Term Index (B)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter B.
- B: photometric filter for blue light
- B (B-type star): star with spectral characteristics of around 10000-30000 K
- B (Barnard Catalog): 1919 catalog of dark nebulae
- B (magnetic flux density): vector field describing magnetism in relation to the Lorentz force
- B: see J designator
- B: see double star designation
- B: see epoch B1950.0
- B: see rare designator prefixes
- B Cassiopeiae (SN 1572): Type Ia supernova noted in 1572 by Tycho Brahe
- B field (magnetic flux density): vector field describing magnetism in relation to the Lorentz force
- B-band: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- B-BOP: see SPICA
- B-class: see B-type star
- B-class star (B-type star): star with spectral characteristics of around 10000-30000 K
- B-E statistics (Bose-Einstein statistics): possible distribution of particles not bound by Pauli exclusion
- B-mode: see polarization modes
- B-type star: star with spectral characteristics of around 10000-30000 K
- B-type subdwarf: see subdwarf
- B-V: see color index
- B/SN (Asiago Supernova Catalog): catalog of known supernovae and their galaxies
- B0950+08 (PSR B0950+08): young pulsar
- B1875.0
- B1900.0
- epoch B1950.0: midnight 1/1/1950 GMT as used as a time reference
- Terrestrial Time: current measure of time for astronomical observations on Earth
- B1900.0 epoch: see epoch
- B1925.0
- B1950.0 (epoch B1950.0): midnight 1/1/1950 GMT as used as a time reference
- Terrestrial Time: current measure of time for astronomical observations on Earth
- B1950.0 epoch: see epoch
- B1950.0 equinox: see J2000.0 equinox
- B1950.0 equinox: see epoch B1950.0
- B1957+20 (Black Widow Pulsar): binary system consisting of a pulsar and small companion
- B2: see Bologna Survey of Radio Sources
- B2K: see BOOMERanG
- B3: see Bologna Survey of Radio Sources
- B4R: see Large Millimeter Telescope
- BA (balanced accuracy): average of true positive and negative rates
- BA: see rare designator prefixes
- Ba star (barium star): star showing unexpected barium lines
- BA supergiant: very bright giant star
- BA-type supergiant (BA supergiant): very bright giant star
- BAA (British Astronomical Association): amateur astronomer organization
- Baade Telescope: see Magellan Telescopes
- Baade's Window: region of sky allowing observation into the galactic center
- BAAS (Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society): US professional organization's journal of record
- back end (back end instrument): instruments of a telescope that process or combine signals
- back end instrument: instruments of a telescope that process or combine signals
- back-of-the-envelope calculation: very short calculation to get a rough idea of a value
- back-yard astronomy: see amateur astronomy
- background
- Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization (BICEP2): survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- background subtraction (sky subtraction): removing background radiation from a telescope observation
- backward Fourier transform: see Fourier transform
- backward model: see forward model
- retrieval: determining parameters through observation and modeling
- Backyard Observatory Supernova Search: ongoing amateur supernova discovery effort
- BACODINE: see General Coordinates Network
- Badgerys Creek 101-MHz Interferometer: see Badgerys Creek Interferometer 101-MHz Survey
- MSH Catalog: 1950s catalog of radio sources from a Mills Cross survey
- Badgerys Creek Interferometer 101-MHz Survey: early 1950s survey of southern-hemisphere radio sources
- baffle: see stray light
- Lyot stop: optical element to block unwanted light within instruments
- Bailey classification: see RR Lyrae variable
- Baksan Neutrino Observatory: Russian underground particle detector
- Baksan Underground Scintillation Telescope: see Baksan Neutrino Observatory
- BAL: see double star designation
- balanced accuracy: average of true positive and negative rates
- Balbus-Hawley Instability (magnetorotational instability): instability in the fluid of a disk from MHD effects
- Baldwin effect: relation between quasar line width and luminosity
- Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics (BOOMERanG): 1990s-2000s balloon-borne 1.3-meter millimeter telescope
- Balloon-borne Imaging Test-bed: see SuperBIT
- Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST): balloon-borne 1.8-m submillimeter telescope
- Balloon-borne Ultraviolet Stellar Spectrograph (BUSS): 1970s balloon-based ultraviolet astronomy mission
- Balloon-borne Ultraviolet Stellar Spectrometer (BUSS): 1970s balloon-based ultraviolet astronomy mission
- Balmer
- Balmer series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- Balmer break (Balmer jump): abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- Balmer discontinuity (Balmer jump): abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- Balmer edge (Balmer jump): abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- Balmer jump: abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- Balmer limit: see Balmer series
- Balmer jump: abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- Balmer-break galaxy: a galaxy emitting very little shorter than 3646 angstroms
- Balmer series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 2 to n = 2
- Balmer jump: abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- Balmer-break galaxy: a galaxy emitting very little shorter than 3646 angstroms
- Be star: early star with Balmer emission lines
- H-alpha: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 3 to n = 2
- H-beta: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- Balmer's constant: see Balmer series
- Balmer-break galaxy: a galaxy emitting very little shorter than 3646 angstroms
