Term Index (U)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter U.
- U: photometric filter for ultraviolet light
- U: see Stokes parameters
- U: see large quasar group
- U: see rare designator prefixes
- UVJ diagram: diagram to identify star formation in distant galaxies
- u (dalton): mass unit used on atomic scale
- u: see u-v plane
- u: see ugriz photometric system
- U band (U): photometric filter for ultraviolet light
- U filter: see U
- U Geminorum variable: see dwarf nova
- U Geminorum variable: see variable star
- u': see ugriz photometric system
- U-B: see color index
- U-class spacecraft (CubeSat): type of small satellite built around a set of modular parts
- U-Net: neural network software for image reconstruction
- u-v plane: plane for displaying Fourier transforms of signal from the sky
- visibility: mathematical representation of interferometer's view
- U1.27 (Huge-LQG): possible overly-large structure
- UA: see Uppsala General Catalogue
- Hope Probe: UAE Mars orbiter currently studying Mars
- UAI (International Astronomical Union): association of professional astronomers
- UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite): 1990s spacecraft to observe Earth ozone layer
- UB: see rare designator prefixes
- UBV: see rare designator prefixes
- UBV M: see rare designator prefixes
- UBV photometric system: commonly-cited photometric system for describing stars' colors
- UBVI photometric system: see UBV photometric system
- UBVRI photometric system: see UBV photometric system
- ubvy98: see rare designator prefixes
- UC Santa Cruz
- UCA (USNO Twin Astrograph): USNO astrograph deployed in 1970
- UCAC (USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog): USNO star catalog including proper motions
- UCAC-1: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- UCAC-2: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- UCAC-3: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- UCAC-4: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- UCAC-5: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- UCD: see dwarf galaxy classification
- UCHII: see HII region
- UCL: see Scorpius-Centaurus Association
- UCLCHEM: code to simulate the chemical reactions due to heat
- UCLCHEM: code to simulate the chemical reactions due to heat
- UCLES: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- UCM: see rare designator prefixes
- UCOMP: see Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- UCSD Cosmic X-ray Experiment: see OSO 7
- UCSD Hard Solar X-ray Monitoring Instrument: see OSO 7
- UDF: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- UDFj: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- UDFy: see Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
- UDG (ultra diffuse galaxy): a galaxy with extremely low luminosity
- NGC 1052: elliptical galaxy with ultra diffuse dwarf satellites
- UDS: see Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey
- UDS field: see UKIDSS
- UESAC (Uppsala-ESO Survey of Asteroids and Comets): 1990s comet and asteroid survey
- UF: "ultra faint"
- UFD (ultra-faint dwarf galaxy): recently discovered faint dwarf galaxies in the Local Group
- UFO (ultra-fast outflow): characteristic of some AGNs
- UFO (unidentified flying object): reported but unexplained observation
- UFT: see Theory of Everything
- UFTI: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- UG: see dwarf nova
- UG: see variable star
- UG SS Cygni variable: see dwarf nova
- UG SU Ursae Majoris: see dwarf nova
- UG WZ Sagittae: see dwarf nova
- UG Z Camelopardalis: see dwarf nova
- UGC (Uppsala General Catalogue): 1973 catalog of galaxies visible from northern hemisphere
- UGC 7654 (M87): supergiant elliptical galaxy in local universe
- UGCA: see Uppsala General Catalogue
- UGCG (Uppsala General Catalogue): 1973 catalog of galaxies visible from northern hemisphere
- UGP: see rare designator prefixes
- ugriz photometric system: photometric system used for SDSS
- ugriz': see ugriz photometric system
- UGSS: see dwarf nova
- UGSU: see dwarf nova
- UGWZ: see dwarf nova
- UGZ: see dwarf nova
- UH Hilo Hoku Ke'a: see Mauna Kea Observatories
- Mauna Kea: Hawaiian mountain, the site of observatories
- UH88: see Mauna Kea Observatories
- UHE: see VHE
- UHE cosmic rays: see cosmic rays
- UHE gamma ray
- UHECR: see cosmic rays
- UHEGR (ultra-high-energy gamma rays): energetic gamma rays with more than 100 TeV photon energy
- UHRS: see Anglo-Australian Telescope
- UHS: see rare designator prefixes
- Uhuru: 1970 X-ray space telescope
- UIST: see United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
- UIT (Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope): 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Space Shuttle missions
- UK
- UK Schmidt Southern Sky Survey (UK Schmidt Survey): photographic survey of the southern hemisphere sky
