
- HERMES: four-channel spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope
- high-energy astronomy (high-energy astrophysics): astronomy and physics of X-rays and gamma rays
- high-energy astrophysics: astronomy and physics of X-rays and gamma rays
- High-Energy Celestial X-rays: see OSO 8
- high-mass protostellar object: see protostar
- high-mass X-ray binary: see X-ray binary
- high-resolution imaging: typically, imaging with resolution better than a milliarcsecond
- High-resolution J, H and K Spectrometer (NEWS): planned near-infrared spectrometer on Discovery Channel Telescope
- High-Resolution Ultraviolet Spectrometer Measurements: see OSO 8
- High-Sensitivity Array: see Very Long Baseline Array
- High-Sensitivity Crystal Spectroscopy of Stellar and Solar X-rays: see OSO 8
- high-surface-brightness galaxy: see low-surface-brightness galaxy
- high-velocity cloud: fast-moving clouds in galactic halos
- high-velocity star: star moving noticeably faster than neighbors
- high-z radio galaxy: see radio galaxy
- High-z Supernova Search Team: see supernova survey
- higher order multiple star: see star system
- higher-order method: see finite difference method
- higher-order multiple star system (multiple star system): system of two or more stars co-orbiting
- Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy (HALCA): Japanese space radio telescope operating 1997-2005
- HII (HII region): cloud of partially-ionized atomic hydrogen
- HII (ionized hydrogen): state of hydrogen when sufficiently hot
- HII: see rare designator prefixes
- HII cloud (HII region): cloud of partially-ionized atomic hydrogen
- HII region: cloud of partially-ionized atomic hydrogen
- HiJak (NEWS): planned near-infrared spectrometer on Discovery Channel Telescope
- HIJASS (HI Jodrell All-Sky Survey): northern-hemisphere HI survey carried out in late 90s/early 2000s
- HIPASS: HI survey carried out 1997 to 2002
- Hilda
- Hill Radius
- Roche lobe: region of a body's gravitational influence closest to its competitor
- Hill radius: radius of gravitational influence of a body
- Hill sphere: see Hill radius
- Roche lobe: region of a body's gravitational influence closest to its competitor
- Hill stability: planetary orbits which will remain in the same order
- Hills Cloud: cloud of comets and minor planets around the solar system
- Hiltner: see rare designator prefixes
- Hiltner Telescope: 2.4-meter reflector telescope at MDM observatory
- HIM: see interstellar medium
- HIP: see Hipparcos
- HIP 45982 b (HD 80606 b): hot Jupiter discovered in 2001
- HIPASS: HI survey carried out 1997 to 2002
- Hipparchus: Greek astronomer who developed concept of magnitude
- Hipparcos: ESA astrometry space observatory circa 1990
- Hipparcos Catalog: see Hipparcos
- Hipparcos Celestial Reference Frame: astronomical reference frame based upon Hipparcos catalog
- Hipparcos Input Catalog: see Hipparcos
- Hipparcos Reference Frame (Hipparcos Celestial Reference Frame): astronomical reference frame based upon Hipparcos catalog
- HIRAX: radio telescope array for 21-cm surveying
- HIRES: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- HIRES: see Keck Observatory
- HiRes (High Resolution Fly's Eye): 1990s-2000s cosmic-ray observatory
- HiRes Fly's Eye (High Resolution Fly's Eye): 1990s-2000s cosmic-ray observatory
- HiRes-I: see High Resolution Fly's Eye
- HiRes-II: see High Resolution Fly's Eye
- HiRIC: see Tianwen-1
- HiRISE: see Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- HiRX: see SALTUS
- HISA: see self-absorption
- Hisaki: retired Japanese space ultraviolet telescope
- HIT: see IMAP
- HITEMP: spectroscopic parameters for modeling gas optics
- Hitomi: 2016 Japanese space X-ray telescope
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- XRISM: X-ray space telescope launched in 2023
- HITRAN: spectroscopic parameters for modeling atmospheric optics
- HIZOA (Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey): radio survey to identify galaxies hidden by the zone of avoidance
- HIZSS: see Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey
- HJ (hot Jupiter): Jupiter-sized gas exoplanet orbiting very close to star
