Astrophysics (Index)About

tidal capture

(bodies entering orbit through dissipation of energy by tides)

Tidal capture refers to independent bodies entering orbit when passing close, by slowing down relative to each other through tidal forces between them. It requires at least one non-ridged body such as a star, or planet which has a sizeable envelope. It is another means besides dynamic capture aka three-body capture, capture where gravity from a third body slows the relative motion of the two that enter into an orbit. Tidal capture may be a significant means by which binary stars are formed (i.e., tidal-capture binaries) within volumes that have a very high density of stars, such as the central regions of globular clusters.

Both tidal or dynamic capture require a happenstance of two bodies passing close, but dynamic capture is considered far more rare since it requires the coincidence of a third body passing close as well (though a third body orbiting one of the two can also serve). Likely more common is a swap, an interaction between a binary star and an additional star such that one of the binary companions ends up as a companion of the other star.

Further reading:

Referenced by page:
binary star