- band (passband): range of electromagnetic wavelengths that a filter allows
- band (spectral band): set of related, closely-packed spectral lines
- band: see zone
- B: photometric filter for blue light
- extreme ultraviolet: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 10-124 nm
- extremely low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 Hz to 30 Hz
- far infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 30-450 μm range
- G band: band of visible light around 5100 angstroms
- gamma rays: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10 picometers and less
- H band: atmospheric window centered around 1.63 microns, or 184 THz
- high frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 MHz
- I band: passband for near-infrared light
- infrared: light with wavelength too long for our eyes to sense
- J band: atmospheric window centered around 1.2 microns, or 240 THz
- K band: atmospheric window centered around 2.2 microns, or 136 THz
- microwave: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 MHz to 300 GHz
- mid infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 7.5-25 μm range
- near infrared: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 750-2500 nm
- OIR: "band name" that means both visible light and infrared
- Q band: name for EMR frequency-range on the order of 45 GHz
- R band: band of visible light around 6500 angstroms
- radio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3 kHz to 300 GHz
- subradio: electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 kHz
- super low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 30 Hz to 300 Hz
- tremendously low frequency: presumably electromagnetic radiation, frequency below 3 Hz
- U: photometric filter for ultraviolet light
- ultra low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 Hz to 3 kHz
- ultra-high-energy gamma rays: energetic gamma rays with more than 100 TeV photon energy
- ultraviolet: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10-400 nm
- UVOIR: a spectral "band name" covering UV, visible light, and IR
- V: photometric filter for visible light
- very low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 kHz
- very-high-energy gamma rays: energetic gamma rays with 100 GeV to 100 TeV photon energy
- visible light: electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can sense
- X-ray: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 0.01 to 10 nanometers
- XEUV: electromagnetic radiation in the range of 0.15-124 nm
- band absorption
- band shifting: effect of redshift on photometry
- bandpass filter: device to filter away all but a band of frequencies
- bandwidth: number of hertz between minimum and maximum frequencies
- BAO (Beijing Astronomical Observatory): part of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- BAO (baryon acoustic oscillations): density fluctuations stemming from acoustic waves in the early universe
- BAO standard ruler: see baryon acoustic oscillations
- BAR: see double star designation
- bar: central feature of some spiral galaxies
- bar: see atm
- barium
- Am star: A-type star with metallic lines
- barium star: star showing unexpected barium lines
- barium star: star showing unexpected barium lines
- Barnard (Barnard Catalog): 1919 catalog of dark nebulae
- Barnard Catalog: 1919 catalog of dark nebulae
- Barnard Catalogue of 349 Dark Objects in the Sky (Barnard Catalog): 1919 catalog of dark nebulae
- Barnard object: see Barnard Catalog
- Barnard's Loop: emission nebula in Orion
- Barnard's Star: nearby red dwarf
- baroclinic atmosphere: see baroclinicity
- baroclinic instability: see baroclinicity
- baroclinicity: measure of misalignment of fluid density and pressure
- baroclinity (baroclinicity): measure of misalignment of fluid density and pressure
- barometric admittance (admittance): effect of atmospheric pressure on gravity
- barotropic atmosphere: see baroclinicity
- barotropy: see baroclinicity
- barred: see bar
- barred galaxy
- barred irregular galaxy: see bar
- barred irregular galaxy: see irregular galaxy
- barred lenticular galaxy: see bar
- barred spiral galaxy: see bar
- barrel distortion: distortion such that a square shows with convex edges
- barrier: challenging issue regarding planet formation
- barrier penetration (quantum tunneling): quantum mechanical effect of particles passing through a barrier
- barriers
- barycenter: center of mass of two orbiting bodies
- barycentric coordinate system (areal coordinate system): coordinate system based upon a known triangle
- barycentric coordinate time: see time standard
- barycentric coordinates: see barycenter
- barycentric dynamical time: see time standard
- barycentric Julian day: see Julian date
- baryogenesis: see antimatter
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- baryon: see particle
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- neutron: type of baryon that is stable and has no electric charge
- nucleon: proton or neutron
- proton: type of baryon that is stable and has an electric charge of +1
- baryon acoustic oscillation
- baryon acoustic oscillations: density fluctuations stemming from acoustic waves in the early universe
- Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in Neutral Gas Observations (BINGO): future radio telescope for mapping distant neutral hydrogen
- baryon density parameter: see Lambda-CDM model
- Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: survey of spatial distribution of luminous red galaxies and quasars
- baryonic gas fraction (gas fraction): fraction of a galaxy or cluster consisting of gas
- baryonic mass density: see critical density
- baryonic matter: ordinary matter made up of protons and neutrons
- baryon: protons, neutrons, and other three-quark particles