- HJ: see Herschel Double Star Catalog
- HJD: see Julian date
- HK (HK Survey): 1985 search for metal poor-stars using calcium lines
- HK Survey: 1985 search for metal poor-stars using calcium lines
- HL Tau: much-studied T-Tauri star
- HL Tauri (HL Tau): much-studied T-Tauri star
- HLD: see double star designation
- HLIRG (hyperluminous infrared galaxy): a galaxy emitting a more far infrared than an ULIRG
- HLM: see double star designation
- HLN: see double star designation
- HLX: see rare designator prefixes
- HM: see rare designator prefixes
- HMC: see Giotto
- HMF (halo mass function): mass of distribution of dark matter
- HMF: see magnetic field
- HMHD: see magnetohydrodynamics
- HMI: see Solar Dynamics Observatory
- HMNS (hypermassive neutron star): neutron star massive enough to collapse
- HMPO: see protostar
- HMS: see rare designator prefixes
- HMXB: see X-ray binary
- HN: see Herschel Double Star Catalog
- Ho: see double star designation
- Ho: see rare designator prefixes
- Hoag's Object: peculiar ring galaxy
- hobbit galaxy: see dwarf galaxy
- Hobby-Eberly Telescope: 10-meter telescope in Texas
- HETDEX: galaxy survey carried out with HET VIRUS
- NEWS: planned near-infrared spectrometer on Discovery Channel Telescope
- Hobby-Everly Telescope
- Hobby-Everly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment
- Hobby-Everly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment. (HETDEX): galaxy survey carried out with HET VIRUS
- HOD: model of galaxy distribution
- Hodge: see rare designator prefixes
- Holm: see rare designator prefixes
- Holm 15A: see Abell 85
- Holm 15A*: see Abell 85
- Holmberg: see rare designator prefixes
- Holmberg 15A: see Abell 85
- Holmberg isophote: see Holmberg radius
- Holmberg radius: a measure of size of galaxy based on surface brightness
- holographic duality: notion that all the physics of three dimensions can be described in two
- holographic principle (holographic duality): notion that all the physics of three dimensions can be described in two
- holographic principle.
- homocentric sphere model: see heliocentric system
- homochirality: see molecular handedness
- homologous collapse: collapse such that the increasing density remains uniform
- homopause: level of atmosphere up to which components are mixed
- homosphere: see homopause
- Homunculus Nebula: see Eta Carinae
- Honda-like star: very-low-metallicity star with r-process elements
- Hooker Telescope: see Mount Wilson Observatory
- Hope Probe: UAE Mars orbiter currently studying Mars
- Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope: 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Shuttle Shuttle missions
- HOPS (H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey): survey targeting water masers
- HOPS (Herschel Orion Protostar Survey): survey of SEDs of YSOs in Orion
- HOPS (The H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey): survey of molecular clouds in the galactic plane
- horizon
- horizon distance: see particle horizon
- horizon problem: see inflation
- horizon size
- decoupling: some type of particle stops being destroyed as often as it is created
- horizontal branch: a second "giant" stage in the evolution of some main sequence stars
- horizontal branch star: see horizontal branch
- horizontal coordinate system: celestial coordinate system based upon horizon and north
- horizontal coordinates: see horizontal coordinate system
- horizontal gradient: see gradient
- horn
- horn antenna: see feedhorn
- horn feed: see phased array
- horsepower: see energy
- horsepower: see watt
- horseshoe orbit
- halo orbit: type of orbit around an unstable Lagrangian point
- HORuS: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- host: object such as star around which something is orbiting or drawn to
- primary: central body of a system such as the Sun within the solar system
- host body (host): object such as star around which something is orbiting or drawn to
- host galaxy: galaxy associated with a particular object or transient
- host planet: the planet associated with a moon or ring, etc.
