Term Index (F)
Astrophysical terms and names of things beginning with the letter F.
- F (F-type star): spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun
- F: see rare designator prefixes
- f (frequency): number of cycles per unit of time, such as waves per second
- F line
- H-beta: hydrogen line for electrons settling from n = 4 to n = 2
- F orbital: see electron orbital
- f(R) gravity: class of modifications to general relativity
- F-class star (F-type star): spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun
- F-D statistics
- f-mode: see asteroseismology
- F-number
- F-stop
- F-type star: spectral class of star a bit hotter than then Sun
- f-value (oscillator strength): fraction expressing QM's contribution to the probability of absorption
- F070LP: see NIRSpec
- F070W: see NIRCam
- F090W: see NIRCam
- F100LP: see NIRSpec
- F110W: see NIRSpec
- F115W: see NIRCam
- F140M: see NIRCam
- F150W: see NIRCam
- F150W2: see NIRCam
- F170LP: see NIRSpec
- F182M: see NIRCam
- F187N: see NIRCam
- F200W: see NIRCam
- F210M: see NIRCam
- F212N: see NIRCam
- F250M: see NIRCam
- F275W
- F277W: see NIRCam
- F290LP: see NIRSpec
- F2M: see rare designator prefixes
- F300M: see NIRCam
- F322W2: see NIRCam
- F355M: see NIRCam
- F356W: see NIRCam
- F360M: see NIRCam
- F410M: see NIRCam
- F430M: see NIRCam
- F444W: see NIRCam
- F460M: see NIRCam
- F480M: see NIRCam
- fsky (Fsky): fraction of the sky, e.g., what a survey covers
- F4: FRB followup project
- F=ma: see Newton's laws
- Faber-Jackson relation: relation between elliptical galaxy luminosity and stellar velocity dispersion
- Fabry-Pérot cavity (Fabry-Pérot interferometer): type of chromatic-dispersing interferometer
- Fabry-Pérot interferometer: type of chromatic-dispersing interferometer
- etalon: two parallel reflective surfaces separating light according to wavelength
- facility
- facula: bright spot on a planet or the Sun
- Fagerholm: see rare designator prefixes
- Fahrenheit
- kelvin: unit of temperature scale starting at absolute zero
- failed
- failed binary: like a binary star but one with less mass than a star
- failed binary system: see failed binary
- failed star
- brown dwarf: star-like object with less mass than a star
- faint blue galaxy: type of galaxy found much more often than expected
- faint blue galaxy problem
- Faint Images of Radio Sky at Twenty Centimeters
- USS Sources: catalog of sources with steep spectral index
- Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST): 1990s radio survey
- Faint Infrared Grism Survey: survey to identify redshift of distant galaxies
- faint young Sun paradox: Earth had liquid water when it should have been too cold
- Fairall (Fairall Galaxy List): 1977 list of galaxies with bright nuclei
- Fairall Galaxy List: 1977 list of galaxies with bright nuclei
- Fairborn Observatory
- fallback supernova: see core collapse supernova
- falling evaporating body: icy planet/planetoid evaporating due to stellar wind
- false vacuum: apparent QFT vacuum
- false vacuum decay: see Big Crunch
- FAME (Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer): early 2000s proposal for an astrometric space telescope
- Fanaroff-Riley classification: a classification of the radio characteristics of radio sources
- far infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 30-450 μm range
- Far Infrared and Submillimetre Telescope: see Herschel Space Observatory
- Far Infrared Spectroscopy Space Telescope (FIRSST): plan for a future far-infrared space telescope
- far ultraviolet: see ultraviolet
- Far Ultraviolet Space Telescope (FAUST): 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Space Shuttle missions
- Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer: early 2000s space telescope for short-wavelength ultraviolet
- far-infrared astronomy
- far infrared: infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 30-450 μm range
- far-IR (far infrared): infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 30-450 μm range
- Faraday effect (Faraday rotation): rotation of optical polarization by a medium in a magnetic field
- Faraday rotation: rotation of optical polarization by a medium in a magnetic field
- Faraday tomography: see tomography
- Farnese Atlas: see Hipparchus