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- baryonic Tully-Fisher relation: see Tully-Fisher relation
- Bas: see Basel Open Cluster Catalogue
- basal: from the base or from below
- basalt: an igneous rock type that shows rapid cooling
- Basel (Basel Open Cluster Catalogue): list of open clusters
- Basel Astronomical Institute
- Basel Open Cluster Catalogue: list of open clusters
- baseline: distance between dishes of an interferometer
- baseline: see parallax
- basic calibrated data: class of moderately-processed output from telescope observations
- basic transit model calculation in Python (batman): code to calculate model transit lightcurves
- basicity (acidity): measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution
- BASIS (Burst and All Sky Imaging Survey): late 1990s GRB-observer satellite proposal
- basis function: one of a set of functions used to approximate a function of interest
- BASS: survey of AGNs found by the Swift BAT
- BaSTI: database relating isochrones to stellar parameters
- BaSTI isochrone: see BaSTI
- BAT: see Swift
- BASS: survey of AGNs found by the Swift BAT
- BAT6: sample of long GRBs
- BAT AGN spectroscopic survey (BASS): survey of AGNs found by the Swift BAT
- BAT6: sample of long GRBs
- BAT99: see rare designator prefixes
- BATC: photometric survey of Milky Way stars
- bathymetry: study and measurement of sea depths
- batman: code to calculate model transit lightcurves
- BATSE: see Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
- BATSE coordinates distribution network: see General Coordinates Network
- BATTeRS (Bisei Asteroid Tracking Telescope for Rapid Survey): Japanese telescope surveying to find NEOs and space junk
- Bautz-Morgan classification: morphology classification of galaxy clusters
- BAX: see rare designator prefixes
- Bayer designation: star designation consisting of a Greek letter and constellation name
- Bayes factor: see Bayesian statistics
- Bayes' law: see Bayesian statistics
- Bayes' rule: see Bayesian statistics
- Bayes' theorem: see Bayesian statistics
- Bayesian inference: see Bayesian statistics
- Bayesian probabilities: see Bayesian statistics
- Bayesian statistics: statistics method assigning probability to your belief
- Bayesian statistics: see Markov chain Monte Carlo
- PyMC: Python package for Bayesian statistical modeling
- BAZ: see double star designation
- BB (black body): idealized object that reflects no light
- BB: see CMB polarization
- BBFS: see HEAO-2
- BBG (Balmer-break galaxy): a galaxy emitting very little shorter than 3646 angstroms
- BBH (binary black hole): pair of co-orbiting black holes
- BBN (Big Bang nucleosynthesis): creation of atomic nuclei in the very early universe
- BBSO (Big Bear Solar Observatory): US government sponsored solar observatory
- BBXRT (Broad Band X-Ray Telescope): 1990s Astro-1 Space Shuttle X-ray telescope
- BC: see rare designator prefixes
- BCD (basic calibrated data): class of moderately-processed output from telescope observations
- BCD: see dwarf galaxy classification
- BCE: see variable star
- BCEP: see variable star
- BCG (brightest cluster galaxy): a cluster's most luminous galaxy
- BCG: see dwarf galaxy
- BCool: project studying stellar magnetism
- BCS: see Ariel 5
- BCS: see Yohkoh
- BCS theory: see Cooper pair
- BCSVS: see Bibliographic Catalog of Variable Stars
- BCVS (Bibliographic Catalog of Variable Stars): listing of references to variable stars
- BD (Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog): well-known astrometric catalog from late 1800s
- BD (brown dwarf): star-like object with less mass than a star
- BD: see dropout
- BD+36 2147 (Lalande 21185): nearby red dwarf
- BD+47 2846: see HAT-P-7b
- BD+47 2846b (HAT-P-7b): hot Jupiter discovered in 2008
- BDF: field used in search for distant galaxies
- BDS (Burnham Double Star Catalogue): 1906 catalog with multiple star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- BDS03: see rare designator prefixes
- Be (Berkeley Open Cluster Catalogue): list of open clusters
- Be star: early star with Balmer emission lines
- Achernar: ninth-brightest star in the sky
- shell star: type of star with broad and narrow absorption lines
- Be X-ray binary: see X-ray binary
- beaded curtain: see ssDNA
- Beagle 2: see Mars Express
- beam: portion of a sky that a radio telescope is viewing
- beam: see equation of radiative transfer
- CLEAN: algorithm to extract usable images from interferometry-produced images
- dirty image: image that includes the distortions of the beam and sampling
- beam pattern: see beam
- beam width: see beam
- beamforming: see beam
- beaming
- BearCLAW
- BEAST: survey of B stars for possible exoplanets
- beat frequency: frequency emerging from two other frequencies
- BEC (Bose-Einstein condensate): rare state of matter possible at cryogenic temperatures
- Becker, White, and Edwards Catalog: 1990s radio catalog from a Green Bank 300ft Telescope survey
- BEFS (Berkeley Extreme and Far-UV Spectrometer): 1990s UV spectrometer used on two Space Shuttle missions
- Beijing Astronomical Observatory: part of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut Survey (BATC): photometric survey of Milky Way stars
- Bekenstein engine (Geroch-Bekenstein engine): hypothetical engine to overcome thermodynamics laws using a black hole
- BEL: broad emission line
- BEL region (broad line region): AGN region producing broader lines
- Belgian
- TRAPPIST: a ground-based automated transiting-planet finding telescope
- Belgium
- bell curve
- Bellatrix
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- belt: see zone
- jet stream: upper-atmosphere narrow west-to-east streams of air
- superrotating wind: wind traveling in the same direction as the planet is rotating
- Bennett: see rare designator prefixes
- Bennu (101955 Bennu): near-Earth asteroid visited by a successful sample-return mission