- host star: the star associated with a planetary system
- primary: central body of a system such as the Sun within the solar system
- hot coronal gas: see interstellar medium
- hot dark matter: see dark matter
- hot disk accretion: see AGN accretion
- hot DOG: high-energy galaxy with a lot of dust
- hot dust-obscured galaxy (hot DOG): high-energy galaxy with a lot of dust
- hot dust-obscured object (hot DOG): high-energy galaxy with a lot of dust
- hot Earth
- Hot Exoplanet Transit Explorer-Survey: see Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
- hot ionized medium: see interstellar medium
- hot Jupiter: Jupiter-sized gas exoplanet orbiting very close to star
- hot mass accretion: see cold mass accretion
- hot Neptune: see Neptune desert
- hot Neptunes: see extra-solar planet
- hot pixel: CCD pixel that shows more brightness than it should
- hot start: see giant planet formation
- hot-Neptune desert (Neptune desert): Neptune-like exoplanets near host star are rare
- Hough transform: algorithm used in image processing
- hour: see arcsecond
- hour: see right ascension
- hour angle: see right ascension
- hour circle: see right ascension
- hour of right ascension: see arcsecond
- HP: see rare designator prefixes
- HP3: see InSight
- HPCA: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- HPF: see Hobby-Eberly Telescope
- HPGSPC: see BeppoSAX
- HPMS: see proper motion
- HR (Bright Star Catalog): early 20th century catalog of 9000 stars
- HR 4796: see TW Hydrae association
- HR 8799: star with four directly-imaged exoplanets
- HR 8799 b: see HR 8799
- HR 8799 c: see HR 8799
- HR 8799 d: see HR 8799
- HR 8799 e: see HR 8799
- HRC: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- HRC: see rare designator prefixes
- field of view: angular measure of how much an optical instrument can view
- HRC-I: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- HRC-S: see Chandra X-ray Observatory
- HRCam: see SOAR Telescope
- HRD (H-R diagram): diagram relating effective temperature to luminosity
- HRD: see Cassini
- Hess diagram: diagram relating effective temperature to luminosity
- HRDI: see Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
- HRF (Hipparcos Celestial Reference Frame): astronomical reference frame based upon Hipparcos catalog
- HRG: see rare designator prefixes
- Hrg: see double star designation
- HRI: see HEAO-2
- HRI: see ROSAT
- HRMS (High Resolution Microwave Survey): 1990s microwave SETI search
- HRS: high resolution spectrography
- HRS: see Hobby-Eberly Telescope
- HRS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- HRS: see Southern African Large Telescope
- 55 Cancri e: super-Earth orbiting a Sun-like star
- HCI: imaging of targets very near bright objects
- HRS2: see Hobby-Eberly Telescope
- HRSC (high resolution shock capture): method of modeling shock waves
- HRSC: see Mars Express
- HS (Hamburg Schmidt Survey): photographic plates from the Hamburg Schmidt Camera
- HS: see rare designator prefixes
- HSA: see Very Long Baseline Array
- HSB galaxy: see low-surface-brightness galaxy
- HSC: see Subaru Telescope
- HSC-SSP: see Subaru Telescope
- HSH: see rare designator prefixes
- HSP: see Hubble Space Telescope
- HST (Hubble Space Telescope): observatory-satellite with 2.4-meter reflective telescope
- HST MDS (Medium Deep Survey): survey to find galaxies in HST WFPC2 images
- HST-1: see M87
- HSTGC (Guide Star Catalog): catalog of stars to help aim HST
- HT (Hough transform): algorithm used in image processing
- HT metric (Hartle-Thorne metric): metric approximating GR effects of slow neutron star rotation
- HTC: see long-period comet
- HTRA (high time-resolution astrophysics): second-by-second observation of/for transients
- HTRU (High Time Resolution Universe Survey): c2010 search for pulsars and radio transients
- HTRU-N: see High Time Resolution Universe Survey
- HTRU-North: see High Time Resolution Universe Survey
- HTRU-S: see High Time Resolution Universe Survey
- HTRU-S LL: see High Time Resolution Universe Survey
- HTRU-South: see High Time Resolution Universe Survey
- HTRU-South low-latitude: see High Time Resolution Universe Survey
- HTT: see Simons Array
- HtTr: see rare designator prefixes
- Hu: see double star designation
- Hu: see rare designator prefixes
- Huan Tran Telescope: see POLARBEAR
- Huan Tran Telescope: see Simons Array
- Hubble: see rare designator prefixes
- Hubble Asteroid Hunter: Zooniverse effort to find asteroids in HST images
- Hubble classification (galaxy classification): morphological classification of galaxies
- Hubble constant: current rate of expansion of the universe