- UK Schmidt Survey: photographic survey of the southern hemisphere sky
- UK Schmidt Telescope: 1.2-meter telescope in Australia with wide field-of-view
- UK Space Agency: UK government agency like NASA
- UKIDSS: five-part infrared survey using UKIRT
- UKIRT (United Kingdom Infrared Telescope): Mauna Kea 3.8 meter infrared telescope
- UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS): five-part infrared survey using UKIRT
- Ukranian
- UKS: see UK Schmidt Telescope
- UKSA (UK Space Agency): UK government agency like NASA
- UKST (UK Schmidt Telescope): 1.2-meter telescope in Australia with wide field-of-view
- ULEIS: see Advanced Composition Explorer
- ULF (ultra low frequency): electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 Hz to 3 kHz
- ULIRG (ultraluminous infrared galaxy): a galaxy emitting a more far infrared than an LIRG
- Ultima Thule: see New Horizons
- Ultimate Spitzer Phase Curve Survey: investigation of exoplanet atmospheres
- Ultimate XSHOOTER legacy survey of quasars at z ~ 5.8 - 6.6 (XQR-30): ESO-VLT quasar survey
- ULTIMATE-Subaru: see Subaru Telescope
- ultra diffuse galaxy: a galaxy with extremely low luminosity
- NGC 1052: elliptical galaxy with ultra diffuse dwarf satellites
- ultra low frequency: electromagnetic radiation, frequency 300 Hz to 3 kHz
- ultra-compact dwarf galaxy: see dwarf galaxy classification
- ultra-cool dwarf (ultracool dwarf): star or brown dwarf cooler than M7 class
- ultra-faint dwarf galaxy: recently discovered faint dwarf galaxies in the Local Group
- ultra-fast outflow: characteristic of some AGNs
- ultra-high energy cosmic rays: see cosmic rays
- CASA-MIA: 1990s cosmic-ray detector in Utah
- ultra-high-energy: see VHE
- ultra-high-energy gamma ray
- ultra-high-energy gamma rays: energetic gamma rays with more than 100 TeV photon energy
- ultra-light axion: see axion
- ultra-stripped SN: see core collapse supernova
- ultra-stripped supernova: see core collapse supernova
- ULTRACAM: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- ultracompact HII region: see HII region
- ultracool dwarf: star or brown dwarf cooler than M7 class
- SPECULOOS: search for Earth-like exoplanets orbiting nearby dim stars
- ultralight dark matter: see sub-GeV dark matter
- ultralight repulsive dark matter: see repulsive dark matter
- Ultralong-Duration Balloon: see GUSTO
- ultraluminous infrared galaxy: a galaxy emitting a more far infrared than an LIRG
- ultraluminous X-ray source: X-ray source with luminosity between a star and an AGN
- ultraluminous X-ray source: see X-ray source
- ultrarelativistic: see relativistic speed
- ultrarelativistic speed: see relativistic speed
- ULTRASAT: future satellite to detect UV transients
- ultraviolet: electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10-400 nm
- ultraviolet astronomy: astronomy observation and analysis of UV
- ultraviolet catastrophe: see Rayleigh-Jeans law
- Ultraviolet Coverage of the Panchromatic Hubble Ultra Deep Field (Ultraviolet Hubble Ultra-Deep Field): ultraviolet data covering the Hubble Ultra Deep Field region of the sky
- Ultraviolet Hubble Ultra-Deep Field: ultraviolet data covering the Hubble Ultra Deep Field region of the sky
- Ultraviolet Imaging of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey Fields (UVCANDELS): UV survey of CANDELS fields
- Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope: 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Space Shuttle missions
- ultraviolet light (ultraviolet): electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10-400 nm
- ultraviolet source: see source
- UltraViolet Spectro-Coronagraph: see UVSC Pathfinder
- UltraViolet Spectro-Coronagraph Pathfinder (UVSC Pathfinder): instrument to observe the Sun
- Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite (ULTRASAT): future satellite to detect UV transients
- UltraVISTA: near infrared survey using VISTA telescope
- VISTA: 4.1-meter telescope in Paranal Observatory in Chile
- ULX (ultraluminous X-ray source): X-ray source with luminosity between a star and an AGN
- ULX: see X-ray source
- Ulysses: space mission to observe the Sun from off the ecliptic
- UM: see rare designator prefixes
- UMa: see rare designator prefixes
- UMa II dSph (Ursa Major II Dwarf): dwarf spheroidal galaxy in the Local Group
- umbrella sampling: method usable in MCMC that avoids some problems
- Umbriel: see Uranus
- moon: a planet's natural satellite, such as Earth's
- unbarred: see bar
- unbarred galaxy
- unbarred lenticular galaxy: see bar
- unbarred spiral galaxy: see bar
- unbound GMC: see giant molecular cloud
- uncertainty principle (Heisenberg uncertainty principle): limit on observable position and momentum of an object
- CHIPS: small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- UNEX-1 (CHIPS): small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- UNH Solar Gamma-ray Monitor: see OSO 7
