Term Index (V)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter V.
- V: photometric filter for visible light
- V (main sequence star): star burning hydrogen into helium in its center
- V: see Stokes parameters
- V: see Vela
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- titanium: metal, Ti, atomic number 22
- UVJ diagram: diagram to identify star formation in distant galaxies
- v: see u-v plane
- V band (V): photometric filter for visible light
- V filter: see V
- V Zw: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- Víctor M. Blanco Telescope: 4 meter reflector telescope in Chile
- V-band: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- V1032 Centauri (PDS 70): T-Tauri star with protoplanetary disk and protoplanet
- V1216 Sagittarii (Ross 154): nearby red dwarf
- V1216 Sgr (Ross 154): nearby red dwarf
- V1400 Centauri (J1407): star eclipsed by a body with a ring system
- V1687 Cyg (WR 140): Wolf-Rayet star that produces much dust
- V339 Del (V339 Delphini): 2013 nova showing lithium synthesis
- V339 Delphini: 2013 nova showing lithium synthesis
- V509 Cassiopeiae
- Ve (escape velocity): minimal velocity that allows something to overcome a body's gravity
- Vmax: see volume weighting
- VA: see rare designator prefixes
- vacuum: see false vacuum
- vacuum decay: see Big Crunch
- vacuum energy: see ground state
- dark energy: energy theorized to accelerate the expansion of the universe
- Vainu Bappu Observatory: observatory in southern India
- Vainu Bappu Telescope: see Vainu Bappu Observatory
- valley of beta stability: set of isotopes not prone to beta decay
- valley of stability (valley of beta stability): set of isotopes not prone to beta decay
- VAMPIRES: see Subaru Telescope
- Van Allen belts: regions of energetic charged particles surrounding Earth
- aurora: light produced by atmosphere and solar wind
- radiation belt: regions of energetic charged particles surrounding a planet
- Van Allen radiation belts (Van Allen belts): regions of energetic charged particles surrounding Earth
- Van Biesbroeck: see rare designator prefixes
- van Bueren: see rare designator prefixes
- van Cittert-Zernike theorem: interferometer-visibilities equal the Fourier transform of the source
- u-v plane: plane for displaying Fourier transforms of signal from the sky
- visibility: mathematical representation of interferometer's view
- van den Bergh: see Van Den Bergh Reflection Nebula Catalog
- van den Bergh galaxy classification: galaxy classification variant including luminosity
- van den Bergh luminosity classification: see van den Bergh galaxy classification
- Van Den Bergh Reflection Nebula Catalog: catalog of reflection nebulae found in POSS plates
- Van den Bergh-Hagen: see rare designator prefixes
- van der Waals force
- vanadium
- vanadium oxide
- vapor pressure
- Var: see luminous blue variable
- Var: see rare designator prefixes
- variable (variable star): star that varies in magnitude
- variable star: star that varies in magnitude
- variable star designation: Bayer system variant for variable stars
- Variable Star Observers League in Japan: amateur variable star group
- variable stars
- variable type
- Variables and Slow Transients: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- Varuna
- Kuiper Belt: further part of solar system beyond Neptune
- VAST: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope
- VBO (Vainu Bappu Observatory): observatory in southern India
- VBRC: see rare designator prefixes
- VBSDC: see New Horizons
- VBT: see Vainu Bappu Observatory
- vC-Z theorem (van Cittert-Zernike theorem): interferometer-visibilities equal the Fourier transform of the source
- VCC (Virgo Cluster Catalog): 1980s catalog of 2000 galaxies
- VCF: see Local Group
- VCV: see rare designator prefixes
- VD: see rare designator prefixes
- vdB (Van Den Bergh Reflection Nebula Catalog): catalog of reflection nebulae found in POSS plates
- vdB 130
- VdB-H: see rare designator prefixes
- vdB-Ha: see rare designator prefixes
- vdBH: see rare designator prefixes
- VdS (Vereinigung der Sternfreunde): German amateur astronomy association
- Ve: see rare designator prefixes
- vector analysis
- analytical methods: using solved equations rather than a lot of arithmetic
- vortex: fluid region where the flow is spinning
- vector calculus: see mathematical field
- vector field: see mathematical field
- VEEGA (Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist): interplanetary method of Galileo spacecraft
- Vega: brightest star in constellation Lyra
- Vega magnitude system (Vega system): magnitude calibration such that Vega has zero magnitude
- Vega system: magnitude calibration such that Vega has zero magnitude
- VEGAS: see Green Bank Telescope