- Hubble constant tension (Hubble tension): inconsistency in recent determinations of the Hubble constant
- Hubble Data Archive: see MAST
- Hubble Deep Field: highly-detailed image of a small region of the sky taken with HST
- Hubble Deep Field North (Hubble Deep Field): highly-detailed image of a small region of the sky taken with HST
- Hubble Deep Field South: small region of the southern sky explored with HST
- Hubble diagram: diagram comparing redshift with distance
- Hubble distance: see Hubble constant
- Hubble expansion: ongoing expansion of the universe
- Hubble Extreme Deep Field: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- Hubble flow: see Hubble expansion
- Hubble Heritage Project: effort assembling an archive of HST images
- Hubble Parameter
- scale factor: relative size of the universe as a function of time
- Hubble parameter: see Hubble constant
- Hubble sequence (galaxy classification): morphological classification of galaxies
- Hubble sequence: see galaxy classification
- Hubble Space Telescope: observatory-satellite with 2.4-meter reflective telescope
- GaiaHub: software to extract proper motions form Gaia and HST data
- WFC3: general purpose camera/spectroscope on HST
- Hubble Space Telescope Guide Catalog (Guide Star Catalog): catalog of stars to help aim HST
- Hubble tension: inconsistency in recent determinations of the Hubble constant
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- Hubble constant: current rate of expansion of the universe
- Hubble time: approximation of the age of the universe
- Hubble time: see Hubble constant
- Hubble type: see galaxy classification
- Hubble Ultra-Deep Field: extremely detailed HST image of a small region of space
- GLARE: project to search for distant star-forming galaxies
- Hubble's law: see Hubble constant
- HUDF (Hubble Ultra-Deep Field): extremely detailed HST image of a small region of space
- GLARE: project to search for distant star-forming galaxies
- HUDF09: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- Huge-LQG: possible overly-large structure
- Hulse-Taylor Binary: binary system consisting of a pulsar and neutron star
- Hulse-Taylor Pulsar (Hulse-Taylor Binary): binary system consisting of a pulsar and neutron star
- humidity: amount of water vapor in a portion of the atmosphere
- Humphreys series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 6 to n = 6
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- Hungaria
- Hungarian
- HATNet: distributed array of telescopes to search for transients
- Hungarian Automated Telescope Network (HATNet): distributed array of telescopes to search for transients
- Huoxing 1 (Tianwen-1): active Chinese Mars rover/orbiter mission
- HUT (Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope): 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Shuttle Shuttle missions
- Huya
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- Huygens
- Cassini: explorer spacecraft sent to Saturn
- Huygens-Fresnel principle
- diffraction: an effect of the edge of an obstacle on a wave
- HV (hypervelocity star): star moving very much faster than usual
- HV: see rare designator prefixes
- HV 2112
- HVC (high-velocity cloud): fast-moving clouds in galactic halos
- HVS (hypervelocity star): star moving very much faster than usual
- HVS 2
- HW: see rare designator prefixes
- HWE: see double star designation
- HWFE: see wavefront error
- HWHM: see full width at half maximum
- HWP: see waveplate
- HX 1 (Tianwen-1): active Chinese Mars rover/orbiter mission
- HXD: see Suzaku
- HXDF: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- HXI: see Hitomi
- HXI: see Lynx
- HXIS: see Solar Maximum Mission
- HXMT: space X-ray observatory launched in 2017
- HXR: see X-ray
- HXR: see X-ray source
- HXRBS: see Solar Maximum Mission
- HXT: see Hitomi
- HXT: see Yohkoh
- Hyades Cluster: nearest open cluster
- Hybrid Adaptive Ray-Moment Method (HARM²): technique for parallelizing computations of radiation with hydrodynamics
- hycean planet: see K2-18b
- HYDRA: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- Hydra: see Pluto
- Hydra and Centaurus Superclusters (Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster): near neighbor of Local Supercluster
- Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster: near neighbor of Local Supercluster
- hydridocarbon (methylidyne): compound of one carbon and one hydrogen atom
- hydrocarbon: any compound of just carbon and hydrogen
- hydrodynamic equations: equations describing the dynamics of fluids
- hydrodynamic escape: escape of gas particles from atmosphere due to heating
