Term Index (O)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter O.
- O (O-type star): star with spectral characteristics of above 30000 K
- O (oxygen): element, O, atomic number 8
- O: see Ohio Radio Survey
- O star (O-type star): star with spectral characteristics of above 30000 K
- OΣ: see Struve Catalogs
- OΣΣ: see Struve Catalogs
- O-class: see O-type star
- O-class star (O-type star): star with spectral characteristics of above 30000 K
- O-type star: star with spectral characteristics of above 30000 K
- O1: see LIGO
- O1/O2 Catalog: see Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog
- O2: see LIGO
- O3: see LIGO
- O3a Catalog: see Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog
- O3b Catalog: see Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog
- O4: see LIGO
- O4a: see LIGO
- O4b: see LIGO
- O4c: see LIGO
- O5 (O5 spectral type): spectral type of star with a temperature of about 45000 K
- O5 spectral type: spectral type of star with a temperature of about 45000 K
- OAC: see Astrocats
- OAO (Okayama Astrophysical Observatory): observatory at Mt. Chikurinji
- OAO (Orbiting Astronomical Observatory): series of 1960s-1970s NASA space telescopes
- OAO-1: see Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
- OAO-2: see Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
- OAO-3: see Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
- OAO-B: see Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
- OASIS: see William Herschel Telescope
- OB association: stellar association including O and/or early B class stars
- OB star: a hot star with class O or early B
- OB association: stellar association including O and/or early B class stars
- OB supergiant: see supergiant
- Oberon: see Uranus
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- object (astronomical object): planet, star, galaxy, etc.
- LDN 1527: dark nebula in Taurus
- LDN 1689: dense core within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- Oumuamua: small body that passed through the solar system in 2017
- object type
- accretion disk: disk around an astronomical body of material that is accreting
- asteroid: minor planet without comet characteristics
- binary minor planet: minor planet with another body orbiting it
- binary SMBH: co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- black hole: region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- bright nebula: cloud that gives off or reflects light
- bulge: denser group of stars within a larger group
- candidate companion: possible object apparently orbiting a known object
- centaur: asteroid-like body orbiting among the outer planets
- circumplanetary disk: disk of dust and gas around a planet
- circumstellar disk: disk or ring shaped accumulation of matter around a star
- circumstellar envelope: shell-like cloud surrounding a star
- cloud: higher-density region of space
- comet: Sun-orbiting object with coma and possible tail
- compact object: dense astronomical body such as white dwarf or denser
- damocloid: minor planet with a comet-like orbit
- damped Lyman alpha absorber: object producing broadened lines in a Lyman alpha forest
- dark nebula: cloud that obscures stars behind it
- decretion disk: disk around an astronomical body of its ejected material
- dwarf planet: round like a planet, only smaller
- emission nebula: nebula that emits light such as an HII region or PN
- emission-line object: source of interest due to an emission line
- filament: linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- galactic worm: high density streak of HI perpendicular to galactic plane
- galaxy: gravitationally-bound group of stars
- galaxy cloud: substructure of a supercluster
- galaxy cluster: large group of galaxies gravitationally-bound to the group
- galaxy filament: thread-like formations of galaxies, 50 to 80 megaparsecs
- globular cluster: spherical group of stars orbiting a galaxy
- Herbig-Haro object: type of glowing nebula near protostars
- HI supershell: large shells bordered by HI regions
- host: object such as star around which something is orbiting or drawn to
- host galaxy: galaxy associated with a particular object or transient
- host planet: the planet associated with a moon or ring, etc.