- FARSIDE: concept for a low-frequency radio telescope on the far side of the Moon
- FarView: concept for a low-frequency radio telescope on the far side of the Moon
- Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark Ages and Exoplanets (FARSIDE): concept for a low-frequency radio telescope on the far side of the Moon
- FarView: concept for a low-frequency radio telescope on the far side of the Moon
- FARSIDE: concept for a low-frequency radio telescope on the far side of the Moon
- FAST: Arecibo-like 500 m telescope in China
- Fast and Fortunate for FRB Follow-up (F4): FRB followup project
- fast blue optical transient: optical transient with rise time under five days
- fast folding algorithm: algorithm to find the periods of periodic data
- fast Fourier transform: efficient algorithm for calculating a discrete Fourier transform
- Fast Fourier Transform Telescope: proposed all-digital telescope with synthetic aperture
- Fast Infrared Exoplanet Spectroscopy Survey Explorer (FINESSE): planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- fast moving object: see near-Earth object
- Fast On-orbit Rapit Recording of Transient Events: satellite viewing radio and optical transients on Earth
- fast optical burst: see fast radio burst
- fast radio burst: astronomical high energy radio pulses of a few milliseconds
- fast radio bursts
- fast radio transient (fast radio burst): astronomical high energy radio pulses of a few milliseconds
- fast radio transients
- STARE: array of radio telescopes monitoring radio transients
- fast rise exponential decay GRB: see gamma-ray burst
- fast shock: see shock wave
- fast-spinning Earth model: see Moon formation
- Fastest Fourier Transform in the West: code library implementing efficient FFT
- FastPDI: see Subaru Telescope
- Faulkes Telescope North
- FAUST: 1990s ultraviolet space telescope used on two Space Shuttle missions
- FBG (faint blue galaxy): type of galaxy found much more often than expected
- FBOT (fast blue optical transient): optical transient with rise time under five days
- FBS: see Second Byurakan Survey
- FC: see Dawn
- FCC: see rare designator prefixes
- FCRAO (Five College Radio Astronomical Observatory): former observatory near Springfield MA
- FDM (finite difference method): means of estimating calculus and differential equation solutions
- FDM (fuzzy dark matter): concept of extremely light dark matter particles
- FDM: see dark matter
- Fe (iron): metal, Fe, atomic number 26
- Fe XXVI: see iron
- Fe XXVII: see iron
- ion: non-neutral atom or molecule, with missing or extra electrons
- FE1: see Fly's Eye
- FE2: see Fly's Eye
- FEA (finite element method): computational method for PDEs suited to physical problems
- feature (spectral feature): recognizable feature of a spectrum
- FEB (falling evaporating body): icy planet/planetoid evaporating due to stellar wind
- feedback (star formation feedback): mechanisms whereby star formation regulates its own rate
- Feedback in Realistic Environments (FIRE Simulations): high resolution simulation of galaxies
- feedhorn: feature of microwave receivers
- feedhorn array: see feedhorn
- feedhorn array: see focal plane array
- FEEPS: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Feige: see rare designator prefixes
- feldspar
- basalt: an igneous rock type that shows rapid cooling
- FEM (finite element method): computational method for PDEs suited to physical problems
- Fenton Hill Observatory: New Mexico GRB-oriented astronomical observatory
- Milagro: gamma ray telescope using Cherenkov radiation
- RAPTOR: automated array of telescopes to uncover and track transients
- Fermi: satellite for studying gamma rays
- Fermi bubbles: gamma-ray features associated with Milky Way center
- Fermi bubbles: gamma-ray features associated with Milky Way center
- Fermi energy: see Fermi sea
- Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi): satellite for studying gamma rays
- Fermi level: see Fermi sea
- Fermi problem: see back-of-the-envelope calculation
- Fermi sea: atom's minimal-energy electrons filling its lower shells
- Fermi surface: see Fermi sea
- Fermi-Dirac distribution
- Fermi-Dirac statistics
- Fermi-LAT: see Fermi
- fermion: see particle