- hydrodynamic gas loss (hydrodynamic escape): escape of gas particles from atmosphere due to heating
- hydrodynamic model: see hydrodynamics
- hydrodynamical model: see hydrodynamics
- hydrodynamics: study of fluids in motion
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- Hydrogen Accretion in Local Galaxies Survey: radio survey looking for HI in galaxy halos
- hydrogen anion: see ionized hydrogen
- hydrogen bond
- ice: solid state of water
- hydrogen burning: any fusion reaction starting with hydrogen
- hydrogen cyanide: compound of hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, one atom each
- hydrogen deuteride: hydrogen molecule with one deuterium atom
- Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA): low frequency radio telescope
- hydrogen fusion (hydrogen burning): any fusion reaction starting with hydrogen
- Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis Experiment (HIRAX): radio telescope array for 21-cm surveying
- hydrogen intensity mapping: see intensity mapping
- hydrogen line (21-cm line): hydrogen line useful for determining redshift
- hydrogen line series: see hydrogen
- Balmer series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- Brackett series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 4 to n = 4
- Humphreys series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 6 to n = 6
- Lyman series: hydrogen series from electrons settling from n > 1 to n = 1
- Paschen series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 3 to n = 3
- Pfund series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 5 to n = 5
- hydrogen nitride (ammonia): particular compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
- hydrogen-alpha filter
- H-alpha: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- hydrogen-beta filter
- H-beta: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- hydrogen-burning shell: see red-giant branch
- hydrologic cycle: see hydrology
- Titan: well-known Saturn moon
- hydrology: study of the movement of water
- hydrostatic balance (hydrostatic equilibrium): state of a fluid body when forces are such that the fluid is at rest
- hydrostatic equilibrium: state of a fluid body when forces are such that the fluid is at rest
- planet: round object orbiting a star that clears out its own orbital path
- hydrostatics
- hydroxide: see hydroxyl
- hydroxy group: see hydroxyl
- hydroxyl: one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom bound together
- hydroxyl group: see hydroxyl
- hydroxyl ion: see hydroxyl
- hydroxyl maser: see hydroxyl
- hydroxyl radical: see hydroxyl
- Hygiea: see asteroid
- HyLIRG (hyperluminous infrared galaxy): a galaxy emitting a more far infrared than an ULIRG
- Hynek: see double star designation
- hyper extremely red object: see extremely red object
- Hyper Suprime-Cam: see Subaru Telescope
- Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program: see Subaru Telescope
- Hyper-K: see Kamioka Observatory
- Hyper-Kamiokande: see Kamioka Observatory
- hyperbola: see conic section
- hyperbolic mirror
- hyperboloid: see paraboloid
- spheroid: sphere-like shape that is flattened or elongated
- hypercompact HII region: see HII region
- hypercompact stellar system: SMBH with no galaxy but has a tight stellar cluster
- hyperfine level: see hyperfine structure
- hyperfine structure: spectral lines from magnetic and spin interactions between electrons and nucleus
- fine structure: separate spectral lines due to electron spin and relativistic effects
- hypergalaxy: sizeable spiral galaxy with satellites
- hypergiant: extremely bright stars
- hypergiant star (hypergiant): extremely bright stars
- Hyperion: Monte Carlo radiative transfer code
- Hyperion: see Saturn
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- HyperLEDA: see LEDA
- HyperLEDA: see Principal Galaxies Catalog
- hyperluminous infrared galaxy: a galaxy emitting a more far infrared than an ULIRG
- hypermassive neutron star: neutron star massive enough to collapse
- hypernova (superluminous supernova): stellar explosion larger than a supernova
- collapsar: neutron star or stellar black hole
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- hyperon condensate: see hyperon
- hyperonic matter: see hyperon
- hypervelocity star: star moving very much faster than usual
- HZ (habitable zone): zone where conditions are favorable for life
- HZ: see rare designator prefixes
- HZE cosmic ray: see HZE ion
- HZE ion: fast-moving metal atom triply-ionized or more
- HZE ion: see solar energetic particle
- HZE particle (HZE ion): fast-moving metal atom triply-ionized or more
- HZG: see double star designation
- HzRG: see radio galaxy