- host star: the star associated with a planetary system
- infrared source: astronomical object producing observable infrared
- integrated flux nebula: fuzzy illuminated nebula within Milky Way halo
- intergalactic HI cloud: cloud of HI not within any galaxy
- intermediate-mass black hole: black hole between stellar mass and supermassive
- jet: stream of matter from an astronomical body
- Keplerian disk: disk whose motion follows Kepler's laws
- large quasar group: structure consisting of a collection of quasars
- long-period comet: comet with an orbital period of more than 200 years
- Lyman-alpha blob: Lyman-alpha emitting cloud larger than a galaxy
- MACHO: proposed astronomical objects comprising dark matter
- Mars crosser: asteroid with an orbit that crosses that of Mars
- meteorite: rock found on Earth that is the remnant of a meteor
- meteoroid: rocky object in solar system, smaller than an asteroid
- microquasar: stellar-sized black hole with quasar-like activity
- millisecond pulsar: pulsar spinning with a period in the range of milliseconds
- minor planet: lesser solar system body without comet characteristics
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- near-Earth object: object orbiting the Sun that passes close to Earth
- nebula: cloud of dust and gas
- neutrino hotspot: region of sky from which significant neutrinos have been detected
- odd radio circle: extragalactic ring-shaped radio source noticed in 2020
- oligarch: term for large planetesimals that dominate
- planet: round object orbiting a star that clears out its own orbital path
- planetary embryo: object that may grow into a future planet
- planetary mass object: has the mass of a planet
- planetary nebula: glowing gas shell ejected by a red giant
- planetesimal: object held together by gravity that combines with others to form planets
- planetoid: an asteroid or physically similar body
- plutoid: Pluto-like dwarf planet
- point source: celestial object that focuses to a point or single Airy disk
- primordial black hole: black holes forming at the most dense volumes when inflation ceased
- protoplanet: simplest, least-developed object classified as a planet
- protoplanetary disk: disk of dust and gas around a young star or protostar
- protoplanetary nebula: short AGB phase before planetary nebula
- pseudobulge: like a galaxy bulge only flatter
- pulsar: type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- pulsar wind nebula: type of nebula generated by a young pulsar
- quasar: distant, bright object that appears something like a star
- quasi-satellite: body that orbits near another though they aren't bound
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- RAMBO: proposed astronomical objects comprising dark matter
- reflection nebula: nebula made visible by light it scatters from nearby stars
- ring system: disk or set of rings orbiting a planet
- shell: hollow shaped region of some kind of ISM
- soft gamma repeater: object that produces repeated gamma-ray bursts
- solar system object: the Sun, solar system planets, minor planets, comets, and moons
- source: astronomical object producing some observed signal
- SSSB: solar system body smaller than a dwarf planet
- star: astronomical body shining from fusion energy
- stellar stream: long group of co-moving stars
- stellar-mass black hole: black hole that is a stellar remnant
- subsatellite: object orbiting a moon
- supercluster: cluster of galaxy clusters
- supermassive black hole: black hole with a mass of millions to billions of solar masses
- supernova remnant: nebula of debris resulting from a supernova
- supershell: very large ISM shell-shaped region
- telluric star: star of known spectrum used for calibration
- Tolman VII object: theoretical object adhering to exact GR solution
- trans-Neptune object: minor planet beyond Neptune
- transitional disk: disk with inner part cleared
- very low luminosity object: term sometimes used for protostars with luminosity less than 0.1 solar
- vulcanoid: theoretical asteroid orbiting within Mercury's orbit
- WIT: "what is it" for an unexplainable object
- X-ray burster: neutron star binary producing nova-like bursts
- X-ray pulsar: pulsar producing X-rays from accretion
- X-ray source: astronomical object producing observable X-ray
- objective lens: see refracting telescope
- objects
- oblate spheroid: see spheroid
- oblateness: see J2
- obliquity: angle between an object's rotational and orbital axes
- obs. (observatory): facility for astronomical observation
- obscured fraction: see obscured fraction-luminosity relation