- Bose-Einstein statistics: possible distribution of particles not bound by Pauli exclusion
- electron: type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- lepton: elementary particle with 1/2 integer spin such as electron
- neutrino: light, electrically neutral elementary particle
- Pauli exclusion principle: fermions in a quantum system cannot have identical quantum numbers
- quark: type of elementary particle incorporated in protons and neutrons
- spin: an angular-momentum quantum number
- Ferrel cell
- Hadley cell: circulation pattern of up at the equator, poleward, down, and back
- Ferrero: see rare designator prefixes
- ferromagnetism: see magnetic field
- FeSt: see rare designator prefixes
- FFA (fast folding algorithm): algorithm to find the periods of periodic data
- FFP (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- FFT (fast Fourier transform): efficient algorithm for calculating a discrete Fourier transform
- FFT Telescope (Fast Fourier Transform Telescope): proposed all-digital telescope with synthetic aperture
- FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West): code library implementing efficient FFT
- Fg: see rare designator prefixes
- FGC: see rare designator prefixes
- FGK star: a star of the "middle" spectral classes, F, G, and K
- FGL: see Fermi
- FGLR (flux-weighted gravity-luminosity relationship): method of determining luminosity of distant stars
- FGM: see Ulysses
- THEMIS: set of satellites studying the Earth's magnetic field
- FGS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- FGS: see James Webb Space Telescope
- SH0ES: survey to increase the accuracy of the cosmic distance ladder
- FGST (Fermi): satellite for studying gamma rays
- FHO (Fenton Hill Observatory): New Mexico GRB-oriented astronomical observatory
- FHST: see Hubble Space Telescope
- fiber: see integral field spectrograph
- fiber positioner: machine to set up fibers in multi-object spectrograph
- fiber-linked optical array telescope: scheme for a type of multi-mirror telescope
- Fick's laws: see diffusion
- Fickian diffusion: see diffusion
- fictitious force: see inertial reference frame
- fiducial: taken as a standard
- fiducial inference: see fiducial
- fiducial mark: see fiducial
- fiducial marker: see fiducial
- fiducial model: see fiducial
- field: adjective meaning "in this field of view but unrelated"
- field (field of view): angular measure of how much an optical instrument can view
- field (mathematical field): function of three variables, potentially representing space
- field (physical field): physical property of some volume of space
- field (survey field): portion of the celestial sphere where a survey's observations aim
- field brown dwarf: see field
- field curvature: focusing to a curved surface rather than a plane
- field equation
- Big Bang: theoretical event when the universe expanded from a point
- field flattener lens: see field curvature
- field galaxy: galaxy not in a cluster or group
- field lines: lines showing the pattern of a mathematical field
- field object: see field
- Field of Streams: region of sky crossed by a number of stellar streams
- field of view: angular measure of how much an optical instrument can view
- field of vision (field of view): angular measure of how much an optical instrument can view
- field planet (free-floating planet): planet that is not orbiting a star
- field planet: see field
- field spectrometer (imaging spectrometer): device to capture spectrum point-by-point of an image
- spectroscopy: measurement of light with various electromagnetic wavelengths
- field star: star that is not part of a star cluster
- field-effect transistor
- field-programmable gate array: type of customizable digital electronic circuit
- FIELDS: see Parker Solar Probe
- FIGS (Faint Infrared Grism Survey): survey to identify redshift of distant galaxies
- figure: see theory of figures
- figure of a planet: see theory of figures
- figure of the Earth
- filament: linear volume of high molecular gas density within a galaxy
- filament (galaxy filament): thread-like formations of galaxies, 50 to 80 megaparsecs
- Nessie: star-forming filament found in the Orion star-forming region
- filled ice: see clathrate
- filter: optical device to filter out part of the EMR spectrum