- bent jet: see jet
- benzene: see hydrocarbon
- BepiColombo: mission to Mercury
- Mercury: inner-most and smallest planet in the solar system
- BeppoSAX: Italian-Dutch space X-ray telescope
- Berkeley: see Berkeley Open Cluster Catalogue
- PAPER: radio interferometer for 21-cm measurement
- Berkeley Extreme and Far-UV Spectrometer: 1990s UV spectrometer used on two Space Shuttle missions
- Berkeley Lab (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory): US energy-related physics laboratory
- Berkeley Open Cluster Catalogue: list of open clusters
- Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association: operator of 1980s-2000s radio telescope
- Bernard Lyot Telescope
- Bernes: see rare designator prefixes
- Bernstein polynomial: polynomial form capable of producing arbitrary shapes
- beryllium
- Besselian date: see epoch
- Besselian epoch: see epoch B1950.0
- Besselian year: see epoch B1950.0
- beta: ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure
- Beta Canis Majoris star: see variable star
- Beta Centauri: second brightest star in Centaurus
- Beta Cephei variable: see variable star
- beta decay: radioactivity such that an electron or positron is emitted
- beta drift: tendency for a cyclone to drift poleward and westward
- beta effect (beta drift): tendency for a cyclone to drift poleward and westward
- Beta Lyrae variable: see variable star
- Beta Orionis (Rigel): brightest star in constellation Orion
- beta particle: see beta decay
- Beta Per (Algol): a multiple-star system demonstrating effects of mass transfer
- Beta Persei (Algol): a multiple-star system demonstrating effects of mass transfer
- Beta Pictoris
- Beta Pictoris b: super-Jupiter discovered in 2008
- beta plane: see Coriolis force
- beta rays: see beta decay
- beta-decay stable isobars (valley of beta stability): set of isotopes not prone to beta decay
- Betelgeuse: second brightest star in constellation Orion
- Orion: well-known constellation in the northern hemisphere
- bethe (foe): unit of energy on the order of a supernova's output
- Bethe-Heitler cross section: see Bethe-Heitler process
- Bethe-Heitler formula: see Bethe-Heitler process
- Bethe-Heitler pair production: see Bethe-Heitler process
- Bethe-Heitler process: type of pair production interaction near nuclei
- BeXRB: see X-ray binary
- BF
- BFI: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- BFS: see rare designator prefixes
- BG: see rare designator prefixes
- BG4
- BlackGEM: telescope array to follow up gravitational wave signals
- GOTO: telescope array to follow up gravitational wave signals
- BH (black hole): region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- BH: see rare designator prefixes
- BH mass gap: see stellar-mass black hole
- BH merger (black hole merger): two black holes meeting and forming one
- BH merger.binary supermassive black hole
- BH model (black hole model): description of a BH using math or computation
- BHAD: see accretion disk
- BHAR (black hole accretion rate): measure, especially used for AGNs
- BHB (black hole binary): binary star in which one is a stellar black hole
- BHB (blue horizontal branch): blue end of the horizontal branch
- BHC (BlackHoleCam): European project to study black holes
- BHJ: see rare designator prefixes
- BHM: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- BHMF (black hole mass function): mass of the distribution of black holes
- BHNS merger (neutron-star black-hole merger): a neutron star falling into a black hole
- BHR: see rare designator prefixes
- BHXRT: see transient
- BHXT: see transient
- BI: see rare designator prefixes
- BIA (Black in Astro): advocacy initiative
- bias (selection bias): selection of a sample set that is not appropriately randomized
- bibcode: reference code for a journal article
- Bibliographic Catalog of Suspected Variable Stars: see Bibliographic Catalog of Variable Stars
- Bibliographic Catalog of Variable Stars: listing of references to variable stars
- Bica: see rare designator prefixes
- bicarbonate
- acidity: measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution
- carbonate system: system governing water and CO2 in the presence of each other
- BICEP Array: see BICEP2
- BICEP2: survey to measure the polarization of the CMB
- BICEP3: see BICEP2
- Biden: see Kuiper Belt
- Big Bang: theoretical event when the universe expanded from a point
- Big Bang nucleosynthesis: creation of atomic nuclei in the very early universe
- Big Bang theory: see Big Bang
- Big Bear Solar Observatory: US government sponsored solar observatory
- Big Bounce: see Big Crunch
- Big Crunch: theoretical end of universe drawn together by gravity
- Big Ear
- Big Freeze: see Big Crunch
- Big Rip: see Big Crunch
- Big Slurp: see Big Crunch
- BigBOSS: BOSS survey follow-on
- BigBOSS Spectrograph
- Bigelow Sky Survey: see Catalina Sky Survey
- bigravity: modifications to GR defining two metrics
- BIMA (Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association): operator of 1980s-2000s radio telescope
- BIMA radio telescope array (BIMA telescope): millimeter interferometer in operation 1985 to 2005
- BIMA telescope: millimeter interferometer in operation 1985 to 2005
- bimetric gravity (bigravity): modifications to GR defining two metrics
- binary (binary star): system of two stars co-orbiting
- binary asteroid: see binary minor planet
- binary black hole: pair of co-orbiting black holes
- binary black hole formation channel: see binary black hole
- binary burning
- binary companion: one of the two stars of a binary star
- binary companion: see binary star
- binary mass function (mass function): measure of binaries that constrains the masses
- binary minor planet: minor planet with another body orbiting it