- obscured fraction-luminosity relation: relation between AGN luminosity and surrounding dust IR emission
- obscured star formation
- obscuring torus: see unified model
- observable: any physical phenomenon that you can detect
- observable universe: that part of the universe that we can conceivably observe
- observation
- observational astronomy: term covering observation
- Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (Côte d'Azur Observatory): French astronomical research organization
- observatories
- observatorio (observatory): facility for astronomical observation
- Observatorio de Calar Alto (Calar Alto Observatory): observatory on mountain in mainland Spain
- Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (Roque de los Muchachos Observatory): observatory at La Palma in the Canary Islands
- Observatorio del Teide (Teide Observatory): observatory on Mount Teide in the Canary Islands
- observatory: facility for astronomical observation
- Observatory of Madrid
- observed color index: see color index
- observed wavelength: see rest wavelength
- observing program (astronomical survey): project collecting astronomical data
- Observing Run 1: see LIGO
- Observing Run 2: see LIGO
- Observing Run 3: see LIGO
- OC (open cluster): group of stars within a galaxy apparently formed by a single cloud
- OCA (Côte d'Azur Observatory): French astronomical research organization
- occlusion: see occultation
- occultation: one celestial body hiding another from an observer
- occultation observations: gathering astronomical information through measuring occultations
- occultation spectrography: see spectroscopy
- occultation spectroscopy: see transit spectroscopy
- occultations
- occulter: see coronagraph
- occulter: see occulting bar
- Exo-S: a study on the concept of a starshade mission
- New Worlds Mission: plan for space occulter to facilitate the view of exoplanets
- starshade: spacecraft to block light from a specific body
- occulting bar: telescope feature to block light from a specific body
- ocean planet (water world): planet with substantial liquid water
- ocean world (water world): planet with substantial liquid water
- oceanic carbon cycle
- Ocl: see rare designator prefixes
- OCO (Oort Cloud Object): object in Oort Cloud such as a comet
- OCPP: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- octopole: see multipole expansion
- octupole: see multipole expansion
- octupole level: see multipole expansion
- octupole term
- odd radio circle: extragalactic ring-shaped radio source noticed in 2020
- ODE: see partial differential equation
- ODI: see WIYN 3.5m Telescope
- Odyssey: research supercomputer at Harvard sometimes used for astrophysics simulations
- Oe star: see Be star
- OEC (Open Exoplanet Catalogue): independently-maintained list of known exoplanets
- OEFD: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- OETP: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- off the shell: see mass shell
- off-axis telescope: telescope
- OFTI: see orbitize
- OGBD: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- OGC (Ogle Galaxy Catalog): catalog of luminous galaxies
- OGLE: survey searching for microlensing transients
- Ogle Galaxy Catalog: catalog of luminous galaxies
- OGLE-2005-BLG-390L: see OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb
- OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb: probable rocky planet orbiting red dwarf
- OGS: see HEAO-2
- OH (hydroxyl): one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom bound together
- OH airglow: see airglow
- OH maser
- Oh-My-God Particle: extremely energetic particle from space detected in 1991
- OH/IR source: AGB star with strong OH maser
- OH/IR star (OH/IR source): AGB star with strong OH maser
- OHIO: see Ohio Radio Survey
- Ohio
- IMB: 1980s neutrino detector
- Ohio Radio Survey: 1960s radio survey by Ohio State University
- Ohio Sky Survey (Ohio Radio Survey): 1960s radio survey by Ohio State University
- Ohio State University Radio Observatory
- ohm: see siemens
- Ohm's law: see telegrapher's equations
- ohm-meter: see siemens
- Ohmic heating: heating resulting from an electric current through a material
- OHP 1.93 m
- OHS: see Subaru Telescope
- OIG: see Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
- OIMS: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- OIR: "band name" that means both visible light and infrared
- OIR: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- OIR-dark galaxy: see dropout
- Okayama Astrophysical Observatory: observatory at Mt. Chikurinji
- Oke-Gunn photometric system (griz photometric system): photometric system designed for electronic sensors