- filter (passband): range of electromagnetic wavelengths that a filter allows
- B: photometric filter for blue light
- bandpass filter: device to filter away all but a band of frequencies
- G band: band of visible light around 5100 angstroms
- I band: passband for near-infrared light
- R band: band of visible light around 6500 angstroms
- U: photometric filter for ultraviolet light
- V: photometric filter for visible light
- filter bank: set of filters to simultaneously produce radio data within bands
- DESHIMA: submillimeter spectrometer
- filter designator: indicators of a filter used in imaging
- filterbank (filter bank): set of filters to simultaneously produce radio data within bands
- filters
- FIN: see double star designation
- final data release: see data release
- final parsec problem: lack of a convincing theory on how SMBHs can reach each other
- fine structure: separate spectral lines due to electron spin and relativistic effects
- hyperfine structure: spectral lines from magnetic and spin interactions between electrons and nucleus
- fine structure constant: see fine structure
- fine structure line: see fine structure
- FINESSE: planned space mission for exoplanet spectrography
- finger of God distortion: see redshift space
- finite difference method: means of estimating calculus and differential equation solutions
- finite element analysis (finite element method): computational method for PDEs suited to physical problems
- finite element method: computational method for PDEs suited to physical problems
- finite volume method: computational method for PDEs especially suited to fluid dynamics
- finite-volume method
- MITgcm: well-known general circulation model
- FIP: see Origins Space Telescope
- FIR (far infrared): infrared radiation with wavelengths in the 30-450 μm range
- FIRAS: see Cosmic Background Explorer
- FIRE: see Magellan Telescopes
- FIRE Simulations: high resolution simulation of galaxies
- FIRE-2: see FIRE Simulations
- fireball: see meteoroid
- Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946): face-on spiral galaxy
- FIRSST: plan for a future far-infrared space telescope
- FIRST: 1990s radio survey
- FIRST: see Herschel Space Observatory
- USS Sources: catalog of sources with steep spectral index
- first dredge-up: see dredge-up
- first galaxies: targeted highest red-shift galaxies showing little or no metal
- First Large Absorption Survey in HI: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- first light: initial demonstration that a telescope works
- first order perturbation problem: see perturbation theory
- first point of Aries: see equinox
- first-light instrument: see first light
- first-order TOF: see theory of figures
- FIS: see AKARI
- Fisher information: measure of the information provided by experimental data
- Fisher information matrix: see Fisher information
- Fisher matrix: see Fisher information
- Fisher method: see Fisher information
- Fisher score (Fisher information): measure of the information provided by experimental data
- Fisher technique: see Fisher information
- FISS: see Big Bear Solar Observatory
- fission: see fusion
- FITS: IAU standard for data such as images
- SPECTRE: an interactive spectrum analysis software package
- Five College Consortium
- Five College Radio Astronomical Observatory: former observatory near Springfield MA
- Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST): Arecibo-like 500 m telescope in China
- fixed star: star that does not change position in the celestial sphere
- FJF: see rare designator prefixes
- FJR (Faber-Jackson relation): relation between elliptical galaxy luminosity and stellar velocity dispersion
- FK Comae Berenices variable: see variable star
- FK4: see Catalogues of Fundamental Stars
- FK4: see celestial reference frame
- FK5: see Catalogues of Fundamental Stars
- FK5: see celestial reference frame
- Flagship Mission
- Lynx: concept for space X-ray observatory
- Flagship Missions
- NASA: includes space-based astronomy research
- Flagstaff Astrometric Scanning Transit Telescope: see USNO
- FLAMES: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- FLAMINGOS-2: see Gemini Observatory
- Flamsteed designation: star designation system dating from 1700s