- binary neutron star: two neutron stars co-orbiting
- Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis (BPASS): evolution and population synthesis code for binary stars
- binary population synthesis: see stellar population synthesis
- binary pulsar: see binary neutron star
- binary SMBH: co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- binary star: system of two stars co-orbiting
- Binary Star Evolution (BSE): a code to model the evolution of a binary star system
- binary star type
- binary stars
- Binary Stellar Evolution (BSE): a code to model the evolution of a binary star system
- binary supermassive black hole (binary SMBH): co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- binary system (binary star): system of two stars co-orbiting
- binary TD: see neutron star merger
- binary tidal deformability: see neutron star merger
- binary TNO: see binary minor planet
- binary trans-Neptune object: see binary minor planet
- binary X-ray pulsar (X-ray pulsar): pulsar producing X-rays from accretion
- pulsar: type of astronomical body with EMR in regular cycles of seconds or less
- binary X-ray system (X-ray binary): binary star emitting X-rays
- binary YORP: see Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack effect
- binary-star companion (binary companion): one of the two stars of a binary star
- binding energy: energy needed to separate two objects
- BINGO: future radio telescope for mapping distant neutral hydrogen
- binomial coefficients
- biofluorescence: common fluorescence in organisms to dissipate harmful UV radiation
- fluorescence: emission from a molecule excited by absorption
- biology
- astrobiology: study of extra-terrestrial life
- CHNOPS: six common elements in biological molecules
- CHON: four common elements in biological molecules
- glycine: smallest of the twenty common amino acids
- mass extinction: event in which many species went extinct
- molecular handedness: mirror-imaged variants of some molecules
- ssDNA: DNA without the double strand
- water activity: measure of partial vapor pressure of water
- biomarker (biosignature): sign of life
- biosignature: sign of life
- bipolar jets: see bipolar outflow
- bipolar outflow: streams of matter from the poles of a protostar
- birefringent: see waveplate
- Birkhoff's theorem: shows GR qualities of a spherically-symmetric mass
- BIS (British Interplanetary Society): space-exploration/research advocacy organization
- Bisei Asteroid Tracking Telescope for Rapid Survey: Japanese telescope surveying to find NEOs and space junk
- bispectrum: see N-point function
- bispectrum analysis (speckle masking): speckle suppression technique using a calculation of the bispectrum
- BIT: see SuperBIT
- BITP (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics): Ukrainian research institute
- Biurakan: see rare designator prefixes
- BJ (Balmer jump): abrupt change in stellar spectrum at the Balmer series wavelength limit
- BJD: barycentric Julian day
- BJD: see Julian date
- BK: see rare designator prefixes
- BK metric
- BL (Breakthrough Listen): SETI survey using GBT and Parkes Observatory
- BL (blue loop): stellar evolutionary-track segment due to short-term helium burning
- BL: see NIRCam
- BL: see spectral line designation
- BL Lac object: see blazar
- BL Lacertae: see blazar
- black body: idealized object that reflects no light
- black dwarf: see brown dwarf
- black dwarf: see white dwarf
- Black Eye Galaxy (M64): nearby dusty galaxy
- black hole: region of such high mass that light cannot escape
- GRS 1915+105: stellar-mass black hole microquasar
- GW detection: observed gravitational wave signal recognizable as an astronomical event
- LB-1: binary star with evidence of a black hole
- M87*: SMBH at the center of galaxy M87
- Sag A*: SMBH at the center of Milky Way
- black hole accretion disk: see accretion disk
- black hole accretion rate: measure, especially used for AGNs
- black hole binary: binary star in which one is a stellar black hole
- black hole candidate
- black hole flare (tidal disruption event): star pulled apart by black hole tidal forces
- Black Hole Mapper: see Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- black hole mass function: mass of the distribution of black holes
- black hole mass gap: see stellar-mass black hole
- black hole mechanics (black hole thermodynamics): science of black holes
- black hole merger: two black holes meeting and forming one
- black hole model: description of a BH using math or computation
- black hole shadow: dark-disk appearance of a black hole viewed from a distance
- black hole thermodynamics: science of black holes
- black hole type
- black hole X-ray transient: see transient
- black holes
- Black in Astro: advocacy initiative
- black star: theoretical alternative to black holes
- Black Widow Pulsar: binary system consisting of a pulsar and small companion
- black-body radiation: EMR with a characteristic spectrum due to the temperature of a body
- black-body spectrum: see black-body radiation
- black-body temperature (effective temperature): temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of total radiation
- black-body temperature: see black-body radiation
- black-hole information paradox: a behavior of black holes that appears to contradict physics
- black-hole neutron-star merger (neutron-star black-hole merger): a neutron star falling into a black hole
- blackbody (black body): idealized object that reflects no light
- BlackGEM: telescope array to follow up gravitational wave signals
- BlackHoleCam: European project to study black holes
- BLAGN: see active galactic nucleus
- CASA-MIA: 1990s cosmic-ray detector in Utah
- Blanco 4M
- Blanco 4m (Víctor M. Blanco Telescope): 4 meter reflector telescope in Chile
- Blandford-Payne mechanism: means of by which an accretion disk can power a jet