- OL: see double star designation
- Olbers' paradox: argument using the dark of the sky regarding the nature of the universe
- oligarch: term for large planetesimals that dominate
- isolation mass: mass of an oligarch after accreting all nearby planetesimals
- oligarch theory: see oligarch
- oligarch theory: see planet formation
- oligarchic accretion: see oligarch
- oligarchic growth: see oligarch
- olivine
- methane: compound of one carbon and 4 hydrogen atoms
- OLR: see Lindblad resonance
- Olympus Mons: see Mars
- OM: see XMM-Newton
- OMAG: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- OMAyA: see Large Millimeter Telescope
- OMC: see Orion Molecular Cloud Complex
- OMEGA: see Mars Express
- Omega Centauri: large globular cluster
- Omega-Prime
- OmegaCAM: see VLT Survey Telescope
- OMM 1.6m
- SIMP: 2000s infrared proper-motion survey
- on the shell: see mass shell
- On-Orbit Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing: see OSAM-1
- ONC (Orion Nebula Cluster): open cluster in the constellation Orion
- ONC: see Hayabusa2
- one dimensional climate model: atmospheric model ignoring all horizontal motion
- one dimensional model: see three dimensional model
- one meter barrier (meter size barrier): a barrier to planet formation on the order of a meter diameter
- ONMS: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- Onsala: see rare designator prefixes
- Ontario
- Oo: see rare designator prefixes
- Oort Cloud: cloud of distant comets surrounding the solar system
- comet: Sun-orbiting object with coma and possible tail
- Oort Cloud Object: object in Oort Cloud such as a comet
- Oort constants: two constants characterizing local Milky-Way motion
- Ooty Radio Telescope: cylindrical radio telescope in India
- Ooty Wide Field Array: see Ooty Radio Telescope
- OPA: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- opacity: a measure of opaqueness of a material
- OPAG (Outer Planets Assessment Group): NASA forum to provide input to long-term planning of outer planets missions
- OPE: see Giotto
- Open Astronomy Catalog: see Astrocats
- open cluster: group of stars within a galaxy apparently formed by a single cloud
- open Dragone telescope: see Dragone telescope
- Open Exoplanet Catalogue: independently-maintained list of known exoplanets
- Open Kilonova Catalog: see Astrocats
- open magnetic field lines
- Open Supernova Catalog: see Astrocats
- MOSFiT: code to match light-curves with light-curve models
- Open TDE Catalog: see tidal disruption event
- open universe: see critical density
- open-Dragone design: see Dragone telescope
- OpenSpace: visualization software aimed at astrophysical data
- Oph-L 1689 (LDN 1689): dense core within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
- Ophelia: see shepherd moon
- Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud (Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex): nebula that is a nearby star-forming region
- OPI: see double star designation
- Opportunity: see Mars Exploration Rover
- opposition: positioning of two astronomical objects 180 degrees apart in the sky
- optical
- optical and infrared (OIR): "band name" that means both visible light and infrared
- optical astronomy: see visible light
- optical axis: center line through an optical instrument
- optical coma
- optical counterpart: see counterpart
- optical depth: a measure of opaqueness of a path of light
- optical depth to the EOR: see Lambda-CDM model
- optical double: double star where the two are not gravitationally bound
- optical fiber
- optical filter (filter): optical device to filter out part of the EMR spectrum
- Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE): survey searching for microlensing transients
- optical interferometer: interferometer of visible light
- optical interferometry: see optical interferometer
- optical segmentation: see segmented mirror
- optical SFR: see star formation rate
- optical star formation rate: see star formation rate
- optical telescope assembly: see Hubble Space Telescope
- optical thickness (optical depth): a measure of opaqueness of a path of light
- optical transient: transient evident from visible light observation
- optical transient source: see optical transient
- optical violent variable quasar
- 3C 279: striking variable quasar
- optical window: see atmospheric window
- optically thick: see optical depth
- optically thin: see optical depth
- optically violent variable quasar: type of quasar with high variability
- blazar: very compact variable quasar
- optics: science and technology regarding visible light
- OPTIMOS: see European Extremely Large Telescope