- FLAO: see Large Binocular Telescope
- flare spray: see solar eruption
- flare star: see stellar flare
- flaring state
- FLASH: hydrodynamic simulation system
- FLASH: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- FLASH: see Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
- Flash Center for Computational Science
- FLASH: hydrodynamic simulation system
- FLASH+: see Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
- flat universe: see Einstein-de Sitter model
- flat universe: see critical density
- flatness problem: see inflation
- flavor: subtype of some type of particle
- flavor: see quark
- electron: type of lepton that is stable and has an electric charge of -1
- hyperon: exotic type of baryon
- neutrino oscillation: neutrinos regularly morph into another flavor
- quark matter: matter not made of protons and neutrons but of quarks
- tau neutrino: neutrino flavor that becomes a tau particle during interactions
- flavor morphing
- Flexible Image Transport System (FITS): IAU standard for data such as images
- SPECTRE: an interactive spectrum analysis software package
- Flexible Modeling System
- TAM: non-gray-RT 3D model of Titan's atmosphere
- Flexible Stellar Population Synthesis (FSPS): code library for stellar population synthesis
- FLOAT (fiber-linked optical array telescope): scheme for a type of multi-mirror telescope
- flocculent spiral galaxy: see spiral galaxy
- Flora
- Flow: see GRAIL
- FLS: see Spitzer Space Telescope
- fluence: see flux
- fluffy CAI: see CAI
- fluid dynamics: see hydrodynamics
- fluid mechanics
- fluorescence: emission from a molecule excited by absorption
- fluorescence protection: see biofluorescence
- fluorescent lamp
- fluorescence: emission from a molecule excited by absorption
- fluorescent protein: see biofluorescence
- fluoride: see geochemistry
- fluorine
- geochemistry: the chemistry of the Earth, planets, and moons
- flux: flow rate per unit area
- Gini/M20: an automatable method of detecting whether a galaxy has recently merged
- PCA analysis: an automatable method of determining galaxy morphology
- solar constant: flux from the Sun at 1 AU
- spectral flux density: flux or power of radiation per unit area per unit wavelength
- flux density: measure of the strength of a radio signal
- flux density (flux): flow rate per unit area
- flux freezing: magnetic field lines becoming attached to plasma they pass through
- flux index (chromospheric activity index): measure of magnetic activity of a star's chromosphere
- flux reconstruction: numerical approach emphasizing joining the subdivisions
- flux rope: rope-shaped structure in magnetic fields associated with coronal mass ejections
- flux-weighted gravity-luminosity relationship: method of determining luminosity of distant stars
- FLWO (Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory): observatory near Amado, Arizona
- VERITAS: ground gamma ray telescope array in Arizona
- Fly's Eye: 1980s cosmic-ray observatory
- Fly's Eye 2: see Fly's Eye
- Fly's Eye HiRes (High Resolution Fly's Eye): 1990s-2000s cosmic-ray observatory
- CASA-MIA: 1990s cosmic-ray detector in Utah
- flyby: space probe flying close to a planet or moon
- Mars: well-explored planet in the solar system
- FM (frequency modulation): changing the frequency of a signal's carrier
- FM: see rare designator prefixes
- FMM: see rare designator prefixes
- FMO: see near-Earth object
- FMOS: see Subaru Telescope
- TAM: non-gray-RT 3D model of Titan's atmosphere
- FOB: see fast radio burst
- FOC: see Hubble Space Telescope
- FOCA: see SCAP
- Focal Corrector Anastigmat: see SCAP
- focal length: length from optical element to focal plane
- focal plane: plane within optical system at which an image is in focus
- focal plane: plane within optical system at which an image is in focus
- focal plane array: array of receivers at the focus of a radio telescope
- focal plane tilt: focal plane not perpendicular to the optical axis
- focal point: see focal plane
- focal ratio
- FOCAS: see Subaru Telescope
- foe: unit of energy on the order of a supernova's output
- energy: physical state needed to do something
- Fokker-Planck equation: shows likelihood of velocity over time of a disturbed particle