- Uni-BRITE: see BRITE-Constellation
- unidentified flying object: reported but unexplained observation
- unified atomic mass unit (dalton): mass unit used on atomic scale
- unified field theory: see Theory of Everything
- unified model: single model explaining a number observed types of AGN
- unified model of an AGN: see unified model
- uniform theory of diffraction
- diffraction: an effect of the edge of an obstacle on a wave
- unit
- angstrom: unit of length 10-10 meters
- arcsecond: a 3600th of an angular degree
- astronomical unit: about 93 million miles
- atm: unit of pressure
- dalton: mass unit used on atomic scale
- dex: a number or ratio's log base 10
- electron volt: very small unit of energy
- erg: CGS unit of energy
- foe: unit of energy on the order of a supernova's output
- Gal: gravimetry unit of the effect of a planet's gravity
- gauss: measurement of magnetic field β
- gigayear: a billion years
- jansky: unit of measurement of spectral flux density
- joule: SI unit of energy
- kelvin: unit of temperature scale starting at absolute zero
- light-year: distance that light travels in a year
- Mega-Carrington: 1034 ergs, a million times that of the Carrington Event
- mole: unit roughly the count of hydrogen atoms in a gram
- parsec: about 3.26 light-years
- radian: angle/arc measurement equivalent to 180/π degrees
- Rydberg unit: unit of energy near 13.6 eV
- siemens: SI unit of electrical conductance
- solar luminosity: luminosity unit representing the luminosity of the Sun
- solar mass: mass unit representing the mass of the Sun
- solar neutrino unit: unit for the detection rate of neutrino detectors
- tesla: unit of magnetic flux density
- torr: unit of pressure approximating a millimeter of mercury on Earth
- watt: SI unit of power
- unitarity bound: see Lee-Weinberg bound
- United Arab Emirates
- Hope Probe: UAE Mars orbiter currently studying Mars
- United Kingdom Infrared Telescope: Mauna Kea 3.8 meter infrared telescope
- United States Geological Survey: US government geological division
- United States Naval Observatory (USNO): observatory obtaining astronomical data for Naval use
- United States Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station: see USNO
- United States Space Force: US space-related military organization
- United States Space Surveillance Network: US survey-effort of space objects of interest
- universal gas constant: see ideal gas law
- universal gravitational constant (gravitational constant): indicates how much pull between two masses
- universal time: see time standard
- universe: see observable universe
- Universities Space Research Association: university research collaboration
- University College of London
- UCLCHEM: code to simulate the chemical reactions due to heat
- University of Bonn
- University of California
- University of Cambridge
- University of Chicago
- Kavli Institute: any of a number of science institutes supported by Kavli Foundation
- University of Cologne
- University of Hawaii
- University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy (Institute for Astronomy): U Hawaii astronomy research organization
- University of Heidelberg
- University of Texas Radio Astronomy Observatory
- University of Tokyo
- Kavli Institute: any of a number of science institutes supported by Kavli Foundation
- University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory: observatory for a 6.5-m infrared telescope under construction
- University of Toronto
- University of Tubingen
- University of Washington
- University-Class Explorer
- CHIPS: small satellite to investigate ISM plasma
- Uniview: planetarium software
- unnormalized PDF: see probability density function
- unnormalized PMF: see probability mass function
- unresolved source (point source): celestial object that focuses to a point or single Airy disk
- extended source: term for astronomical object covering some area of the sky
- radio source: astronomical object producing observable radio
- Unruh effect: see Hawking radiation
- Unruh radiation: see Hawking radiation
- unstable isotope: see isotope
- unstable mass transfer: see mass transfer
- unstable region (instability region): region around an object where orbits cannot persist
- up: see flavor
- up quark: see particle
- up quark: see quark
- Updated Zwicky Catalog: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite: 1990s spacecraft to observe Earth ozone layer
- Upper Centaurus-Lupus: see Scorpius-Centaurus Association
- upper mass gap
- upper meridian: see celestial meridian
- upper meridian: see meridian
- Upper Scorpius: see Scorpius-Centaurus Association
- Upper Scorpius OB Association: see Scorpius-Centaurus Association
- Upper-Scorpius OB Association
- Uppsala General Catalogue: 1973 catalog of galaxies visible from northern hemisphere
- Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies (Uppsala General Catalogue): 1973 catalog of galaxies visible from northern hemisphere
- Uppsala-ESO Survey of Asteroids and Comets: 1990s comet and asteroid survey
- UPT: see double star designation
- uranium
- Earth: third solar system planet from the Sun
- Uranometria: see Bayer designation
- Uranus: second outer-most solar system planet
- Uranus Orbiter and Probe: concept for mission to Uranus
- URAP: see Ulysses
- URAT: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- URAT-1: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- Urca process: neutrino-emitting process
- Urca shell: see Urca process
- Urca-process cooling: see Urca process
- Urey: see Rosalind Franklin
- Ursa Major Filament: see galaxy filament
- Ursa Major I Dwarf
- Ursa Major II Dwarf: dwarf spheroidal galaxy in the Local Group
- Ursa Minor Dwarf
- US: see Scorpius-Centaurus Association
- US: see rare designator prefixes
- US Air Force
- LINEAR: survey of near-Earth objects
- US ELT Program: NOIRlab program supporting the TMT and GMT
- US Navy
- USNO: observatory obtaining astronomical data for Naval use
- US Space Force: United States military branch regarding outer space
- US Space Force (United States Space Force): US space-related military organization
- US-ELTP (US ELT Program): NOIRlab program supporting the TMT and GMT
- USA: see ARGOS
- USco: see Scorpius-Centaurus Association
- UScoCTIO (CTIO Upper-Scorpius OB Association Survey): survey of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs
- USGC (UZC-SSRS2 Group Catalog): 2002 catalog of galaxy groups
- USGS (United States Geological Survey): US government geological division
- USNO: observatory obtaining astronomical data for Naval use
- USNO CCD Astrograph (USNO Twin Astrograph): USNO astrograph deployed in 1970
- USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog: USNO star catalog including proper motions
- USNO Robotic Astrometric Telescope: see USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
- USNO Twin Astrograph: USNO astrograph deployed in 1970
- USNO-A: see USNO
- NOMAD: astrometric star catalog
- USNO-B: see USNO
- NOMAD: astrometric star catalog
- USO/RS: see Mars Global Surveyor
- USPCS (Ultimate Spitzer Phase Curve Survey): investigation of exoplanet atmospheres
- USRA (Universities Space Research Association): university research collaboration
- USS: see rare designator prefixes
- USS Sources: catalog of sources with steep spectral index
- USSF (United States Space Force): US space-related military organization
- USSN: see core collapse supernova
- UT: see rare designator prefixes
- UT: see time standard
- UT1 Telescope: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- UT2 Telescope: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- UT3 Telescope: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- UT4 Telescope: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- Utah
- time standard: method of designating points in time and quantifying time periods
- UTMOST: telescope aiming to detect radio transients
- MOST: radio telescope in New South Wales
- MOST: radio telescope in New South Wales
- UV (ultraviolet): electromagnetic radiation, wavelength 10-400 nm
- UV astronomy (ultraviolet astronomy): astronomy observation and analysis of UV
- uv plane (u-v plane): plane for displaying Fourier transforms of signal from the sky
- UV SFR: see star formation rate
- UV source: see source
- UV star formation rate: see star formation rate
- UV, optical, and infrared (UVOIR): a spectral "band name" covering UV, visible light, and IR
- UV-Excess Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane: see IPHAS
- UVA: see ultraviolet
- UVB: see ultraviolet
- uvby photometric system (Strömgren photometric system): four-color photometric system devised in 1950s
- uvby system (Strömgren photometric system): four-color photometric system devised in 1950s
- UVC: see ultraviolet
- UVCANDELS: UV survey of CANDELS fields
- UVCS: see Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- UVES: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- UVIS: see Cassini
- UVIT: see AstroSat
- UVJ diagram: diagram to identify star formation in distant galaxies
- UVOIR: a spectral "band name" covering UV, visible light, and IR
- UVOIR astronomy: see UVOIR
- UVOT: see Swift
- UVOTSSC1: see Swift
- UVS: see Europa Clipper
- UVS: see JUICE
- UVS: see Juno
- UVS: see Voyager
- UVS/EUV: see Galileo
- UVSC: see UVSC Pathfinder
- UVSC Pathfinder: instrument to observe the Sun
- UVSP: see Solar Maximum Mission
- UVUDF (Ultraviolet Hubble Ultra-Deep Field): ultraviolet data covering the Hubble Ultra Deep Field region of the sky
- UWL: see Parkes Observatory
- UX Orionis variable: see pre-main-sequence star
- UXOR: see pre-main-sequence star
- UZC: see Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
- UZC-SSRS2 Group Catalog: 2002 catalog of galaxy groups