- Optopus
- ORAD: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- orange dwarf: see K-type star
- orbit
- orbit plot: graphic showing the path of an orbit as a line
- orbital (electron orbital): a nucleus's "locations" where an electron can orbit
- orbital decay: gradual reduction in radius of an orbit
- orbital eccentricity (eccentricity): degree to which an orbit is non-circular
- orbital element: parameters describing an orbit
- Orbital Express: see Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operations
- orbital inclination: angle between plane of an orbit and a reference plane
- orbital period: length of time for an orbiting object to complete one cycle
- mean anomaly: angle describing an object's position within an elliptical orbit
- period derivative: rate of change in the period of an orbit or rotation
- sidereal: relative to the fixed position of the stars
- synodic period: period until a planet returns to the same position relative to the Sun
- Orbital perturbation analysis: see J2
- orbital plane: see orbital element
- orbital plot (orbit plot): graphic showing the path of an orbit as a line
- orbital radius: see semi-major axis
- orbital resonance: tendency of orbits of multiple bodies to remain in a simple pattern
- orbital speed: speed of an orbiting body around the barycenter of a system
- Orbiting Astronomical Observatory: series of 1960s-1970s NASA space telescopes
- Orbiting Solar Observatory 7 (OSO 7): 1970s observatory-satellite for viewing the Sun
- Orbiting Solar Observatory 8 (OSO 8): 1970s observatory-satellite for viewing the Sun
- Orbiting Wide-angle Light Collectors: space mission concept to detect cosmic rays through Earth atmosphere light flashes
- orbitize: planet orbit-fitting software for direct image observations
- orbits
- Orbits for the Impatient: see orbitize
- ORC (odd radio circle): extragalactic ring-shaped radio source noticed in 2020
- Orcus
- order: see grating
- order: see spherical harmonics
- order-of-magnitude (dex): a number or ratio's log base 10
- orders-of-magnitude: see dex
- ordinary differential equation: see partial differential equation
- ORFEUS Telescope
- organization
- Origins Space Telescope: concept for 2030s large space IR telescope
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- Orion (Orion space telescopes): two Russian 1970s UV space telescopes
- Orion A: see Orion Molecular Cloud Complex
- Orion Arm: see spiral arm
- Orion B: see Orion Molecular Cloud Complex
- Orion Bar: see Orion Nebula
- Orion Bridge
- Orion Cluster (Orion Nebula Cluster): open cluster in the constellation Orion
- Orion Complex (Orion Molecular Cloud Complex): group of molecular clouds with star-forming regions
- Orion Disks: protoplanetary disks visible in front of Orion Nebula
- Orion Molecular Cloud Complex: group of molecular clouds with star-forming regions
- Orion Molecular Clouds (Orion Molecular Cloud Complex): group of molecular clouds with star-forming regions
- Orion Nebula: easily-observed nebula that includes SF regions
- COUP: survey of X-ray sources in the Orion Nebula
- Orion Disks: protoplanetary disks visible in front of Orion Nebula
- Trapezium Cluster: open cluster of stars in Orion Nebula
- Orion Nebula Cluster: open cluster in the constellation Orion
- Orion space telescopes: two Russian 1970s UV space telescopes
- Orion spacecraft: see Space Launch System
- Orion Spur: see spiral arm
- Orion Trapezium Cluster (Trapezium Cluster): open cluster of stars in Orion Nebula
- Orion variable: see variable star
- Orion-1: see Orion space telescopes
- Orion-2: see Orion space telescopes
- Orion-Cygnus Arm: see spiral arm
- ORM (Roque de los Muchachos Observatory): observatory at La Palma in the Canary Islands
- ORP (reduction potential): measure of a chemical species' tendency to acquire electrons
- ORPA: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- orphan afterglow: see gamma-ray burst
- orphan GRB afterglow: see gamma-ray burst
- Orphan stream: stellar stream wrapping around the Milky Way
- orrery: mechanical device to simulate the solar system
- ORT (Ooty Radio Telescope): cylindrical radio telescope in India
- orthogonal transfer CCD: see image stabilization
- OSAM-1: prototype space robot for servicing satellites
- OSAM-1: prototype space robot for servicing satellites
- OSAM-2: see OSAM-1
- OSC: see Astrocats
- MOSFiT: code to match light-curves with light-curve models
- OSCA: see William Herschel Telescope
- Oschin Schmidt (Palomar 48 Inch Telescope): 48 inch Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory
- Oschin Telescope