- Fokker-Planck equation: see stellar dynamics
- Fokker-Planck limit: see stellar dynamics
- fold mirror: flat mirror in a telescope to redirect the light
- folding mirror (fold mirror): flat mirror in a telescope to redirect the light
- foot-pound: see energy
- forbidden absorption line: see forbidden line
- forbidden emission line: see forbidden line
- forbidden line: spectral line that quantum mechanics disallows for the most part
- forbidden mechanism: see forbidden line
- forbidden transition: see forbidden line
- forbidden zone: see Hayashi limit
- Forbush decrease: decrease in cosmic rays after a coronal mass ejection
- Forbush effect (Forbush decrease): decrease in cosmic rays after a coronal mass ejection
- forced libration: see libration
- Enceladus: Saturn moon considered possible carrier of life
- foreground subtraction: removing unwanted sources of EMR in intensity mapping
- formation of the Moon (Moon formation): process by which the Moon and other moons formed
- FORNAX: hydrodynamics simulation software
- Fornax Cluster
- Fornax Dwarf
- Fornax Wall: see galaxy filament
- FORS1: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- FORS2: see European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
- FORTE (Fast On-orbit Rapit Recording of Transient Events): satellite viewing radio and optical transients on Earth
- forward Fourier transform: see Fourier transform
- forward model: model producing potential observable values from parameters
- retrieval: determining parameters through observation and modeling
- Tau-REx: spectral line retrieval code for exoplanet atmospheres
- FOS: see Hubble Space Telescope
- FOS-1: see Isaac Newton Telescope
- fossil group: apparent remnant of a galaxy group
- fossil radio plasma: see radio relics
- four-body problem: see N-body problem
- Four-shooter: see Hale Telescope
- Fourier analysis
- linear theory: theory of operators satisfying the property of superposition
- Fourier coefficients: see Fourier series expansion
- Fourier domain (Fourier space): domain into which the Fourier transform maps a function
- Fourier series: type of series able to approximate a periodic function
- Fourier series expansion: type of series expansion of a function using trigonometric functions
- Fourier series expansion: see Fourier series
- Fourier space: domain into which the Fourier transform maps a function
- Fourier transform: systematic method of breaking down functions into periodic components
- Fourier transform spectrometer: see imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy
- Fourier transform spectroscopy: see imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy
- FourStar: see Magellan Telescopes
- FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey: infrared deep-survey to detect galaxies
- Fourth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources: 1960s catalog of northern hemisphere 178 MHz sources
- Fourth Cambridge Survey (Fourth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources): 1960s catalog of northern hemisphere 178 MHz sources
- FOV (field of view): angular measure of how much an optical instrument can view
- FOV: see rare designator prefixes
- FOX: see double star designation
- FPA (focal plane array): array of receivers at the focus of a radio telescope
- FPCS: see HEAO-2
- FPGA (field-programmable gate array): type of customizable digital electronic circuit
- FPI (Fabry-Pérot interferometer): type of chromatic-dispersing interferometer
- FPI: see Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- FR (flux reconstruction): numerical approach emphasizing joining the subdivisions
- FR 1: see Fanaroff-Riley classification
- FR 2: see Fanaroff-Riley classification
- FR classification (Fanaroff-Riley classification): a classification of the radio characteristics of radio sources
- FR-I: see Fanaroff-Riley classification
- FR-II: see Fanaroff-Riley classification
- fraction of the sky (Fsky): fraction of the sky, e.g., what a survey covers
- fractionation: separation of one chemical mixture into others
- abundances: relative amounts of each chemical element
- fractionation factor: isotope-related ratio
- fragmentation barrier: the problem that the seeds of planets would break apart rather than merge