- Blandford-Payne process (Blandford-Payne mechanism): means of by which an accretion disk can power a jet
- Blandford-Znajek mechanism: means of extracting BH rotational energy by magnetized accretion disk
- Penrose process: process by which energy can be extracted from black hole's rotation
- Blandford-Znajek process (Blandford-Znajek mechanism): means of extracting BH rotational energy by magnetized accretion disk
- blanketing effect (line blanketing): so many bunched spectral lines that they cannot be distinguished
- BLAST: balloon-borne 1.8-m submillimeter telescope
- BLAST Observatory: see BLAST
- blastwave: spherical shock wave from a small volume
- blazar: very compact variable quasar
- blazars
- blaze angle: see grating
- blazed grating: see grating
- blend analysis: see blended spectra
- Blendanal
- blended spectra: an observed spectrum comprising light from multiple objects
- blended spectra: an observed spectrum comprising light from multiple objects
- Blender
- blended spectra: an observed spectrum comprising light from multiple objects
- BLG: see OGLE
- blind analysis: performing experimental analysis without knowing the data
- blind survey: survey conducted independently of prior information
- blink: see comparator
- blink comparator (comparator): device to compare the position of objects on plates
- blink microscope (comparator): device to compare the position of objects on plates
- blitzar: see hypermassive neutron star
- BLL: see blazar
- BLLAC: see blazar
- Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme: see SWMF
- BLONG: see NIRCam
- blow off: see atmospheric escape
- blowoff: see hydrodynamic escape
- BLR (broad line region): AGN region producing broader lines
- BLRG: see radio galaxy
- blue: see globular cluster
- B: photometric filter for blue light
- blue and new: see red and dead
- blue compact dwarf galaxy: see dwarf galaxy classification
- blue compact galaxy: see dwarf galaxy
- blue dropout galaxy: see dropout
- blue galaxy: see galaxy main sequence
- blue giant: see giant star
- B-type star: star with spectral characteristics of around 10000-30000 K
- red giant: very bright red star
- blue horizontal branch: blue end of the horizontal branch
- blue hypergiant: see hypergiant
- blue kilonova: see kilonova
- blue kilonova model: see kilonova
- blue loop: stellar evolutionary-track segment due to short-term helium burning
- blue noise: see red noise
- blue quasar: see quasar
- blue shift: shortening of wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- Doppler shift: wave frequency difference due to relative velocity difference with source
- line broadening: processes causing a spectral line to have width
- P Cygni profile: emission-line shape including a blue-shifted absorption feature
- redshift: change to longer wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- blue straggler: see turn-off point
- open cluster: group of stars within a galaxy apparently formed by a single cloud
- blue supergiant: see supergiant
- B-type star: star with spectral characteristics of around 10000-30000 K
- blueshift (blue shift): shortening of wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- Doppler shift: wave frequency difference due to relative velocity difference with source
- redshift: change to longer wavelengths due to Doppler effects
- BlueTides: see Astrid simulation
- BMP (binary minor planet): minor planet with another body orbiting it
- BNO (Baksan Neutrino Observatory): Russian underground particle detector
- BNS (binary neutron star): two neutron stars co-orbiting
- BNSC (British National Space Centre): the older name for UKSA
- Bo: see Bologna Catalog of Globular Clusters
- Boötes Field: moderate size survey field
- Boötes I
- Boötes II
- Boötes III
- BOAO (Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory): on Bohyeon Mountain, Korea
- BOAT: brightest of all time
- Bochum: see rare designator prefixes
- Bode designation: see Flamsteed designation
- Bode's law (Titius-Bode law): relationship between the distances between solar system planets
- body (astronomical object): planet, star, galaxy, etc.
- BOE (Butcher-Oemler effect): observation of more blue galaxies at z > 0.3
- Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics: Ukrainian research institute
- Bohr model: has electrons circling nucleus in quantized orbits
- Bohr model of the atom (Bohr model): has electrons circling nucleus in quantized orbits
- Bohr radius: see Bohr model
- Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory: on Bohyeon Mountain, Korea
- boil off: see Jeans escape
- Bok: see rare designator prefixes
- Bok 2.3m Telescope: see Kitt Peak National Observatory
- Bok globule: dense molecular cloud
- Bok Telescope
- Bol (Bologna Catalog of Globular Clusters): catalog of globular clusters in M31
- Bol'shoi Teleskop Azimultal'nyi (Large Altazimuth Telescope): 6-meter reflector telescope in Russia
- bolide: see meteoroid
- Bolocam: see Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- Bologna Catalog of Globular Clusters: catalog of globular clusters in M31
- Bologna Sky Survey (Bologna Survey of Radio Sources): 1970s-1980s radio survey
- Bologna Survey (Bologna Survey of Radio Sources): 1970s-1980s radio survey
- Bologna Survey of Radio Sources: 1970s-1980s radio survey
- bolometer: instrument measuring heat produced by radiation
- GISMO: 2 mm bolometer camera on IRAM 30 m telescope
- MUSTANG: bolometer array on the Green Bank Telescope
- SCUBA: submillimeter instrument on James Clark Maxwell Telescope
- bolometers
- ACBAR: instrument used in a CMB survey
- bolometric
- bolometer: instrument measuring heat produced by radiation
- bolometric correction: difference between an object's bolometric and visual magnitudes