- oscillator strength: fraction expressing QM's contribution to the probability of absorption
- osculating orbit (Keplerian orbit): orbit following a perfect ellipse or other conic section
- OSIRIS: see Gran Telescopio Canarias
- OSIRIS: see Keck Observatory
- OSIRIS: see Rosetta
- OSIRIS: see SOAR Telescope
- SHARDS: GTC survey in GOODS-N field for quenched galaxies at z = 1 to 2.3
- Osiris (HD 209458 b): hot Jupiter discovered in 1999
- OSIRIS-REx: space mission aiming to return a sample of an asteroid
- 101955 Bennu: near-Earth asteroid visited by a successful sample-return mission
- CSA: includes astronomical research
- OSMOS: see Hiltner Telescope
- OSO 7: 1970s observatory-satellite for viewing the Sun
- OSO 8: 1970s observatory-satellite for viewing the Sun
- OSO H (OSO 7): 1970s observatory-satellite for viewing the Sun
- OSS (Ohio Radio Survey): 1960s radio survey by Ohio State University
- OSS: see Origins Space Telescope
- OSSE: see Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
- OSSOS (Outer Solar System Origins Survey): 2013-2017 survey that searched for trans-Neptune objects
- OST (Origins Space Telescope): concept for 2030s large space IR telescope
- OT (optical transient): transient evident from visible light observation
- OT source: see optical transient
- OTC: see tidal disruption event
- OTCCD: see image stabilization
- Other Worlds Laboratory: initiative researching planets and moons
- OTL: see rare designator prefixes
- OTS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- OTS: see optical transient
- OTS: see rare designator prefixes
- Oukaïmeden Observatory
- TRAPPIST: a ground-based automated transiting-planet finding telescope
- Oumuamua: small body that passed through the solar system in 2017
- outer belt: see Van Allen belts
- outer Lindblad resonance: see Lindblad resonance
- outer Lindblad resonance: see Lindblad torque
- Outer Planets Assessment Group: NASA forum to provide input to long-term planning of outer planets missions
- outer solar system
- Outer Solar System Origins Survey: 2013-2017 survey that searched for trans-Neptune objects
- outflow
- outgassing: see atmosphere formation
- outrigger: radio receiver some distance from main receiver for direction determination
- outside-in growth: see inside-out growth
- OUVS: see Pioneer Venus Orbiter
- overdensity (stellar overdensity): portion of galactic halo with more stars than normal
- overfitting: see Akaike information criterion
- Overwhelmingly Large Telescope: 100 m telescope plan
- OVRO (Owens Valley Radio Observatory): group of radio telescopes in California near the VLBA
- OVRO 40 Meter Telescope: see Owens Valley Radio Observatory
- OVRO-LWA: radio telescope in California
- OVRO-LWA: see Owens Valley Radio Observatory
- OVV (optically violent variable quasar): type of quasar with high variability
- 3C 279: striking variable quasar
- OVV quasar
- blazar: very compact variable quasar
- Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array (OVRO-LWA): radio telescope in California
- Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array: see Owens Valley Radio Observatory
- Owens Valley Radio Observatory: group of radio telescopes in California near the VLBA
- Owens Valley Solar Array
- OWFA: see Ooty Radio Telescope
- OWL (Orbiting Wide-angle Light Collectors): space mission concept to detect cosmic rays through Earth atmosphere light flashes
- OWL (Other Worlds Laboratory): initiative researching planets and moons
- OWL (Overwhelmingly Large Telescope): 100 m telescope plan
- OWL: see Hayabusa2
- EAGLE: simulation of galaxy formation and evolution
- Oxford SWIFT: see Hale Telescope
- oxidation: see reducing atmosphere
- oxidation number (oxidation state): number of electrons loaned out by an atom in an ionic bond
- oxidation state: number of electrons loaned out by an atom in an ionic bond
- oxidation-reduction reaction: see reducing atmosphere
- oxidation/reduction potential (reduction potential): measure of a chemical species' tendency to acquire electrons
- oxide: see geochemistry
- oxidizing agent: see reducing atmosphere
- oxidizing atmosphere: see reducing atmosphere
- oxygen: element, O, atomic number 8
- oxygen burning: fusion reaction starting with oxygen
- oxygen lines: spectral lines specific to oxygen
- oxygen-burning shell: see oxygen burning
- oxygen-neon-magnesium white dwarf: see white dwarf
- oxygen-rich Wolf-Rayet: see Wolf-Rayet star
- oxygen-to-iron ratio: see alpha-enhanced
- OzDES: see Dark Energy Survey
- ozone
- earthshine: reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation from Earth
- ozone layer