- fragmentation barrier: see meter size barrier
- barrier: challenging issue regarding planet formation
- frame dragging: region of space dragged into rotation by a rotating object
- frame dragging: see frame dragging
- frame of reference: region, possibly in motion, from which something is observed/considered
- reduced mass: the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the masses of two objects
- relativity: physics models accommodating the constancy of the speed of light
- France
- Frank Ross's Catalog: high-proper-motion and variable stars catalogued by Frank Ross
- Frank Ross's List (Frank Ross's Catalog): high-proper-motion and variable stars catalogued by Frank Ross
- Fraunhofer diffraction
- diffraction: an effect of the edge of an obstacle on a wave
- Fraunhofer lines: dark lines discovered in the Sun's spectrum two centuries ago
- G band: band of visible light around 5100 angstroms
- Fraunhofer Telescope: see Wendelstein Observatory
- Fraunhofer's G band: see G band
- FRB (fast radio burst): astronomical high energy radio pulses of a few milliseconds
- FRB 010724: see fast radio burst
- FRB 121102: see fast radio burst
- FRB 20121102 (FRB121102): first repeating FRB discovered
- FRB 20121102A (FRB121102): first repeating FRB discovered
- FRB Catalogue: see fast radio burst
- FRB Community Newsletter: periodical message about fast radio bursts
- FRB Newsletter (FRB Community Newsletter): periodical message about fast radio bursts
- FRB non-repeater: see fast radio burst
- FRB repeater: see fast radio burst
- FRB source: see fast radio burst
- FRB source: see source
- FRB121102: first repeating FRB discovered
- FRB200428: see SGR 1935+2154
- FRBCAT: see fast radio burst
- FRBs
- FRED GRB: see gamma-ray burst
- Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory: observatory near Amado, Arizona
- IOTA: past optical interferometer in Arizona
- MMT: 6.5 meter telescope at Mt. Hopkins, Arizona
- VERITAS: ground gamma ray telescope array in Arizona
- Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope: 6-meter submillimeter survey telescope under construction in Chile
- Frederick C. Gillett Gemini Telescope: see Gemini Observatory
- free atmosphere: see planetary boundary layer
- free electron
- free expansion phase: see supernova remnant
- free neutron: see neutron
- free neutron: see neutron capture
- free neutron mean lifetime: see neutron capture
- free neutrons
- free streaming: particles moving long distances without disturbance
- free streaming length: see free streaming
- free streaming scale: see free streaming
- free-air anomaly: gravity's local variation after compensating for altitude
- Bouguer anomaly: gravity's local variation after compensating for altitude and landforms
- free-air correction: see free-air anomaly
- free-air gravity: see free-air anomaly
- free-air gravity anomaly (free-air anomaly): gravity's local variation after compensating for altitude
- free-air gravity map: see free-air anomaly
- free-bound emission
- recombination: time when the universe's ionized hydrogen atoms neutralized
- free-fall time: time it would take a body to collapse if unopposed
- free-fall timescale: see free-fall time
- free-fall timescale: see timescale
- free-floating planet: planet that is not orbiting a star
- free-floating planet: see field
- free-free
- free-free absorption: see bremsstrahlung
- free-free radiation (bremsstrahlung): photon emission when a charged particle is decelerated
- Freeman law (Freeman's law): all spiral galaxy's have the same central surface brightness
- Freeman's law: all spiral galaxy's have the same central surface brightness
- freeze-out: particles existing long-term after a decoupling
- FREGATE: see High Energy Transient Explorer
- French Astronomical Society (Société astronomique de France): French non-profit astronomical society
- FREND: see Trace Gas Orbiter
- frequency: number of cycles per unit of time, such as waves per second
- frequency domain (Fourier space): domain into which the Fourier transform maps a function
- frequency modulation: changing the frequency of a signal's carrier
- frequentist statistics: see Bayesian statistics
- Fresnel diffraction
- diffraction: an effect of the edge of an obstacle on a wave