- bolometric luminosity: total luminosity of an object at all wavelengths
- bolometric magnitude: absolute magnitude of all wavelengths
- Bolshoi simulation: cosmological simulation
- Boltzmann code: see CMBFAST
- Boltzmann constant: relates particle energy and temperature
- Boltzmann distribution
- Boltzmann equation: equation relating atomic excitation to temperature
- Boltzmann equation (Boltzmann transport equation): equation for evolving distribution of gas particles
- Boltzmann factor: see Boltzmann equation
- Boltzmann relation (Boltzmann equation): equation relating atomic excitation to temperature
- Boltzmann solver: see CMBFAST
- Boltzmann transport equation: equation for evolving distribution of gas particles
- Bond: see rare designator prefixes
- bond
- Bond albedo: see albedo
- Bondi accretion
- Bondi radius: radius within which a body moving through a medium will draw it in
- Bondi radius: radius within which a body moving through a medium will draw it in
- Bondi-Hoyle accretion
- Bondi radius: radius within which a body moving through a medium will draw it in
- Bondi-Hoyle radius (Bondi radius): radius within which a body moving through a medium will draw it in
- Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion
- Bondi radius: radius within which a body moving through a medium will draw it in
- Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton radius (Bondi radius): radius within which a body moving through a medium will draw it in
- bone
- filament: linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- Bonner Durchmusterung Catalog: well-known astrometric catalog from late 1800s
- BOOM01: see BOOMERanG
- BOOM05: see BOOMERanG
- BOOMERanG: 1990s-2000s balloon-borne 1.3-meter millimeter telescope
- BOOMERanG 2005: see BOOMERanG
- Borexino: European underground neutrino observatory
- BoRG: see rare designator prefixes
- born again star: see asymptotic giant branch
- Boron Solar Neutrino Experiment (Borexino): European underground neutrino observatory
- Bose-Einstein condensate: rare state of matter possible at cryogenic temperatures
- Bose-Einstein distribution (Bose-Einstein statistics): possible distribution of particles not bound by Pauli exclusion
- Bose-Einstein statistics: possible distribution of particles not bound by Pauli exclusion
- boson: see particle
- boson star: see exotic star
- BOSS (Backyard Observatory Supernova Search): ongoing amateur supernova discovery effort
- BOSS (Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey): survey of spatial distribution of luminous red galaxies and quasars
- Boss General Catalog: 1936 catalog of 30,000 stars
- BOSS Spectrograph: see Sloan 2.5m Telescope
- bottom: see flavor
- bottom quark: see particle
- bottom quark: see quark
- bottom up model: see galaxy formation
- Bouguer anomaly: gravity's local variation after compensating for altitude and landforms
- Bouguer correction: see Bouguer anomaly
- Bouguer reduction: see Bouguer anomaly
- bouncing barrier: the problem that the seeds of planets would rebound rather than merge
- bouncing barrier: see meter size barrier
- barrier: challenging issue regarding planet formation
- bound GMC: see giant molecular cloud
- bound-bound
- bound-free
- boundary condition
- bow shock: shock wave of a magnetosphere through the surrounding medium
- Boyajian's Star (KIC 8462852): star with unusual variations
- Boyden Observatory 1.5 m telescope
- Boyle's law
- BP Crucis
- BP process (Blandford-Payne mechanism): means of by which an accretion disk can power a jet
- Bp star: see Ap star
- Bp-Ap: see chemically peculiar star
- BP/RP: see Gaia
- BPASS: evolution and population synthesis code for binary stars
- BPI: see rare designator prefixes
- BPM (Bruce Proper Motion Survey): 1941 southern-hemisphere survey catalog of Luyten's
- BPM: see rare designator prefixes
- BPMA: see rare designator prefixes
- BPS: see HK Survey
- BPS: see stellar population synthesis
- BPT diagram: diagram comparing emission-line ratios for characterizing ionization
- BR: see rare designator prefixes
- bracket abundance notation (bracket notation): notation for a comparison of an abundance ratio with that of the Sun
- bracket notation: notation for a comparison of an abundance ratio with that of the Sun
- Brackett
- Brackett series: hydrogen lines for electrons settling from n > 4 to n = 4
- hydrogen: most prominent element, atomic number 1
- Bradley: see rare designator prefixes
- braking index: see pulsar characteristic age
- braking radiation (bremsstrahlung): photon emission when a charged particle is decelerated
- BRAN: see rare designator prefixes
- brane: mathematical object with dimensions
- brane cosmology: see brane
- brane world cosmology: see brane
- Brazil
- BRC: see rare designator prefixes
- break-up velocity: see stellar rotation
- breaking a degeneracy: see degeneracy
- breaking atmospheric wave
- Breakthrough Initiatives
- Breakthrough Listen: SETI survey using GBT and Parkes Observatory
- Breakthrough Starshot (Starshot): plan for mission to fly by Alpha Centauri
- bremsstrahlung: photon emission when a charged particle is decelerated
- bremsstrahlung cooling: see thermal bremsstrahlung
- bremsstrahlung self-absorption: see thermal bremsstrahlung
- Brey: see rare designator prefixes
- Brh: see rare designator prefixes
- BRI: see rare designator prefixes
- bright giant: see giant star
- bright nebula: cloud that gives off or reflects light
- bright star
- Achernar: ninth-brightest star in the sky
- Alpha Centauri: nearest star system
- Arcturus: fourth brightest star in the sky
- Beta Centauri: second brightest star in Centaurus
- Betelgeuse: second brightest star in constellation Orion
- Canopus: second brightest star in the sky
- Capella: brightest star in Auriga
- Epsilon Eridani: third nearest visible star system in sky