- vegetation red edge: wavelength cut-off point in the reflectivity of typical plants
- vegetation signature: see biosignature
- Vela: 1960s military satellites to detect nuclear tests
- Vela Supercluster
- Vela supernova remnant: nearby supernova remnant
- VELC: see Aditya-L1
- Velikhov-Chandrasekhar Instability (magnetorotational instability): instability in the fluid of a disk from MHD effects
- VeLLO (very low luminosity object): term sometimes used for protostars with luminosity less than 0.1 solar
- Veloce: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- velocimetry: see radial velocity
- velocity dispersion: statistical dispersion of velocities of a group of objects
- velocity field
- vortensity: ratio of vorticity to surface mass-density
- vortex: fluid region where the flow is spinning
- velocity kick: substantial acceleration from a supernova
- velocity orientation-space: space with one dimension of RV and two dimensions of orientation
- velocity-metallicity relation: higher stellar velocity correlates with lower metallicity
- VenSAR: see EnVision
- VenSpec-H: see EnVision
- VenSpec-M: see EnVision
- VenSpec-U: see EnVision
- Venus: second inner-most planet in the solar system
- Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy (VERITAS): planned NASA Venus orbiter
- Venus Express: Venus probe launched by ESA in 2005
- Venus Orbiting Imaging Radar: 1980s plan for Venus probe to map the surface
- Venus Radar Mapper (Magellan): 1980s/1990s Venus probe
- Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist: interplanetary method of Galileo spacecraft
- VERA: VLBI project to map the Milky Way
- VeRa: see Venus Express
- Veray C. Rubin Observatory (Rubin Observatory): 8-meter survey reflector telescope under construction in Chile
- Vereinigung der Sternfreunde: German amateur astronomy association
- verification by multiplicity: see Kepler Telescope
- VERITAS: ground gamma ray telescope array in Arizona
- VERITAS: planned NASA Venus orbiter
- vernal equinox: see equinox
- vernal point: see equinox
- vertical epicyclic frequency: see epicyclic frequency
- vertical gradient: see gradient
- vertical metallicity gradient: see metallicity gradient
- vertical optical depth: see optical depth
- vertical oscillation frequency: see spiral galaxy
- vertical scale height: see scale height
- vertical temperature profile (atmospheric temperature profile): the atmosphere's temperature by altitude
- Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS): ground gamma ray telescope array in Arizona
- very high energy
- very high frequency
- Very Large Array: radio telescope in New Mexico
- Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS): ongoing all-sky radio survey
- Very Large Telescope (European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope): four 8.2-meter optical telescopes in Chile that can act together
- Very Large Telescope Interferometer: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- very late thermal pulse: see thermal pulse
- post-AGB star: stellar-evolution phase between AGB and white dwarf
- very light dark matter: see sub-GeV dark matter
- Very Long Baseline Array: radio interferometer stretching 8000 km
- very low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 kHz
- very low luminosity object: term sometimes used for protostars with luminosity less than 0.1 solar
- very low mass: abbreviation
- very low mass star: see low mass star
- Very Small Array: radio interferometer in Canary Islands
- very small grains: dust grains of just a few molecules
- very-high energy cosmic rays: see cosmic rays
- very-high-energy (VHE): 100 GeV or more
- very-high-energy gamma ray
- very-high-energy gamma rays: energetic gamma rays with 100 GeV to 100 TeV photon energy
- very-long-baseline interferometry: interferometry based upon storing timing data at each telescope
- VES: see rare designator prefixes
- Vesta: see asteroid
- asteroid family: set of asteroids based on similar orbits
- Dawn: explorer spacecraft sent to asteroids Vesta and Ceres
- protoplanet: simplest, least-developed object classified as a planet
- Vetenskapsrådet: Swedish research council
- Vetesnik: see rare designator prefixes
- VFTS (VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey): VLT spectroscopic survey of massive stars
- VHE: 100 GeV or more
- VHE cosmic rays: see cosmic rays
- VHE gamma ray
- VHECR: see cosmic rays
- VHEGR (very-high-energy gamma rays): energetic gamma rays with 100 GeV to 100 TeV photon energy
- VHM: see Ulysses
- VHS: see VISTA
- VI (subdwarf): star less bright than the main sequence given its spectral class
- VI Zw: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- Victor M. Blanco Telescope