- FRI: see Fanaroff-Riley classification
- Fried parameter: see seeing
- Friedmann equation: see Friedmann model
- Friedmann model: type of model of universe incorporating general relativity
- Friedmann universe (Friedmann model): type of model of universe incorporating general relativity
- Friedmann-Lemaitre universe (Friedmann model): type of model of universe incorporating general relativity
- FRII: see Fanaroff-Riley classification
- FRK: see double star designation
- Frl (Fairall Galaxy List): 1977 list of galaxies with bright nuclei
- FRODOSpec: see Liverpool Telescope
- front end (front end instrument): instruments of a telescope that detect and encode the signal
- front end instrument: instruments of a telescope that detect and encode the signal
- Frontier
- frost line (snow line): distance from protostar so cool that water condenses
- FRT (fast radio burst): astronomical high energy radio pulses of a few milliseconds
- FS: see rare designator prefixes
- FSC: see IRAS
- Fsky: fraction of the sky, e.g., what a survey covers
- FSO: see rare designator prefixes
- FSP: see rare designator prefixes
- FSPS: code library for stellar population synthesis
- FSR: see rare designator prefixes
- FT (Fourier transform): systematic method of breaking down functions into periodic components
- FTL: "faster than light"
- FTL: see superluminal motion
- FTM: see rare designator prefixes
- FTS: see imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy
- FU Ori: see FU Orionis star
- FU Ori star (FU Orionis star): type of variable pre-main-sequence star
- FU Orionis: see FU Orionis star
- FU Orionis object (FU Orionis star): type of variable pre-main-sequence star
- FU Orionis star: type of variable pre-main-sequence star
- Fugaku: Japanese petaflop/exaflop supercomputer
- full duration: see transiting planet
- full width at half maximum: a measure of the width of a hump-shaped curve
- full width at zero intensity: see full width at half maximum
- Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer: early 2000s proposal for an astrometric space telescope
- full-wave plate: see waveplate
- fullerine: see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
- fully-stripped supernova: see core collapse supernova
- Fulton gap: planets with radius 1.5 to 2 Earth radii are rare
- super-Earth: exoplanet more massive than Earth but substantially less than Neptune
- function
- function space
- basis function: one of a set of functions used to approximate a function of interest
- functional group: see hydroxyl
- fundamental ephemeris: see ephemeris
- fundamental plane: three-way relation between elliptical galaxy characteristics
- Funnelweb Survey
- TAIPAN: multi-object spectrograph with robot fiber-positioner
- FUor (FU Orionis star): type of variable pre-main-sequence star
- Furuhjelm: see rare designator prefixes
- FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer): early 2000s space telescope for short-wavelength ultraviolet
- fusing: see fusion
- fusion: formation of an atomic nucleus nuclei from multiple smaller nuclei
- fusor: 2003 proposed term for astronomical objects capable of carrying out fusion
- future
- FUV: see IMAGE
- FUV: see ultraviolet
- FUVITA: see Spektr-RG
- fuzzball: theoretical alternative to black holes based on superstring theory
- fuzzy cold dark matter (fuzzy dark matter): concept of extremely light dark matter particles
- fuzzy cold dark matter: see dark matter
- fuzzy dark matter: concept of extremely light dark matter particles
- fuzzy dark matter: see dark matter
- FVM (finite volume method): computational method for PDEs especially suited to fluid dynamics
- MITgcm: well-known general circulation model
- FWHM (full width at half maximum): a measure of the width of a hump-shaped curve
- FWO (Research Foundation - Flanders): Belgian research council
- FWZI: see full width at half maximum
- FX: see spectral correlator
- FX correlator: see spectral correlator
- FX spectrometer: see spectral correlator
- FX140X: see NIRSpec
- FXT: see Einstein Probe
- FYST (Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope): 6-meter submillimeter survey telescope under construction in Chile
- Atacama Desert: Chilean high-altitude, dry plateau with numerous observatories