- Procyon: brightest star in Canis Minor
- Rigel: brightest star in constellation Orion
- Sirius: brightest star in the sky
- Vega: brightest star in constellation Lyra
- Bright Star Catalog: early 20th century catalog of 9000 stars
- bright supergiant: see supergiant
- Bright Target Explorer Constellation (BRITE-Constellation): five small satellite telescopes observing stars
- brightest cluster galaxy: a cluster's most luminous galaxy
- brightest star
- brightness (intensity): power reaching a surface from a specific source
- brightness temperature: temperature of an equivalent black body in terms of spectral radiance
- BRITE-Austria: see BRITE-Constellation
- BRITE-Constellation: five small satellite telescopes observing stars
- BRITE-Heweliusz: see BRITE-Constellation
- BRITE-Lem: see BRITE-Constellation
- BRITE-Montreal: see BRITE-Constellation
- BRITE-Toronto: see BRITE-Constellation
- British
- British Astronomical Association: amateur astronomer organization
- British Columbia
- British Interplanetary Society: space-exploration/research advocacy organization
- British National Space Centre: the older name for UKSA
- broad band: see passband
- broad band filter: see passband
- broad band photometry: see photometry
- Broad Band X-Ray Telescope: 1990s Astro-1 Space Shuttle X-ray telescope
- broad emission-line region (broad line region): AGN region producing broader lines
- Broad Lateral Non-imaging Cherenkov Array
- CASA-MIA: 1990s cosmic-ray detector in Utah
- broad line
- broad line AGN
- broad line region: AGN region producing broader lines
- broad-line radio galaxy: see radio galaxy
- broadband: see bandwidth
- broadening (line broadening): processes causing a spectral line to have width
- broadening function
- brown dwarf: star-like object with less mass than a star
- brown dwarfs
- Brown noise (red noise): noise tending toward lower frequencies
- Brownian motion
- red noise: noise tending toward lower frequencies
- Brownian noise (red noise): noise tending toward lower frequencies
- BRS: see double star designation
- BrsO: see double star designation
- BRT: see double star designation
- Bruce Proper Motion Survey: 1941 southern-hemisphere survey catalog of Luyten's
- Brun: see rare designator prefixes
- Brunt-Väisälä frequency: natural frequency of buoyancy waves
- brute force: see numerical methods
- BS (Bright Star Catalog): early 20th century catalog of 9000 stars
- BS: see NIRCam
- BS: see turn-off point
- open cluster: group of stars within a galaxy apparently formed by a single cloud
- BSC: see Bright Star Catalog
- BSD: see rare designator prefixes
- BSDL: see rare designator prefixes
- BSE: a code to model the evolution of a binary star system
- BSE (bulk silicate earth): the early overall composition of the silicate part of Earth
- BSG: see supergiant
- BSHORT: see NIRCam
- BSM: see bulk silicate earth
- BSMBH (binary SMBH): co-orbiting supermassive black holes
- BSO: see double star designation
- BSO: see rare designator prefixes
- BSS: see Catalina Sky Survey
- BSS: see turn-off point
- open cluster: group of stars within a galaxy apparently formed by a single cloud
- BT-Settl: model atmosphere of small stars and brown dwarfs
- BTA-6 (Large Altazimuth Telescope): 6-meter reflector telescope in Russia
- BTE (Boltzmann transport equation): equation for evolving distribution of gas particles
- BTFR: see Tully-Fisher relation
- BTU: see energy
- Btz: see rare designator prefixes
- BU: see Burnham Double Star Catalogue
- bubble: see shell
- bubble chamber
- buckminsterfullerene: see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
- bucky ball: see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
- bulge: denser group of stars within a larger group
- bulk: see brane
- bulk atmosphere: see atmosphere
- bulk density: total mass divided by total volume
- bulk metallicity
- bulk modulus: see sound speed
- bulk planetary atmosphere: see atmosphere
- bulk silicate earth: the early overall composition of the silicate part of Earth
- bulk silicate Mars: see bulk silicate earth
- Bullet Cluster: two galaxy clusters that are colliding
- dark matter: matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters suggested by their gravity
- Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society: US professional organization's journal of record
- bump: see superluminous supernova
- bumpy Kerr metric
- buoyancy frequency (Brunt-Väisälä frequency): natural frequency of buoyancy waves
- BUP: see rare designator prefixes
- Burnham: see Burnham Double Star Catalogue
- Burnham Double Star Catalogue: 1906 catalog with multiple star systems and non-orbiting double stars
- burning: see fusion
- burst (gravitational-wave memory): adjusted space-geometry following incomplete gravitational wave cycle
- Burst and All Sky Imaging Survey: late 1990s GRB-observer satellite proposal
- Burst Array Telescope: see BASS
- burst gravitational wave: see gravitational-wave memory
- BUSS: 1970s balloon-based ultraviolet astronomy mission
- BUST: see Baksan Neutrino Observatory
- Butcher-Oemler effect: observation of more blue galaxies at z > 0.3
- BV: see rare designator prefixes
- BVD: see rare designator prefixes
- BVIT: see Southern African Large Telescope
- BWE (Becker, White, and Edwards Catalog): 1990s radio catalog from a Green Bank 300ft Telescope survey
- BY: see variable star
- BY Draconis star: see variable star
- BY Draconis variable: see variable star
- BYORP: see Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack effect
- Byurakan Observatory
- BZ: see Roma-BZCAT
- BZ process (Blandford-Znajek mechanism): means of extracting BH rotational energy by magnetized accretion disk
- BZB: see Roma-BZCAT
- BzK: see rare designator prefixes
- BZQ: see Roma-BZCAT
- BZU: see Roma-BZCAT
- B[e] star: see Be star