- Dark Energy Survey: survey aimed at mapping the universe's expansion
- DECaLS: survey imaging part of SDSS footprint with DECam
- VII Zw: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- VIII Zw: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- VIK: see VISTA
- Viking
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- Villanova White Dwarf Catalog: ongoing catalog of white dwarfs
- VIMOS: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey: spectrographic redshift survey of 80,000 galaxies
- VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: spectroscopic survey of 100,000 high-redshift galaxies
- VIMS: see Cassini
- VINCI: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- violent migration: see planetary migration
- violet noise: see red noise
- Viper: see ACBAR
- VIPERS (VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey): spectrographic redshift survey of 80,000 galaxies
- VIR: see Dawn
- UltraVISTA: near infrared survey using VISTA telescope
- VIRGO: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- Virgo: ground-based gravitational-wave detector in Italy
- Virgo A (M87): supergiant elliptical galaxy in local universe
- Virgo Cluster: nearby large galaxy cluster
- Virgo Cluster Catalog: 1980s catalog of 2000 galaxies
- Virgo Detector (Virgo): ground-based gravitational-wave detector in Italy
- Virgo I
- Virgo SC (Virgo Supercluster): supercluster including the Local Group
- Virgo Stellar Stream: stellar stream wrapping around the Milky Way
- Virgo Stream (Virgo Stellar Stream): stellar stream wrapping around the Milky Way
- Virgo Supercluster: supercluster including the Local Group
- Virgo X-1 (M87): supergiant elliptical galaxy in local universe
- Virgocentric flow: see Local Group
- Virgocentric peculiar velocity: see Local Group
- virial length: see virial theorem
- virial mass: see virial theorem
- virial parameter: calculated quantity showing whether a cloud is gravitationally bound
- virial radius: see virial theorem
- virial scale: see virial theorem
- virial temperature: see virial theorem
- virial theorem: average kinetic energy equals half the average negative potential energy
- VIRMOS: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- VIRMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey): spectroscopic survey of 100,000 high-redshift galaxies
- VIRTIS: see Rosetta
- VIRTIS: see Venus Express
- virtual black hole: see black hole
- virtual image: see real image
- Virtual Meteor Observatory: online database of meteors
- virtual observatory: online database of astronomical data
- virtual particle: see quantum fluctuations
- Virtual Planetary Laboratory: U Washington group for astrobiology/exoplanet research
- VIRUS: see Hobby-Eberly Telescope
- VIS: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- VIS: see Euclid
- viscosity: see viscous dissipation
- viscous dissipation: fluid KE converted to heat due to viscosity
- viscous forces
- Reynolds number: measure reflecting a fluid system's propensity to turbulence
- visibility: mathematical representation of interferometer's view
- Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA): 4.1-meter telescope in Paranal Observatory in Chile
- Visible Integral-field Replicable Unit Spectrographs: see HETDEX
- visible jet: see jet
- visible light: electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can sense
- visible universe: see observable universe
- visible window: see atmospheric window
- VisieR: online astronomical catalog contents/data
- VISIR: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- VISTA: 4.1-meter telescope in Paranal Observatory in Chile
- VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations Survey: see VISTA
- VISTA Hemispheric Survey: see VISTA
- VISTA Kilodegree Infrared Galaxy Survey: see VISTA
- VISTA Magellanic Survey: see VISTA
- VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea Survey: see VISTA
- visual
- V: photometric filter for visible light
- visual binary: binary star system in which both stars can be seen
- visual double (double star): two stars close together in the sky
- visual grouping: see asterism
- visual magnitude: see magnitude
- visualization
- VLA (Very Large Array): radio telescope in New Mexico
- VLA jet: see jet
- Vlasov equation: see Vlasov-Poisson equation
- Vlasov simulation: see Vlasov-Poisson equation
- Vlasov solver: see Vlasov-Poisson equation
- Vlasov-Maxwell equation: see Vlasov-Poisson equation
- Vlasov-Poisson equation: equation describing plasma ignoring the magnetic field
- Vlasov-Poisson system: see Vlasov-Poisson equation
- VLASS: ongoing all-sky radio survey
- VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array): radio interferometer stretching 8000 km
