Astrophysics (Index)About


(100 GeV or more)

The adjective VHE (for very-high-energy) is used for gamma rays with rather high energy photons, generally meaning 100 GeV or more, very-high-energy gamma rays (VHEGR). Similarly, the term UHE for ultra-high-energy is used for gamma-ray photon energies beyond 100 TeV, ultra-high-energy gamma rays (UHEGR).

The adjective UHE is also used cosmic rays, but with a higher threshold than for gamma rays (I've seen two different cosmic ray thresholds, but both are higher). I haven't found VHE used for cosmic rays, but it wouldn't surprise me and I wouldn't assume the same threshold.

(physics,gamma rays)
Further reading:

Referenced by pages:
cosmic rays (CR)
ultra-high-energy gamma rays (UHEGR)
very-high-energy gamma rays (VHEGR)
