Astrophysics (Index)About

Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

(neutrino experiment under construction)

The Deep Underground Neutrino experiment (DUNE) is an international physics experiment in development for operation in 2026 or 2027, to learn more of the nature of neutrinos, including neutrino oscillation, consisting of a neutrino detector in South Dakota and a neutrino source in Illinois, about 1300 km distant. Liquid argon will be used as the detector's scintillator, surrounded by photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). It will also monitor for evidence of proton decay. In addition to its astrophysical interest in learning the nature of neutrinos, it will be able to detect neutrinos from supernovae, definitely from any that were to occur within the Milky Way, and some from galaxies in the general area.

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Referenced by page:
neutrino observatory