- VLBI (very-long-baseline interferometry): interferometry based upon storing timing data at each telescope
- VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA): VLBI project to map the Milky Way
- VLBI jet: see jet
- VLBI Space Observatory Program: see HALCA
- VLF (very low frequency): electromagnetic radiation, frequency 3-30 kHz
- VLM (very low mass): abbreviation
- VLT (European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope): four 8.2-meter optical telescopes in Chile that can act together
- VLT Survey Telescope: survey telescope located at the VLT site
- VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey: VLT spectroscopic survey of massive stars
- VLT-SPHERE (SPHERE): VLT instrument for imaging exoplanets
- VLTI: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- VLTP: see thermal pulse
- post-AGB star: stellar-evolution phase between AGB and white dwarf
- VMC: see Mars Express
- VMC: see VISTA
- VMC: see Venus Express
- VMO (Virtual Meteor Observatory): online database of meteors
- VMR: see rare designator prefixes
- VO (virtual observatory): online database of astronomical data
- Vogt-Russell theorem: proposition that a star's structure depends on its mass and makeup
- void: empty spaces between large scale structures
- void filament: see void galaxy
- void fraction (porosity): fraction of the volume of solid material that is open or void
- void galaxy: galaxy within a void
- voids
- Voigt function
- Voigt profile: mathematical shape that models spectral lines
- VOIR (Venus Orbiting Imaging Radar): 1980s plan for Venus probe to map the surface
- volatile (volatile material): material with low condensation temperature
- volatile compound: see volatile material
- volatile element: see volatile material
- volatile material: material with low condensation temperature
- volt
- voltage
- volume phase holographic grating: see grating
- volume pixel: see data cube
- volume pixel: see spaxel
- volume weighting: method of accommodating the Malmquist bias
- volumetric analysis (titration): analyzing a chemical solution by color change
- von Zeipel: see rare designator prefixes
- Vorontsov-Velyaminov planetary nebula type: see planetary nebula
- vortensity: ratio of vorticity to surface mass-density
- vortex: fluid region where the flow is spinning
- vorticity: see vortex
- vortensity: ratio of vorticity to surface mass-density
- VOU: see double star designation
- voxel: see data cube
- voxel: see spaxel
- Voyager: space probes to observe planets and the edge of the solar system
- Ganymede: well-known Jupiter moon
- heliopause: boundary between solar wind and the interstellar medium
- Io: well-known Jupiter moon
- Saturn: second largest planet in the solar system
- Voyager 1: see Voyager
- heliosheath: outer layer of the heliosphere beyond its termination shock
- Voyager 2: see Voyager
- Neptune: outer-most solar system planet
- Uranus: second outer-most solar system planet
- VPH grating: see grating
- VPL (Virtual Planetary Laboratory): U Washington group for astrobiology/exoplanet research
- VR theorem (Vogt-Russell theorem): proposition that a star's structure depends on its mass and makeup
- VRE (vegetation red edge): wavelength cut-off point in the reflectivity of typical plants
- VRM (Magellan): 1980s/1990s Venus probe
- VRMF: see rare designator prefixes
- VRO (Rubin Observatory): 8-meter survey reflector telescope under construction in Chile
- VRO: see rare designator prefixes
- VSA (Very Small Array): radio interferometer in Canary Islands
- VSG (very small grains): dust grains of just a few molecules
- VSOLJ (Variable Star Observers League in Japan): amateur variable star group
- VSOP (HALCA): Japanese space radio telescope operating 1997-2005
- VSOP 2: see HALCA
- VSS: see rare designator prefixes
- VSSG: see rare designator prefixes
- VST (VLT Survey Telescope): survey telescope located at the VLT site
- VST Photometric Hα Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane
- VSX (International Variable Star Index): variable star catalog by AAVSO
- VT: see VLASS
- Vulcanoid: see asteroid
- vulcanoid: theoretical asteroid orbiting within Mercury's orbit
- VV (Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies): begun in the 1950s
- VV: see rare designator prefixes
- VV Cephei
- VV Cephei system: see binary star
- VV2000c: see rare designator prefixes
- VVDS (VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey): spectroscopic survey of 100,000 high-redshift galaxies
- VVO: see rare designator prefixes
- VVV: see VISTA
- Vy: see rare designator prefixes
- VY Canis Majoris: extremely large red hypergiant
- VY CMa (VY Canis Majoris): extremely large red hypergiant
- Vys: see rare designator prefixes