Astrophysics (Index)About

spectrum binary

(composite-spectrum binary)
(binary star detectable because its spectrum looks like that of two stars)

A spectrum binary is a binary star system which appears to be a single star since observation (generally) does not resolve it into separate light sources, but its spectrum looks like the blended spectra of two stars. The term indicates one of a number binary-star classes based upon how the star is determined to be binary. Others:

(The term spectroscopic binary is used for a star that has a discernible spectral line showing a varying Doppler shift due to its orbit with a binary companion.)

(star type,binary star type,spectrography)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
astrometric binary
binary star
eclipsing binary (E)
spectroscopic binary (SB)
symbiotic binary (SS)
visual binary
